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Weirdest Thing(s) That's Happened To You?


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Got any funny weird crazy stories? It can be in life, on the internet, on a game, whatever. :) I have one.

Halo 4 capture the flag. me and my brother went Double Trouble Team Rocket Style where we're both in a warthog. I was in the turret, he was driving. we see another hog making for our base (this is ragnarock) so we chase after it as I'm shooting. it jumps off a rock as I'm shooting it, it starts doing a wheelie like thing, begins to fly into the air (after landing) and explodes in the sky. YET ONE OF THEM SURVIVED!! I killed him two seconds later but yeah. 

Real life would be when my brother and I were at the gas station and these two people greeted by saying


"Not much! Hows the b-moc?" (I think that's for big man on campus idk) and then we left. but really? who calls people dollar? not to mention they were two old ladies. 

  • Brohoof 1
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My dad and I went to a liquor store coming back from fishing in San Pedro. The store was on Central Avenue in L.A. and it was one of the most ghetto places I have ever been to. Well when we parked, I noticed there was a sign on top of the store which said "No littering, No soliciting, and NO drug dealing." My dad and I were both surprised and laughing our asses off when we saw the sign.

  • Brohoof 1

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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I don't know if this counts but a few weeks ago I was hanging out with my friends at school. One of my friends was drinking a Monster energy drink, which of course, are strictly disallowed at school. We were just talking and stuff, when a teacher came up right behind us. My friend was still holding the energy drink, because she didn't see the teacher coming. Anyway, the teacher asked us why we were doing, and I told her we were just talking. So she said "Okay" and walked away without a second thought. We all kinda laughed after that, we thought she'd get in big trouble.

That's all I got for now. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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This thread was created not long ago for any weird happenings in your life. I've merged your thread with it. When you think of a topic idea, please run a search of existing threads before making one.

  • Brohoof 1


Kyoshi made this ^^



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I had this one dream where there was a zombie apocalypse and, there were a bunch of survivors on the day the world ended. There were some people that survived and some people that didn't. My family & friends survived, and so did I. So, the dream always ends with hanging from a cliff in the world's worst bluescreen effect.


Like from Fallout. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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If dreams count then the weirdest thing i can say was a dream i had..I awoke in the middle of the night and heard a loud noise coming from outside..I looked outs side to see aliens coming to the planet!!Me and my bro looked outside excitedly and after a few moments the shot a laser just a fraction of an inch past my head and instantly killed my bro..Then i panicked and ran to my dads room and was pounding on his door.The door flew open and i found he was killed in his sleep and the room was on fire..I ran outside to find that we were some how living in a skyscraper of some sort..I leaped of and closed my eye's and at the last second i opened my eyes slammed into the ground.I lifted my head a little bit and then died..Thats when i woke up..(This all happened a few years back..)

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i had a pretty wierd one earlyer today.

so before i tell this you should know that the relationship between me and my neighbor is pretty bad, he is always trying to call the cops on me and stuff because "i make too much noise with my motorbikes and music" 

so i ordered a new sound set, including 2 professional size and quality bottoms and 4 same quality tops,a very heavy amplifier and 3 subwoofers.

it all arrived this morning, to wich i proceeded to hook everything up and see how loud my new system could go.

i mean, i spent nearly 2500 euro's on it, why shouldn't i test it?

so i was pumping this on max volume : 


when suddenly my neigbor is in my house!

i didn't notice him until he tapped me on the shoulder.

so yeah, i thought i was gonna get it, but instead he just proceeded to look at me for a solid 30 seconds, before walking out of my house again, never saying a single word.

that creeped me out a lot

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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  • 4 months later...

I puked on a guy a week ago,


Went to the bar with a friend, to get a drink... why not right? so we are both drunk and we are walking out and walking to my car, and he tries to kiss me... well I'm am a homosexual... but I'm spoken for.. and he knows this too. So anyway, so I told him stop, he keeps going so I told him STOP! he tries one more time... then out of no where I puked all over him.

  • Brohoof 2


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Probably the time my stepsister scared the crap out of my by randomly cackling in her sleep. Like a loud, very evil sounding cackle. At midnight. And I was babysitting her so we were alone that evening.

Also watching MLP, everyone here says that, but seriously, if I was told a year ago that I would be actively excited about new episodes of a show based on cartoon ponies and would enjoy going online to My Little Pony forums and fan sites. I would openly laugh at the person who said it.

  • Brohoof 1



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Three words, Steampunk Museum Advertisement.

