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MLP Forums Member Interview Series

Harmonic Revelations

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I would like to be interviewed as the best AJ fan since spas-ticShotty got permabanned and all. :3 Sooo... this is totally not asking you to interview me. Nuh uh.

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I would like to be interviewed as the best AJ fan since spas-ticShotty got permabanned and all. :3 Sooo... this is totally not asking you to interview me. Nuh uh.


WHAAAAAA? No wait, I can fix this.... You're, uh....


Best female AJ fan! 

Best 13 year old AJ fan!

Best 13 year old female AJ fan!


This ain't even fair anymore.

Edited by Stellafera
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I guess the Best in The World © would like to be interviewed too. It would be an honor and plus, everyone on the forum would know a little bit about me. :)

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I know that Celestia knows how many people have asked this, but I'd be happy to do an interview. I actually like telling other people about myself, taking personality tests, etc. Plus, I don't have that many people that I can have a serious discussion about ponies with, so I guarantee I'll have quite a bit to say.

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Interview #17: Doctor XFizzle

 So I got to talk to one of the members who has been here for quite a long time, and ask them for their input. Doctor's answers are very insightful and it was a ton of fun asking him questions.


1.) When did you first become a fan of My Little Pony? Did anything in particular lead you to enjoy it?

I became a fan of MLP June of 2011, soon after I graduated from college. My friend, who is hip to internet knowledge and 4chan, told me about the show. I was like "Welp, if you say so." I took a weekend to watch the first two episodes and thought "hey this isn't that bad." Eventually I watched the rest of season 1 and loved it. I enjoyed it because of the characters and that it was a well-rounded show for multiple audiences and not just a pink and girly toy sell-fest. 


2.) What is your favorite thing about Doctor Who?

Favorite thing about Doctor Who is The Doctor, obviously. He is a great protagonist and he has his flaws like everyone else, but ultimately he gives his all to protect Earth. He's got swag. I also like the writing and how it makes you think a little. American TV shows beat you over the head with obvious hints and whatnot, Doctor Who does not.


3.) What is your favorite thing about the forums?

Favorite thing about the forums would have to be the community a.k.a. the people. It starts at the top with Feld0 (and Kurtiss) providing the vision and leadership for an MLP fan forum and Feld0 surrounding himself with a great crew to keep things in check. Then the people fill out the rest. We have young guns, old whips, and teens in between from all walks of life sharing their perspectives and experiences in a mostly respectful manner which seems hard to do on the internet.


4.) What are your hopes for Season 4?

My hopes for Season 4 include Rarity reminding us all why she is best pony. Also I'm curious to see what new duties are in store for Princess Twilight and how it'll impact the Mane 6. Even thought Twilight got a head start, I see all of the Mane Six having some form of power over Equestria. They're the Elements of Harmony. Oh and I hope Trixie never shows up on screen again. You got your redemption so go away.



"Oh and I hope Trixie never shows up on screen again. You got your redemption so go away."

INB4 Firebolt

(It's been nice knowing you Doctor XFizzle)




5.) How has the forum changed since you joined and what are your thoughts about said changes?

The forum has greatly changed in terms of sheer volume. In the early days, there were so few of us that everyone got to know everyone on a pretty decent level. Now that there's tons of members, there's a lot of new faces to go around and it's somewhat overwhelming to develop those connections. Instead of a group of 100 people knowing like 50 of the others, now it's like a group of 1,000 people only knowing like 10 close friends. I guess I kinda miss that ability to know everyone well.


6.) Who is your favorite brony musician, and why?

I don't listen to any of the brony music really. Of the little amount I have heard, I guess it would be Alex S. and RainbowCrash88 *shrug*


7.) Have you patented the Pelvic Thrust?

I would but the courts have said that since that is such a basic, fundamental human motion, that it cannot be owned by one single person. So instead I just have to spread the love and encourage everyone that the thrust is a must.


