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Apple      Bloom

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I'm soooo tired....


This.... This thread....... Hah.... Haha.......


You okay there Dr. Scootacool?...Um...here *brings bed* lay over here. i'll bring hot chocolate and oreos. :)



I mentioned losing an organ because I decided to start drinking tap water. There's also the time I fractured my ankle. That was due to me running backwards away from someone, which was due to people doing it to me to mock me.


I've got a few more than that, but you don't want to hear them. That and I don't want this to turn into a rant.


You do what you want my friend. Although that fracturing ankle...I swear, after that, if it weren't for the fact I would be screaming in pain, even I would be mad enough to go and beat the living crap out of them.
  • Brohoof 1
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can she hold on for a bit? Viscra just got a nosebleed... again.


Is it bad that I when I first read that (without know the context) I thought you said "Vicke" instead of "Viscra"? x3

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hey, i love naruto too, and if i could, i would so totally live in his village so i could go after hinata. XD


Ah, Hinata...one of the cutest, and completely capable of kicking your flank girls you'll ever find. Amen. :wub: I don't know if living in his village though.





Maybe not, but your timing was too impecable for even ME to ignore it Viscra. :P
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XD lol u so pervy, pervy sage.


it's like the celebrity curse: can't walk around outside like a normal person without fear of getting attacked by paparazzis, crazy inept fans, and bloodthirsty murderers wanting you dead.


Is it bad that I when I first read that (without know the context) I thought you said "Vicke" instead of "Viscra"? x3




Maybe not, but your timing was too impecable for even ME to ignore it Viscra. :P



sigh, goddammit.

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XD lol u so pervy, pervy sage.


Fact is, Viscra has long hair...just dye it, grey add a few wrinkles, give him wood sandals and.............................................well, damn you Paradox. Damn you to hell for putting Jiraiya's image on my head. :P Viscra is now Ero-Sennin. :P
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And also, it's matter of getting the initiative. If you don't have it (like me), then stick with people until there's a them you can go and merge yourself with and allow yourself to go on your merry way from there. that's what I do, at least. I imagine that if you, Jinx, and Libby were to meet, Libby would be the ice-breaker, then Jinx might start following and after him you, and then the social interaction would be a success. :)

I'm not so sure about that, Libby is a hard act to follow. That and I'm much more awkward in real life than I am online. It usually takes a few times meeting and talking to get things rolling. Even then I'll still be awkward.


You do what you want my friend. Although that fracturing ankle...I swear, after that, if it weren't for the fact I would be screaming in pain, even I would be mad enough to go and beat the living crap out of them.

Silly me thought it was a twist and I thought nothing of it. I ended up sleeping, and I could barely walk the next morning. Not to mention we were in a basement and I had stairs to overcome, that was a real joy.

Edited by Jinx
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Ah, Hinata...one of the cutest, and completely capable of kicking your flank girls you'll ever find. Amen. :wub: I don't know if living in his village though.




Maybe not, but your timing was too impecable for even ME to ignore it Viscra. :P


well, i would probably be like shikamaru and be lazy as hell but still be able to survive. or maybe choji. XD
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Fact is, Viscra has long hair...just dye it, grey add a few wrinkles, give him wood sandals and.............................................well, damn you Paradox. Damn you to hell for putting Jiraiya's image on my head. :P Viscra is now Ero-Sennin. :P


i don't want to know what the hell this is all about.
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Fact is, Viscra has long hair...just dye it, grey add a few wrinkles, give him wood sandals and.............................................well, damn you Paradox. Damn you to hell for putting Jiraiya's image on my head. :P Viscra is now Ero-Sennin. :P


ooo! ooo! can i be iruka-sensei then!?
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Next time, plan nosebleeds in anticipation. :P


it's like the celebrity curse: can't walk around outside like a normal person without fear of getting attacked by paparazzis, crazy inept fans, and bloodthirsty murderers wanting you dead.

On the bright side, being recognized for perviness doesn't net you murderers. Just angry women :lol: (or angry men in your case).


I'm not so sure about that, Libby is a hard act to follow. That and I'm much more awkward in real life than I am online. It usually takes a few times meeting and talking to get things rolling. Even then I'll still be awkward.

I know. But you three are the most stoic out of the GCT, regardless of "socially awkward" stuff. If anything, I think it would still work, IMO.


Silly me thought it was a twist and I thought nothing of it. I ended up sleeping, and I could barely walk the next morning. Not to mention we were in a basement and I had stairs to overcome, that was a real joy.

Wasn't there anyone to help you?! :blink::(
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Somewhat wall of text incoming.



One of the dates was really awkward, like awkward beyond belief awkward. My friend and I were hanging out waiting for them to get there, and I hadn't ate that much the entire day. Anyways we ordered pizza and everything was going fine. Long story short, I ended up choking on one of the breadsticks. So they arrive and get the wonderful sound of me literally almost choking to death. We ended up watching horribly made horror movies and we were poking fun at them most of the time.