But the weirdest thing that's happened to me aside from that was at a LUNAR (Livermore Unit, National Association of Rocketry) launch a few years ago. I was launching my first triple-engined rocke, but something went wrong and it failed to ignite. Just when I was about to go check it out our skywatcher alerted us to an incoming plane and we all cleared the range. Then my rocket exploded. If it hadn't been for that plane, I probably wouldn't be alive right now.

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From 3rd-6th grade (?) my old best friend and I would go to this church thing on Wednesday nights. After the chuch thing was over we would have to wait in this room for our parents and we could do whatever we wanted. Well, a little chinese boy used to chase us and attack us by throwing sharpened pencils at us. He never said anything and we never found out why he did that. I actually feared for my life sometimes.  tongue.png  This didn't happen every night, but it did happen quite often.


I probably have had other weird things happen to me before, but I can't think of them right now.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by the amazing Sir Lunashy   

I make PMVS.


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  • 6 months later...

I don't know, but something ironic and slightly amusing comes to mind.


A while ago, there was a cancer walk thing going on at my school, and I attended it with one of my IRL Brony mates, and we walked it whilst talking about school, video games, ponies, and the like.


So, we were walking and discussing something, and a little girl that couldn't be older than 7 comes up from behind me and asks, "Is that a unicorn on your bag?", pointing at my messenger bag with Fluttershy on it. I replied, "No, it is a Pegasus."


After that, she laughed, yelled out "Freak!", and ran off.


I wanna slap that bitch who yelled "Freak!" so hard...

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I was in class about 3 or 4 years ago. I was watching the pilot episode of MLP:FIM when I looked up I saw my teacher staring at my phone. I was thinking: "He's gonna take my phone! Oh Christ!" But instead of taking my phone he said: "Welcome to the herd."



  • Brohoof 1
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I was in class about 3 or 4 years ago. I was watching the pilot episode of MLP:FIM when I looked up I saw my teacher staring at my phone. I was thinking: "He's gonna take my phone! Oh Christ!" But instead of taking my phone he said: "Welcome to the herd."



That teacher is a fuckin' badass! Man, none of my teachers are..:/

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This is probably the closest thing to "weird" I've got: Last year I was walking to a train station and this guy wearing a weird outfit and smoking randomly called me a retard as I passed him.

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1. After beating SH2 for the first time I went on vacation shortly after. When me and Dad were staying at the hotel (on our way to our locations we took a night's rest break from the road trip), his little radio wasn't plugged in or anything but it started to emit static. I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for it but needless to say I was traumatized for a few days.


2. Random gigantic black dildo in the middle of the street was spotted leaving school one day.


I'm sure I more up my sleeve but can't think of 'em

  • Brohoof 1


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2. Random gigantic black dildo in the middle of the street was spotted leaving school one day.


Similar thing happened to me, except I was on my way to college, it was bright pink and it was behind a fence.

  • Brohoof 1


The worst part about being strong is that no one ever asks if you're ok...

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  • 5 years later...

The most weirdest thing that ever happened to me is when we bought this one old vintage doll for my sister from GoodWill. The dolls comes out pretty dirty so my mom and I decided  to give it a wash. We started with his clothes and as I was cutting the tread using a small blade,  to remove the clothes, I accidentally drop the blade. Here's comes the weird part. I look to pick up the blade and the blade was not on the ground. I lift up the doll to look around, no blade. Just as I grab the doll by it plastic  arm, I heard a clunking sound. I shook the arm again and to my surprise the blade was inside the doll arm!  I drop the doll from surprise and then the blade was on the ground. I don't have no fucking clue what was that all about but damn it was the weirdest thing I have to experiences. My mom was there with me so she also witness it. :blink:

  • Brohoof 1



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When I was kid I got to hospital and had to stay there for a week. The only entertainment was my phone but I didn't have internet plan, so I had to pay for every kb of data I used. After a few days I ended up with about 0.5$ on my balance and decided to browse the internet until I ran out of money. 10 minutes passed and I was still able to use internet. It was strange, so I decided to check my balance again. Still 0.5$. At this point I was genuinely shocked. I went to YT, watched short video and checked balance again. 0.5$. For the rest of the week I was able to unlimitedly use the internet without paying anything. But as soon as I left hospital and got home operator starter charging me for using internet again

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I was sleeping in my basement when one of my baby nephew’s toys turned on by itself. It scared the fuck out of me. I thought it was just a random glitch but it then went off again. I also noticed that one of his toy cards moved a few feet by itself. I was terrified so I bolted upstairs and decided to never sleep down there ever again. There is a spirit down there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Was in an old building at work and suddenly I heard a voice and low quiet music happening and it sent shivers down my spine! There was literally no one else in the building and it just sounded like this old record, I got out of there really quick like that's for sure! 


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