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Apple      Bloom

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Well, strawberries strengthened it. Hopefully some random awesome type person doesn't come along and replace you. That would be tragic.

I foresee a villain in the future of MLP who befriends the Mane 6. A future 2-parter with crazy twists, and a tragic cliffhanger.

  • Brohoof 1
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No problemo. ^_^



But I have seen this with various fandoms. As for MLP:FIM, a couple of people on EQD lost faith in the writers following ACW (which is an objectively great episode despite a couple of plot inconsistencies) and have been more pessimistic with the franchise since. I think those who regularly go to EQD and read the comments know who one of them is, but I ain't talking about it anymore here. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


Edited by Dark Qiviut
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Anyone getting the Wii U?


I am somewhat considering it.

Didn't think it would be anygood or be completely pointless.

Then I saw how it can convert to a handheld.

Me likey handhelds.

I might try it out after all. Mostly for the new Smash Bros.


I have a Wii and I never play it.

If I had a Wii U, I'm afraid it'd just be more wasted money.


I have a Wii and barely play it.

I don't consider it wasted money. :3

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Anyone getting the Wii U?


Not me. I may be a big Sonic fan, but I'm not interested in gaming, period. And buying a near-$400 console for only Sonic-'verse games is nonsensical. Edited by Dark Qiviut
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I foresee a villain in the future of MLP who befriends the Mane 6. A future 2-parter with crazy twists, and a tragic cliffhanger.


That's an awesome idea. I will combine it with "Sombra's Revenge". It could work. What do you think?
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Not me. I may be a big Sonic fan, but I'm not interested in gaming, period. And buying a near-$400 console for only Sonic-'verse games is nonsensical.


Sonic games are not Nintendo exclusive <.<
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That's an awesome idea. I will combine it with "Sombra's Revenge". It could work. What do you think?


Unless Sombra's some sort of shape shifter, I don't see it working out too well. Unless he makes a pact with a pony... It could work very well.

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Unless Sombra's some sort of shape shifter, I don't see it working out too well. Unless he makes a pact with a pony... It could work very well.


I was thinking he could reform or create a new pony. Eh, tricking a pony or making a deal might work too.
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Sonic games are not Nintendo exclusive <.<


Two of them were on the Wii prior to Wii U's release (Secret Rings and Black Knight), and Colors on both the Wii and DS played extremely differently. Chances are when new main Sonic games are released, the Wii U version may be the best of the bunch, and I would rather buy the best version. Edited by Dark Qiviut
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No problemo.



But I have seen this with various fandoms. A couple of people on EQD lost faith in the writers following ACW (which is an objectively great episode despite a couple of plot inconsistencies) and have been more pessimistic with the franchise since. I think those who regularly go to EQD and read the comments know who one of them is, but I ain't talking about it anymore here. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png



Well, let's be honest. If people didn't lose faith in anything show-related (regardless of who they are or from where) after 2 seasons, then the show would be the epitome of cartoon shows. It's already good enough that few people in comparison to the fandom's size have stopped watching the show because of whatever reason. It's a shame yeah, but most who HAVE left, is because they lost the spark, or just lost interest, not because they didn't like the show or something like that. And the FIM crew should be completely proud to have been able to maintain our faith in them with their work. And we make them know we acknowledge their awesome work. They had already made a HUGE gamble with the super long wait. And we already know that season 3 is NOT the last one. We needed to see if, after a long wait, the hype generated over the episodes would live up to the expectations. And to me, for the only three episodes we were able to see, I think they totally accomplished that. And I/we could not be more glad of that. It means that, even if we have to wait, we KNOW what that crew is capable of. So even if others leave, it's clear that many more are coming, and that few are leaving for especific reasons. This is the point I'd like to always go with for as long as the show goes on. :)


You probably weren't expecting a wall of text, and I apologize for that. :mellow: But eh, nothing like emptying the mind right? :P


Unless Sombra's some sort of shape shifter, I don't see it working out too well. Unless he makes a pact with a pony... It could work very well.


Actually, Sombra may not be a shape-shifter per se, but he is able to turn into shadows. And with all the little traps he left, I wouldn't put past him that he may have a mind controlling spell.
  • Brohoof 2
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Not me. I may be a big Sonic fan, but I'm not interested in gaming, period. And buying a near-$400 console for only Sonic-'verse games is nonsensical.


There are other games on Wii-U, you know. Monster Hunter, Pikmin, et cetera...

  • Brohoof 1
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Actually, Sombra may not be a shape-shifter per se, but he is able to turn into shadows. And with all the little traps he left, I wouldn't put past him that he may have a mind controlling spell.

Yeah, possibly mind control. Or maybe even just a threat by showing them what could happen to something or someone precious to them.

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There are other games on Wii-U, you know. Monster Hunter, Pikmin, et cetera...


Maybe I'll get it later. Just not worth it at the moment...
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Yeah, possibly mind control. Or maybe even just a threat by showing them what could happen to something or someone precious to them.


Well, he does seem to have a grasp at showing others fears, so I think that psychologically speaking, Sombra would probably be able to mess you up as bad as Discord could, even if he doesn't possess any reality breaking spells. This is one of the things on why I respect Sombra. :mellow:
  • Brohoof 1
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and consoles are a waste of money.


The joy spent with friends likes to say otherwise, in my case. Also the fact that since I'm not that much of a social person, games are a nice way to distract yourself when PC isn't really a choice.
  • Brohoof 1
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Well, he does seem to have a grasp at showing others fears, so I think that psychologically speaking, Sombra would probably be able to mess you up as bad as Discord could, even if he doesn't possess any reality breaking spells. This is one of the things on why I respect Sombra. :mellow:


I hope they explore dark magic.
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