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What Is The Scariest Thing You Have Ever Experienced?


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Um, the Jeff flash mob, doctor who and this one creepy pasta I stopped reading halfway in order to avoid hell like nightmares

  • Brohoof 1

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestia
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Something that was probably a stray dog. It stood in the dark in front of my house for a brief time looking at me with glowing eyes. When I stepped forward to see if it was just my imagination it ran away into the woods. That got my blood pumping. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Definitely the first 5-10 minutes of one of the Paranormal Activity movies.. I screamed, the others laughed, I just went out to get some fresh air with others and we watched a movie with Jennifer Lopez instead.

  • Brohoof 1
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Something that was probably a stray dog. It stood in the dark in front of my house for a brief time looking at me with glowing eyes. When I stepped forward to see if it was just my imagination it ran away into the woods. That got my blood pumping.

That's insanely creepy. I would, no doubt, run.

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I was eating on the kitchen table, and I watch my grandma go outside to the backyard. After I finished, I walked to the bathroom through my grandparent's room and found my grandma sleeping. Thinking I had just imagined my grandma going outside, I went to go close the backyard door. My grandpa stopped me, saying she was outside. I went back to check the bedroom, but there was no one there. ._.

  • Brohoof 4


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Well, a couple of years ago I would have sworn I was being haunted. This is a really really long story but it gets really fucking weird! O AO In fact, the last time I spoke about this I was almost in tears because of how scared I got just remembering it.


   Now I'm going to tell you about what happened when we first moved into that apartment. We didn't have any cats or animals at the time, so any sounds in the house would be me or my mum. At the time I was 13 and had been having trouble sleeping. I started to fall asleep but was immediately woken up by the sound of rushed footsteps coming from my mum's room. It traveled for her room, through the hall and then into my own. My door was ajar and the hall light was on as I was scared of the dark. The footsteps stopped at my window on the far side of my room. It took me a while to turn around to see what was there, if anything, out of fear. There was a figure of a man hiding behind my curtains. I didn't scream, I didn't make a sound, I just hid under my covers for the rest of the night. In the morning I asked my mum if she heard anything during the night and she not surprisingly said no (she's a very heavy sleeper) didn't see this man there after until a few years later.

Fast forward to about 4 years later. We were still in the same apartment and I started to see this black cat that wasn't really there. For example, I saw my cat Neko run behind me and the table like she was in a playful mood, so I stuck my hand out and wiggled it so she'd jump out at me. She didn't so I stood up and she wasn't there at all (I would have seen/heard her run around the back of me). I asked my sister who was sitting behind me if Neko ran in here and it turned out she was in the hall all along. This may not sound scary, and it wasn't it was just weird (but it gets good I swear). I would see the cat every could of days and it was getting braver. One time I saw it crawl out from under my bed and go to my bedroom door, I was looking directly at it, not from the corner of my eye. I was in the middle of a skype call and was ready to go to bed so I had my lights off and it just disappeared into the darkness. I was really freaking out (because I had been looking right at it, it wasn't at the corner of my eye) so I'm glad I had someone to talk to on skype at the time! About a week later, I mentioned it to my mum and she turned pale. She had been seeing it too! This is when I knew I wasn't just seeing things, that this may be a spirit. Soon after I found out my mum could see it too, it started to sit at the bottom of my bed. I couldn't see it, but I'd feel it jump up (I have cats so I know what it feels like) and I'd sit up to see if it was Neko or Gizmo. There was nothing there, but I could still feel it. I was a bit scared at first but I think that this cat spirit may have been a passed away loved one trying to protect us.

   One night, about a week after the cat had started sitting on my bed during the night, I felt some sit on the bottom of my bed. I was used to this now, and wouldn't have thought much of it if it weren't for the fact that there was an audible thud. I thought it may have been my big Maine Coon cross cat, Gizmo, so I sat up a little so I could see. Of course, this wasn't my cat. No. There was a streetlight just outside the apartment we were living in and there was a gap in my curtains so the orange glow would light my bedroom. What I saw was a young man, he had no face, he had no features, he was just a black shadow. I was afraid, of course, but I didn't scream and just lay down and tried to ignore it. This male figure would sit on the end of my bed a couple of times a week and if he wasn't there, the cat would be. Also, my real cats refused to come in my room during this (which was really upsetting because I was so used to one of the cats sleeping right next to my head during the night and I love them Q - Q)

   There was a period for a couple of weeks where I wouldn't see the male spirit (and I was happy to!) but after this, he would show up somewhere different than on my bed. For example, instead of sitting on the end of my bed he would be standing by my bedroom door or next to my bed. One time, I came home from college and I glanced in the mirror in the hall out of habit and saw him sitting on the stairs, looking at me. This time around, my mum couldn't see the male spirit but she was still seeing the cat (and so was I).

