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Apple      Bloom

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so i noticed

it was called the McScootaloo at first? O_o


Creepy, huh? It was a chicken sandwich, right? And they call Scootaloo a chicken, and it was called the McScootaloo.....


Thankfully, they had to change the name due to copyright.

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Creepy, huh? It was a chicken sandwich, right? And they call Scootaloo a chicken, and it was called the McScootaloo.....


Thankfully, they had to change the name due to copyright.


When did this happen? I don't remember hearing anything about this.


That's hilarious though.


Reminds me of that time 4chan invaded a naming contest for the new Mountain Dew flavor, and they got the name "Hitler did nothing wrong" to the top, with "Gushin' Granny" at second and third.

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Reminds me of that time 4chan invaded a naming contest for the new Mountain Dew flavor, and they got the name "Hitler did nothing wrong" to the top, with "Gushin' Granny" at second and third.

People these day...
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Having the sandwich named a McScootaloo is an attack on handicapped people everywhere.


It just doesn't sound right, either...




Ehh, can't kill Vyrederps until something clears up...


BTW, did you see me say that I'm related to everyone?

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BTW, did you see me say that I'm related to everyone?

I don't think so, unless you're talking about the reply to the McHarmony. If you are talking about that, then I don't know what you're talking about.

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WOOOOO! I got back here again! Although it was due to sleeping at my friend's last night, but it was worth. Much laughter and games were had. :D (I'm surprised I didn't have to go through like 50 pages or something...probably has to do with the fact of the DDOS attacks or something like that :ph34r: ) REGARDLESS! Good night and hello to all the poniers in here! How's everyone doing? :)


@@Kyronea, Yo Kyronea! One question, if you can answer! Um...do you have a degree or are you studying psychology or psychoanalysis or something? Cause you seem to do a lot of stuff that has to do with them (I have yet yo read your psychological analysis of the ponies, which I swear I'll read).

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This place looks nice...




Not much, considered I just stole someone's identity


Hah, you're not going to trick me Star. I read your title before anything else. :P Besides, you and Viscra are the only pegasi who roam this lands on a normal way...I know Viscra loves her siggy to much to make the change so easily soooooooo...I know it's you. :P



Excuse me while I bring two Pinkie Pie's. One to party harder, and the other to hold of the neighbors and the police. :lol:
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Sucks. I don't know whether to be thankful or upset I can't change the member title


Why not both? Thankful because people can recognize you, and upset because people can recognize you...when you're trying to trick them. :lol: Still, were you trying to trick someone in particular? (Maybe me because of when I turned into The Gemmed Stare?...No that'd be giving myself credit...I'm still gonna consider it. :P )
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Still, were you trying to trick someone in particular?

Nothing special, I just want to get a new sight on things. I have this weird tendency to change my behaviour whenever I change something in my appearances.


Say, what are you doing?

Just trying to enjoy myself~♪


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  • Brohoof 1
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Nothing special, I just want to get a new sight on things. I have this weird tendency to change my behaviour whenever I change something in my appearances.

Huh...it's like you roleplay 24/7 but you don't realize it. :blink: ...Interesting. :mellow: But regardless, how's it going SW? (or should I call you TS...?)


Also, hilarious drunk Twilie is hilarious. ^_^

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