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THE worst pain you have ever experienced

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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So, we have ALL experienced pain (Obviously). So what was your worst pain you have ever felt. It can be anything like medical wise or injury. And if any of you have had a baby..then I bet that would be yours, but, still share it ^_^


And also, how did it happen, or what did you do to?


Mine would be...either Menstrual cramps (Sorry for the TMI...but its the truth, im a female, it happens) or probably when dumbass me didn't put on enough sun screen and laid out in the sun on them pool rafts and got like a second degree burn and I was blistered. It wasn't fun >.> But, I guarantee child birth will beat them whenever I have a child someday..Haha ^^" :lol: 

  • Brohoof 5
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I one time walked into the glass door at the Apple store. I still have traces of the bump from about seven years ago! Then there was another time at Great Wolf Lodge when I was in a flotation tube and it got overturned. I landed on my head and had trouble walking around after that! Then there was that one time when I stapled by thumb...

Edited by MagicalStarRain
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kidney stone...period


women who have given birth and had a kidney stone often say the stone was worse


I had one for a day and then had surgery to remove it...i don't ever want to do it again


Oh I hear those are "fun". Yeah, I've known a few people who has had HUGE ones and they said they cried over it and wanted it out as soon as possible. I hope I never get one *Bites lip*

  • Brohoof 1

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My worst would of been about 4 years ago when I was on top of a hill next to the playground, and something caused me to lose my balance and I fell awkwardly into some rocks and managed to break multiple places in my carpal bones in my right hand. It was extremely painful.

  • Brohoof 1


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When I was about four or five years old I learned the hard way just why it was my father would always tell me never to play around our charcoal grill.


BBQ Zoop, anyone?


Thankfully I don't actually remember anything after the lead-up to the ordeal, or the subsequent stay in the hospital.

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Oh I hear those are "fun". Yeah, I've known a few people who has had HUGE ones and they said they cried over it and wanted it out as soon as possible. I hope I never get one *Bites lip*

yeah mine was like the size of a pencil lead...and I wanted to die...but then I will admit I hear cramps can be brutal. my wife has had some insane ones...

  • Brohoof 1

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Probably the most physically painful thing that has ever happened to me is when I accidentally crushed my gut, and the day after, at exactly 9:20 A.M. for the next two days, I would feel like I was having a heart attack, and later the pain would move down to my waist and come by in unbearable waves.  I would often vomit this foul-tasting bile for a bit, too.  On the second day, it became more like appendicitis, so I went to the hospital for a full 8 hours.


Luckily, it was nothing, but the car ride there was one of the most excruciating, terrifying moments in my life.

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I had spine surgery a decade ago and the doctors placed a rod in my back for my spine to keep it straight. After the surgery I was in bed for weeks, then on a wheel chair, then I painfully learned how to walk again.  

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So, we have ALL experienced pain (Obviously). So what was your worst pain you have ever felt. It can be anything like medical wise or injury. And if any of you have had a baby..then I bet that would be yours, but, still share it ^_^




Well, this one time I stubbed my toe. I haven't been the same since.


Otherwise I'd have to say that depression caused the worst physical pain I've ever felt.

  • Brohoof 3



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yeah mine was like the size of a pencil lead...and I wanted to die...but then I will admit I hear cramps can be brutal. my wife has had some insane ones...


Yeah...ok sorry if this is to much info, but my cramps will get horrible and sometimes I vomit and just sit there and cry. Like it feels like all the muscles in your stomach just twist tight and are ready to EXPLODE. Whenever I feel them come in, I take 2 Menstrual meds, but sometimes they still get bad. They're hard to beat. I know some people who never get them or just get them minor....lucky girls <.<


When I was sick the flu, I just couldn't move at all. I was too weak to even move out of bed, it was pretty much the most painful experience I ever had.


I have NEVER had to Flu, yes, very shocking because the Flu is common and lot of people are so shocked that ive never had it...I hardly ever get sick then again, but yes, some of my friends limbs ALL ached and they were like paralyzed and they said they got HORRIBLE stomach aches. Doesn't sound fun..

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As a Food Clerk/Dairy Clerk I have had quite a few injuries 3 knee injuries, 1 foot injury and 3 heel injuries but my worst injury and the worst pain I ever felt in my life came from my first knee injury. I got the injury by moving multiple heavy Gaterade and water pallets to the sales floor to make some displays up front, I apparently moved my right leg in some very awkward ways to get the pallets perfectly even and after finishing the last one a few lighter ones I felt a sudden sharp pain a pain so bad that I screamed loud enough for practically the entire store to hear me.


