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S03:E12 - Games Ponies Play


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Thoughts on this episode


-I love it when shows do the parallel story thing.  It really works for this episode.  

-Rainbow Dash's DAD!( or older brother)  O MY GOSH!!!

-hilarious moments including the claustrophobic pony, the rainbow splat, and the first headdress

-Gave Shining armor more personality

- I think this gave Applejack some great lines

Overall, probably my favorite episode now.  I was afraid they were going to get an annoying voice actress to play the games inspector, glad to see that they didn't. (both the false one and the real one)

  • Brohoof 2


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I thought the episode was pretty good, not one of my favorites but still pretty good :)


I got excited when I saw Rainbow Dash's dad, my reaction was :blink: then it was :lol:


I thought it was funny how the green lady pony had a chicken for a cutie mark ^_^


I liked how last weeks episode and this weeks episode intertwined with each other :)

  • Brohoof 1
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Not sure if anyone noticed and I'm sure someone did just haven't read through all the posts yet but if I'm right we saw Rainbow's Dad for the first time! ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!!

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

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For all its worth, the best moments cought on  screen.


my fav being the rainbow splat scene


two rainbow flanks


& pinky cinnoen scene



and a total random moment. Pinky Flexing thoses mus-cals



fyi I useing SnatchIt Video Creen Capture  to get these.





Edited by MadDoggyca
  • Brohoof 7

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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This episode was truthfully confusing. I didn't know who it was about. I thought it was an Rarity episode, but then it seemed to be an RD episode at the end. 

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it was indeed nice to see the empire again and i knew straight away that she wasn't the pony. also Rainbow Dash's father is now canon

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To be honest, this is the worst episode yet. Did not like. I'm being paranoid, but I think hasbro does not want bronies here. First they take fan parodys away such as friendship is whitchcraft, give us whats gonna be a horrible ending, and now, fighting is magic. We want the season finalie to be like fights and drama like a canterlot wedding, not a pony becoming a princess!

Don't be so dramatic. The episode was okay. You didn't give any actual complaints about the episode, you only stated things you didn't like about Hasbro.


Things about Hasbro that are assumed and bloated out of proportion, not factual, no less ;) I'm so tired of explaining that the Youtube take downs had nothing to do with Hasbro, and that Fighting is Magic is a situation with many factors from both sides. But, I don't care to have that debate start flourishing in this topic as well, so I'm leaving it to rest, as I hope everyone else can.


This episode was truthfully confusing. I didn't know who it was about. I thought it was an Rarity episode, but then it seemed to be an RD episode at the end.


Wait, what's confusing? It's an episode that centers around all of them, more or less. Like I said in my earlier piece reviewing this, it was a very-well accomplished 'Mane Six' episode. We had lots of those in Season 1, and the season premiere for this season was largely like this, as well. I don't think it was meant to center around anyone. It was a Mane Six episode, with Rarity having a subplot at that salon, while the other ponies went off with the assumed-but-not-actual games inspector.

  • Brohoof 4


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Honestly, this was a pretty good episode. My favorite part is at the ending when they are on the train at the end and it shows Spike, the pets and CMC hiding. Even though it was shown in thw last episode, it was still pretty funny.


Oh yeah, did anyone else see Rainbows dad in that flashback?

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*munches cinnamon bun* thx 4 that Pinkie

Ceremonial Manedo? yes please

BTW, who has taken up Shining Armor's position as captain of the royal guards?

Oh, and I decided to name the mistaken inspector Pony "cluck hen" due to her CM

MLsig_zps69doiy9n.jpg<-plz click

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Not my favorite episode. It was flat, contrived, and I actually felt a little bored watching it. I had this weird feeling that the Mane 6 were actually trying too hard to be their parts as opposed to just being their parts, I.E. it felt like they were over acting. Pinkie Pie did this the most, though Rainbow Dash did it alot also. I know, there are lots of times in MLP that are over the top but still enjoyable, but for some reason the overacting and panickyness in this episode just didn't have 'da magics.' The comedy felt forced, and given that this was a comedy-of-errors fiasco type episode it basically sinks or swims on the comedy, and the comedy sank like a lead sinker. It doesn't help either that I didn't like the last episode for some of the same reasons, and so the snyc up actually worked against this episode for me. I think what I dislike the most though is that we are wrapping up the season, and we've had the Crystal Empire feature in back to back episodes... ok great, end of the season, Crystal Empire, recipe for epic adventure right? Nope... just filler eps. 


Oh well, hopefully the finale will be the awesomeness... ugg, but I'm not looking forward to inbetween seasons time. It feels like we just got out of inbetween seasons time. This season really flew by fast.   

  • Brohoof 4

Just repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax. -Mystery Science Theater 3000


You're dead if you aim only for kids, adults are just kids grown up anyway. -Walt Disney

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Have you ever hit a wall so hard?


