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THE worst pain you have ever experienced

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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Either that one time I got kicked in the head when sparring in karate (it felt like I'd broken my jaw and I couldn't chew properly) or when I faceplanted on my bike and knocked out the bottom of two teeth. The "operation" to have my teeth fixed is really painful too and I've had to have it twice as the crowns kept coming off.

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Yeah...ok sorry if this is to much info, but my cramps will get horrible and sometimes I vomit and just sit there and cry. Like it feels like all the muscles in your stomach just twist tight and are ready to EXPLODE

THIS^^^ I get it so FREAKING bad, it is SOOOOO painful!! also when i was grating a carrot and cut deep into my thumb (needed stiches(OOPS)) or when i got braces on and couldn't eat for like a week... or when i was pushed down the concrete stairs at school and sprained my wrist... yeah! pain, yay fun!

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Ouch..my mom has that and a frozen shoulder. How much range of motion do you have if you don't mind me asking? Usually they say a rotater cuff injury gives you 20-10% loss depending on how bad it is.

I still have full range, but lifting my arm straight up can make things very sore very quickly.  Thankfully, I didn't have frozen shoulder, too.

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heavy nerve damage in my deltoid from tearing it badly. basically imaging if you had a sharp pain in your are for every time you moved it or even wiggles you're figures along with this random pain as if you're having a knife rammed in there...... would pretty much sum it up.

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Falling from my horse and breaking my left arm. Compound fracture (That's a break that has a piece of bone sticking through the skin) between the shoulder and the elbow, with a dislocated shouler to boot. I got over it though: It healed properly and now I ride almost every day. I don't plan to fall off and break my arm again though. It wasn't a very pleasant experience, I'll say that much!

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The worst pain I've ever experienced? Well, they range from going to the dentist to getting kicked up the chops to spraining my wrist. The worst however would have to be going to the dentist. Warning: the following contains descriptions of an unpleasant nature


It's bad enough you have to sit back and just lie there as ordered, but nothing, and I mean nothing compares to firstly having an anaesthetic injector stabbing into your upper and lower gums, then lastly having the tooth pulled out. Worst of all, I was young, and at one stage I got a swollen lower lip from the anaesthetic. Worst part of the anaesthetic? You have to keep your mouth absolutely open and you can't talk at all. It was just so hellishly painful and frightening. The tooth being removed didn't hurt as much, but when it bleeds you know you're screwed unless a filler is put in there. But seriously, the sharp pointer of the injector against my gums was an unholy feeling.....I can feel that awful piercing right now just thinking about it. :(    

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The most painful moment of my life had to be when I was walking on some slippery rocks near a waterfall. I eventually had to jump a gap and when I did so, I undershot it and hit my knee on the rocks. The pain was so unbearable I was hopping on one leg for a good 30 minutes and continuously grunting. Yet everyone tells me I have a great pain tolerance.


...I've experienced the same pain in the same spot on both of my legs for different reasons about 3 times. God...



Other than that, I had an incredible stomach ache, it felt like someone stabbed a large steak knife through me.

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I don't expect much sympathy from this but the I think the worst pain I've been in was having my nose broken and having severe cramp in my right leg at the exact same time.


Basically I was in a kickboxing tournament where I took a right hook straight to the nose and at the same time I tried to counter with a kick but my leg cramped up at precisely the same moment. So I couldn't stand up and there was a fair amount of red stuff everywhere, good times....

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Appendicitis is the worst pain I had to deal with, and it wasn't painful as much as annoying as heck.


I've treated patients with kidney stones, and I'm smart enough to stay away from Labor and Delivery. I can't think of anything more painful then those.


Oddly enough, some people get kidney stones and show no symptoms until they pass. Some pass a small one and are screaming in agony, and others get a 10mm chunk blocking their ureter. Ever thought of what a kidney bursting with urine would feel like? I think I'll pass on kidney stones.

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Hm absolute worst pain.

Getting racked in the nuts trying to grind a rail skateboarding.

It hurt worse than breaking my leg.

Good  great Celestia I do not want to experience that ever again.


I remember watching a video from this show about the world's stupidest I guess? But this kid (at least like 12) was skateboarding with all these teens and young adults trying to show off and thought he could grind off a rail and flip his board, well he railed okay, but when he tried to flip his board, it went SLAM right in his nuts as what it looked liked, but the kid was freaking out way more and screaming and crying and one of the dudes checked him down there and no....he didn't whack his balls, he split his taint and it bled. (Incase anyone doesn't know what a taint is its that plain area between a guys balls and his butthole.


