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Apple      Bloom

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I knew you did. I was merely checking. Hm-m-m-m, now what did I tell them all about her exactly? Whatever it was, I'd love to see the first of the staff I told about her react. It would be awesome if it went in order. Ambrosia, Vim, Dusky, and then maybe Springer. I don't like Springer...

Ambrosia would be all like D'aww.

Vim might get a bit disturbed by Asteria's sudden presence.

Dusky may or may not be all pedophile-looking.

Springer... No idea :x

3. Why are their bodies sooo tiny?

You should see the Dashie from that comic G16t5.png

She's so petite that you can easily carry her like a doll

  • Brohoof 1


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Sad to say that I can't help with that; I haven't toyed with Photoshop for years (and yes, it's always the matter of being able to afford it).

i could fix it easily if i got the right kind of brushes for the job, i guess. right now i've used a wallpaper with glass cracks on it, and the background was black, so i had to erase it with with a lowered opacity, then erase it all on my face. it just irks me that the cracks are slightly transparent...




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Legit explanation? It's more like the artist mish-mashed random common Magical Girl tropes with FiM :c The story is damn weird, and the villain is too one dimensional. Screaming your magic's name? Holy shit

It's legit enough for me. Plus, it's Japanese style and all that. And it DOES come from a Japanese person, it seems. So...tropes will probably appear. :lol: What you see is a translation, actually.


We had in one page, a changeling, Discord AND Luna...we need Sombra ASAP. ^_^

Holy muffins...


1. Hellooooo, Celeste! ;)

2. Yay, Pinkie controls water and ice!

3. Why are their bodies sooo tiny?

4. That was toooo freaking awesome!

There are 2 previous pages by the way. Just letting you know just in case.


1. Why am I not surprised you said that? :P

2. Now THAT'S the end of the world we were talking about, amrite?

3. Because Japan. Pure and simple.


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Yep, she's damn short all right

It's legit enough for me. Plus, it's Japanese style and all that. And it DOES come from a Japanese person, it seems. So...tropes will probably appear. What you see is a translation, actually.

i know that, but it's still doesn't give him excuse to ram in all those magi-girl nonsense :V

We had in one page, a changeling, Discord AND Luna...we need Sombra ASAP.

Whoa wait a minute. There is a discord? Where? DrVv5.png

  • Brohoof 1


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Applied for a job, interviewed. Mail correspondence telling me I was denied for the position.


Those bastards.


Sorry to hear that, though.


Guys. My English class may want to watch ponies tomorrow (an episode) because they are now interested in it at least somewhat.


What episode should I pick?


Bridle Gossip.






Sounds like a good idea to me.

  • Brohoof 3



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Yep, she's damn short all right


i know that, but it's still doesn't give him excuse to ram in all those magi-girl nonsense :V


Whoa wait a minute. There is a discord? Where? DrVv5.png

RD is short as hell, still annoying as buck, and AJ sexy as a mutha*yay*.

  • Brohoof 1


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Elders React to Elevator Prank! XD LOL!



Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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Sounds like a good idea to me.

Get the cider!



RD is short as hell, still annoying as buck, and AJ sexy as a mutha*yay*.
AJ being the physically strongest among the mane six, it's hard not to picture her humanized form as the athletic trope Vbrgu.png

That's why he is the most dangerous on my list.

While we know very little about him, at least I can say he won't attack Asteria immediately. AS long as Asteria is on Lapis' side, she will be safe.


Anyway, from 1 to 10, how angry Lapis would be when he see Asteria? G16t5.png

  • Brohoof 1


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That's why he is the most dangerous on my list.

You have no idea how much I agree with this. Although Dusky gives him a run for his money.




They'll get what's coming to them when a meteor strikes the plant.

Nah, just sic Discord on them and should be pretty fun to watch as well.


i know that, but it's still doesn't give him excuse to ram in all those magi-girl nonsense :V

Okay, what would YOU do, o Great and Powerful Starshine? ^_^ (for the record, that actually sounds pretty badass).




RD is short as hell, still annoying as buck, and AJ sexy as a mutha*yay*.

And again, not surprise this is coming from your keyboard. :P

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@Scootacool, Also, damn you Scoots. You're MAKING ME WANT TO HUG MY SCREEN AGAIN! I don't want my screen to be terrified of me! That would be bad! But...I...can't...help it...Key Gear...so damn cute...as much as RD/Scoots cuddle...GAH!


Oh wow... Really? I am happy to hear that! Keep in mind though, she's only cute until she's angry.


When she gets angry... Watch it.


... ... ... ...there. That's pretty much my emotions over here. I know I wanted to join the RP, but to get an ask from Scootacool himself...well...I don't know if to feel proud...intimidated...or just in a state of absolute wonder over what to do...especially since I first want to approve the test before joining anything. And ironically, I would feel more safe at the RP, than the test (well, that's not a surprise, now that I think about it)...


Arcanel, I'm blushing over here! You think too much of me, my friend. I'm just a chicken.