*pelvic thrust*

Edited by ┼☼Harmonic Revelations☼┼
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Haha, oh, it seems you've been flooded with requests to be interviewed! ^_^


And not without reason! It would be an honor to be interviewed by you. Anyways, although countless others have already done so, I'd like to ask that I might be considered as a future subject for an interview. I may not be as interesting as the rest here, but it would be awesome if I could.



mlfw8786-Sweetie_Belle_sad_face.png xD


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  • 3 weeks later...

Special: The making of the interview series

So, I've been doing this for a while, and to kind of rekindle the fire of interest that got me to do this in the first place, I've decided to talk a bit about the creation of this series, in a standard kind of Question and Answer format, to help you better understand what I've got going on here.


This is something I've been meaning to do for a while, and it's also meant to help respark the thread because I am most certainly continuing this series, so you can bet on it. I know I haven't been doing much with the thread as of late, but I guess this update can assure you that it's still around.


Q: Did anything in particular inspire you to create this interview series?



A:Yes, but nothing physical. What inspired me to do this series is the kindness and closeness on the forums. As has been pointed out, the larger the forums grow, the harder it is to know everyone intimately. So I had an idea that I could help compile a series wherein members could speak their minds about various things in response to questions.


Q: Do you enjoy doing this interview series?


A:I do enjoy it. Mostly just because it helps bring the members together. However, it's been time consuming to do this, and for that reason the interviewing has slowed down almost to a complete halt. However, I'm still interested in continuing to do these, so hold in there.


Q: Do you always agree with the opinions of your guests?


A:No, of course not. I just post their opinions. I don't censor it, either. The only editing I ever do to the answers is fixing major typos, if it's not a problematic typo, I usually don't fix those. 


Q: How long will you be doing the interview series?


A:For as long as there are users left to interview, I will be there interviewing them.


Q: How do you conduct the interviews?


I send the questions via PM to members I have selected to be interviewed. I then wait for their response to see if they are even interested in being interviewed at all. If not, then I just move on. Sometimes if I get a request I do it but not always.


Q: Are you a professional?


No, I'm not a professional at interviewing, although I can certainly say that this series has given me some experience in coming up with questions. However, due to the limitations of what I can do with a simple thread, interviews are done via PM and I choose to limit it to seven questions for several reasons. One of them being so that there is not just an endless stream of questions that goes on forever.


Each user is unique and has many stories to tell and experiences to share, more than I could cover in any reasonable way.


Q: What do I have in my pocket?


That's no fair, that's against the rules!


You told me to ask you a question.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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I must be retarded. I posted this in the wrong thread... no one pay heed to this.



I can contort this to my liking.


I'm back, interview me dawg. LF has been waiting long enough.

Edited by Mio Nishizono
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What a fun little Thread this is.

I think Discord ironic as it maybe was the best interview, but that's cause Chaotic Discord is best admin *cough Cough* "what is this, Blood! oh god why is my mouth full of blood" *Cough Cough* "Oh know i forgot about Artemis"...*Runs away*



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What a fun little Thread this is.

I think Discord ironic as it maybe was the best interview, but that's cause Chaotic Discord is best admin *cough Cough* "what is this, Blood! oh god why is my mouth full of blood" *Cough Cough* "Oh know i forgot about Artemis"...*Runs away*



Artemis isn't an Admin.


You cannot fool me, foolish mortal, I know all your tricks. Artemis is only a moderator, not an Administrator!

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Artemis isn't an Admin.


You cannot fool me, foolish mortal, I know all your tricks. Artemis is only a moderator, not an Administrator!


but both are important


mods would be fun to interview as well wouldn't they, heck im sure there are tones of members that could make a good interview


and im not one of them, see you next friday

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  • 3 months later...

Interview #18: SCS


Today I bring you an interview with the wonderful SCS. It's been a real pleasure speaking with him. Honestly, he's one of the most polite people I've ever talked to, and it's my pleasure to present to you this interview.


1.) When did you first become a fan of My Little Pony, and was there anything in particular the led you to enjoy it?


