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Apple      Bloom

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I bet that guy is feeling pretty proud of himself right now.


The art really wasn't that good, honestly. Could have used a bit of work.


You'll find he agrees with your assessment of the art, considering he says it was from before he even knew how to draw ponies, pretty much. If you check his Tumblr you can see actual instances of his art. http://askcobaltsnow.tumblr.com/ <--- His SFW Tumblr. You should be able to find instances of his work from there.


I make sure I put on a full Hazmat suit before I type in the address.


And go through a total decon process once you emerge?
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Hm... Berry Pie's using the sgnavatar.com gave me the weirdest ideas


Do tell.

I would like to thank SweetJeans88, For giving me an amazing gift, she went out of her way to draw my OC Viola :3 She thought she was cute x3


Can I see?

Always weird when you're on the forum and suddenly someone brohoofs a post you made back in March.


Sorry, I do that a lot.

But the occasional nightmare is going to happen to you regardless. So long as they're not chronic or constant, you're fine.


I almost never have nightmares.

I dripped syrup on my keyboard, and now it's all sticky...


How does that happen?
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Sorry, I do that a lot.


Why are you apologizing? That's not a problem to me at all! It's only weird because I'd completely forgotten about said post until it was suddenly brohoofed.

I almost never have nightmares.



Lucky you. Seriously. Nightmares are not fun.
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Why are you apologizing? That's not a problem to me at all! It's only weird because I'd completely forgotten about said post until it was suddenly brohoofed.

But I'm not actually apologizing. It's you know, like people say sorry only because they found what they did comical and wish to own up to it. Or something. I dunno. And the purpose of making those brohoofs is to remind people of posts the had long forgotten about. Some people make some memorable posts the never remember later on.

Lucky you. Seriously. Nightmares are not fun.

Not sure how it happened. My last nightmare was a little after I moved into my new house. And even before that, they were few and far between. I usually don't remember my dreams anyway.

Hey Berry, I got Clarity and Vinyl Scratch (Filly) in on MLV, just so ya know.


Yes, I know. I was there.
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But I'm not actually apologizing. It's you know, like people say sorry only because they found what they did comical and wish to own up to it. Or something. I dunno. And the purpose of making those brohoofs is to remind people of posts the had long forgotten about. Some people make some memorable posts the never remember later on.


Not sure how it happened. My last nightmare was a little after I moved into my new house. And even before that, they were few and far between. I usually don't remember my dreams anyway.

Yes, I know. I was there.


oh. i didn't realise that you saw...
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Apparently I'm failing English. Wonderful.


You'll find he agrees with your assessment of the art, considering he says it was from before he even knew how to draw ponies, pretty much. If you check his Tumblr you can see actual instances of his art. http://askcobaltsnow.tumblr.com/ <--- His SFW Tumblr. You should be able to find instances of his work from there.


And go through a total decon process once you emerge?


His newer stuff does look a lot better.


And yes.


How does that happen?


I was eating waffles.


i lost my keys when i made my way home today... great.


I saw your status on that earlier. You haven't found them yet, I assume.

Edited by bluetrace
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He does.


And so do I. Are you able to get in your house/whereeveryoulive?


luckily, i was able to get into the stairwell and into our apartment here. someone was at the gate and let me in. had she not been there, i'd have to wait half an hour for my dad to get home.
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i lost my keys when i made my way home today... great.

I've lost about 4 or 5 sets of keys, and probably spent around $50 getting them copied. It's a pain, why are keys so small? They should make them Legend of Zelda style, then they'd be harder to lose.


It would also be hard to operate a car or carry more than one with you at a time. Unless you carry a duffel bag with you everywhere.

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They should make them Legend of Zelda style, then they'd be harder to lose.


Um, one problem with that... Those keys can unlock ANY locked doors... But only once. After that one use, they disintegrate...

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luckily, i was able to get into the stairwell and into our apartment here. someone was at the gate and let me in. had she not been there, i'd have to wait half an hour for my dad to get home.


Luck is on your side today.


Waiting 30 minutes wouldn't have been that bad though.


I've lost about 4 or 5 sets of keys, and probably spent around $50 getting them copied. It's a pain, why are keys so small? They should make them Legend of Zelda style, then they'd be harder to lose.


It would also be hard to operate a car or carry more than one with you at a time. Unless you carry a duffel bag with you everywhere.


All cars should have fingerprint-activated door locks.

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i lost my keys when i made my way home today... great.


Perhaps someone will be nice and return them to you.

I was eating waffles.


-.-' Who eats at the computer? Oh wait, I do... :ph34r:

okay guys, another issue. i seem to be getting a random, rectangular ad on the right part of my screen at some websites. is this an adbot? if so, how do i get rid of it?


Um, ad blocker?
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Perhaps someone will be nice and return them to you.

-.-' Who eats at the computer? Oh wait, I do... :ph34r:

Um, ad blocker?


heh, i eat at the computer as well. and i hope so. reminds me of the time i found a snip with keys outside when i was in junior high-school... i turned them in to the police, and they got to the right owner. i was offered a finder's fee, but i never did anything with it, heh.


and i do have an ad-blocker. but this item is persistent...

Edited by Princess Viscra Maelstrom
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okay guys, another issue. i seem to be getting a random, rectangular ad on the right part of my screen at some websites. is this an adbot? if so, how do i get rid of it?


Is it coming up on sites where it normally never did before?


-.-' Who eats at the computer? Oh wait, I do... :ph34r:


It seems like the only place I eat now is sitting in front of my computer.

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hang on, i have a picture of it:



Just looks like a white box to me...


Edit: I just noticed the "About this ad" thing. Odd.


Restart your computer if you haven't already, or re-install Firefox.

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Just looks like a white box to me...


Restart your computer if you haven't already, or re-install Firefox.


another thing to note was that my theme had changed from the Zune theme to the standard XP theme when i started up the computer...
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