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Rainbow Dash Fan Club


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Welcome to the Rainbow Dash fan club!


Rainbow Dash claims to be the fastest flier in all of Equestria, and she isn't just boasting. She is able to break the sound barrier and once performed the famous stunt, the Sonic Rainboom. She likes living life on the fast lane and enjoys adventures. She may be the fastest flier in Equestria, yet she will slow down to help her friends and Ponyville. She likes sleeping and eating and is the element of Loyalty.

Kyronea's analysis on Rainbow Dash


Warning: Another long thought-fueled post ahead, the result of waking up too early and my brain insisting on thinking instead of sleeping. Today's subject is Rainbow Dash.


Rainbow Dash, on first glance, is the easiest of the Mane Six to understand. She's a fast, athletic tomboy with an eye for cool, a chaotic free-flying spirit that rarely obeys the rules. But, like her friends, she has hidden depths to her character.


Rainbow Dash's Element of Loyalty has a huge influence on her life and indeed her very personality. Loyalty may be a bit easier to understand than Laughter or Magic, but it still has complexities to it. It's not just about the obvious, that being loyalty to one's friends. It's also about loyalty to one's convictions, to one's dreams, to the ideals one believes in. While this can be a positive trait in many cases, it can also cause hardships. In her own way, Rainbow Dash is by far the most stubborn of the Mane Six, even more so than Applejack. When she gets an idea into her head, she doesn't let it go very easily. This has led in the past to her making mistakes, being way too full of herself, no clearer than in Fall Weather Friends and Mare Do Well, where in both cases, she lets a positive attribute about herself--her athletic abilities and her tendency to play the hero--get the better of her and cause her to obsess over the attribute. She becomes so obsessed with the idea that she doesn't want to hear criticism of it and fights for her conviction that what she thinks is right is right, and everypony else is wrong.


And yet, unlike with similar characters, a lot of her ego is deserved. On her own, without any intentions of doing so, in a petty little race that would have probably been forgotten about two days after it happened, she not only flies faster, harder, and stronger than she ever has before, but she performs a truly wondrous feat: the Sonic Rainboom, a performance that not only gave her a cutie mark, but that led to the rest of the Mane Six acquiring their cutie marks as well, cementing their friendship before it even began. However, the timing of the event makes me suspicious of it, just like I was suspicious of Twilight's absurdly difficult entrance exam.


Rainbow Dash came swooping in to rescue Fluttershy from bullying when she didn't even know who Fluttershy was. While it's hard to say whether she did this because she felt it was the right thing to do, or if she did this because she saw it as a way of striking back at the bullies who have bullied her on many previous occasions, I suspect it is a mixture of both, but much more on the first option, that being she felt it was the right thing to do. After all, it's not as if this would be the last time she plays the hero. She immediately gets herself into a silly little race, and then outperforms the competition so spectacularly. Why did she suddenly perform the Rainboom now instead of during some other competition? What made this one event so special?


The answer is that it wasn't. The race itself was rather meaningless--she'd already accomplished her goal of getting the bullies to leave Fluttershy alone. I said before, in Twilight's post, that the Rainboom was connected to the Elements. If what Rainbow says is true, and we have no reason to believe it isn't, the Rainboom was a myth, a feat that had not been performed for centuries, if it had ever been performed at all. The greatest of Pegasi could train for their entire lives and never accomplish what one little filly did without even really trying. The question is, was Rainbow Dash born to be the Element of Loyalty? Was it because she was already connected to her future friends so strongly that, in their time of need, when they all needed something to happen NOW to not only grant them their cutie marks but cement their future friendship, she just happened to find it within herself? Or did our Chessmaster of a Princess have something to do with it? Honestly, I don't know. It's a question I can't answer without more knowledge about Rainbow Dash's family, about her life in Cloudsdayle before she moved to Ponyville.


I find it especially interesting that she was completely unable to perform the Sonic Rainboom after the race for a long time, despite years of trying. It wasn't until Rarity's plummet from Cloudsdayle during the Best Young Fliers Competition that she was able to perform it again, because she was NOT going to let her friend die. Once again, her being the Element of Loyalty kicked in and she was able to perform it in time to save Rarity's life. She was loyal to Rarity despite the fact that Rarity acted so self-absorbed during that episode, because Rainbow Dash cares that much about her friends. Since that time she has been able to perform it freely, something I attribute at least in part to her using the Element of Loyalty to defeat Nightmare Moon because, like with Twilight, the use of the Element itself unlocked something within her, allowing her to perform a Rainboom not just when the future of Equestria depended upon it, but when she WANTED it.


Rainbow Dash's Element has also led her to pursue a wonderful dream, that of joining the Wonderbolts. I'm not sure if she had this in mind before the race where she got her cutie mark, or if that race convinced her it was a good idea, but regardless, the dream has been stuck with her since. It has dominated her life. Look at her career choice. Rather than staying in Clousdayle, she opted to move to Ponyville to take up a position as a weather control Pegasi. Ponyville being as small as it is, the job leaves her with plenty of free time, more than enough to let her train regularly while being so easy for her that even when she does perform her job, she can perform it so fast that she barely works at all. It's exactly the sort of job a free spirit like Rainbow Dash would enjoy.