Since I could not take the pain I asked to go home but I foolishly pulled an Applejack and decline medical treatment because I figured that since I had the next 2 days off I would probably be okay. Somehow I worked a 5 hour shift after those 2 days off and by some miracle was able to get through it but the next day I could not take the pain anymore and knew that I had to see a doctor. So Monday I went to the doctor and found that my knee was sprained and that I would have to go to the doctor and to physical therapy 3 days a week and would be out of work for 2 months. Since I am fairly strong and resilient I healed in half that time and went back to work in time for the week of Thanksgiving and needless to say they were really happy to have me back.

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I've had a lot of great examples of terrible pain throughout my life. Here are some of the worst ones.

  • My first car crash. My leg got so battered and bruised that I couldn't walk for two weeks. While I was at the hospital, I had thousands of little shards of glass in my fist because I apparently punched the windshield while I was unconscious. I had to deal with all of this, untreated for a couple hours while the hospital got their crap together.
  • I had a migraine when I was 16 that was so terrible that I had to go to the hospital and get a big shot of painkillers. It wasn't a normal migraine, but to this day, I have no idea what went wrong.
  • I got into a GIANT fight with my brother once, and I was in a lot of pain afterwards (I won though). We fought all the time, but this one was particularly bad. I am hardly even exaggerating when I say it was just like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpoki4wBwtA
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I've had a lot of great examples of terrible pain throughout my life. Here are some of the worst ones.

  • My first car crash. My leg got so battered and bruised that I couldn't walk for two weeks. While I was at the hospital, I had thousands of little shards of glass in my fist because I apparently punched the windshield while I was unconscious. I had to deal with all of this, untreated for a couple hours while the hospital got their crap together.
  • I had a migraine when I was 16 that was so terrible that I had to go to the hospital and get a big shot of painkillers. It wasn't a normal migraine, but to this day, I have no idea what went wrong.
  • I got into a GIANT fight with my brother once, and I was in a lot of pain afterwards (I won though). We fought all the time, but this one was particularly bad. I am hardly even exaggerating when I say it was just like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpoki4wBwtA


The car crash yes, I hear those are unpleasant. One of my friends got into a car crash cause some dumbass didn't stop and hit them and she shattered her collar bone and had 4 surgeries on it. She was in horrible condition, that was 2 years ago, and now she might have to have number 5 because her collar bone still isn't set right.


My mother gets migraines and she says that is worse than child birth and that she just wants to die because of how bad the pain is. I feel so bad when she gets them because she goes insane and cries and always says how she just would rather die.

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Oh damn. I can't recall anything truly painful that I've experienced at the moment. I've broken my left pinkie twice, that hurt pretty bad. I've been hit by a car before, but I blacked out and can't really remember feeling any pain. I've never really experienced any emotional or mental pain either.


I'd say breaking my finger is the worst pain I've experienced. I need to get hurt more. :P



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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um, lets see. Well we had to march 2 parades this year in marching band, both we're about 8 miles? I play trumpet, so while I don't have a super heavy instrument or anything it was still a quite painful march, not to mention the fact that we had to keep our instruments a certain way and march the whole time. I think honestly the only reason I made it through the parade is because it was so much pain that after a while I just kinda got numb from it ;P. Both parades where like that. Not to mention the standing around for like an hour for one and like 2 hours for another just waiting for it to start, and then stopping for all kinds of things. its a long walk. Especially when its late and your tired after a while :P.


Anyways after we got on the bus I can say i certainly wasn't the only one who was feeling the pain :P. It was quite hard, unless you run or walk alot, then it might not be as bad, still marching is alot less efficent in most cases then running, since you've gotta march in time and that means you may be marching really small or really large steps. Not to mention you get blisters and stuff after a while.


And then there was that one time at band camp...


Hehe never mind :D.


But seriously thats the most painful thing I can think of I ever went through, to be honest though I'm not really that pain tolerant. I hate pain and certainly don't consider myself very pain tolerant at all. Maybe i am though who knows.


Regardless I know that I atleast have one thing to be thankful for since I'm a guy, not having to give birth. Thats something I don't think i want to experience as a women.


However I still have to deal with the chance of kidney stones, Never wanna get something like that.