A few years ago, I was talking to an online friend of mine on Facebook. He was telling me about a show named My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and recommended that I try it. I was skeptical at first, but eventually I gave in and watched the first episode. By that point, I was intrigued. By the time I had finished watching the second episode, I was a brony for eternity. 


The aspect of the show that most strongly lead me to enjoy it is its positive, uplifting, and inspirational nature. When I had started watching the show, my outlook on the world had become highly pessimistic. I was starting to learn about the darker aspects of the world, and I did not know how to handle that information. I ended up hating the world, and thinking that it was a horrible place filled with horrible people. However, MLP touched me deeply. Thanks to that show, I had a change of heart. It reminded me of all the goodness there is in the world, and that in the end, goodness will always prevail over darkness. Over time, it reminded me of how essential it is to remain positive, optimistic, and compassionate. The show reminded me of how my parents raised me to be kind and loving to others. I began to remember and more fully appreciate all the love that they have shown me throughout my entire life, and continue to show me. I became determined to have this same love toward myself and others, no matter how dark the world seemed at times. I have always loved my parents, but for a period of time until I started watching MLP my fear of the darkness began to cloud out my awareness of love. MLP continues to help me through anything from deeply difficult periods in my life to minor hurdles to this very day.


If you would like to read more about how MLP has impacted my life, I would recommend checking out this post.




2.) How did you come up with the username "SCS"?


I was on the phone with one of my best friends in January 2008. He was helping me sign up for a certain website that I still visit sometimes to this day. I was discussing with him what username I should choose, and I decided to choose SupremeCommanderSturm. "Sturm" is the name of the primary antagonist of a video game called Advance Wars: Black Hole Rising that I played a lot at that point in my life. It is the second game in the Advance Warsseries - I still enjoy playing the third one from time to time to this day. However, a few years ago, I decided to use an abbreviated version of my username on most future sites that I joined: SCS. I greatly prefer the abbreviated version. 


As a footnote, I find it to be interesting that I went from having one of the longest usernames on websites to one of the shortest.



3.) What are your hopes for Season 4?


I am hoping to see both new adventure episodes, and new slice of life episodes. It would be nice for there to be a new antagonist. I am also hoping to see more episodes that take place in the Crystal Empire, and feature usage of the Crystal Heart. I hope to see more episodes involving the Everfree Forest in some way, as well. It would also be great if we could learn more about Equestria's history, including the history of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence.



4.) Has being a member of the staff changed the way you experience the site? If so, how?


Becoming a staff member has helped me to appreciate this site even more than I already did beforehand. Ever since I joined, I have loved this community - it is the best I have encountered so far on the internet. Not only are the discussions of a high quality, but more importantly, so many people here are kind, compassionate, understanding, and wise. Now that I am a staff member, I have the opportunity to help manage this community that I love so much. 


In addition, it has given me a greater appreciation for the staff. I have always had a great deal of respect for them, but now that I am among them I am able to witness firsthand how hard-working and dedicated they truly are. I have had over a year of previous moderation experience on a different website, so I know how thankless, frustrating, and emotionally challenging it can be. However, it's all worth it for the sake of a good community, and I have a great deal of love and respect for the moderators here who are able to push past the negative aspects of their jobs and keep on doing them for the greater good of the community.



5.) Has the fandom/being a part of the fandom changed your life in any way? If so, how?


It most certainly has. Not only has the show itself changed my life, but being a part of the fandom has, too. Seeing the kindness the characters show one another in the show inspires me to be kind to others as well, and to focus on the positive in life. To see others doing that in the brony community is proof to me that there always was, is, and always will be good in the world. No matter how dark things may seem at times, there is always love, and as such, there is always hope. 


I never really felt like a part of the fandom until I joined this site. Being a member and making friends with people here helps me to become more a part of the overall brony community, which is another reason why I love this site.



6.) What is your favorite thing about MLP Forums?


My favorite thing about MLP Forums is the wonderful people who use this site. I have made several friends here so far, and I am looking forward to making many more as time goes on. I have never before encountered so many kind and good people in one place on the internet before. I am so thankful to have found this site, and to be a member of it.



