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Intelligent anti-brony.


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has anyone actually seen an intelligent or well informed argument as to why being a brony is wrong? personally all the anti brony media i see is very uninformed or plain stupid.


Most anti-brony rants i see go like this :

"ermahgerd bronies are so gayyyyyyy, because they like ponies. its wrong and so gay to like ponies because it is for little girls"


That's usually as much substance as these videos contain. Really, the only intelligent anti-brony thing i have seen is a review of the show, and that wasn't so much anti brony as it was that person not liking the show and giving his opinion.


However, on the opposite side pro-brony arguments are usually well thought out and based on actual facts.


So basically its videos like this (anti):


versus videos like this (pro):


Who seems better.




  • Brohoof 1
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What? There's such thing as an Intelligent Anti-Brony? Huh, the more you know.


All silliness aside, I haven't found an anti-brony with a valid argument. Like you said, It's usually just a guy not liking the show.

One day we might discover this "Intelligent Anti-Brony."

  • Brohoof 7

The extent of my interest is in things that don't exist.

Or, at least, things that aren't in the basic man's senses

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IMNSHO, that's a very biased selection of videos you selected. A ten year old ranting about how he hates bronies and a PBS segment? Of course, the professionally recorded, edited, and scripted video is going to be superior, whereas a child copycatting someone he admires is going to be the weaker video.


That being said, I do think that bronies are generally more intelligent when it comes to debating their show preferences. It isn't so much a brilliance factor, it's the simple fact that most of us bronies have simply ceased to care. We've been persecuted, harangued, sneered at, and held up for public ridicule ever since the show began, and by and large we've largely stopped bothering with them. It's a television preference: what do we like to do with our time?

We like to watch an excellently animated, well-timed, fairly well thought-out and perfectly scripted show. It just so happens it's a children's show involving an alternate universe where all humans are ponies. They choose to spend their time leaving profane YouTube comments for no other reason than ennui.

  • Brohoof 4
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Before I was a brony, I remained neutral on the topic for this very reason. I thought of the anti-bronies as either trolls or incredibly foolish. Why would anyone care about harmless stuff that other people watch? I also thought it was a bit odd that adults were watching my little pony, hence the reason I remained in my percieved sanity zone until I watched the show myself: the middle ground.


And yeah, asking this on a brony forum miiiiiight skew the results due to some major sampling bias.

Edited by Celtore
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Hhmmmm while I would call myself an Anti-Brony, I wouldn't call my self Intelligent. 


Also I have no arguments for why being a brony is wrong because there aren't any, but I can argue that bronys can be no better then the hater and even more vial in some cases and need to get off there high horses.

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It is impossible to be both intelligent and an anti-brony. A true intelligent person would respect other people's likes and dislikes and wouldn't go around creating pointless flamewars.

  • Brohoof 7

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People talking without speaking

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People writing songs that voices never shared

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When I read/hear "anti-(insert anything, here (brony, furry, whatever))," I think of an idiot who opposes any individual who is different simply because they are different than they. 


There can be no intelligent "anti-brony" or "anti-furry" or whatever have you, as the entire notion of being an "anti-whatever" is to be foolish enough to believe having different traits, qualities, interests and/or etcetera is worth giving a shunning treatment.


While I am not a fan of ponies, I hold nothing against someone that does. It's stupid to hold an interest or belief against an entire person's character. 

  • Brohoof 1


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The kid in the anti-brony video never made a valid point, except for the fact that he hasn't had a girlfriend in 7 years. Probably longer. The only thing he said was that bronies are GAAAAAAAAAAYYYY. I hope he meets my girlfriend one day, then he can tell me just how "GAAAAAAAAYYY I am.

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There is no such thing as an intelligent anti-Brony or an intelligent argument for why being a Brony is wrong.

Judging and hating people for the sole reason that they enjoy watching a certain show is simply not intelligent.

And, as for which side debates their point more intelligently and objectively percentage wise, it almost certainly goes to Bronies. But, not as to say that I haven't seen a lot of fellow Bronies arguing their point just as moronically as I have seen those who hate Bronies argue theirs.

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I have yet to encounter a person with a really intelligent argument against bronies. I mean the closest I have gotten is a person who mentioned something about how previous generations had more separation between female and male things like such and how we should revert back to that. Still was a troll though.

  • Brohoof 2


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What? There's such thing as an Intelligent Anti-Brony? Huh, the more you know.


All silliness aside, I haven't found an anti-brony with a valid argument. Like you said, It's usually just a guy not liking the show.