   I stopped seeing him for about 6 months but this when the REALLY REALLY WEIRD SHIT HAPPENED. There wasn't a lot of it, thank gawd, but when it happened it drove me to tears because I was so terrified!

   So, the first REALLY FUCKING WEIRD THING that happened was that I was on my computer in my room and I was just getting ready to go to bed. My mum came upstairs and she seemed upset. She came into my room and sat on my bed. She explained that she was waiting on the kettle boiling and she saw the spoon in her cup move. Not just a little, no, make two 360 rotations around the edge of the cup. As soon as she stopped talking, every single fire alarm went off in the house. You could hear one after the other being set off too, and the type of alarm system in our house isn't the type where if one goes off it sets the others off. No, something had set each individual alarm off. Were we cooking? No. was anything burning? No. We looked at each other with wide eyes for a moment before we both got up to see if we could do something about it. As soon as my foot left my bedroom, every alarm went off almost at once. I started laughing to hide the fact I was crying from fear.

   So, the last big weird thing that happened was this: It was about 2am (we stay up until crazy times) and my mum had got up to make some coffee. She was in the livingroom and closed the door behind her so the cats wouldn't go in (at the time, Neko was peeing on the livingroom floor so the cats weren't allowed in unless someone else was there). She then went back to the livingroom but couldn't open the door. She had to call me to come down to help her get it open! When I got it open, it turned out that something had taken the blanket from the footstool and wedged it under the door. Now, you may say/think that it got caught on her dressing gown or something-- NO! NO YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. She doesn't even have to brush passed the footstool when leaving the room (see the diagram under the spoiler below). There were no cats in the room either, nothing. 


   Lastly, I'm just going to mention that during the last two events, we would both see the spirit cat. We would both see it at different times of the day but it would be the day before one of these events happened. I don't know if it was a coincidence or that it was trying to warn/protect us.


I have always been on the fence with the existence of ghosts and even to this day I still don't know if they exist or not. But, boy, those things that happened really scared me and I wouldn't be surprised if they do exist.

Edited by Enigma
  • Brohoof 6


"The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma."

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Waking up at 3am to see a white orb floating in your doorway, emitting a low static like buzzing sound. It really did frighten me.


The realistic zombie nightmares I have every now and then, with the realistic pain are kind of scary too.




Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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An  enderman behind me one my first time on minecraft, me thinking my friends know about my little crush (not really little) on somebody, me thinking I failed my SAT, me thinking I failed my ACT, me

I don't care what pony you like because I like everypony!

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Ask what my scariest experience is... SHE'LL GLADLY TELL YOU O_O


My scariest experience was watching the film Sinister on the recommendation of WheatleyCore. I've never experienced anything more terrifying in my entire life. After watching that film, I didn't sleep for two days... I had and still have nightmares about it. It's really psychologically horrific.


Another scary experience was my rather recent appendectomy operation which was only supposed to take about 2 hours in total. It ended up taking 5 hours in total for me as I refused to wake up from the anaesthetic afterwards and entered an almost comatose like state. 

  • Brohoof 2

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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On 3/4/2014 at 10:38 AM, Blue said:

Your mother


Probably the seeing The Hulk when I was 13, when I had basically no exposure to violence at all yet. It freaked me out.

I know what you mean. When I was 9 my brother made me watch Chuckie. I cried because I was so scared.

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Well, that would be awarded to my friend being an idiot and acting like he was going to jump off the second floor of the mall. He got one leg all the way over the railing before I realized what he was doing, and I had my first legitimate panic attack...


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"He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."

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Being hit by a car when I was ten.


Watching my close friend have a seizure and almost crack his skull open. (We didn't know he was about to have a seizure, otherwise we would have done something to prevent the injuries.)


Having a gun put in my face by a drug addict in the doorway of my apartment.


Getting a call from my late fiances mother, telling me he had gotten in a car accident and didn't make it.


My friend and I almost hitting a red fox while we were driving.


Getting a call from my friends mom, first thing in the morning, telling me he was being air lifted to the hospital because he caught on fire.


Maybe these aren't really "scary" but... Definitly the "scariest" stuff that's ever happened to me.

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Once I went down a deadens trail and almost fell into rapids near a waterfall, but thank God there was a fence right there that I grabbed onto

And Iva also biked down a deadend trail and it went down a hill, and the breaks wouldn't work so I kept going faster down the steep hill, and almost hit a power Line pole thingy.

More stuph

-creeps knocking at my door

-waking up at 3am in the morning and seeing shadows

-my overy active imagination

  • Brohoof 1
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Well...there are two of the scariest things that happened to me in my entire lifetime.