You have time. Don't worry, we will be hanging around in Ponyville for probably a week or so IRL. I'm stalling for the holidays. I'm still going to be posting, but I'm waiting too. You've got some time. Hopefully by this weekend, though, because I am itching to continue. We are past the middle of the RP now, so now it is time for the mystery to get rolling. Everything is all setup nicely for some detective work.


Long version? I now see Asteria as somehow being similar to Key in some ways. Just as mischievous and just as cute when she needs to be. I seriously thought of her as a bit more innocent. But then again, I think I sometimes forget that she IS 15. When you look that adorable however...cut me some slack.


Well, she is smart, and she knows how to use what she has. She is resourceful and very creative. But she is nothing like Key Gear to my knowledge. Key grew up on the street, so I'd think she'd be tougher. Asteria grew up in a nice little village on the edge of Equestira, or something.
Berry Pie nailed this explanation perfectly. Asteria and Key are both extremely smart and resourceful young fillies, but their origins and experiences have shaped them in different ways. I kind of like this topic though, so I'm going to wall of text it. Keep in mind that I know Key Gear much better than I know Asteria, but I shall do my best. First, let us discuss their thinking patterns.


I think that a major point of similarity between the two fillies is that they are both analytical thinkers. Both Key Gear and Asteria know how to use logic to figure out all manner of problems. With that said, Asteria is much better educated than Key Gear. Key basically only made it halfway through school, and her readings and research since that time have been focused narrowly on mechanical stuff and the Frozen North. Asteria has a much broader pool of knowledge to draw from than Key Gear does. I'm just assuming here, but I would imagine that she, being Lapis's student, shares some degree of his remarkably formidable abilities of conventional thinking. (Probably with some reasonable degree of unconventional thought thrown in because she is younger and also seems to be intrinsically more imaginative.)


However, Key's lack of practical knowledge and love of mechanicals have made her something of a nearly dedicated unconventional thinker. She has the "mad scientist" thinking process. She is willing to try a solution that most ponies would say is absolutely crazy and makes no sense. She would do it for science. As an example, Key hates coffee but she likes cookies and other baked goods. So, she would mix coffee with flour to see if it makes the coffee taste like a delicious baked good. Crazy? Yes. However, this kind of wild experimentation is likely to result in interesting discoveries in the right situation (or get you in serious trouble), and it is something that she would not do if she was a more knowledgable and wise pony. (Now that she has the trait, though, no amount of knowledge or wisdom is likely to beat it out of her. She's crazy and she likes it.)


So now let us discuss toughness. Asteria is, basically, a researcher like Lapis, but possessed of magic. She is not a "sit behind a desk and read" type of researcher either. Asteria is a field researcher. Think like the scientists that go out to investigate strange civilizations in real life. You know that she must be able to survive in adverse circumstances to be a good field researcher, so I would not expect her to be a pushover. I'm sure that she has some type of combat magic, some shield spells, and other such things as that. I'm also sure that she is a keen observer, because that is what a researcher must be. (Look, I spent a significant portion of my life obsessed with Paleontologists IRL, so I have learned to respect field researchers quite healthily. They are serious folks with serious business.) So, you see... Asteria has grit, but Key Gear has a different type of grit.


Key Gear... She didn't just live on the street, she thrived on the street. For her, the street was her adventure, and it was a thoroughly messed up adventure. For a frightening number of years, she basically lived like something of a wild pony in a jungle. She would steal stuff every single day. Keep in mind, she was stealing from shopkeepers and other ponies, so she was actually a criminal. She also became a master lock-picker, and she used her talent in this area to find both safe places to sleep at night (a locked door is helpful) and to dramatically up her game in the items that she could steal. Just looking at this, I think it is fair to say that Key Gear was a bad pony. Of course, she had to be, though. If she wasn't, then there is a strong possibility that she would have starved or possibly been beaten to death.


Speaking of beatings. Key Gear learned how to fight during her time on the streets. As a matter of fact, she actually learned that she rather enjoyed fighting. Key Gear is an absolutely vicious fighter. She had to be. As a thief, she had something that the other ponies on the streets didn't - relatively easy access to food. This made her a target. She lost her first fight and got beaten up quite soundly. Second one, third one, fourth one - all lost. In fact, Key lost a lot before she caught on to the fine art of street fighting. The only thing that kept her from losing too badly in all of those fights was that she knows when to run (you'll want to run off before it gets to the point that you can't - it is a matter of survival, not pride). The takeaway from this is that Key is tough as nails.


Of course, what's the value in being able to take punishment without being able to dish it out? Key Gear is a nasty, vicious fighter. She hits like a hammer - hard and fast. She moves like lightening - quick and silent. To Key Gear, mercy is something that only comes up when her opponent is lying on the ground completely incapacitated. She might hit them a few more times just to make sure, and then she'll pick their pockets and make her getaway before the Royal Guard shows up. Keep in mind, she doesn't start fights, but she sure as heck aims to finish them. She has no pride in combat, so she may flee at any time... And come back to take somepony by surprise with a hit from a pipe wrench. The real kicker is this, though... While she talks rather regretfully about her past... The truth is that Key Gear, on an instinctual level, rather enjoyed the fighting and thievery. She knows that it is wrong though, and she would never hurt the innocent.