One day we might discover this "Intelligent Anti-Brony."


I often find that most people who hate i can show a clip to and almost get them to like the show enough to not care when im watching it!


Some great clips from the series that are funny are always a great way to represent the show :)


And there really is not a good counter argument for watching a show on ponies aimed at 5-10yr/olds !


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I'm really sorry for posting this... but the title just cracks me up. Could you please edit it so it's spelled correctly? Anyway, I'm sure there are plenty of intelligent people who do not like MLP. But completely shunning it and being vehemently against something they do not understand is a mark of ignorance, the opposite of intelligence. 

  • Brohoof 1
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There is no such thing as an intelligent anti-Brony or an intelligent argument for why being a Brony is wrong.


Judging and hating people for the sole reason that they enjoy watching a certain show is simply not intelligent.


And, as for which side debates their point more intelligently and objectively percentage wise, it almost certainly goes to Bronies. But, not as to say that I haven't seen a lot of fellow Bronies arguing their point just as moronically as I have seen those who hate Bronies argue theirs.

Well, i think the fact that we argue our point less comes from bronies not bothering with trolls. Other than some troll bronies on youtube i find that most of us dont give a buck about trolls and dont shove out ideas down others throats.


I'm really sorry for posting this... but the title just cracks me up. Could you please edit it so it's spelled correctly? Anyway, I'm sure there are plenty of intelligent people who do not like MLP. But completely shunning it and being vehemently against something they do not understand is a mark of ignorance, the opposite of intelligence. 


I am not saying that all intelligent people have to like the show, in fact some of my best friends are brilliant but dont like MLP. I'm saying that the people who post videos like the one i linked are not intelligent. intelligent people do not attempt to force feed their beliefs to others and they respect those who are different.

Edited by Cloud_thunderhoof
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The day I meet an anti brony with an actual argument is the day I decide to go to church and sing songs about an invisible man in the sky.

  • Brohoof 2

"Please, call me your little snow bunny" ~Mizore

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An intelligent anti-brony would be intelligent enough to realize that hating on something like a cartoon show and its fandom is a waste of time.


To dislike something is one thing,to completely and utterly hate it is another.Even moreso if one hates it to the extent as to brand themselves as an anti-brony and start a crusade against bronies and MLP everywhere they go.

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, i think the fact that we argue our point less comes from bronies not bothering with trolls. Other than some troll bronies on youtube i find that most of us dont give a buck about trolls and dont shove out ideas down others throats.

I've seen a lot of people who do give a buck and seemingly can't always distinguish between trolls and serious haters.


I've also seen a lot of "fellow" Bronies who hate other Bronies almost as heatedly as an anti-Brony would.


The stupidity is on both sides of the spectrum. And, from a lot of my experience, it seems the number of those that don't care and the number of those that seriously do aren't too different from each other.

καὶ τὸ φῶς ἐν τῇ σκοτίᾳ φαίνει
καὶ ἡ σκοτία αὐτὸ οὐ κατέλαβεν

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I've seen a lot of people who do give a buck and seemingly can't always distinguish between trolls and serious haters.


I've also seen a lot of "fellow" Bronies who hate other Bronies almost as heatedly as an anti-Brony would.


The stupidity is on both sides of the spectrum. And, from a lot of my experience, it seems the number of those that don't care and the number of those that seriously do aren't too different from each other.


there is a large amount of stupidity on both sides of the spectrum. However i feel that a lot of bronies who start flame wars like that are just trolls, not all of them, but some.

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Hhmmmm while I would call myself an Anti-Brony, I wouldn't call my self Intelligent. 


Also I have no arguments for why being a brony is wrong because there aren't any, but I can argue that bronys can be no better then the hater and even more vial in some cases and need to get off there high horses.


My Horse is actually very little. Pony as it were.  Getting off it would only place me higher as I would have to be standing. I think it is a healthy position to be, on my tiny horse. wink.png

  • Brohoof 1


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Yes come to think of it I have seen intelligent arguments for why being a brony is evil, but then again I have seen some pretty strange stuff. I have seen pigs fly, I have a coworker with a talking mustache and I even saw an old man in wheelchair do back flips over the grand canyon while juggling 3 industrial sized trucks, it is a shame I didn't film it.*sarcasm*


Okay putting my inner smart ass aside the answer is no, I will concede that there are some bronies that are a little nuts but that is the same for virtually every fandom and the brony fandom despite that is actually the most civil and tolerant fandom I have ever been involved in.

