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THE worst pain you have ever experienced

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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Hmm the most worst pain i've ever had was when I broke my ankle. It's one thing to break your ankle and land on it but it's another thing to break your ankle and have your bike land on it. I was riding my bike and took a turn too fast and fell over and landed on my ankle and broke it and then my bike landed on it. Quite painful if I do say so myself. Coming in close behind that is, I have a new bed and the corner of the bottom half of my bed is so sharp, it could literally cut vegetables. Me and my grandpa have both lost blood due to that corner of the bed. Yeah those are the two worst pains i've ever had XD.


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When I was about 11 I wrecked my bike and scraped a ton of skin off my leg. I remember walking home and cleaning it off and the only way I could comfort myself was to sing "angel of music" from The Phantom of the Opera to myself over and over.


I always audiate or sing music very intensely when I'm in pain because I'm so desperate to distract myself.


I also had an ingrown toenail last year and I had to march a parade for marching band and the pain was excruciating.

Like music? Of course you do! Here ya go: http://www.youtube.com/user/concertoldham


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I accidentally slammed my hand in a cast-iron door once when I was in kindergarten. And I mean a full-blown heavy-duty iron door. It didn't break any bones, but the nerve damage... my right hand was basically paralyzed for a month, and it still isn't as quick as my left after all these years.

That's what I get for trying to be nice and hold the door open for someone.  <_<

Meh. At least I scored some points with her.  :lol:


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The worse pain I've ever felt happened recently. I woke up one morning and I had a slight pain in my chest. I continued on my day, ignoring it.. went to work.. came home.. went to bed.. Then when I woke up the next morning it was a 100x worse. I was terrified. I couldn't move without pain bursting in my chest. I ended up going to the ER. I told them what I thought it was.. a blood clot in my lung. I told them that my mother had experienced the same symptoms when she had one. No one believed me. My boyfriend's dad thought it was indigestion. Anywho, as the night went on.. The pain got worse. It hurt so bad to breathe in I was hyperventilating and I couldn't move.


End of story: I had a large blood clot in my lung and it was the most painful thing ever.


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let see when i was 11 i broke my arm it was stuck in the bent position so b4 going to the hospital to check it out my parent decided to check what was wrong so they can explain it to the doctor so they had me try to straighten my arm the pain was hell then when it was straight they wanted me to to get it bak to the bent position so they had me do this a total of 4 times (2 of each) at was about to just die there

i yea i wasnt the one straightening and bending my arm bak and forth my dad was litterally force it to go straight and then forcing it bak to the bent position

im just lucky it didnt mess up my arm

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Stepping on a lego


Probably when the car I was in flipped upside down and landed in a ditch.

Or maybe that time I jumped high up from a ladder, misjudging the softness of the carpet below ^.^'

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I once fell through a porch that was being built(the beam went between my legs) and my foot twisted so hard against the side of said beam that I dis-located my ankle, and pulled all the tendons loose in it. I walked around for three weeks like that until it relocated itself(and that joint is now so dry I can make my foot sound like popcorn)


And considering the bruise that going down on that board left on my inner thigh, things could've been far worse if I landed straight down on it, if you catch my drift. 



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The worst pain I've experienced is when some bad fungi invaded one of my favorite pair of shoes, and my two left toes got SO RED that I couldn't walk because of the pain and had to wear a cast. That was like...during senior year of high school.

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As cheesey as this sounds the worst pain i've been in was when my ex told me she didn't love me anymore. [before the one that converted to adventure time.] We were in high school and had known each other since grade 8. We hated each other but grew to like each other more...flash forward to grade 11 around April-May and she asks to meet me in the breeze way. Where we usually hung out/made out. When I arrived I found a letter saying that she out grew me and found somebody else.  Before I could say anything she changed her cell number and she didn't have a listed phone number. :/ I don't think anything can repair a broken heart after 4 years of being with somebody.

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Watching Twilight


When I was five years old, I had the brilliant idea to stand on a spinning chair next to a window.


Got on the chair, stood up, started spinning, fell off, cracked my head open on the windowsill.


Also, once I rode my scooter down a steep hill, and I fell off and rolled.


Still have scars.

Edited by Bloo47
  • Brohoof 1

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My brother and I both have bad knees. My brother's kneecap gets dislocated. Mine is... something along those lines. Feels like the top is pulling one way and the bottom pulls the other. Kind of like the knee does a 180 and then snaps back into place. That kind of feeling. It's hard to explain, most people would probably call it a bad sprain.


Anyway, it's been an issue for years. My knees sort of go out randomly, where I'll be walking walking la la la and then BAM, down on the ground. The first time it happened I was in fifth grade. It happened again and again about twice a year, to this date, but only in my left knee. It's thankfully come to a point where it doesn't really hurt much anymore and I can walk it off.


Last summer I came home from work and went to change because my grandparents were over for dinner. I rounded a corner, going into my kitchen, and my right knee went out. I don't know what it felt like the first time my left one went out -- it was too long ago -- but this was the first time my right knee went out and DAMN did that hurt. I sat on the ground crying and cursing in front of my dear old grandparents. I couldn't walk the rest of that day or the next and had to use a cane to hobble around.