And Rainbow Dash is a free spirit, make no mistake. She has little respect for rules or even a structured lifestyle. The way she naps all the time, for example, makes me think she never spends more than one or two hours asleep at a time, because she's too impatient to sleep for longer. Her lifestyle leads her to take silly risks, indulging in all sorts of frivolous activities, a lifestyle that would probably include large amounts of alcohol and casual sex were it not for the G-rated nature of the show. She's always seen developing new tricks, flying around like crazy, never really keeping to a disciplined training schedule even though she's working hard, in her own way, to prepare herself to join the Wonderbolts. Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash, her dream is one she will never be able to achieve.


I've said this before many times, but I've never bothered to explain why until now. The truth of it has to do with what makes Rainbow Dash the pony she is. Her drive, her spirit is too wild to chain down. The Wonderbolts, by their very nature as a pony version of real-world Air Force performers like the Blue Angels, are very disciplined, very structured. Even if they are not an actual military force, like what they are based upon, they still have a level of expectations and structure far beyond anything Rainbow Dash could truly achieve. They would require far too much from her that she simply isn't capable of, not because she can't outperform them--frankly I suspect Rainbow Dash could outperform any member of the Wonderbolts any day of the week--but because she just can't live the sort of lifestyle that the Wonderbolts would require. To live that kind of structured life would destroy the very essence of what makes Rainbow Dash special. And because her Element of Loyalty has so influenced her personality, she's so convinced she'll be a Wonderbolt that she is never going to listen to anyone telling her otherwise until she is finally told by the Wonderbolts that she's not Wonderbolt material.


How would that event actually take place? I foresee it happening in one of two ways:


1. Rainbow Dash tries out for the Wonderbolts, and her ensuing performance, while spectacular beyond belief, is so chaotic and undisciplined that the Wonderbolts decide she can't handle their level of training.


2. Rainbow Dash actually succeeds in joining the Wonderbolts for a brief time, but after joining, both she and the Wonderbolts realize what a terrible mistake it was, and she is either let go or leaves on her own before too long.


I consider the second possibility far more likely, because it's hard to understand just how much of a free spirit Rainbow Dash is without getting to know her well.


What is in store for Rainbow Dash in the future once she fails to join the Wonderbolts? I don't know. I do know it will be a hard time for her, to say the least. You don't experience the crushing of a life long dream without suffering dearly for it. She's likely to be depressed for a long time. With the support of her friends, I think she can pull through though. She's a strong pony, and I believe she can find a new dream to pursue, one that would truly fit her desires and her personality, letting her live a far happier life than she ever could have lived as a Wonderbolt.


Rules of this thread


-No spamming post to become biggest fans

-This is a children’s show, and believe it or not there are younger people who go on these forums, please limit content to suggestive only. For example you may post a picture of two ponies kissing, but they cannot be doing anything inappropriate, or showing things inappropriate.

-Do not post a picture of Applejack in the Rainbow Dash forum, because Applejack belongs in the Applejack forum.

-Do not hate on another fan club, for example posting in the Fluttershy forum "Twilight is better!"

-I have the ability to decide whether you are doing something inappropriate or not, if I deem you are doing something unnecessary and I ask you to stop, please stop. Common Sense my little ponies.

-All of MLP Forums rules still apply.


This is the Rainbow Dash thread, please only post her. If you have recomendations for another pony club, go to the hub (linked at the top of the screen).

Fan Art



Trophy Case




Simple rules, AND get to have an awesome time. I AM SO THERE.



"Stand Out" is my favorite Goofy Movie song, "Out on the Open Road" is 2nd & "Eye 2 Eye" is 3rd.


No More Hibernation!:



That turtle is gonna get a DASH of energy.  B)

  • Brohoof 5
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I've been waiting for an actual Rainbow Dash shirt to appear at TeeFury.  They have relatively few pony shirts, so I was starting to think I just wouldn't see one.  But, in time for the holidays:


  • Brohoof 8

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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"Stand Out" is my favorite Goofy Movie song, "Out on the Open Road" is 2nd & "Eye 2 Eye" is 3rd.


Awesome! My second favorite is "Nobody Else But You." I would link the PMV, but it's not really good :P


Rainbow Dash:


  • Brohoof 6


Thanks to @Sparklefan1234 for this awesome sig!

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This video made me like Billy Bob Thornton more than I did before.  (You'll see why and how it's relevant if you watch till the end.)

Yay! He picked my favorite pony, too!



  • Brohoof 6


Thanks to @Sparklefan1234 for this awesome sig!

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I drew this pic here of fluttershy nomming Dashie's wing -- Tastes like skittles! http://aurelleaheverfree.deviantart.com/art/Flutterdash-Wing-Noms-Patreon-Reward-641673339




Impressive piece; the digitally painted background works really well with the ponies and line art.  Based on your gallery, it looks as though you developed your pony drawing abilities rather quickly.

  • Brohoof 5

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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