Heck i've never even been through breaking anything. So yeah I can't be that pain tolerant.


Ok I'm gonna stop rambling now before this turns into a 5000 page essay :P. Later :D.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Getting shot was pretty painful, iv'e had more pain but that has to be the worst, although I take pain, so it wasn't so bad, anyway

Holy hell, you've been shot? What size was the bullet?


As I've taken up running, a lot of pain has come from it. Probably in the top 5 most painful things I've felt was this horrible cramp in my stomach while I was running 5 or 6 miles this one time. My XC coach had told me to take a deep breath to get rid of cramps. I breathed, and that just made it 10 times worse. I was barely able to make it back. Thankfully, I haven't felt it again.

Edited by Betez



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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A couple months ago, I had my first kidney stone.  It was the most excruciating pain I've ever been in, hands down.  I was fortunate in that it passed in about an hour and was about 2 mm in diameter (I've been told they often are much larger).  The really good pain meds took about 5 minutes to take effect, but I swear it felt more like a couple of hours.


I think behind that, the worst pain I can think of belongs to throwing my back out several times during my life.  The first time, I was in college and did a two-day temp job moving party supplies, cinder blocks, picnic tables, etc., into a truck.  On the second day, I was supposed to unload this stuff into a park.  First thing I pick up is a little plastic chair, and *bam* I'm laid up in bed for a week.  My back has never been the same since.


I also have a heart defect that used to cause me serious chest pains (literally the kind of pain you get when you're having a heart attack) when I played Dance Dance Revolution.  I wear a pacemaker now, and thankfully I haven't had that kind of pain since.



Yeah...ok sorry if this is to much info, but my cramps will get horrible and sometimes I vomit and just sit there and cry. Like it feels like all the muscles in your stomach just twist tight and are ready to EXPLODE. Whenever I feel them come in, I take 2 Menstrual meds, but sometimes they still get bad. They're hard to beat. I know some people who never get them or just get them minor....lucky girls <.<


Have you ever gotten yourself checked out for endometriosis? That sounds like one of the symptoms.

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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A couple months ago, I had my first kidney stone.  It was the most excruciating pain I've ever been in, hands down.  I was fortunate in that it passed in about an hour and was about 2 mm in diameter (I've been told they often are much larger).  The really good pain meds took about 5 minutes to take effect, but I swear it felt more like a couple of hours.


I think behind that, the worst pain I can think of belongs to throwing my back out several times during my life.  The first time, I was in college and did a two-day temp job moving party supplies, cinder blocks, picnic tables, etc., into a truck.  On the second day, I was supposed to unload this stuff into a park.  First thing I pick up is a little plastic chair, and *bam* I'm laid up in bed for a week.  My back has never been the same since.


I also have a heart defect that used to cause me serious chest pains (literally the kind of pain you get when you're having a heart attack) when I played Dance Dance Revolution.  I wear a pacemaker now, and thankfully I haven't had that kind of pain since.




Have you ever gotten yourself checked out for endometriosis? That sounds like one of the symptoms.


Nah, its just cramps. My mother gets them and we both have the same symptoms, I mean, they're bad, but it's just cramps. I very much do not enjoy them.

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um, lets see. Well we had to march 2 parades this year in marching band, both we're about 8 miles? I play trumpet, so while I don't have a super heavy instrument or anything it was still a quite painful march, not to mention the fact that we had to keep our instruments a certain way and march the whole time.


My wife could tell you all about when she was in marching band (she played the trumpet).  She had a tetanus shot just before a big march, and she said she literally couldn't put her arm down for half a day afterward.  Sounds uncomfortable!

  • Brohoof 2

If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, then make a change.

-- Michael Jackson

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I've had some pretty bad ear pain before due to ear infections, I'm not so sure if the pain was that excruciating or if the spot was just so much more sensitive.


The worst thing I can think of overall though would have to be having ovarian cysts, mostly because until you have a problematic one...it isn't a pain or even a feeling you've had in that region at all before. Awful.

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My wife could tell you all about when she was in marching band (she played the trumpet).  She had a tetanus shot just before a big march, and she said she literally couldn't put her arm down for half a day afterward.  Sounds uncomfortable!

I remember when I got my last tetanus shot, having to march with a trumpet and having to deal with the stiffness and pain of a tetanus shot? Man your wifes a strong lady :P. Much respect :).


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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