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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf

request shop I want to get better, so I am taking sig requests!

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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I heard you really good at making sigs! So why not put up a request. Although it may take you ages to get to me, I'm fine with waiting! img-1615318-1-happy.png


Text (if any): Dsanders17


Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): Text can be neon blue. And the background can be a hue of light neon purple, neon yellow or gold, and light neon green. Try and lay out the colors so that sig appears to transgress from the lighter neon colors to the darker ones in a left-to-right order. I hope that makes sense to you lol.


Text Font (If there is a specific font you want): Verdana


Images (Any images you want to be used): 



Place Doctor Whooves on the very left side and Derpy on the right side of the sig.


Size (What size do you want it to be): Size of sig? Do I have to be specific on this one? lol Because all I can say is average. img-1615318-4-huh.png


Extra details: I would like the background texture to look like this and if you can, it would be amazing if you can incorporate my color scheme request into this pattern.




Again, I hope you can understand what I'm asking for lol. If not, then let me know so that I can give you more specifics. lol


Judging by all your work though, I believe you handle this! img-1615318-6-happy.png


Anyways, take you time and I wish you luck!

It is completed! Hopefully it was what you are looking for. :) Wasn't too complex so hopefully I got it right. If there is anything that you want added or changed, let me know. ;)






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It is completed! Hopefully it was what you are looking for. smile.png Wasn't too complex so hopefully I got it right. If there is anything that you want added or changed, let me know. wink.png




It's fantastic! I love it! You did an incredible job. If I were to suggest any kind of change up...then I suppose...and this is just a curious experimentation...can you replace Derpy with Pinkie pie. I love Derpy to death but Pinkie Pie has become my favorite pony recently and Doctor whooves is no doubt my favorite BG pony.


So yeah, I just like to see what it would look like. lol


EDIT: and this is the pic I would like you to use for Pinkie Pie



Edited by Dsanders17
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Hey Kyoshi! I know I already have a sig, and I love it to bits, but I was wondering if I could trouble you into making a new one? I'll gladly wait as long as it takes, and you can give priority to others if there's too many requests at any point. smile.png


I want something similar to what I've got now, but if it's not too much trouble, I was wondering if you could squeeze in one more pony. I'd like it if you'd use this particular image:



Text: Sugar Cube
Color scheme: Up to you.
Text Font: Doesn't matter. Just do the same as my current sig, maybe a different color.
Images: The image of Sunset I posted above, plus vectors of the Mane Six, preferably from the show itself rather than fanmade. I would give you specific pics, but I'm an idiot and don't know where to find them. Just try to capture each pony's personality. You did a great job of that in my first sig.
Size: Same as my current sig.
Extra details: I would like it if Sunset, Twilight, and AJ are in the center, please. Otherwise, I'm not picky about the order. Whichever fits best for you. smile.png


If you decide to make one, please take your time, as I greatly appreciate it. You do awesome work, and I would recommend you to anyone!

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Text (if any): Sunset Shimmer: Mighty and Pretty!
Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): The color scheme should be the colors of Sunset Shimmer.
Text Font (If there is a specific font you want): The "Equestria" font.
Images (Any images you want to be used):




Size (What size do you want it to be): 600 x 100 pixels
Extra details: None.

Edited by SunsetShimmerFan

"I am your princess now, and you will be loyal to me!"




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Text (if any): No text

Colour scheme (Background, text, etc.): Lots of purple. img-1636520-1-biggrin.png Can and should be of different shades. img-1636520-2-happy.png

Images (Any images you want to be used): http://media.screened.com/uploads/0/3909/572385-vlcsnap_2011_10_20_19h42m44s23.png

Size (What size do you want it to be): A typical forum signature size. img-1636520-3-biggrin.png I think.. 600x100 is the size for non-donors.

Edited by t3hzb0t

Twily's favourite! ^_^

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Text: Blazing Hoof
Color scheme: Some sort of fire in the background
Text Font: Any font is fine

Images: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/175/f/d/blazing_2_by_pikachuu26-d6aeqzv.png
Size: Any size (It doesn't really matter to me)


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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It is completed, I think. There is not much that I did here, just some slight filtering and made some extra stars. I assumed that you did not want the image itself altered since it already looks quite good.