7.) Why are there always bones in boneless chicken?


The eternal question.

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Interview #18: SCS


Today I bring you an interview with the wonderful SCS. It's been a real pleasure speaking with him. Honestly, he's one of the most polite people I've ever talked to, and it's my pleasure to present to you this interview.


1.) When did you first become a fan of My Little Pony, and was there anything in particular the led you to enjoy it?


A few years ago, I was talking to an online friend of mine on Facebook. He was telling me about a show named My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, and recommended that I try it. I was skeptical at first, but eventually I gave in and watched the first episode. By that point, I was intrigued. By the time I had finished watching the second episode, I was a brony for eternity. 


The aspect of the show that most strongly lead me to enjoy it is its positive, uplifting, and inspirational nature. When I had started watching the show, my outlook on the world had become highly pessimistic. I was starting to learn about the darker aspects of the world, and I did not know how to handle that information. I ended up hating the world, and thinking that it was a horrible place filled with horrible people. However, MLP touched me deeply. Thanks to that show, I had a change of heart. It reminded me of all the goodness there is in the world, and that in the end, goodness will always prevail over darkness. Over time, it reminded me of how essential it is to remain positive, optimistic, and compassionate. The show reminded me of how my parents raised me to be kind and loving to others. I began to remember and more fully appreciate all the love that they have shown me throughout my entire life, and continue to show me. I became determined to have this same love toward myself and others, no matter how dark the world seemed at times. I have always loved my parents, but for a period of time until I started watching MLP my fear of the darkness began to cloud out my awareness of love. MLP continues to help me through anything from deeply difficult periods in my life to minor hurdles to this very day.


If you would like to read more about how MLP has impacted my life, I would recommend checking out this post.




2.) How did you come up with the username "SCS"?


I was on the phone with one of my best friends in January 2008. He was helping me sign up for a certain website that I still visit sometimes to this day. I was discussing with him what username I should choose, and I decided to choose SupremeCommanderSturm. "Sturm" is the name of the primary antagonist of a video game called Advance Wars: Black Hole Rising that I played a lot at that point in my life. It is the second game in the Advance Warsseries - I still enjoy playing the third one from time to time to this day. However, a few years ago, I decided to use an abbreviated version of my username on most future sites that I joined: SCS. I greatly prefer the abbreviated version. 


As a footnote, I find it to be interesting that I went from having one of the longest usernames on websites to one of the shortest.



3.) What are your hopes for Season 4?


I am hoping to see both new adventure episodes, and new slice of life episodes. It would be nice for there to be a new antagonist. I am also hoping to see more episodes that take place in the Crystal Empire, and feature usage of the Crystal Heart. I hope to see more episodes involving the Everfree Forest in some way, as well. It would also be great if we could learn more about Equestria's history, including the history of Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence.



4.) Has being a member of the staff changed the way you experience the site? If so, how?


Becoming a staff member has helped me to appreciate this site even more than I already did beforehand. Ever since I joined, I have loved this community - it is the best I have encountered so far on the internet. Not only are the discussions of a high quality, but more importantly, so many people here are kind, compassionate, understanding, and wise. Now that I am a staff member, I have the opportunity to help manage this community that I love so much. 


In addition, it has given me a greater appreciation for the staff. I have always had a great deal of respect for them, but now that I am among them I am able to witness firsthand how hard-working and dedicated they truly are. I have had over a year of previous moderation experience on a different website, so I know how thankless, frustrating, and emotionally challenging it can be. However, it's all worth it for the sake of a good community, and I have a great deal of love and respect for the moderators here who are able to push past the negative aspects of their jobs and keep on doing them for the greater good of the community.



5.) Has the fandom/being a part of the fandom changed your life in any way? If so, how?


It most certainly has. Not only has the show itself changed my life, but being a part of the fandom has, too. Seeing the kindness the characters show one another in the show inspires me to be kind to others as well, and to focus on the positive in life. To see others doing that in the brony community is proof to me that there always was, is, and always will be good in the world. No matter how dark things may seem at times, there is always love, and as such, there is always hope. 


