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Apple      Bloom

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The matter of whether you could dance or not does not matter.


and dang it.


You don't even understand how much I still love you for this! XD


My room has litteraly barely changed since this. Only difference is that my TV is higher up now and you can see my Xbox games...


@, Seen that already. 


Everyone has, still had to post it however.

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@, the forum broke, you might want to copy your entire post before clicking submit



Make sure you forgot a lot of food and drinks for that VnCRQ.png

Oh my XD I was on my ipod at the time soooo.... that may have been the reason! 



Anyways North Carolina's Cheerwine is awesome!



Edited by Gone ϟ Airbourne
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Tried converting my video to something my phone could read...

Still didn't work.


Ah, screw this, I'm off to bed. G'night guys.



Oh my XD I was on my ipod at the time soooo.... that may have been the reason! 



Anyways North Carolina's Cheerwine is awesome!




Nope, the forums is just a little bugged.


Is that like a coke substitute or something? :wacko:

i need to sleep as well, so i don't end up feeling like shit when i wake up. bye.


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@, Congratulations. You have the all time high score in the RP. You did it... You got the extended cut scene... My response to you... It broke me... I'm going to go drink now. x)

  • Brohoof 6
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@, Cheerwine is made in North Carolina and it is really good too. It kinda tastes like Mtn Dew: code red and btw how are you tj? 

Ewww, Mountain Dew.....

I never did care for that soda.


And I'm good. Been doing nothing but working lately. Gotta register for Chatt State sometime. Hopefully I remember to do that tomorrow. How's NC been so far?


Oh yea, we started a little Skype group and I think Berry added you two it. I added you on there so don't forget to accept it whenever you can.


Going to  bed everyone, night.



I'm going to hit the sack. Night guys


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And I'm good. Been doing nothing but working lately. Gotta register for Chatt State sometime. Hopefully I remember to do that tomorrow. How's NC been so far?   Oh yea, we started a little Skype group and I think Berry added you two it. I added you on there so don't forget to accept it whenever you can.



North Carolina is great and it is very very FLAT! ^_^ no mountains and hills like Chatt town! Best of luck to you at Chatt State and hope everything turns out well for you there. 


And with the skype group, that is what I am talking about ;) . We will def. have to skype with each other from time to time!  

Edited by Gone ϟ Airbourne
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North Carolina is great and it is very very FLAT! ^_^ no mountains and hills like Chatt town! Best of luck to you at Chatt State and hope everything turns out well for you there. 


And with the skype group, that is what I am talking about ;) . We will def. have to skype with each other from time to time!  

That sounds a little too flat. :wacko:

I think I'll stick with my mountains and whatnot. :lol:

Thank you! I shall try my best there this time!


Sure! The only problem, is that I'm rarely on it lol. So I'll need a heads up before then.

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That sounds a little too flat. :wacko:

I think I'll stick with my mountains and whatnot. :lol:

Thank you! I shall try my best there this time!


Sure! The only problem, is that I'm rarely on it lol. So I'll need a heads up before then.


Yeah you are right about it being flat as the city is only 100 feet above sea level and yeah its just like I said xD. 


Chattanooga is beautiful with lookout mtn and all you know and the downtown area is nice too! 


Same here I'm not on skype to often but give me a heads up on here or I'll just leave my skype thing online on startup.

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@, Congratulations. You have the all time high score in the RP. You did it... You got the extended cut scene... My response to you... It broke me... I'm going to go drink now. x)

Well, it was well worth the wait. Responding to it will really only be internal reaction, which may or may not be difficult depending on how creative I feel tomorrow. And Dusky saying that the thief is young tells Lapis that it is the blue filly. Maybe, I don't know. Lapis is a smart pony. He figures stuff out.


But you kept him up all night.... He likes to sleep in, especially if Asteria isn't there to wake him up. So, unless somepony tries to wake him up, or something crazy occurs, he's probably not going to wake up early enough...


And I did it. I navigated the Dusky part of the story. Lapis has a lot to process....

So, everypony should congratulate Berry Pie (Lapis), he unlocked the extended cut scene.

Let's all do the victory dance!!!

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this is still my favorite song ever:



fuck it if it's a huge meme or whatever, this is the best song there ever will be...


Kitsune^2/Renard/whoeverthefuckelsehegoesby is pretty damn great.


And most everyone is gone off somewhere right now. Weyland left for the night and I'm not sure about everyone else.


Hai. I went off to a friend's house for a bit...


I can't dance I don't think.


Neither can I. I don't want to either.

Edited by bluetrace
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Hai. I went off to a friend's house for a bit...



Neither can I. I don't want to either.


That was quite some time ago. You have a crazy party or something?


Everybody wants to. Its just a matter of what it takes to make them.

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That was quite some time ago. You have a crazy party or something?


Everybody wants to. Its just a matter of what it takes to make them.


We had ensemble practice, and then we went to CiCi's pizza. So not really.


But I actually don't like dancing.


Goddammit I'm such a boring person.

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We had ensemble practice, and then we went to CiCi's pizza. So not really.


But I actually don't like dancing.


Goddammit I'm such a boring person.

Aah. No fair. Me want CiCi's Pizza :c. Meh, somewhat better than staying home.


I sorta like it and I sorta don't. I'll do it at home when I'm alone, but thats it.

Otherwise, its a huge no.


Don't worry, I'm boring as well. We can be boring together!

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@, Will you please read my fan fic? It took me almost a year to finish.


Eh, I'm not too much into fanfiction.


Don't take this personally, but I usually can't be arsed to read a fic. And I mean any fanfic, I don't even have an interest in reading some of the more well-known ones.


Aah. No fair. Me want CiCi's Pizza :c. Meh, somewhat better than staying home.


I sorta like it and I sorta don't. I'll do it at home when I'm alone, but thats it.

Otherwise, its a huge no.


Don't worry, I'm boring as well. We can be boring together!


The only good thing at CiCi's is the dessert pizza and the brownies. The actual pizza is terribad.


I don't even dance when I'm alone. You can imagine how I am at school dances...


Hooray for being boring.

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The only good thing at CiCi's is the dessert pizza and the brownies. The actual pizza is terribad.


I don't even dance when I'm alone. You can imagine how I am at school dances...


Hooray for being boring.

I like their pizza....


They had some kind of dessert pizza I used to love. It had some kind of pudding sauce or something on it...


I'd be the same way. Big groups are not the thing for me usually. Especially when doing something I don't know how to do well.


We need a club for all the boring people of the world.


That's adorable and cute on sooo many levels. :wub:
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