If there is anything that you want changed or added, let me know. ;)

Again, Kyoshi, you manage to blow my mind!! It's perfect, precisely what I wanted. (I used an app called percolator- it's really fun to play around with.) Thank you!!


Quid pro quo is not my policy. If you need an OC idea/lineart/fanfic help, just ask.

Signature by the amazing Kyoshi!!


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Text (if any): Rain Chaser
Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): Blue Background. Red Text
Text Font (If there is a specific font you want):Anything That Looks Nice
Images (Any images you want to be used):

Size (What size do you want it to be):Member Allowance

Extra Detils: Derpy On The Right. My OC On The Right :-)

Edited by Ali_Derp


This Awesome Sig Was Made By Kyoshi


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I just want to let everyone know that I will try to get these done as soon as I can. I have been slowing down a bit due to anxiety and other stuff so I am taking them a bit slowly. My order is a bit mixed up as well at the moment, but I am currently working on 3, which I hope to have at least 2 of those done tomorrow.


I thank you all for your patience and for the requests. I really am surprised that this thread has made it this far... :P I just stress out too easily sometimes.

Edited by Kyoshi



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I've seen all of your signatures and they're amazing my dear so I came here to request for one.


Text (if any): ~Carousel Boutique~
Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): Rarity_Carousel_Boutique.png

(the image will have to be zoomed in a little)
Text Font (If there is a specific font you want): Any font you might think will suit my username, something creative.
Images (Any images you want to be used): Yep, two vectors which will be displayed below this passage.
Size (What size do you want it to be): 600x100
Extra details: A nice shiny border and to add with the whole signature some transparent shine. (doesn't have to be animated)


The top vector on the right hand side and the bottom on the left.






I can't wait to see the finishing result if you accept my request.

Edited by ~Carousel Boutique~
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Text (if any): Dark Horn

Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): Misty, smoky grey.

Text Font (If there is a specific font you want): Whatever you think is best.

Images (Any images you want to be used): None in specific, but I would like a black, twisty sort of horn.

Size (What size do you want it to be): 100x600, but it doesn't really matter to me.

Extra details: Could you start the base of the horn at the lower left-hand corner, and make it end before to upper right-hand corner please?


Thank you in advance! Feel free to do whatever you think is best.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Text (if any): xblackrosesx
Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): Rainbow
Text Font (If there is a specific font you want): Nothing specific anything that's cool :) 
Images (Any images you want to be used): Any image of Rainbow Dash will do 
Size (What size do you want it to be): Just big enough for a signature that works in the forums
Extra details: Nothing else really:3 

Edited by xblackrosesx


Signature made by the amazing Kyoshi

My Deviantart | My Artwork | My Writing | Ask Me

Mischief managed. 

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Can you please make a signature for me? I have one, but I don't like it...

Text:Tech Rainbow
Color scheme :Sky Blue, purple
Text Font : Anything cool!
Images : Rainbow Dash, Luna
Size : 600x100
Extra details:None, that's it. 




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It took me long enough I think to make these....My mind has been in a state of havoc lately and it still is.My self confidence is getting to me as well...Enough of that though!

Would you kindly do so as this?

Text: Dikra Night

Background:attachicon.gifimages (11).jpg

Font: Doesn't matter

Images: My OC standing at the right

Size: Doesn't matter

Take as much time as you need to make this if you can





Text (if any): Sunset Shimmer: Mighty and Pretty!
Color scheme (Background, text, etc.): The color scheme should be the colors of Sunset Shimmer.
Text Font (If there is a specific font you want): The "Equestria" font.
Images (Any images you want to be used):




Size (What size do you want it to be): 600 x 100 pixels
Extra details: None.





Text (if any): No text

Colour scheme (Background, text, etc.): Lots of purple. img-1636520-1-biggrin.png Can and should be of different shades. img-1636520-2-happy.png

Images (Any images you want to be used): http://media.screened.com/uploads/0/3909/572385-vlcsnap_2011_10_20_19h42m44s23.png

Size (What size do you want it to be): A typical forum signature size. img-1636520-3-biggrin.png I think.. 600x100 is the size for non-donors.





