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A rant about Derpy being removed.


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Yeah and I am sure there are young viewers out there can relate to the "Derpy Story" soccer moms just got mad and wanted to remove 1 of the most liked pony in the fandom. As far as I know there are mentally challenged people out there that don't take offence to it and they need to speak up. Because Derpy Hooves is a perfect example of this, most people think mentally challenged people are incapable of feelings and that is where they are wrong. They are just as human as all of us born with feeling and do not like them to get hurt. By doing what the "soccer moms" did in this case is just as cruel as calling Derpy Hooves offensive they judged too quickly, if Derpy Hooves ( Tabitha St Germain ) (original voice actor of derpy hooves ) had explained this that it is a good lesson to show young viewers about bulling or judging too quickly everything would be okay. But instead Hub would rather remove an "error" in a show to avoid lawsuit even if there was a great lesson in the show. There are lots more offensive cartoons out there for young audience and I honestly don't see how it can be offensive. 

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Derpy is not being removed! Half of the stuff Hasbro is putting out is Derpy! If they were getting rid of her, they would not put her on any of their merchandise. Derpy is fine, don't worry.derpy_emoticon2.png



  • Brohoof 2



This fantastic signature is made my by awesome friend Rainbow Skywalker! :D

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@ TheGr3ml1n sorry still a little new don't know how to message people on this forum, I agree with you Derpy Hooves has an amazing fan base alone. I can see them being afraid of lawsuit and that is understandable. What they can do is have a new voice actor or just have it less "special" if they dare do anymore voice for her, and just rename her to her original name Ditzy Doo.


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As far as I know there are mentally challenged people out there that don't take offence to it and they need to speak up.

Yes and there are also people who are not retarded but have other neurological disorders/differences who didn't take offense to Derpy either and strongly relate to and identify with her as well and I am one of them. I was diagnosed with Autism at age 2 after losing what little language I had this doctor gave my parents a doomsday prediction of me never getting an IQ past 50 and recommended putting me in an institution. The doctor was wrong about me being retarded but was right about me having Autism even if he didn't understand that it is a spectrum disorder ranging from mild to severe. It wasn't easy but after years of therapies, intervention and system of gradual mainstreaming or "full inclusion" I have advanced to the point where most people can't tell I have Autism.


Alot of disabled people are speaking out on this but unfortunately they are not being given nearly as much attention as they should be because the complainers are so loud and persistent that there is this misconception that Derpy is offensive to all disabled people when the complainers didn't even bother to listen to what they actually had to say before claiming to speak on their behalf. I myself made a youtube video on this subject as though I don't normally talk about my personal interests in my youtube videos this issue goes far beyond just a controversial cartoon character. I have posted this many times so this may seem like pimping but this is that important to me.


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Although Derpy was never confirmed to be disabled alot of disabled people still related to Derpy because she is different due to her eyes and slightly clumsy nature. Derpy could have been a teaching moment about people who are seen as different whether they are disabled or for other reasons. What angers me is that the people that complained are 1 for the most part not fans and therefore are judging what they do not understand and 2 have not really even bothered to offer any constructive suggestions on how Derpy should be portrayed instead. I can understand how someone might have the wrong idea at first but to automatically assume some sort of malintent on the part of Hasbro without even bothering to look at the facts is just ridiculous.

this is exactly how i feel, whenever i saw derpy she reminded me a bit of me ive always been a bit clumsy and and for the longest time my voice was unstable (i didn't talk much to ppl if any at all so when i did try to talk i almost didn't know how to keep 1 tone in a sentence) ive since then much improved my communication skills, but whenever i saw derpy it gave me a warm feeling inside.my teachers in elementary school wanted to put me in special ed classes and to go to therapy. Honestly all Hasbro is telling me by removing derpy is that anypony who is slightly imperfect or different is not allowed to make friends and is better seen not heard.so its like there telling me i should just not talk to ppl ever again and just sit in the background and die.

Edited by Spacetoasty


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Because when the word "Derp" is commonly used when you make a mistake I.E you derp up, you have a character named after this word, who you make sound mentally challanged, and have her only conversation be her getting told by rainbow dash to basically do nothing because all she ever does is screw up and that is all she is worth because even her parents knew she was a mistake, you would think that it was smart to remove her.

To puf it this way she origionally sounded a bit mentally challanged. OK. So what does rainbow dash say? Not "Oh, you done your best!" or "Don't worry derpy." She instead says. CSit there and stop screwing up whil I do all the work."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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I agree with you, Svinnik, *brohoof*

Completely disagree with them censoring Derpy, but it is a kid's show, and nowadays everyone cares what they have on kid's shows. Back in the day they used to not care if there were guns or cigars, etc, but now they do because apparently their children's childhood lives around sitting on a couch watching cartoons. 