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Yeah, but people. Watching ponies is wrong, cause bronies are gay.

And what? We are going to let the gays multiply in our society? We are going to give them a place in the media maybe? In arts? We're going to let them have kids? I mean, at a wedding, what do you throw after the new couple just wed? Rice, right? It's cute. With gays, what will we throw? Tofu? Is that what you want? Weddings with tofu?

And do you know what will happen? I do. Gayness will propagate. It will propagate to children. And soon we will all be gays. And we will all die because gayness will be everywhere, and gayness is bad. God's rage will stroke down on the earth and eliminate us all.

Well, at least that's what anti-bronies think. IMNSHO they are right. I mean, gayness is a disease, and it propagates through the air. So we're all going to end up gays. And ponies are gay. Buck you I don't like bronies. Buck you all!

  • Brohoof 2
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How can you possibly justify being Anti-Brony? All an Anti-Brony is is a bigot who wants to force their opinions on everybody else. There's nothing rational, logical, or justifiable about that. They're just a bunch of xenophobes who want to force everybody to conform to what THEY say is ok.


And you consider this video to be intelligent? Really? All he does is insult homosexual people in addition to bronies, further proving my assertion that he's a xenophobic bigot who wants everyone else to conform to his way of thinking.


I'm disappointed, I was honestly expecting somebody who would dwarf my intellect, and make me feel like an idiot, but this guy is laughably stupid. Just as his ideology is laughably stupid. People have a right to be different, and express who they are. As long as it isn't hurting themselves or anyone else, there is NOTHING WRONG with being different, and there is NOTHING WRONG with expressing yourself as an individual.


Son, I am disappoint.

Edited by Commander Urdnot
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How can you possibly justify being Anti-Brony? All an Anti-Brony is is a bigot who wants to force their opinions on everybody else. There's nothing rational, logical, or justifiable about that. They're just a bunch of xenophobes who want to force everybody to conform to what THEY say is ok.


And you consider this video to be intelligent? Really? All he does is insult homosexual people in addition to bronies, further proving my assertion that he's a xenophobic bigot who wants everyone else to conform to his way of thinking.


I'm disappointed, I was honestly expecting somebody who would dwarf my intellect, and make me feel like an idiot, but this guy is laughably stupid. Just as his ideology is laughably stupid. People have a right to be different, and express who they are. As long as it isn't hurting themselves or anyone else, there is NOTHING WRONG with being different, and there is NOTHING WRONG with expressing yourself as an individual.


Son, I am disappoint.


I never said the first person was intelligent, in fact i was trying to get the opposite point across. The anti brony video was stupid, i said the second PRO BRONY video was good. Sorry if that was unclear.

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I don't know any IRL anti-bronies (my brother doesn't counttongue.png)

Yet, I have seen online anti-brony arguments, and, none of them has proof, at all. They can insult us all they want and they can call the whole fandom cloppers (I'm not a clopper BTW), but where is your proof? You haven't seen the show, you can't call it retarded. Also on the video of the, like 9 year old, he does realize he just said he didn't have a girlfriend, and then called us GAAAY. Okay, I don't have a girlfriend, but that's because I really don't want one at the moment, but I'm making a point here. So smart and anti-brony, I have found a picture that answers your question perfectly: 



  • Brohoof 1


Amazing sig made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Well there's this: http://rateyourmusic.com/list/Slurpentine/thoughts_on_my_little_pony

Hard to see if this is self doubt or what



"Why did this need to be made?"

To ease my mind...

Among other things. The thing is, I actually enjoy this show. It's easy; it's idyllic and pleasant enough to waste time watching. Also, I'm not the type to go full contrarian at all but I feel this issue was personal and severe enough for me to try that angle for once.

Let's go into why this show is getting praise it simply doesn't deserve...
  4122373.jpg"MLP is funny. It's a lot like the cartoons I grew up watching, like Powerpuff Girls and Spongebob. You like Spongebob and PPG dontcha?"

Yeah, I do. I also realize that these parallels you're drawing between PPG/Spongebob and MLP are erroneous. Let me explain...

"But PPG has the same brand of comedy that MLP has! How can you like PPG and not MLP?!"

Because they're simply not the same. Have you seen PPG recently? I have, and it is NOTHING like MLP. PPG has actual jokes, consistently effective comedic timing for its gags and more than two tones. There's even some decent action.