Text: Blazing Hoof
Color scheme: Some sort of fire in the background
Text Font: Any font is fine

Images: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/175/f/d/blazing_2_by_pikachuu26-d6aeqzv.png
Size: Any size (It doesn't really matter to me)





Hopefully the attachments do not glitch out...I also hope I was able to make what you all wanted. I am always paranoid that what I do is not good enough. Self esteem issues ahoy. If there is anything that you wanted changed or added however, do not hesitate to let me know. :)



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It took me long enough I think to make these....My mind has been in a state of havoc lately and it still is.My self confidence is getting to me as well...Enough of that though!













Hopefully the attachments do not glitch out...I also hope I was able to make what you all wanted. I am always paranoid that what I do is not good enough. Self esteem issues ahoy. If there is anything that you wanted changed or added however, do not hesitate to let me know. :)

I love it! Thanks! :)

No need to change anything, it's exactly what I was hoping for

Also I completely understand the paranoid thing, I'm the same way, lol

Edited by Blazing Hoof


"Live and die by the blade." - Talon, The Blade's Shadow (League Of Legends)

Temporary signature by DokiLoki (I hope I spelled that right)

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Well if you get the time to make me one sweet! if not ah its all cool.

Text: Love all, hate none. May Princess Luna be with you

Color Back ground: Dark Blue or what ever you think would look best

picture:post-16621-0-62954800-1373955501_thumb.png or something like this.

Once more if you can make it for me thanks! if not its all good and thanks taking some time and even reading this.


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Well if you get the time to make me one sweet! if not ah its all cool.

Text: Love all, hate none. May Princess Luna be with you

Color Back ground: Dark Blue or what ever you think would look best

picture:attachicon.gifMy little pony21.png or something like this.

Once more if you can make it for me thanks! if not its all good and thanks taking some time and even reading this.

How does this look? I used the image you provided and made my own alterations and additions. Hopefully it is what you are looking for.



If there is anything that you want changed, let me know. ;)

Edited by Kyoshi



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Text:Stormy Shock
Color scheme: Like he's in the sky
Text Font:Italic i guess, just something that goes good with electricity
Images:The picture with this post
Size:Normal Signature size
Extra details:If you can could you have him flying?Only if you can its alright with me if you cant


Edited by Stormy Shock




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Text:Stormy Shock

Color scheme: Like he's in the sky

Text Font:Italic i guess, just something that goes good with electricity

Images:The picture with this post

Size:Normal Signature size

Extra details:If you can could you have him flying?Only if you can its alright with me if you cant

Hmm...I might be able to get him flying, though the wings would probably be the easiest part. The rest of his body, I am not sure. It depends on his pose. I assume this was not directly made in the Pony Creator? If it was, you could make the alterations from there, if you wish. ;)


I will try to get some more requests done soon. I am still in a slowed down state in terms of doing these and I am also putting priority to members who have not requested from me before, hence why I have yet to do a couple of other requests.So forgive me on my slowness, my mind is just chaotic at times. :P



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These are the requests from Ali Derp and xblackrosesx.


Ali Derp










Hopefully it does not glitch out this time...If there is anything you want changed, let me know.

Edited by Kyoshi



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Hmm...I might be able to get him flying, though the wings would probably be the easiest part. The rest of his body, I am not sure. It depends on his pose. I assume this was not directly made in the Pony Creator? If it was, you could make the alterations from there, if you wish. ;)


I will try to get some more requests done soon. I am still in a slowed down state in terms of doing these and I am also putting priority to members who have not requested from me before, hence why I have yet to do a couple of other requests.So forgive me on my slowness, my mind is just chaotic at times. :P

Yeah the hair and arm i did my self the pose could be him hovering or actually flying if you can please either way would be fine




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These are the requests from Ali Derp and xblackrosesx.


Ali Derp










Hopefully it does not glitch out this time...If there is anything you want changed, let me know.

Thanks soo much it's amazing! Just as I hoped

No changes required! Looks like your very good a making things. What do you use to make these?

I'll upload it next week. I'm on holiday.ill remember to give you credit

Edited by Ali_Derp


This Awesome Sig Was Made By Kyoshi


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