1. I was at my aunt's one day after it was done raining, and of course being a child I ran outside barefooted. Apparently, this guy put an electric fence in the back (that was set way beyond standard by the way), without my aunt's permission on her property. Being a curious critter, I touched it once, and the next thing I knew I couldn't get off it and was almost shocked to death. I kept blacking out, I could get up if I tried, and I had to scream bloody murder until my little brother saw I was in trouble and got mom. She passed out in the driveway, thinking her baby was gong to die.  I was shaking to death when I somehow got off, and I had brunt knuckles afterwards.Till this day, I still have a fear of electric fences and electricity.


2. Me and my best friend visited a haunted forest in her neighborhood for months on end two years ago, and found and saw a ton of scary disturbing stuff, like a ton of animal bone, including a puppies. We also found sketchy old stuff, like an old house across a creek, and a tent with a threat in it telling whoever owned it to get of their property or the authorities will get involved. We took pictures, but there is one that will always stick with me and her. We took a picture, and in it we found in front of the frame a slender woman in a black dress with long arms, and longish hair. Her face was the scary part although she was turned to the side. We noticed that she had big, huge alien like buggy eyes...one bigger than the other. Her skin was very pale. The last time we visited, I saw as clear as day was a silhouette of a woman in a puffy dress in one of the pathways...but she was all black. It's like she knew we would be there for the last time...she even followed us everywhere while we visited other places. Another scary thing that happened to me while we visited, is that one day when things were starting to happen to us, we were down in on of the pathways near the main entrance. My friend was looking over the edge of a steep cliff, and I was watching her. I heard this calm whisper behind me, and I looked with my peripherals to see just as it was fading, a really white figure who was kinda bright, and it was saying something after it said my name and disappeared. By the time the apparition faded, my friend grabbed my by the arm almost screaming "LET'S GO, WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE..." and dragged me out as fast as she could. When I glanced back, I saw a cloaked black figure standing near a split tree a few feet from me on the pathway. When we got out and took a rest after that, I told her about my experience. She told me she believes it was my guardian angel. She also told my, that that figure I saw, was most likely the one she saw looking back at her from behind a tree below the hill.

Still give me the creeps. :(

Edited by HomuKitteh
  • Brohoof 1

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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I know I've told my "laughing silhouette" story several times, but this was scarier in the long run..and still is.


About 2 years ago, I was just having a chat with my crush.. we had probably known each other for a few months. She never was completely happy.. she kept mentioning "social anxieties" were bothering her, so I..well I thought it would help if she released some of it.


She got a little more serious, talking about how she's afraid of the thought of her death, or how it could have happened. I started to feel nervous..is she okay? (obviously it still bothers her, so I didn't assume she was okay). Turns out she was diagnosed with a lot of different things (argh, there was a point where I told her she didn't have to tell me, but she carried on anyways), and if they weren't addressed any sooner in the past, it could have been more difficult to fight it, so she could have passed away. She still has to take medications, or else.. I couldn't sleep well, and my appetite was gone in the morning, still jittering about that thought, knowing that someone I had already developed a good amount of feelings for had problems like this..I felt helpless and sad that a person like her had to endure all this, and still has to. I probably wasn't as scared as her though, despite my vibrating body :7.


More about her:


I still talk to her..well, text her at least... I did tell her I liked her, though we sort of avoid talking about that (there are reasons we both wouldn't date each other). She's a bit like a sister to me, though sometimes I feel like I shouldn't have said that (I did tell her she was like a sister at one point).


Edited by Super80 Wolf


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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Have had some bad experiences with coyotes.


When I was a kid, forget what age, my family and I were camping when we decided to go for a walk in the cornfield nearby. Midway through the walk we stumbled upon a pack of coyotes. Imagine 8 pairs of reflective eyes staring back at you in the dark of the night. Scary.


Another happened when I was 4. There used to be a cornfield next to me and of course there's coyotes. Well, one night I heard a coyote riding apart a cat and listened awake all night to the yowling of the cat as it died. If anybody had seen the movie Mama, the howling sound the ghost makes ie a perfect replication of the sound. I'll remember that sound until the day I die.


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On my first deployment I was passing through a heavily congested area, where we knew some dangerous people were operating.  We found them, but didn't realize it until we were about 10 feet apart.  We locked eyes for a second or two.  He had an AK and I had my M-4.  We recognized the situation for what it was, then moved on, both of us unwilling to do anything to endanger the crowd around us.


On my fourth deployment, somebody was waiting for us, and I took automatic gunfire.  Under night vision goggles it looked like someone was flashing a strobe light right at me.

  • Brohoof 2



Bassist, pianist, and backing vocalist for MLP-themed metal band Draconequus.  Check out our latest music video, a metal cover of "Tricks up my Sleeve" here.

Bassist, pianist, and vocalist for MLP-themed alt rock band Worst Princess.  Check our recent live performance of "Shine Like Rainbows" here.

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