I never really felt like a part of the fandom until I joined this site. Being a member and making friends with people here helps me to become more a part of the overall brony community, which is another reason why I love this site.



6.) What is your favorite thing about MLP Forums?


My favorite thing about MLP Forums is the wonderful people who use this site. I have made several friends here so far, and I am looking forward to making many more as time goes on. I have never before encountered so many kind and good people in one place on the internet before. I am so thankful to have found this site, and to be a member of it.



7.) Why are there always bones in boneless chicken?


The eternal question.

Woohoo! More interviews, its awesome to see you have revived this series harmonic! I hope to see plenty more coming from you and I plan on reading them all, because I enjoy doing so :).

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I just found this topic today. I'm going to bed now but I'm leaving this page up so I can read it tomorrow. Can't wait to learn some stuff about members I both know and don't know, at least by username. :lol:

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I would sure love an interview on here :) Even if I've only been on the forums for about a month, I've had alot of experiences, and have talked to some really great people. This is a truly interesting series Harmonic :) Helps us know our fellow members even more.

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Interview #19: Pink Mist

Today I bring you an interview with the user Pink Mist, a great user with a lot to say, so, without further ado, here is the interview.


1.) How and when did you become a fan of My Little Pony? Was there anything in particular you enjoyed about it?


I still remember it clear as day. I heard about the show in eighth grade when some boys in my class were showing a friend of mine some pony sketches in their notebooks, and pins they were wearing with Derpy on it. One guy even had a Derpy with muffins shirt, and I was really surprised that BOYS actually liked this type of show. They even started an after school brony club. I had nothing against them though so I just brushed it off as curious and never really watched the show. But then as a freshmen in high school my senior friend was listening to music from the show and asked me if I wanted to hear a little. I quickly went over since I remembered the show from eighth grade and decided I would finally see what the fuss was about. The songs were actually pretty good and high quality for a kid's show and Pinkie Pie's songs made me smile the most. My friend told me I HAD to watch the show and give it a chance, so that night I watched the pilot episodes. I REALLY liked them so I wanted to watch more. Before I knew it I zoomed through two whole seasons in about a week and finished right when One Bad Apple was released. I officially LOVED the show and couldn't wait to see more!  :lol:


2.) What is your favorite thing about Pinkie Pie?


What do I like the most? Ooh I hate choosing  :huh: I guess I really liked the characters because they seemed very different than what you would expect from a static kid's show. Right off the bat you can see they each have their own personalities and interact with each other differently. I personally have a little bit of each character so I could really identify with them sometimes.


I guess my favorite thing about Pinkie is her happy go lucky personality. She's always with a smile on her face and wants to spread that cheer around. I do admit it's kind of contagious since she always makes me smile  :lol: That's also what makes her songs so enjoyable for me (yes even the one from Over A Barrel). Her bubbly happy personality is reflected in her voice and that alone is what makes The Smile Song one of my favorite songs from the show. I can easily say I'm most like Pinkie. I always try to keep a happy positive attitude and love to help out my friends in need and make them smile  :)


3.) Tell us a bit about your Youtube Channel.


Well I created it at first to review apps and eventually tutorials on Photoshop once I learned how to work it myself. But later I felt like I just wanted to get my opinions about the show and certain episodes out there. So that's what I'm currently preparing for. I want my OC to be featured in my videos kind of like how Digibrony and BronyCurious make their videos. I want them to look good and have visual appeal besides just screenshots, so I want my OC to react to them. 

I created the MLP Forums tour video because I noticed that alot of folks here at the Welcoming Plaza thought this site was huge and that it would take a while for them to know where to post everything and things like that. So I took the initiative to prepare a little tour that could be used as kind of a reference guide for members and would show non members just what the forums have to offer.


4.) What are your hopes for Season 4?


