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What Is The Scariest Thing You Have Ever Experienced?


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When I was around 6 years old I accidentally got soap in mouth while taking a shower and I thought I was going to be killed by it entering my body.  I'm not scared of that happening now but it was really terrifying when I was 6.

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  • 1 month later...

I finally remember that one thing that scared me more than anything I have experienced. And another thing that is quite similar.


One night I was just barely asleep and then someone or something violently opened my door and I vaguely heard footsteps rushing upstairs. I sure hope it was just my cats' shenanigans.


One night again, but this time I had been sleeping for a good while already. Then my mirror decided to fall off the wall and create the most godawful noise I could ever hear in the middle of the night. Yes I cried.

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When I got a flood warning, and then the thought of being drenched and drowning makes me flip out.

  • Brohoof 1


'Make me your Queen'

Sig by Wheatley

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I was in a taxi when I was about seven and it drove over black ice, the taxi span around and it nearly went off the road (it was driven over a mountain road so that would have been awful)

Edited by Kayleigh

- Kayleigh

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Oh, I also had an unexplained seizure like two years ago. My doctor made me have an MRI as it was my first seizure, everything looked fine but I was terrified I had a tumour or something >.>

- Kayleigh

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Being in a car crash, which resulted in me being taken by ambulance to the hospital. I was in shock from it, and totally unable to move until we were almost to the hospital. They had me strapped to a board and I thought my back was broken and I was paralyzed. Thankfully, I only had to stay in the hospital for a day. The police officer that responded came up to my room after the doctors determined I was battered and bruised, but had no life threatening injuries. (They did a CAT scan and took all kinds of x-rays!) He told me that it was the worst accident he ever saw that the person actually lived through. Then he cited me for reckless driving. Years later, I STILL insist that it was the other guy's fault. He was speeding, while my car got hung up on a slick section of road while I was trying to pull off of my street onto the main road. He plowed right into my driver side door with his full size Ram (Appropriate name) pick-up truck! I don't remember it, but I was told afterward that I was begging the police not to let the tow truck guys take my wrecked car back up my street, because my mom would see it and be worried!   



Almost exactly two years after my above post, (Which discussed something that happened nearly eighteen years ago) I had another scary event. In March of 2016, I was in another car accident. This time, it was much MUCH worse. I woke up in the hospital two and a half days later. I was on a ventilator for those two and a half days, but don't even remember it. I only have hazy memories of the accident, too. I spent a whole week in the hospital. I'm only now at a point where I think I'm back to one hundred percent. This is now my most scary thing.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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When I took a pre-workout supplement that someone apparently had added amphetamine to. I spent 5 hours feeling sick, being anxious and confused, with an insanely fast heartbeat and fast breathing. I tried to finger myself in the throat to get it out, but it didn't really work. I thought I would have a heart attack and die, so yea, it was scary.

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I haven't really experienced anything especially terrifying in real life (except for once when I was young and I very nearly got lost in an airport :P), but I sometimes have nightmares. The worst one happened when I was younger, and my friend was sleeping over at my house; I cannot remember what, exactly, it was about, but I know that I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs (thus providing a rude and abrupt awakening for my friend in the middle of the night). It annoys me that I cannot recall what the bad dream regarded.



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Sleep Paralysis. Oh god almighty, it was probably the most scariest thing I've encountered. x.x

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Scary experience thread?

Oh god.


My parents old house was...strange...


We'd hear whispers at night. and footsteps.

One day they were having a party I was maybe 7.

There was this little girl, who would was there, me and her talked, I can't really remember what we talked about, but I remember when I went to get some drinks no one would acknowledge her, I asked my dad about it and he said I was talking to myself.

Nothing notable happened for maybe a year.

Then it happened. The event that caused my parents to move.


I was playing my Nintendo 64 in my room (it was an old system then, the Ps2 was already out, but I liked playing Pokémon snap and smash bros)

Then suddenly my door slammed, the door locked (because it was a good idea to give a child a lock to their own room) and my parents who were in the living room watching t.v. ran to the room and demanded I unlocked the door. The t.v. I was playing the system on threw itself across the room and hit my dresser, my bed flipped itself, and I started hearing voices coming from all around, and by the time my dad broke down the door I was crying in the corner, traumatized by the events.


That was the scariest thing that's ever happened to me, I have plenty of other non;paranormal stories, but none of them compare to this.

Edited by Mars Orbit
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I went to the same building for some distant relative of mine's bridal and baby shower. Because I have an interest in the paranormal, each time I go somewhere new, I try to attempt to communicate with spirits. The first time I was there, I asked if anyone was there in the one person bathroom. I knocked lightly on the wall and thought I heard a knock back. I brushed it off as my imagination playing dirty tricks on me 


The second time both fascinated and terrified me. I did the same thing as the first time but instead got two, very clear knocks back on the wall. There was no way there was someone playing some fucked up prank on me though. I, being the curious self I am, then asked that if anyone was there to move something in the one person bathroom to show their presence. The sink's faucets turned on the water and the trash can moved like two feet away from me. I hightailed it outta there so fast. 


I have not told anyone in my family this, even though the rest of the time we were there, I was obviously unsettled and wary of my surroundings, more than usual. 


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I think I might have a new experience that frightened me.  :o  While I was diving a little bit too carelessly and a little before running out of breath, I ended up under the inflatable boat my brother was in. For some reason I actually couldn't swim away immediately, probably because I had changed into a difficult position and I had no idea which way would have been the easiest one out. I felt so out of breath that I thought I was going to drown.

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I woke up one day,and I was really tired out,so I decided to go back to sleep. Big mistake as I had a nightmare,but it wasn't like most nightmares,where you wake up and everything's alright. I actually had to fight to wake up. It felt so real,that I thought I was going to die. I remember it all so well. Loud music,a pain in my head that would not stop,and me failing to get out of bed. The worse thing I've ever had to go through.


Luckily, it hasn't occurred, since.


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Well, I have a new entry on the list to take this title.


This one time, I was about to start brushing my teeth when I accidentally breathed in and inhaled the toothpaste off my brush. It got lodged in my throat. I couldn't breathe or cough and all I could feel was the spearminty fire burning in my throat. I thought I was going to die of one of the dumbest causes of deaths ever, but somehow with enough effort, I managed to get coughing and spitting again and dislodged the obstruction.


Dont go through what I did. Inhale BEFORE bringing the toothbrush to your mouth, lest you experience the spearminty near death experience yourself.

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I almost drowned when I was a teenager. I'm an exceptional swimmer but I was playing at the beach, not even going very deep in the water, when a huge wave came out of nowhere and wiped me out. That's no big deal typically, but when it started rolling back out to sea again it took me with it and nothing I could do would stop the outward momentum or even slow it down. It just kept going and I thought I'd never get back. I was sure I'd just disappear, but then a little side wave just appeared and knocked me out of the outgoing tide's trajectory and I was able to swim back to shore. 

I was pretty scared and had nightmares about drowning for quite a while after that. But it's settled now, thank God. No more bad dreams.  :adorkable:

  • Brohoof 1
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a few weeks ago when I was in bed, I started having this nightmare that seemed so real. I was surrounded by darkness and all I saw in front of me was this strange mechanical cabin and when I looked inside...I saw the eyes of the devil as he closed in on me pouncing at me, I paniced and reached out to punch him and that's when my alarm went off. It was too scary and real to be just like every other nightmare

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  • 2 years later...

Around five years ago, I almost drowned at a beach while my family was on holiday. I remember being wiped out by a violent wave, which pulled me down while I was unable to do anything. Luckily, my uncle managed rescue me in the nick of time. 

At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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