That wasn't the only thing though. The couch we had to sit on had an awkward bump in it, and that bump was where I had to sit for 4 hours. So while I was still digesting that breadstick (It took 2 hours to actually get past my chest) I had to sit on the most uncomfortable couch I've ever had the pleasure of sitting on. It was either move towards her a bit, which would've been amazingly awkward, or deal with the pain. Needless to say I dealt with the pain, because I didn't want to impose.


Of course, my friend being the friend he is told me about the aftermath. Something along the lines of never wanting to hang out with me again. People are strange, then again I didn't give off the best first impression. Bad luck follows me wherever I go, I swear it. Hence the username Jinx, it fits me like a glove.



I mentioned losing an organ because I decided to start drinking tap water. There's also the time I fractured my ankle. That was due to me running backwards away from someone, which was due to people doing it to me to mock me.


I've got a few more than that, but you don't want to hear them. That and I don't want this to turn into a rant.


Posted Image


Shit... I feel for you bro.


You and I might be more the same than I might have thought initially. :lol:


Seems to be the case.


And also, it's matter of getting the initiative. If you don't have it (like me), then stick with people until there's a them you can go and merge yourself with and allow yourself to go on your merry way from there. that's what I do, at least. I imagine that if you, Jinx, and Libby were to meet, Libby would be the ice-breaker, then Jinx might start following and after him you, and then the social interaction would be a success. :)


I like how you're using Libby and Jinx as examples here...


To be completely honest though, I don't think Libby and I were really that close. I think she just liked to mess with me...


You're cool though, Jinx.


I'm not so sure about that, Libby is a hard act to follow. That and I'm much more awkward in real life than I am online. It usually takes a few times meeting and talking to get things rolling. Even then I'll still be awkward.


Also, this too. I'm much better online than I am irl.

Edited by bluetrace
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i don't want to know what the hell this is all about.


If you ever look for the character, you'll understand. But he's still on another level of perviness, don't worry. ^_^



well, i would probably be like shikamaru and be lazy as hell but still be able to survive. or maybe choji. XD


I believe I'd be the sme. I'd consider myself a combination of Naruto and Shikamaru. Hyperkinetic yet lazy as hell. :lol:



I'm really starting to enjoy pony plots, is there something wrong with me? :<


Maybe your true nature is starting to come out Sparky dear. :P Nah, just messing with ya.



ooo! ooo! can i be iruka-sensei then!?


I'll be Kakashi-sensei!...Just problem...who the HELL would take Gai-sensei's role? :blink:
  • Brohoof 1
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absolutely not. whatever you find to be attractive is no one else's business and no one else has the right to judge you for that.


Also Sparky, what he said. :)
  • Brohoof 1
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Maybe your true nature is starting to come out Sparky dear. Nah, just messing with ya.

yeah, I can't believe I would find that so attractive!


Who doesn't enjoy that nowadays...?


true, I bet that's the common thing in the fandom :3
  • Brohoof 1
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Shit... I feel for you bro.

Maybe we should change the subject before all three of us get really depressed...


Seems to be the case.

I consider this to be a good thing in my opinion. :) Don't know about you thinking so though. ^_^


I like how you're using Libby and Jinx as examples here... To be completely honest though, I don't think Libby and I were really that close. I think she just liked to mess with me... You're cool though, Jinx.

Well, like I told Jinx, it IS true that you three are the most stoic over here...maybe P_M as well. But hey, you are one of the few to normally speak with her, along with Star (who I know those two would be BFF's).


Also, this too. I'm much better online than I am irl.

Probably most of us are. I'd like to think that the image people see here, is the exact same image people would see of me if the ever met me IRL.



Who doesn't enjoy that nowadays...?


Speak for yourself. :P
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If you ever look for the character, you'll understand. But he's still on another level of perviness, don't worry. ^_^




I believe I'd be the sme. I'd consider myself a combination of Naruto and Shikamaru. Hyperkinetic yet lazy as hell. :lol:




Maybe your true nature is starting to come out Sparky dear. :P Nah, just messing with ya.




I'll be Kakashi-sensei!...Just problem...who the HELL would take Gai-sensei's role? :blink:


berry XD
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oh no wait, i remember that guy.

...please, no. please god no. no comparison please. NO COMPARISON. D:


When suddenly.




And very well, no comparison. ^_^



yeah, I can't believe I would find that so attractive!



true, I bet that's the common thing in the fandom :3


We all have our own ticks.


And once again, speak for yourselves. :P

  • Brohoof 2
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Wasn't there anyone to help you?!

I thought it was just a simple twist, obviously I was mistaken.


Shit... I feel for you bro.

You're cool though, Jinx.


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  • Brohoof 2
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berry XD




Posted Image


I thought it was just a simple twist, obviously I was mistaken.

I still don't get how one can't realize if your ankle is broken....I mean...shouldn't that hurt like a friggin motherbucker to the infinite power? Plus the fact you couldn't walk? Or maybe the fracture wasn't big enough to be noticed until you went to sleep?




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Can I has hug too? :blush: Ah, nevermind I'm ruining the moment. Edited by Arcanel
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