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Views on homework?

Sanic Screwdriver

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"Homework" is nothing but practice for subjects. I mean, it's the same as to say... practicing guitar techniques or writing stories.


The problem is however, that most of the homework you do is for subjects that do not interest you, subjects you would never want to make a profession of. For me, that's geology, history and economics, I would NEVER do something with that knowledge that might be useful. I do enjoy making homework about the subjects I like though, like biology, they make me understand a concept better, make me see the link between two, what might seem, unrelated things. Homework is good, but not the homework for the subjects that do not interest you.

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  • 9 months later...

Have not done homework in... years! but I find it to be useful, because this way it teaches kids responsibility. Teaches them to give a 110% and that sometimes you have to work a bit longer then you wanted to, because sometimes at work you have to stay later.


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Growing up in a upper class family... mostly my dad expects good grades which means if I like homework or not I get it done. Or I will be having one boring month... (punishments >_>)

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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To all of you in jr. high or high school, DO YOUR BLOODY HOMEWORK! I never did homework or studied, yet through 12 years of education I had between 80% and 95% despite a complete lack of effort or interest. Now that I am in university, I regret it. I haven't built any study or homework habits, which creates a serious challenge. The homework at lower levels may not seem relevant (or even be relevant), but you should still do at least some of it. It isn't about the work, it's about building the habit.

  • Brohoof 2

Keep flyin'


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I think homework should not be mandatory. It's part of the bigger problem with the school system (speaking from my experience in western schools and more specifically, Canada). On the surface, school seems like a place where children and teens go to gain knowledge that will help them in their lives and ultimately make their whole society smarter and better. But unfortunately, when you attend school you are learning far more than just academia. The way the school system is set up mimics the adult working world and prepares students to accept the realities of that world without question.


Most students attend school Monday to Friday during regular business hours, just like most full time jobs. You spend more days a year in school than you do on holiday, just like the working world. While we do have to work to some extent to survive, we really don't need to be as productive as we are, and we shouldn't make our career and the money we make our top priority in life unless that's what truly makes us happy. Ask anyone on their deathbed and very few of them will say "I wish I had spent more time at the office!"


At a job the amount of money you make measures the value of the work you do. The higher the number, the more successful you supposedly are. At school you get grades to measure the value of your work. The higher your grade, the better you supposedly are. School doesn't teach us to value the knowledge we are gaining, it teaches us to compete for a higher grade, or try to live up to expectations set by some grading system that is completely separate from our practical lives.


School trains us to be okay with spending the majority of our time doing things we would rather not be doing, and homework is a part of that. You spend all day at school and then you are expected to do more schoolwork on your own time. If you are so fascinated by what you are learning in school and you want to practice more at home that's fine, as long as it's your choice. But forcing it on students is wrong in my opinion, and forced homework is not actually beneficial at all.

  • Brohoof 2
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I think it is pretty important, as long as it's not just going over things you learned five times already. Also, too much can take away a lot of time for assignments and hardly gives any time for a break. It can get overbearing if the teachers don't know how to give a reasonable amount.

  • Brohoof 1


When I see your face, it's like sunlight dripping...

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Depending on how hard a subject is homework is a sort of necessity to ensure that you understand what your doing, though not all homework is the best way to challenge yourself.. there is this accounting subject i did in Uni  for the course and i hated it completely, t there was options option A was do a final year exam and that was it all your grade depended on that, B was a mid term and a final year exam and the last option was pretty much homework with the mid term and final year exam..  it was like  a weekly math homework you had to do.. at most times i did not complete but i manage to get a solid grade each time and i just passed a mid test... but when i did my final year exam i completely crying on the inside because of how huge the exam was...and i did not even finish half of it... and the final exam was a huge bulk of the grade.. i was sure i would have to repeat this subject but i found out that i got 50 which was a pass and i was thankful to God i passed..


for the first time i was glad i did the homework..i think the academic staff takes into consideration of how much work you did  and how hard the subject is, the subject manager said i those people that took Option A most of them failed the subject and those who took option C did well, so i needed to take that option.

Edited by Renon Strike
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Homework is pointless if you're bellow college age, as in Elementary, Middle, and High School (at least, going by the USA system. I can't say the same for other countries. And even then, some schools within the US may differ, but I don't think by much) as you're forced to go to school 5 days a week, 8 hours a day. Think about it. That's pretty much a full-time job right there. And with homework? I'm really surprised that people say that when you're a child, you have more time and responsibility to do things. O_o Now that I've gotten a job, it seems a lot easier than school 'cause I don't have to go home and do anything regarding it.


You really don't need any more work outside of that, as you're having this material consistently hammered into your head every day. Weekly assignments would be fine, but homework everyday is just honestly absurd. Give kids some time to enjoy their childhood. @_@ I know I barely had any, what with all that damn homework. Only two days of rest, and many teachers liked to give homework over the weekend.


Now, on the other hand... if you're going to college... well, homework has a huge purpose and role. You're not there very often, semesters are cut much shorter than high school, and you need that stuff to remember what happened and to save your ass before the test. I've actually felt like homework has far greater significance now that I've moved on to this type of education. It's different now. I don't just feel like I'm slogging through some meaningless busywork I don't need to do. Now I feel like I'm refreshing my mind for whatever ridiculous test they're going to throw at me next.

