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gaming Worst AI you've ever experienced in a game?


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AI in games have changed throughout the years, whether they be allies or enemies, however there are many horror stories people have had with dealing the worst AI in games.


The worst I've ever dealt with was in Final Fantasy Tactics(PS1 version), with the final battle of Chapter 3(after the already ball-crushingly difficult Velius fight), the one with Rafa and Elmdor. It's a 3 on 4, however Rafa is dumber than your average politician, and after taking a hit from Elmdor, she make one of 2 moves, either move right next to you, or she'll be a dumbass and head straight into one of Elmdor's assassins and attack head on, which will happen 99% of the time. Now unless you catch this before hand and save before entering the castle, or you pray to every possible deity out there she either makes the other move, miss BOTH assassin's attacks, or Elmdor confuses her with the Muramasa, this battle is always guaranteed lost, and if you saved before the fight then your screwed


What are some of the worst AI in games that you've had to deal with?

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I know there's worse I've experience, but I can't remember them, so I'll just go ahead and say the AI for Rise of Nations/Age of empires 2. 

I wish strategy game AIs were a little bit harder for when I just want to play a little bit by myself and not wait for online matches that last 3 years. But the AI for those two games have 3 modes.

Moderate: The level I usually play at. They're either SUPER EASY to kill, or SUPER HARD to kill. There is no inbetween.

Then there are the harder difficulties where they have to cheat. Which doesn't help, because if you can turn the tide-which is actually easy-they still suck at fighting and get crushed.

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From what I've played, usually the AI in valve shooters (like CS:GO and TF2) can be pretty terrible. Most wander around aimlessly, walk into walls, or stop moving entirely. Unless they're set to expert, which makes them considerably better, but not that much.


Don't even get me started on the AI in the Mario party games, or any Mario spinoff in general. There is zero challenge unless you're playing with friends or online. 


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I love Persona 3, but some of the partner AI is just awful, especially Mitsuru. Anyone who's played Persona 3 can attest that if she can, Mitsuru will cast the SMT version of Charm (Marin Karin) whenever given the chance, even against bosses who are immune 99% of the time. Not only that, but every single one of them will all prefer to use a single hit spell rather than a party hitting spell when not only is it more cost effective, but either every single enemy on-screen is weak to the attack or the entire party is low on health as opposed to a single member.


Then there's the Yu-Gi-Oh games. Not only are all the games rather blatant in having cheating AI to make up for stupid opponents, but heaven help you whenever you are forced to tag-duel with a computer, because they will actively sabotage you at every turn since they're programmed to activate a card the moment they can, even if doing so would screw them over. One game in-particular also had a weird "bug" where the computer would always attack the same monster, even if there were weaker monsters already on the field and attacking said monster would cause them to lose.    

  • Brohoof 1

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Lego Star Wars II (ps2) and kirby Super Star Ultra (DS)


On lego, your partners just stand on the middle of a corridor full off enemies like : athey will not shot me, im a bot. Sad

On Kirby, your friend help you on 2 cases:

1, if you want someone to take a aoe hit and take you with him.

2. If you want someone to teke your power and die on 2 sec

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The worst Ai that ive encountered is Eileen from Silent Hill 4 - The Room.


I know, that she has a broken arm and i just tried to rescue her from an Hospital from a Nightmare World and that she is slow and i have to protect her all the time and taking all the damage for her by killing monsters that try to attack her..


And i would be happy to that, as the mighty hero that i am...kind off...in games only..

But she constantly makes stupid stuff.


Whenever Enemies appear and i run into them, to fight them and rescue Eileen, she just follows me and gets hit. If i get her a Weapon for the case, that she blindly follows me in a fight, she not only follows me, she runs straight into the enemies and runs away from me sometimes...


So let me get this straight, she follows me everywhere even if she gets hit. But if she has a weapon she follows me not anymore and runs straight to the enemies, doesnt madder who i am.


But if i try to run away from Monsters, she just stays there and then runs all over the place??? I know that she is injured, but GOD DAMNIT , she is so annoying...really...how am i supposed to get the good ending if i have to protect her for almost over the last half of the entire game.  :okiedokielokie:

And the best thing is, sometimes she just runs straight towards you and you hit her by mistake.


The same is with Maria from Silent Hill 2.


There were way to many times, i accidentally shot her with the shotgun and killed her, because she just stands right in the way.

Edited by .hack//RARITY
  • Brohoof 1


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Boomer in SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs.

You can't give him a Hold Position command, for some reason (Why not? If it's good enough for Specter and Jester, then it should be good enough for him); he flat-out ignores your Hold Fire command (pointless command is pointless, then); etc.