A show is a show, if you don't like it, don't watch it, it's simple. Parents shouldn't be concerned about how a character's voice sounds, or how a character is, because that character was made that way. To make a big deal out of it so much so as to remove Derpy is just stupid and close-minded and a minor setback to the show. It's disappointing that they had to compromise with these paranoid parents.

  • Brohoof 1

- Charries: Dr. Grayburn (based off my real unpony-related grass creature charrie)

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I've always gotten weird looks when I've told people I'm autistic so this comes as no surprise to me at all. I bet you somewhere in the world this sort of thing is happening:


Kid: Mom, why's that man talking weird?


Mom: Get away from him, honey, he's reatrded. You know what that means...


Kid: He's dangerous and he's just looking for attention.


Mom: Good, now let's get out of here.


Trust me, I've actually had this happen to me right in my face. No surprise they want Derpy gone. dry.png

  • Brohoof 2

Don't give up on your dreams, keep sleeping.

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  • 2 weeks later...







*end of rage moment*.

Derpy was one of my favorite characters, even if she *just happenend* to be a background character. MEHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH *dies*


and, annnddd... more *apparently "retarded"* characters in kids shows:


Ed from Ed Edd and Eddy


Patrick from Spongebob


...more i can't think of...

My Dc Scroll:





~That's Right.~



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I think its a bit late to post this. But at its time, I found it pretty damn funny.


Soccer Moms: We want you to remove this new Derpy character, for she represents the mentally disabled and is inappropriate for children.


I have a large member....

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WoW going to take Derpy out wow that is just stupide oh yeah lets take a great, lovable and funny character out of this show he's only loved by oh sooo many fans of the show, yeah that's a great move.....


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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WoW going to take Derpy out wow that is just stupide oh yeah lets take a great, lovable and funny character out of this show he's only loved by oh sooo many fans of the show, yeah that's a great move.....

You do realize that Derpy was in the season ending right? In plain sight, Derpy eyes and all.

Derpy's not been removed, she might not get another speaking role but she's still there, quietly watching, and waiting....

  • Brohoof 1
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You do realize that Derpy was in the season ending right? In plain sight, Derpy eyes and all.

Derpy's not been removed, she might not get another speaking role but she's still there, quietly watching, and waiting....

oh well then, thank you very much for telling me this and I did see him but just when hearing they are going to take him out I was thinking all the way like 100% GONE but anyway thank for telling me this!


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Idk what was going on in those soccer mom's brains. Derpy is loved by mentally challenged people because Derpy is just like them. Changing Derpy is actually a bit offensive. It's like telling disabled and mentally challenged children to change if you want to fit in.


Derpy is my favorite character. I really disagree with her removal. She's so awesome that I've even gone to the extent of making a tribute to her on YouTube.

"In order to realize our true self, we must be willing to live without being dependent upon the opinion of others."

-Bruce Lee

My role-play character: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shawn-r3691

My favorite pony would be a tie between Rainbow Dash and Derpy Hooves.

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  • 2 weeks later...

She was in the finale and now she was in Equestria Girls, apparently. I somehow doubt she is actually being removed, at all, now. We just wait to see if she's anywhere in S4.


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I don't think Derpy is actually gonna be removed, since she's kind of a fan favorite. I think she'll still be in the show, since she was in the season 3 finale, but not talk.


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I liked Derpy. It made me feel better. Living clutzy and with a speech problem that basically changes how you MIGHT write and read things, it was nice to find a pony where I can at least relate to. I don't relate to Twist because she doesn't have the same problem I suppose, but I heavily relate to Derpy.




LUNA=Best Princess


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Well, she won't be in any major roles but atleast we get to enjoy those derped up eyes watching from the background and probably whatever is happening on the roof of the nearest building. But in all seriousness my little cousin is disabled, she liked Derpy, and from what everyone is saying here almost everyone but over protective parents who would probably say smoking is bad around kids while letting them chow down on a large fries and big mac.

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I really don't think Derpy will be removed. And I did not find her mentally challenged but clumsy. Just like Alice off of Martha Speaks. Also I have hope Derpy won't leave because in EQG I saw her with a tray of muffins. She might not say anything in later on episodes; but she will be there. derpy_emoticon2.png

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  • 4 weeks later...

Although I was extremely happy when she talked, I'd be much happier with Derpy in the background than with Ditsy as a character.  Still, I support your idea.

This signature was removed for being too obnoxious and arrogant.


By the way, if you're talking to me in a thread, please quote my previous post. Otherwise, I might not respond to you.

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