There's an episode of PPg that starts with no speech, and intense white flashes expanding throughout various areas of Townsville. We soon learn what these flashes are and discover many of the citizens have switched bodies! There's also an episode where the girls attempt to join a coalition of Superheroes and though they outclass each of their counterparts in various areas (in a series of interesting and visually appealing sequences), sexism prevails and the girls are only taken seriously by the heroes; the whole episode punctuated by subversive jokes and references to sexual innuendo and sexism that are very relevant to the episodes plot. PPG, before its decline, had loads of great stuff like this.

Meanwhile, I can count the times I've laughed at MLP:
2 times in Bridle Gossip (Spike calling Fluttershy "Flutterguy"; Pinkie dancing to "Flutterguy's" rendition of "Evil Enchantress"
2 times in Lesson Zero (Twilight's expressions)
Once in A Friend in Deed (Pinkie's attempts to befriend the donkey go Awry)
Once in the Return of Harmony (Discord's actions)

Aaand uh... that's it! The show has some funny moments but it's a very bad sign when I can count how many times it makes me laugh. I can't do that with something like PPG, or more recently Phineas and Ferb or Adventure Time.

"Uh, okay... but MLP has good action. It's some of the best action around right now."

You can't be serious. What, Rarity kicking a manticore in the face (which only angers it)? Fluttershy seemingly defeating a bear only for her efforts to be shown as an attempt to massage it (Not to mention the half-assed screams she utters give it too much of a slapstick feel)? The ponies firing beams of friendship at Discord or Nightmare Moon? No. Not at all.

"Well it totally FEELS like PPG...right?"

Nope, that's you allowing Fausts designs get to you. PPG has several tones and directional choices: The aforementioned silent opening of one episode, the sadness of some episodes (or part of them), the intense anger many characters seem to feel at times, the knock-down drag-out brawls that often occur (Mayor gets pissed and whoops Fuzzy, PPG beat Mojo's ass for candy, Gangreen getting their asses beat by Mojo, Him and Fuzzy; etc.), the delightful raillery of the episode where Mojo babysits the girls... PPG is much more tonally diverse than MLP.

MLP's got less tones and the musical score's so inflexible that there's little differentiation between them: Characters usually end up reaching the end of their rope and doing something drastic, character realize their decisions might lead to undesirable consequences, everything is okay in the end and everyone's happy. Every time. The same thing.

So no, PPG and MLP aren't the same. And I don't have to go into how MLP's even more different from Spongebob, with it's surrealist humor, stock footage, frequent fourth-wall penetration and more.
  4122372.jpg"You dug PPG; surely you like MLP's designs."

...Yes, actually. I like the original sketches of the ponies but that's more me being a fan of Faust's art than me "admitting" the ponies look nice. I do not like the way they look in the show; there's not enough differentiation between the characters' physiology for me to find them interesting. Everyone's got the same quadrupedal gait when moving and everyone looks the same, save for their manes and colors.

"But the ponies are all the same species. Of course there's not going to be much differentiation between the ponies, for that reason."

Perhaps but more could have been done. Why couldn't have they have inserted the least bit of physical difference between the characters?

Compare the simplistic designs of the ponies to Candace and Stacy from Phineas and Ferb. Both of these characters are relatively lanky teenage girls, but there's considerable difference between them:

-Their hair colors
-Their necks (Stacy has no chin, lawl)
-The structure of their eyes
-Their outfits
-Hair Styles
-Placement of their mouths

More than I can say for the ponies! But since I'm a fair guy, I'll note the considerable differences between the show's colts and the occasional "chubby" pony.

NOTE: Stacy is not featured next to Candace in that image; sorry for confusion

The point is that though I like Fausts sketches of the characters, I do not like the show's adaption of these designs because it feels like cheap copypasta work. I realize it's flash but we'll get into that later.
  4122370.jpg"The show has some pretty neat jokes and references kids won't get. Big Lebowski, dude."

Empty references don't impress me. It's a shame bronies push the fact that the show makes references to things adults enjoy; all it shows is that they're desperate to convert people into fans any way they can.

Let's compare it to Simpsons:

In "Duffless" there's a scene where Bart reaches for two cupcakes with a look of utter voraciousness on his face, mirroring one of the rehab scenes in Kubrick's adaption of A Clockwork Orange. It's an interesting scene and it demonstrates how references should be handled:

- Unlike Family Guy, there's no great amount of attention made to the fact there's a cultural reference in effect; in fact, the only people who will get it are people who recognize the reference. This is also present in MLP, but...