TL;DR: Chronic knee problems.

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Well.. I had bacterial meningitis when I was 8 years old. I'm not sure why but I lived in South Korea when that happened that they had to do a spinal tap without any kind of anesthesia. So I had to endure the entire pain of them making a hole in my back and plug-in the tube to drain the fluid. That was fun.


Couple years ago, I had to do a dental stuff and since I didn't do anything like that for  8~9 years, my dental health was in pretty bad shape. (External appearance looks perfectly fine, but I had cavities in pretty much all my teeth.) For some reason how matter how many shots I took, anesthetics didn't work. So the doctor ended up drilling all of those teeth over three days while I felt the entire pain. That was fun.

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I suppose when I once woke up in the middle of the night and tried to move my legs. It was a minor leg cramp, but I swore I ripped a muscle as I never felt so much pain in my life. It went away as most cramps do after a little while, but that was not a fun few minutes!


This beat the pain from: a broken pinkie poe, burning my hand pretty badly on a grill and stepping on a Lego brick (yes, I am serious, more painful than a Lego brick!)


Edit: Had one of those two nights ago, quite possibly the most painful yet. Although I still feel it, I am quite happy the pain dies down or else id be limping my way around college like when I broke my toe.

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I remember in second grade, there was a small curb that separated the playground to the grass. I was bored and by myself, so I decided to jump from curb to grass with one foot while moving forward. The playground's ground is made off of wood chips, and well, you can guess what happens next.


Unluckily, I fall face down onto the wood chip end of the curb. Right on my face. More specifically, my mouth. I got up with wood chips scattered across my face and body, and as I looked down on them, there was a lot of blood from it. Apparently, my lips was the reason my fall didn't impact the rest of my face so hard, so all that blood came from there, which severely cut my lips in many ways. I ran rather calmly to my school's vice principal who was watching the students during recess that day, and since I couldn't cry, talk, or scream due to how bloody my lips were to speak, all I had to do was show my face for the vice principal to realize the situation.


Needless to say, the rest of the day was a doozy. I could, however, remember the fact that when I was back in class, all of the students were around me wanting to see the damage of my lips.

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The worst pain I ever felt was when I was a kid.

Reason for why I remember it was because it was traumatizing.

Don't laught but it was during a dentist appointment.

I apperenlty needed to get a tooth removed. It was one of my molars, I forgot what was wrong with it.

Anyways apperenlty they where going to remove it while I was still awake not only that but whatever pain medicine they gave me didn't really work. I kid you not, I felt all the pain, if not most of the pain of having one of your molar getting pulled out. I was sobing because of the pain. I told them to stop, but they said they needed to remove it or else it was going to hurt me more latyer on. I mean that was traumatizing for me as a kid.

I still have trouble going to the dentist because of what happened.

  • Brohoof 2
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Maybe not physical but, I've been back stabbed, alienated and betrayed by several people before. I've been bullied before, I've wanted to kill myself before and I've wanted to kill the douchebags who bullied me.


This one time I cut myself with a razor blade in the arm and right on the vein. My blood was all over the hallway so people got scared. It was pretty cool, I bled for half an hour and I still have the scar :D

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When I was 11 years old, I had to get minor surgery on my left foot because I had contracted ~8-10 warts. I can still remember the needle and laser that were used to remove all of them and boy was it painful  :(. From that day forth, I make sure to thoroughly wash the undersides of my feet every time I take a shower for fear of getting the warts again.  

  • Brohoof 1


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Wait your talking about physical pain..then the worst would be when I took an ice ball to the baby maker. My brother and I had gotten into a snow ball war but I had smoked him in the head by accident. He then picks up a clump of frozen snow and wails it at me..o.x

  • Brohoof 1

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My worst pain I ever had was when I was working at the mechanic shop for my small engine repair class trying to start a 4-stroke weed-whacker. I had pulled that recoil starter at least 10 times and it still didn't start. My right hand got tired and so I decided to swtich to my left hand...worst idea ever. A table was right behind. I pulled that starter as hard as I could and I banged my wrist right on the edge of the table. It sounded like a gunshot went off when it hit. I then let out this piercing yell. 

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Ouch..my mom has that and a frozen shoulder. How much range of motion do you have if you don't mind me asking? Usually they say a rotater cuff injury gives you 20-10% loss depending on how bad it is.

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Yeah...ok sorry if this is to much info, but my cramps will get horrible and sometimes I vomit and just sit there and cry. Like it feels like all the muscles in your stomach just twist tight and are ready to EXPLODE.


THIS^^^ I get it so bad, it is FREAKING painful!! I spend the whole time telling my friends how i wish i was a guy! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzit is probably the most pain, except when i was grating carrot and cut really deep into my thumb (OOPS!) oh and getting braces and not being able to ea a week! ignore this post my computer went spastic.

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Right well this could get gory...


I came home from my friends house we had fun, my dad can to pick me up on his bike he said "You sit on the seat and I will peddle!" So I sat on the seat and then I put my foot though the spork my dad started to cycle...


Bone popped out, blood, hospital trip, fine now.



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