Edited by Arylett Dawnsborough
  • Brohoof 3

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Really some homework (not homework, schoolwork) is necessary. Most of it really isn't. I never need to study for tests (oh wait till Algebra II, do the same way I have and get it wrong this time instead of right.)

My subjects are mostly easy though and can be easily As with 5 minutes of studying for each test. For me, it actually works better. I don't have a SINGLE clue why that would be. (Seriously).

I have an extremely selective memory though and sometimes I will forget stuff. That is why I don't like homework.


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Everything was done at my own pace and I was free to disregard homework for things I easily mastered and focus on the things causing me the most difficulty.

 This is why I like college alot better than high school because although it has some general ed requirements it gives you far more choices in which direction you want to take while K-12 has this top down approach that does a great disservice to both students and teachers by ignoring students individual educational needs. In high school my brother got bored and stop caring partly because the course work didn't challenge him and partly because of hanging out with the wrong people, his grades went so far down that he didn't graduate although he did get his GED. He spend some time as an MP in the airforce and is now going to college on the GI bill, he has really applied himself well so well as a matter of fact that he made the deans list which for those of you who don't know is the college equivalent of the honor role. It was not that my brother wan't intelligent it is that he didn't see how the work applied to him, he actually built his own computer from scratch when he was 15.


As for me I spent most of middle school and high school taking honors and AP classes and getting straight A's but did sometimes get lazy with homework and often procrastinated. Luckily because I had an excellent memory I would barely even have to study and I would still be able to pass even the toughest classes (except for math) like it was nothing. What also helped was when I was interested in a subject I focused on it very intensely, I wanted to learn everything I could about it. Of course due to having Autism social interaction for me was a lot more difficult so learning things like social cues and what is an isn't appropriate behavior and keeping my temper in check were quite a challenge for me.


When I did get to college I did really well at first because I took all the easy classes first and finally had full control over my emotions but then ended up getting stuck with all the hard classes and because of that and pressures from work and life in general my GPA went so far down the toilet that I was placed on academic probation. I eventually burned out and dropped out, I came back for the first time in 3 years this fall but burned out again due to pressures from work and dealing with a severe case of depression. I only took 2 classes so I am fairly sure I passed them but I will probably take a break next semester to get my train wreck of a life back on track. Because I got cocky by not thinking there would be any hard classes except for math (which is my academic kryptonite) and still carried over my procrastination habit from high school I ended up paying dearly for it. It is a habit I am determine to get rid of though.


My view on homework has indeed changed, in middle school and high school I viewed it as a useless chore that was little more than just busy work. I made exceptions for reading and writing certain essays because I understood their importance and I liked doing them so I was a tad biased there but most other homework to me just seemed like a waste of time. Today though I understand its importance a bit more I really don't like how some teachers just give homework for the sake of homework which seems to discourage good study habits more than encouraging it. Nothing annoyed me more than all the pointless standardized tests I had to take in high school. I remember all the hours wasted that could have been spent actually learning stuff that is useful trying to learn how to game the system to "pass" the tests. The approach you described by making homework optional yet still relevant to the lessons is exactly the approach I would take if I was a teacher. 

  • Brohoof 1
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We'll, personally I know homework is kinda important, but I think its a load of rubbish, we get two days off a week and we have to use that time up to do more work when we should be relaxing, but its kinda good because I have an excuse to listen to music for longs periods of time.

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It isn't that bad, as long as you don't let it pile up. Besides, it just depends on what you're learning sometimes homework can be fun. Though for the most part homework isn't really fun and you shouldn't expect it to be fun it's just so you revise on what you've learned. So it's useful, just do it regularly and it won't be much of a hassle.

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I consider it a waste of time. I never did homework mainly because I count it as schoolwork, so I'll do it at school. When I get home, I want to relax and forget everything that happened that day. 



IF is best girl.

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     To me, homework shouldn't be handed out at all. We're in school for 6-8hrs a day, and they expect us to do more work at home? That's messed up. Home is our time off of school, we NEED a break from that day off of school. School (in my opinion) takes up most of our day to make us do things that bore us. Make us learn things that won't help us in the future. I want to be and engineer. Why not let me learn (mostly) about that!?


     But back on the subject: It's not really fair for us to continue work after school is done, we'll just over work our brain. I normally come home with a good 5 more hours of homework a day. I only think that homework is necessary if we need help in the subject we're struggling on. So that's my outlook on homework.  :comeatus:

  • Brohoof 1

Sharp as a Blade. Swift as an Arrow. Instincts of a Wolf.

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Well personally I don't like homework but maybe that's because I'm a lazy high schooler lol. But I think It really sucks for people who stay after school for a long period of time like for a sports game or a play practice because they wouldn't get home until really late, and then they have a crap ton of homework on them.



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Homework really doesn't help me do work at school...

I just leave it till the last minute, like 8:00pm on Thursday then do it very quickly...


I guess it's helpful for everyone else? I just use general knowledge than use homework answers while I'm in class...

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Homework is very important for the average person because it helps them practice and learn.


People who generally despise homework and don't do it have that reflected in there grades, it is not a waste of time at all.


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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