I definitely want it to be better than Season 3. Don't get me wrong I love all the seasons but I just really don't like how they portrayed Spike in his own episodes here. I really like Spike as a character and they really just focused on his bad aspects this season. Also the fact that there was no Rarity episode kind of irked me.

So I want them to improve on that in Season 4 and hopefully introduce a new villain, but one that has better development than King Sombra. I also want to see how Twilight gets used to her new wings and being a princess. I'm a Twilicorn supporter and I think she needs more love. I like what they can do with this since it opens new gateways for Twilight besides her regular small town adventures. So I definitely want to see that explored in Season 4. 


5.) Has being in the fandom changed your life in any significant way? If so, how?


Definitely!  :lol: If it weren't for joining the fandom I wouldn't be here! This is my home on the internet, my refuge to talk to all my friends on a bad day. The fandom has also made me a happier person and actually a more creative one. I never once thought about making sigs or things like that, but now that I'm doing them, I feel happy that I'm giving people something nice, and I put effort into making them look awesome! 


6.) What is your favorite thing about MLP Forums?


Hmm I have to say THE PEOPLE!! Lots of people greeted me when I first arrived and gave me a very warm welcome. I already felt right at home. I've never actually joined a forum before but I have read some posts on forums for other shows, and I saw plenty of arguing and cussing when discussing a topic and it wasn't pretty. Here I have found no member that I can say I dislike or have argued with, and I hope never to find one. Everyone discusses topics by respecting other people's opinions and not immediately start fighting over little things. The people are what really make me happy and comfortable to be here, and the friends I've made are simply amazing  ;)!


7.) Tell us a bit about your OC.


Well Pink Mist is an adventurer and traveler. She's traveled all over Equestria but still has some places to see. That's why I eventually decided to make her cutie mark a compass. Her family in Canterlot, her hometown, don't really take too kindly to her hunger for adventure. Since Canterlot is a formal sophisticated town, Pink really stands out with the outfits she wears and her personality making it quite obvious she doesn't really belong there. So that's why she decided to take up traveling as a hobby and try to find a place where she belongs and doesn't feel like an outcast.

I made Pink like this because traveling is something I've always taken an interest in. Sadly though, I'm stuck in my home and the only places I have been to are California, Texas and my home country El Salvador only because I've lived in all those places for a couple of years. I wanted to give my OC the ability to do something I could only dream of doing, to see new places and go on adventures.

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Sounds interesting, really. I really enjoyed reading the first interview as well as Pink Mist's, I wonder how everypony else's interview will look like :P

Edited by Gamer P0N3
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Interview #19: Pink Mist

Today I bring you an interview with the user Pink Mist, a great user with a lot to say, so, without further ado, here is the interview.


1.) How and when did you become a fan of My Little Pony? Was there anything in particular you enjoyed about it?


I still remember it clear as day. I heard about the show in eighth grade when some boys in my class were showing a friend of mine some pony sketches in their notebooks, and pins they were wearing with Derpy on it. One guy even had a Derpy with muffins shirt, and I was really surprised that BOYS actually liked this type of show. They even started an after school brony club. I had nothing against them though so I just brushed it off as curious and never really watched the show. But then as a freshmen in high school my senior friend was listening to music from the show and asked me if I wanted to hear a little. I quickly went over since I remembered the show from eighth grade and decided I would finally see what the fuss was about. The songs were actually pretty good and high quality for a kid's show and Pinkie Pie's songs made me smile the most. My friend told me I HAD to watch the show and give it a chance, so that night I watched the pilot episodes. I REALLY liked them so I wanted to watch more. Before I knew it I zoomed through two whole seasons in about a week and finished right when One Bad Apple was released. I officially LOVED the show and couldn't wait to see more!  :lol:


2.) What is your favorite thing about Pinkie Pie?


What do I like the most? Ooh I hate choosing  :huh: I guess I really liked the characters because they seemed very different than what you would expect from a static kid's show. Right off the bat you can see they each have their own personalities and interact with each other differently. I personally have a little bit of each character so I could really identify with them sometimes.