Actually, this brings us to another point of commonality. I think that both Key Gear and Asteria would be more than willing to put themselves in extreme danger to protect the innocent. Asteria is good-hearted, so I doubt she could watch another pony suffer without intervening. Funnily enough, Key Gear is also, when you get past her mask, a good-hearted pony, so she would also step in to help. I also think that both Key and Asteria would be willing to go to especially extraordinary lengths to protect those that they care about greatly. For Key, she would be willing to do just about anything to protect Electrobolt at this point, he is her only family left. Asteria would probably be willing to do the same for Lapis.


They may or may not differ in the limits that they are willing to go to though. I don't know Asteria enough to say. I can say this though. If Electrobolt is in danger due to some ponies or other creatures that are clearly bad, Key wouldn't even hesitate to steal, rampage, and destroy. If pushed far enough, she might even be willing to kill. No, she hasn't killed anything besides bugs at this point in time, but she actually has seen dead ponies. Rather grim, I know, but here's a funny thing about that. I would imagine that Asteria too has come across some pony remains in her explorations with Lapis. Though those were probably not so recently deceased as what Key has wandered across (and picked the pockets of, she is a very practical pony).


Well, now that I have said all of this... You are probably wondering... WUT. Key doesn't *seem* to behave like a pony with such grizzled experiences. Ah, see, there's a reason for that. Despite all of these happenstances, Key is still just 15 years old. She is young and still has some hope left - thus her hope that her parents survive, despite all odds. Key is also a good pony, really. She is also a silly pony, really. In order to see her dark side, she has to be pushed, challenged. The harder she is pushed, the harder she pushes back. Remember her nightmare? How she fought back? She is a fighter and she will always fight back. This is a strength and a weakness. It is possible for her to get pushed so far that her sanity starts to fray and her morality, already shaky, would begin to completely fracture. This danger is why she needs friends and family. To keep her from the brink.


It remains to be seen whether or not Key gets pushed particularly hard in this RP. Frankly, I doubt it. The villain on this train ride actually has something of an interest in keeping her around. Now... In the next RP... The villains... Well, they won't hold anything back, let's just say this. It will be interesting to see how all of the characters respond to being challenged by something of a more short-term minded villain.


I imagine it is around this area. Bear with me, I am not an artist.


Sweet merciful snapapples. Berry look at this!!!


Turning to Lapis, she spoke lightheartedly. “Nope, I've never heard of Grass Valley, but I'm from Haysead Grove. My hometown is just a tiny little village not too far from Baltimare. Most ponies haven't heard of it either, so I know what it's like to be from a small place that no one's heard of before.
Ambrosia is from Haysead Grove! Haysead Grove is in Haysead Swamp! Sooo... Ambrosia and Asteria come from the same area? Oh my gosh! Wow! That is amazing! And useful for character interaction.


And I haven't contradicted her written down personality to the best of my knowledge, so I can properly expand upon her. But she is innocent though. She doesn't get as suspicious of other ponies. If they seem genuine, she'll believe them. That's why Lapis has to keep an eye on her.


I think that you wrote Asteria perfectly. She is just what I expected based on these tales of a 15 year old filly going on adventures around Equestria with Lapis. She must be clever, witty, and resourceful to do that. However, due to her origins in a small village, she is also friendly, good-natured, and innocent. The perfect blend to confound a watching Dusky by challenging his definition of strength.


But really, Lapis himself doesn't know how mischievous she is. She acts differently around him, or at least I'll try to make it that way. She did seem different in my initial post to Pony Mystery Theater.


I'm liking what I'm seeing so far, I think you are on the write track. *shot*


I guess everything depends on how the mare reacts and to whom she will asks about the filly's doing. If Asteria was brought to Vim or Springer before she could meet Lapis, things may or may not go weird. Hopefully they have a good impression on Asteria


Ambrosia is extremely motherly. However, she is also running dangerously low on sleep and is not sure whether she is awake or not. A random filly popping out of the baggage car is sure to cause her head to spin but also to cause her to disregard sleep and acquire food, Lapis, and whatever else the filly needs.

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Holy wall of text, Batman!


They'll get what's coming to them when a meteor strikes the plant.

I hope two meteors hit them.

Get the cider!


Drunk Fluttershy is amazingly cute.

Edited by bluetrace
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Suddenly Scootacool o_o



Okay, what would YOU do, o Great and Powerful Starshine? (for the record, that actually sounds pretty badass).

I would remove the transformation whatsit first, then give them longer skirts. Done :V


And no, that name sounds damn weird

Athletic what?

As long as she aint' got no abs, I'm perfectly fine.

It's almost impossible for girls to get abs without cheating with hormones VnCRQ.png

Drunk Fluttershy is amazingly cute.
Can't deny that Vbrgu.png



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