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Will you guys stop being bronies because of this whole Alicorn Twilght thing?

Sir.Flutter Hooves

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NO! ill never stop being a brony! and, i like the fact twilight has wings AND a horn. 


BUT, this is a little trick here. Hasbro will now be making a ton of "princess twilight toys" and "princess twilight blankets" and "princess twilight iPod cases" ETC. and, REALLY, HASBRO, REALLY? they got lazy in my opinion, then they just said "Hey! lets give this pony wings and make a ton of cash!" and then im sure everyone in Hasbro is now sitting down laughing and counting cash.


on the beginning of the episode you watch twilight fix all the cutie marks, 9 minutes. then, you watch her get telaported and talk with Celestea for 7 minutes. then, she gets crowned, the only good part, 4 minutes, then for the rest of the episode she is just signing a stupid girly song they made up out of no where. 



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Bear with me here, I've needed to vent about this for a long time.

If I could liken the various opinions on this issue to a political spectrum, I'd be on the far-right. Into reactionary territory. I didn't particularly want this to happen, and all my hopes are belong to the possibility that it's temporary. And if it's not, they're REALLY going to have to wow me to convince me to keep paying attention to the show. If they don't, and if it's not temporary, I'm perfectly content to just treat MMC as the series finale and say they're just beating dead horses at that point.

I'd like to reserve final judgement for when I actually see the episode, but I'm not seeing much (if any) good coming out of this. I'll fully admit I may (and probably will) be wrong, but that's how I feel at the present moment. I'll have to observe the situation as it develops to see if my opinion'll change.

So, to answer the question, no. Nothing's gonna make me do that. It's just the extent to which I pay attention to the show that's at risk.

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I have a hunch that they will kick off season 4 with Magical Mystery Cure Part 2, it wouldn't be the first time they had done that. TV Tropes, man. And, no, I find that absolutely stupid. I mean, geez, guys, if you're anti-Twilicorn, then watch some Uni-Twi episodes. Not that hard to figure out. You don't have un-bronyfy yourself because of one little thing. Sheesh.

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Of course not. In fact if you stop being a brony because of it you were never a real brony to begin with :I That's just my opinion plus I have a feeling she may lose her wings, but maybe not. Either way it doesnt matter TOO much bt the end of season 4 we'll hardly remember she was a unicorn

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Me? I am fine with Twilicorn. Actually, I was anticipating the s3 finale to come out. I do want her to stay, or else it'll be like, "Hey you found out this new kind of magic and were gonna give ya wings for it and throw a mad party" then "Oh, I guess we'll have to take your wings away for no reason.


I may have exaggerated that last part, though.

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Quit being a Brony?




No way would I quit so easily, especially for such a small thing to quit over.

Plus I love the show AND the community, and I have no issue with the Twilicorn buisness, Im enjoying to see how it will go...

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Hell no, I survived the Sonic and Furry fandoms. Man has not yet even conceived a level of bullshit that could run me out of a fandom with as much to offer as this one.  

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Even when i lose interest in the show (which at this point will most likely happen) i will always be a part of the fandom, i may have very low expectations for season 4 but i have invested too much time into this fandom too stop now.

Oh and on a second note, if the season finale caused me to leave the fandom, do you think i would be here right now?


Anyone who is that upset about the finale would have left already.

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Bear with me here, I've needed to vent about this for a long time.

If I could liken the various opinions on this issue to a political spectrum, I'd be on the far-right. Into reactionary territory. I didn't particularly want this to happen, and all my hopes are belong to the possibility that it's temporary. And if it's not, they're REALLY going to have to wow me to convince me to keep paying attention to the show. If they don't, and if it's not temporary, I'm perfectly content to just treat MMC as the series finale and say they're just beating dead horses at that point.

I'd like to reserve final judgement for when I actually see the episode, but I'm not seeing much (if any) good coming out of this. I'll fully admit I may (and probably will) be wrong, but that's how I feel at the present moment. I'll have to observe the situation as it develops to see if my opinion'll change.

So, to answer the question, no. Nothing's gonna make me do that. It's just the extent to which I pay attention to the show that's at risk.


Yeah, this pretty much represents how I feel about all this. I'm too invested in this fandom to simply leave over something that I don't like, but if the show goes the route that I think it's going to take... I may refrain from watching it. I'm fully convinced that it's NOT going to be temporary because that theory simply doesn't add up, (do yourself a favour and stop hoping or you'll just end up disappointed and less likely to enjoy the show) so I can only hope that the writers bring their A-game and ensure that I continue to enjoy it.


If, after 8-10 episodes, I still find myself getting negative about the show, then I might stop watching. I fell in love with the show because it was cutesy and made me feel happy, so I see no logical reason to continue watching if that's no longer the case. I desperately hope that I end up eating my words and absolutely loving the heck out of season 4 and beyond, but I'm not expecting it. But leave the fandom? I'm far too pony-obsessed and fan fiction crazy for that to happen. At least there will be plenty of fanfic writers who insist on pre-S3 canon.

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There is not a single thing coming to mind that would cause me to stop being a brony. Ever. At all.
Also, Twilight is one of my favourite ponies, so it's hard not to like her being awesome.

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Twilight just became an alicorn. We haven't seen her alicorn-ness in action yet, so we have yet to make a final decision.


No, I will not stop being a brony. Bros don't walk out because something they don't like happens.



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I'll forever be a brony and nopony can stop me, or at least until the entire community dies away, which is unlikely for at least another few years.

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I honestly kind of sad that twilight turned into an alicorn.


I have no clue why, but it's kind of different. In a bad way.


I feel like its kind of out shining the other ponies.... In a way.


I just don't like it.


But it won't stop me from being a pegasister.

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Personally, I won't stop being a brony until the show is cancelled or I'm dead but with that said change can be a good thing if used correctly. It's a show guys, try your best to roll with it but if it bothers you that much then whatever choice you make is yours and yours alone. We support you either way but just hate to see you leave. Love and tolerate every pony! <3

Edited by APonyToRemember
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I don't really care enough to stop partaking in the fandom. My reaction towards Alicorn Twilight was a mixture of "What the hell just happened" and "Eh." Although I think the series should've ended on Magical Mystery Cure and that the episode itself was extremely flawed in its rapid pacing, the concept of Alicorn Twilight itself does not bother me very much. And I'm just honestly too curious to see what they're going to do with the way they've left things to stop watching.

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