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Bots in CS Source. Their skill scaled far too quickly. They would be walking in to a wall and staring at the roof, but they would instantly kill you with a shotgun across the map when you so much as breathed in their general direction D:


As well as the AI in one of the Fifa games on the Nintendo DS (I dunno which game)
It was easily exploitable. You could just run back and forth a few times at they all gave up defending the goal. Allowed me to win all my games 20+-0 

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Metal Gear Solid- guards can't hear your footsteps unless you're running on the odd metal grating, and recently I ran up some stairs away from a guy and he just forgot about me. Those stairs were apparently his mortal enemy. Also Sniper Wolf is so afraid of nikita missiles she just can't do no thang against 'em. :wacko:

I mean it's a great game but the AI definitely shows its age at times. :P


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Dead Rising for the Xbox 360. It has to have some of the worst human AI that I have seen in a game that actually has quality elsewhere. The AI for the 'survivors' is so bad that they should not be called survivors, they should be called zombie fodder that you can use to get away from the zombies. Often they will just get stuck and get mauled by zombies over and over again and just yell your character's name "Frank! FRANK! Help!" I am not even kidding when I say that the AI for the survivors is so bad that it is worse than the ZOMBIE AI! 


Yeah, it is pretty bad. The game itself is pretty good overall but the survivors are the worst part. Luckily this was fixed in the later games.


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Star Wars Battlefront 2


Let me start off by saying that I love love LOVE this game, but the AI is some of the worst I've seen. At times, it can be okay, but most of the time your allies and enemies can be so idiotic that it's mindblowing.



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Hmm...so many to choose from...there's enemies in FPS games that couldn't get past an obstacle or just lined up ready to get shot to death, there's AIs in RTS games that are completely clueless and can't get to you if you block the path (ie destroying a bridge)...


A bad AI I can recall from a game I played recently would be from C&C:Renegade. Most of the enemy soldiers just derp around, run into walls, usually shoot the floor if I'm attacking them, and make a beeline towards me without taking cover, strafing, zigzagging or anything. It's hilarious when you see a "stealthy sniper" just walk up to you, shooting the ground as he's running :P


though I prefer a dumb AI over a cheating AI, even though most of them are cheaters in one way or another, but I can excuse some cheating. But things like "can build anywhere on the level" or "will always get headshots on you"? Nope.

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Any of the pokemon games. When you are behind a substitute and the AI spams status moves on you. Who needs grinding when you have moves like substitute + dragon dance. Also in battle mansion on XY. There is a point where the computer buffs up the accuracy of moves such as hypnosis and fissure to 100%. Try fighting a Rhydon with quick claw, sturdy AND fissure. A move that 1 hit KOs with the accuracy buffed to 100%, sturdy; prevents the user from getting 1-hit KO'd, quick claw; sometimes the holder moves first. ONLY SOMETIMES. I know you can get around by building a more prepared team, but come on. No bueno, game. No bueno. 

To me, cheating AI is worse than incompetent AI. And I can't think of any instances in other games when the game cheats, so yeah Pokeyman. Oh, Rhydon you piece of poop.

Edited by Freegator
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Any of the pokemon games. When you are behind a substitute and the AI spams status moves on you. Who needs grinding when you have moves like substitute + dragon dance. Also in battle mansion on XY. There is a point where the computer buffs up the accuracy of moves such as hypnosis and fissure to 100%. Try fighting a Rhydon with quick claw, sturdy AND fissure. A move that 1 hit KOs with the accuracy buffed to 100%, sturdy; prevents the user from getting 1-hit KO'd, quick claw; sometimes the holder moves first. ONLY SOMETIMES. I know you can get around by building a more prepared team, but come on. No bueno, game. No bueno.

To me, cheating AI is worse than incompetent AI. And I can't think of any instances in other games when the game cheats, so yeah Pokeyman. Oh, Rhydon you piece of poop.

I also love it when you are battling the elite 4 and they constantly spam full restores like there's no tomorrow. But at least they don't use revives.

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I think the worst AI trophy has to go to MindJack. This game's AI is absolutely dreadful in every way you can think of. All of the AI in generally can't hit the broadside of a barn with their aiming sometimes never shooting at all because they can't find you, bosses are pathetically easy as a result one of the biggest offenders being a giant robot that does nothing but shoot the ground and look pretty, and the AI never takes cover and instead does a zerg tactic against you every time, running straight towards you.


There are so many other issues with the game, but the AI is so messed up you can't even laugh at it.


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I remember the AI in Burnout 3 being incredibly annoying. I know it's a series about crashing, but you'd still expect the races to have at least some resemblance of racing, right? Wrong. It's the definition of a rubberband AI. At first, I thought causing the opponent to get into a colossal crash and boosting big time would keep them back behind for the entire race, but no... No matter what you do, they'll catch up with you. It doesn't matter what you do.


It took me a little while to get that. Before I did, I ended up messing up and losing because I wasted my boosts trying to get permanently ahead, when you need to stagger the boosts for when the opponent catches up.


A lot of people like Burnout 3... But I actually preferred the original.

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