I guess my favorite thing about Pinkie is her happy go lucky personality. She's always with a smile on her face and wants to spread that cheer around. I do admit it's kind of contagious since she always makes me smile  :lol: That's also what makes her songs so enjoyable for me (yes even the one from Over A Barrel). Her bubbly happy personality is reflected in her voice and that alone is what makes The Smile Song one of my favorite songs from the show. I can easily say I'm most like Pinkie. I always try to keep a happy positive attitude and love to help out my friends in need and make them smile  :)


3.) Tell us a bit about your Youtube Channel.


Well I created it at first to review apps and eventually tutorials on Photoshop once I learned how to work it myself. But later I felt like I just wanted to get my opinions about the show and certain episodes out there. So that's what I'm currently preparing for. I want my OC to be featured in my videos kind of like how Digibrony and BronyCurious make their videos. I want them to look good and have visual appeal besides just screenshots, so I want my OC to react to them. 

I created the MLP Forums tour video because I noticed that alot of folks here at the Welcoming Plaza thought this site was huge and that it would take a while for them to know where to post everything and things like that. So I took the initiative to prepare a little tour that could be used as kind of a reference guide for members and would show non members just what the forums have to offer.


4.) What are your hopes for Season 4?


I definitely want it to be better than Season 3. Don't get me wrong I love all the seasons but I just really don't like how they portrayed Spike in his own episodes here. I really like Spike as a character and they really just focused on his bad aspects this season. Also the fact that there was no Rarity episode kind of irked me.

So I want them to improve on that in Season 4 and hopefully introduce a new villain, but one that has better development than King Sombra. I also want to see how Twilight gets used to her new wings and being a princess. I'm a Twilicorn supporter and I think she needs more love. I like what they can do with this since it opens new gateways for Twilight besides her regular small town adventures. So I definitely want to see that explored in Season 4. 


5.) Has being in the fandom changed your life in any significant way? If so, how?


Definitely!  :lol: If it weren't for joining the fandom I wouldn't be here! This is my home on the internet, my refuge to talk to all my friends on a bad day. The fandom has also made me a happier person and actually a more creative one. I never once thought about making sigs or things like that, but now that I'm doing them, I feel happy that I'm giving people something nice, and I put effort into making them look awesome! 


6.) What is your favorite thing about MLP Forums?


Hmm I have to say THE PEOPLE!! Lots of people greeted me when I first arrived and gave me a very warm welcome. I already felt right at home. I've never actually joined a forum before but I have read some posts on forums for other shows, and I saw plenty of arguing and cussing when discussing a topic and it wasn't pretty. Here I have found no member that I can say I dislike or have argued with, and I hope never to find one. Everyone discusses topics by respecting other people's opinions and not immediately start fighting over little things. The people are what really make me happy and comfortable to be here, and the friends I've made are simply amazing  ;)!



7.) Tell us a bit about your OC.


Well Pink Mist is an adventurer and traveler. She's traveled all over Equestria but still has some places to see. That's why I eventually decided to make her cutie mark a compass. Her family in Canterlot, her hometown, don't really take too kindly to her hunger for adventure. Since Canterlot is a formal sophisticated town, Pink really stands out with the outfits she wears and her personality making it quite obvious she doesn't really belong there. So that's why she decided to take up traveling as a hobby and try to find a place where she belongs and doesn't feel like an outcast.

I made Pink like this because traveling is something I've always taken an interest in. Sadly though, I'm stuck in my home and the only places I have been to are California, Texas and my home country El Salvador only because I've lived in all those places for a couple of years. I wanted to give my OC the ability to do something I could only dream of doing, to see new places and go on adventures.

^That freaking lucky girl!  ^_^


I must get popular, and fast! I loved the interviews you have been doing. You really great at this Harmonic. Heck I wouldn't be surprised if you yourself got interviewed on how you give great interviews.


I wish I were more interesting.


Shut up inner voices!^


Anyways, keep up the great work! What your doing is just amazing and also beneficial to the rest of the curious community wanting to get familiar with the forums. Hope to read more from you soon!  :)

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