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Have MLP fanfics changed your opinions of lesbian relationships?



50 users have voted

  1. 1. Has FIMfiction changed your views on girls being in relationships with girls?

    • I am now more accepting of girls with girls
    • I feel the same as I always have
    • I am now less accepting of girls with girls

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I'm not a serious shipper or anything, but there's a couple slash pairings I have a soft-spot for, like FlutterDash because Silent Ponyville wrote it so well, or Vinyl/Tavi. Which is odd because I never liked slash pairings before. 


But I like shipping fics for the emotion and heartwarming moments, so it's more of "how well it's written" thing.   

Edited by Shoboni
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Here's something to consider. "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" is a show originally aimed at little girls. Bronies are reading WAY too much into the fact that the majority of characters in it are female. Here is my challenge to everyone here. Go through every single episode of all three seasons, frame by frame. Then come back here and show me an example of lesbians being portrayed. This two panel comic sums up my thoughts PERFECTLY!



  • Brohoof 3
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Here's something to consider...


You are correct.  There is very little evidence that anything in the show is a portrayal of gay/lesbian anything.


But I think that's beside the point that the OP was referring to: regardless of what's actually in the show, a large chunk of its fanbase has latched onto the idea that the characters they love can be fleshed out further to include deeper, transcendent aspects of life.  Lots of times that manifests as intimate relationships.  Combine that with the "love and tolerance" thing and you often end up with a "love" that requires "tolerance", if you will.

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The fanfictions didn't really change what I feel about lesbian relationships. I think all genders have a right to be in a relationship, doesn't matter to me.

  • Brohoof 2
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To be honest, eeyup.


I was a stupid, intolerant, unaccepting idiot before I joined this fandom. I'm still an idiot, but now I'm a much more accepting one! WOOO!

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To be honest, I never  actually had a problem with lesbians or gay people period. I respect their decisions and what the want to do is their choice. It is not my job to judge others on their sexual orientation, so I don't.


I have plenty of gay/ lesbian friends and I really don't care what they do with a person of the same sex, because it doesn't change them as a person. People like what they like, and nothing is wrong with that.

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To be honest, eeyup.


I was a stupid, intolerant, unaccepting idiot before I joined this fandom. I'm still an idiot, but now I'm a much more accepting one! WOOO!

Same here! I come from a strong Christian background so all I heard was "being gay is a sin" all the time. After joining the fandom (and reading a metric shit-ton of fanfics) I started to realized how stupid that is. I mean, seriously, being homosexual sends you to the same place (hell) as committing murder? That logic seems a tiny bit flawed to me.


Side note: I'm in the same position as the OP, just reversed. I'm a guy who has been reading some m/m fiction and kinda liked it and is now all super confused and stuff. (I still like girls though)

Edited by CamRad18
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Eh no not really :P, even after reading the few I have it hasn't changed, however I was always fine with Lesbian relationships, infact I didn't know there was a difference between Gay and Lesbian for a while. Regardless I find them basically the same, I put Gay, Lesbian, Bi's, and all that pretty much on the same grounds, I don't see why you'd accept one and not the other really. Idk it just doesn't make a whole lotta sense to me.

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This is off topic but... care to share what your favorite shipfics are, Sonota18? I'm always looking for new ones to read and you've clearly read some really amazing ones. 


On topic, nope, my opinion before becoming a brony was that lesbianism- homosexuality in general- is awesome and that hasn't changed. 


Edit: I probably should have checked to see if you've posted in the Favorites and Recommendations thread before asking. 

Edited by ByTheTides
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