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Apple      Bloom

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You might be interested in reading my psychological analysis of Pinkie Pie, wherein I defend that position to a much greater extent and with a lot more supporting evidence than I did in that brief post. You can find it through my signature. (The Fluttershy thread will link to the others.)


I just read it. Very interesting to say the least. I'm terrible with words, so I must simply say that I liked it.

It's an English class in Show Discussion sometimes.


Sounds scary...
  • Brohoof 1
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I just read it. Very interesting to say the least. I'm terrible with words, so I must simply say that I liked it.



I only wish I'd been able to complete one for Twilight Sparkle. She was left out of that series not intentionally, but because I simply wasn't able to finish her off. I burnt out trying--all five together are over 10,000 words, after all.
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And Berry Pie i will make you one, i promise you that. ^_^

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I've been thinking about changing my username. Dunno what I'd change it too, but yeah.


If it makes you feel any better, I actually forgot Bluetrace as well, but barely remembered him right before I posted.


/me cries


No. You're Eloraam.


Why are you comparing Weyland to Eloraam?


It's official: I have the dumb today.


I blame it on my html programming class for sucking the life and energy from my very soul.


Html isn't programming~


I slept during html class today.

Edited by bluetrace
  • Brohoof 1
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Html isn't programming~ I slept during html class today.

My "Html Programming" class says otherwise. Notepad++ and monotonous boredom ensue.

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My "Html Programming" class says otherwise. Notepad++ and monotonous boredom ensue.


It's not though, it's a markup language. Programming would be creating an actual executable program.


My class isn't that boring, because I sit next to a friend of mine and we goof off all the time.

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@, Well yeah, it stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. I always find myself referring to it as Html Programming just because it's a habit...


But then it would be Hyper Text Markup Language Programming Language.


I'm upside down and backwards today, I blame it on HTMLPL.

  • Brohoof 1
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@, Well yeah, it stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. I always find myself referring to it as Html Programming just because it's a habit...


But then it would be Hyper Text Markup Language Programming Language.


I'm upside down and backwards today, I blame it on HTMLPL.


I used to call it that too, actually. Then I saw the light.


It's Monday, don't be too worried about it.

  • Brohoof 1
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It's Monday, don't be too worried about it.

As long as no one cracks the "Case of the Mondays" joke, no one will get hurt.


*cracks knuckles*

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As long as no one cracks the "Case of the Mondays" joke, no one will get hurt.


*cracks knuckles*


I was actually gonna say that at first, but then something caused me to reconsider.


It was like this, "I might get beat up if I say this" feeling or something.

  • Brohoof 2
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Monday's named after the moon. Luna would be happy. (Don't worry, there's a name that's named after the Sun, and depending on your calendars, it comes first.)


Visual Basic.


Duh, MOONday.


And I don't know any actual programming languages. I would LIKE too, but I don't know if that will ever happen.


Man, today is one slow-ass day.


What's an ass day?

  • Brohoof 1
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