That you had somepony else cutie mark




I just saw rainbow dash's father

I shall call him Rainbow Dad


Also if you notice you see filly derpy in the flash back


Edited by ~TheStealthyPony~
  • Brohoof 6


"Even the quitiest person could be the most outspoken one"-My OC

"Not knowing is the best surprise of all"-My OC

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I didn't think they would cross over the episode with the last one!  Love it!

And that Rainbow Splat and Rarity's confusion.  Funniest thing ever.

And I didn't see it coming.  I was thinking through the whole thing...WTF are they going to do.



Edit: And it would have been even funnier if I watched this episode before Just For Sidekicks.

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Have you ever hit a wall so hard?


That you had somepony else cutie mark




I just saw rainbow dash's father

I shall call him Rainbow Dad


omg that is soo true, I thought u were makking a joke out of it with the captions. so I loaded the tv show up and would u look at that. some pony scrwed up in adobe flash,lol


I also notice part of rarity mark on here forhead.lol


it could be part of here eye though ?



Edited by MadDoggyca

Photo Finish,that's her name.

Makin' every-pony pretty is her number one game.

She do what she do, to make you more than you.

No-pony gonna care if what we share is true.

Cause lies are beautiful, the truth is not.

Come on little mare, you better shake that plot.

You know that's what they really all came to see.

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I really enjoyed the whole parallel-story thing with the last episode. It reminded me of that trilogy of South Park episodes that all occurred during a night of a meteor shower (anyone?).


I especially enjoyed Rarity in this episode. It was clear the writers were trying to make up for lack of Rarity screen time for this season, but I'm not picky and I'm glad she got a bit of a spotlight.


Also, Rainbow Dash's dad! And he had a rainbow mane too. My question is: Did her mother also have a rainbow mane? Also, is the Rainbow gene dominant or recessive? My guess is that it's a recessive mutation that is extremely rare. That's why nopony else on the show has rainbow manes.


Rarity is best pony.

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I was kinda upset that this was not a rarity themed episode. But still, RD'S DAD. 


And it was crazy how this episode was parallal to the previous. I also laughed a lot when I noticed that Rarity saw spike and the others


(did you they make it more obvious this time?) 


                                                                                                       ~ siggy by Me~

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This was overall a pretty awesome and funny episode, and I love how it happened at the same time as episode 11.


Also, dat part when Cadance announces that the crystal empire was chosen for the games... The crystal heart is pretty damn awesome.


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This was just sort of an 'enjoyed it' episode. It's not my favourite, but i still liked it. Rainbow's dad was nice to see, along with the connected episodes. now someone has to just combine the two somehow.

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I just finally watched the episode, and it was...entertaining. Not the worst, but at the same time not the best. It was still enjoyable, though. I do like getting glimpses of the Crystal Empire, and how love is a physical energy rather than just an idea.


Oh, and Rainbow Dad. :P


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Why is Pinkie Pie so consistently amazing?  I'm honestly wondering this.  Lately, she's had so many scene-stealing moments, and every writer seems to be able to magically create comedic gold whenever she's involved.  "Cinnamon bun?" is one of my favorite MLP lines now, simply because of the context.


Speaking of consistency, I loved how completely linked this episode is with the previous one.  The best part is, if you watched this one before "Spike At Your Service," Spike's moments would have a pretty great sense of "oh boy, what'd he do this time..." to them.

  • Brohoof 2

That's really all there is to say on the matter.

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I thought this episode was great. Twilight Sparkle trying desperately not to panic, Rarity being Rarity and Pinkie Pie being even more hyperactive than normal. Rainbow Dash stole this episode for me though. Her constant suspicions in trying to figure out the gamemaster's motives, as well as her intense levels of excitement brought a great deal of humour.


Also, did anyone notice how Fluttershy was airborne unusually often in this one?

  • Brohoof 2
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I know people will complain about the fake inspector being really obvious, but really, put yourself in the mane 6's mind. All they know about this pony is that she has a flowered bag. They didn't see the other pony with the flowered bag, while the audience did. The mane 6 aren't the audience, so they didn't see the real inspector. Also, they didn't know what the inspector acted like either.


They could have just asked, "Hey, are you the games inspector?" I think that most would in that situation, just to make sure they got the right pony. 


Just a personal pet peeve of mine because I don't like these kinds of mistaken identity plots that just go on and on.

  • Brohoof 2


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So we see RDs dad! Awesome!


And the plot of this episode was cool... But Iv see that in other shows where they mistake someone for someone eltse... Lol


And I loved how it merged with the last episode! The ending was funny how spike was under the train benches



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I really liked this episode, even though the general consensus is less enthusiastic about it. I was really, really happy that Cadance returned, and we got to see more of the Crystal Empire. Plus, Pinkie was hilarious, and it was interesting to see this side of the story, instead of Spike's.


Overall, I'm very pleased with this episode.




I don't think it's quite that bad bro, but we'll just wait and see what happens. And who knows, maybe the Coronation episode will contain fighting and drama.

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