Yeah, im not a guy, but I could imagine getting something split...ewwwuughghhh!!!

  • Brohoof 2
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Hmm there was a time when I broke my wrist but that wasn't actually that painful.  Once my mom accidently splashed me with a pan of boiling hot water cause I ran backwards into her.  The time my back molars were removed with not quite enough anesthetic.  The time screws were drilled into my jaw with [again] not quite enough anesthetic 


Having a whole mouth braces contraption thing with rubber bands and a mouthpiece that dug into my gums, and having to wear that every night.  Not so much intensity as much as prolonged pain and mental agony


I dunno theres probably more but these are the ones that come to mind so it was probably one of these

Edited by Hollowshield
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I have no idea. I guess i haven't experienced much pain.


But there are two thing i can come to think off.

First one being when i was around 9-10 years old i broke my left arm.



The second one being when i accidentally poured boiling noodles over my right hand. if i diden't have the hand in cold water it would hurt like hell. So i guess thats my number one.

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I remember watching a video from this show about the world's stupidest I guess? But this kid (at least like 12) was skateboarding with all these teens and young adults trying to show off and thought he could grind off a rail and flip his board, well he railed okay, but when he tried to flip his board, it went SLAM right in his nuts as what it looked liked, but the kid was freaking out way more and screaming and crying and one of the dudes checked him down there and no....he didn't whack his balls, he split his taint and it bled. (Incase anyone doesn't know what a taint is its that plain area between a guys balls and his butthole.


Yeah, im not a guy, but I could imagine getting something split...ewwwuughghhh!!!

Oh hell. I saw that too. The worst part is the taint is actually part of a guys dick all sorts of stuff runs through there. oh-god-meme.png

I feel bad for the little homie. That's got to be the absolute worst.

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Oh hell. I saw that too. The worst part is the taint is actually part of a guys dick all sorts of stuff runs through there. img-1191390-1-oh-god-meme.png

I feel bad for the little homie. That's got to be the absolute worst.


Yeah, the girl's down there part can be very sensitive too. Us ripping that would be..agony...! Ive been kicked down there too, and it does hurt as well. Most people mistake that being "Oh its not bad". LIES! A little boy kicked me down there and it was HORRIBLE. It felt like a baseball bat like just...whacked me so hard.

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't think I have felt my worst physical pain yet. And to be honest, I can't remember any real terrible pain that has stood out to me. The meds they give you for surgeries is quite sufficient! LOL I have a very high pain tolerance though. It could just be that. Like I said, no pain I have ever had really stands out to me. :P I'm sure in the future I will better be able to answer this question!

  • Brohoof 1
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The worst pain I can think of for my self is giving birth, OMG you people never have felt something like this ever for your self. Not only are you there in the same sport strining your muscles, for hours in hopes it just falls out.

btw Im a Male, and I was refuring to droping worlds large log (earth shartter earthquake and all). Constipation can be a horrible exprinces to live through

Blue Ballz would be up there as well now that I think about it



ha ha ha ha ha get it Blue Ballz, I kill me self luaghing after I releaised my Avatar.. blue... ha ha ha my avitar dosn't look impressed about my joke ether. LMFAO

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Good to see this isn't an emotional pain thread, there's too many of those.


My worst pain is when I was playing football, some guy on the other team tried to slide tackle me, and two of his studs pierced the skin behind the bone on the outside of my ankle (I'm no doctor). He ruptured a ligament and I was out for 5 months.


The pain did subside, but if I worked it too much then I'd fall over. Simple. -_-

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One time I went to the dentist and they numbed the wrong side of my mouth. The pain when they started drilling was blinding. I'm not kidding, my vision almost went black. 

And I'm a rather tough guy.

I do not recommend this experience to anyone.


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Hm absolute worst pain.

Getting racked in the nuts trying to grind a rail skateboarding.

It hurt worse than breaking my leg.

Good  great Celestia I do not want to experience that ever again.

I used to get so nervous about that, so I started wearing a cup.  That little plastic thing saved my man-berries more times than I can count.





One time I went to the dentist and they numbed the wrong side of my mouth. The pain when they started drilling was blinding. I'm not kidding, my vision almost went black. 

And I'm a rather tough guy.

I do not recommend this experience to anyone.


Never ever watch The Marathon Man.  Dustin Hoffman gets forced into a dentist's chair.  Nightmares aplenty.

  • Brohoof 1
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Mine would probably be either when I broke my wrist, or when I stepped on a bit of leftover tack strip while carrying a bed. Three nails going damn near through two of my toes is...unpleasant to say the least.

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