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Have You Ever?

Shadow Stallion

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Yes, I somehow managed to fracture my humerus right below the neck of it :o




HYE come close to the point of death?

Edited by Znex
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Yes, i took the whole "Wash your mouth out with soap" thing a little too literally.


Have you ever introduced yourself to someone using a name that isn't your own?

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a couple of times. It was fun.


Have you ever walked into a light pole/telephone pole because you weren't looking?

(I did several times...I was watching pretty girls, not where I was going...wham! ouch)

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No, but I have crashed into one on my bike. Me, being the derp I was, decided to take my hands off of the handlebars to readjust my helmet and ended up veering off the sidewalk.


Have you ever been so angry at your game console (or computer) that you threw something at it?

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I've broken 3 PS3 remotes, 2 Razer Mamba mice (at £150 each) and several keyboards. So yes i have :P


Have you ever stolen something (possibly by accident) and blamed it on someone else?

(i once drank someone else's drink at a bar by accident, then blamed it on a random stranger)

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No. Cause then I would have to gut and clean it and lug it a few miles back to camp.


Have you ever gone fishing and ate your fish for dinner that night?

I went deep sea fishing and the boat had a little restaurant that did just that. Good seafood!

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No :blink:


Have you ever handed out fliers/coupons in public when its not your job?

(I took a bunch of outdated Mcdonnalds vouchers and handed them out to win a bet)

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  • 3 months later...

I destroyed my gameboy when I was younger due to anger. I lied to my parents when they asked what happened and said that it was an accident. They believed me and had a new gameboy shipped to me. I feel kinda bad for it, but I was little when that happened and there's no reason to tell them about it now.


Question: Have you ever wrapped someone in toilet paper or bubble wrap because you were bored?

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No, but I came damn close once.


Have you ever wondered what's beyond that grove of trees near your house?

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