- It doesn't simply hang in the background with no relevance to the plot, which is exactly what the Big Lebowski reference and perhaps each reference in MLP is.

I'm not even saying Simpsons is good because of its references or how it handles them; I'm just explaining that the way it handles references is one of many thousands of reasons why the show is good and why references in MLP do nothing more than prove the creators have good taste in movies, mythology, etc.
  4122371.jpg"Well, I know one thing! MLP is a textbook example of how to work Flash animation. That's about 75% of why I watch it."

I'd think this too, if I ignored every bit of flash animation out there.

"What? How can you say that? Look at that sonic rainboom, look at how the pegasis' wings flap! Look at how fluid the walking animation for the ponies is!"

Yeah, I like some of the show's effects. They look great sometimes. However the character animation in the show is dull, and the occasional exaggerated expression looks nice but this show's flash is mediocre. Flash in general isn't such a bad method of animation but it gets a bad rep from traditional animation enthusiasts (the same people who make the baffling exception for MLP).

"Name some cartoons with good flash."


Phineas and Ferb

P&F's animation isn't going to win any awards or turn heads, but it looks pretty nice. What I really dig about P&F's animation, though, is that it's animated in flash, though you couldn't tell from the way it's animated:

-No reused animations, expressions or character models, unless it's played for comedy or for musical numbers
-Highly expressive characters
-Dynamic angles and visuals; particularly for the movie, which has even better animation.

Basically: It's not extremely impressive but it looks great and it's even more impressive considering it's flash. In contrast MLP's angles aren't as dynamic, its characters not as expressive and its animations are a little too overrepresented.

Jimmy Two Shoes

Animated in some product called "Toon Boom Harmony", JTS features:

-Characters who might not be as flexible as those featured in a traditional animated series but are nonetheless fluidly animated
-Extremely expressive characters

Kick Buttowski

Extremely impressive action/chase scenes, bolstered by tasteful application of speed lines, motion blur and slow-mo (spread, not fired in bursts); pretty much all it's worth watching for, though. Still, looks great.


The big one:

-Take what makes Buttowski look so good, kick it up to eleven
-Character animation is actually pretty hit or miss but when it hits, it hits hard. This is especially apparent in the fight scenes, which only get better as the show goes on
-Fantastic effects
-Very expressive characters (both visually and sonically)

There you have it. Freaking Fish Hooks looks better than MLP and I hate that show.
  4122382.jpg"How do you explain this show's popularity wiseguy? How'd it get so big if it's so mediocre"

Man... the mediocrity is exactly why it is so big. It looks soooo much better when compared to the crappiness of its previous iterations. Drawing even more comparisons only shows how mediocre it is though, so how do I deal with that?

Point to how it proliferated... the internet. MLP's internet presence is insane. Users of MLP avatars/pictures/other such BS can be found on nearly every social website on the planet now. There's tons of fanart, fan music, fan fiction and even fan video games and merchandise out there. Attempts to direct Criticism at MLP are usually met by apologists, no matter where you might find it. MLP's even found its way into games such as Team Fortress 2 and Killing Floor, and it has a Steam group over 20,000 members that is only growing.

"Yeah, I know. How do you think it got like that...?"

I know exactly how it got that way and you should know by now so I'm not going to bore you or I with the details. The fact is that the show's lightning-quick proliferation is an inextricable component of its popularity and overwhelming perception. People hear about it. They cannot believe it could ever be good. They watch it with the knowledge it was made for little girls and realize they feel no urge to turn it off. They keep watching it realizing that it's decent. Realization that that show that is mediocre when it should really be awful washes over the viewer. The show's ubiquity and the incredible resilience of the fans (read: obnoxiousness; immaturity) overwhelms the poor creatures mind and he begins to believe the show is some watershed of creativity and artistic integrity.

I believe, with my whole heart, that that is the reason why MLP has proliferated. I'm the type of person who can see the strength in many things. I can't see that in MLP. Perhaps it's an expression of just how unique this show is, that it is the first thing that makes me feel the need to speak out against it. One thing's for sure, it totally gets to me.
  4122383.png"Is there anything you like about the show? You said you liked it earlier but what you're saying is pretty harsh."

Like you say, I like it. I actually like the show. It's cute, idyllic and amusing. Good time waster and discussion topic.

I simply felt the need to write this because it's been bugging me for a while and I felt the need to thrown in my two cents.

"Anything else...?"

I'm finished.
  • Brohoof 1

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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