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Apple      Bloom

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Maybe each part that I wrote could be sung by the people it is being written about? I could still make other additions if needed, like the mods (who I totally forgot about).


That would actually be awesome IF we could get the respective people to do so.

But most don't like singing for where others can hear.


Maybe we should pull a Vissy and secrectly make them and record them without them knowing, while being in plain sight.



Ku ku ku ku ku~

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Maybe we should pull a Vissy and secrectly make them and record them without them knowing, while being in plain sight.

Crouching Skype, Hidden Voice Recorder. :ph34r:

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You kinda scared me back there... Sorry if I do something wrong


And you should totally buy some cookies!


Something wrong? D:


Perish the thought!


And... cookies. Hm. I'm honestly torn, to be honest. I want them, but I don't need them. Cookies are unhealthy and stuff. :(

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What do you mean by games, anyways, if you mean RP's I just joined some romantic one that I thought would go fast, but when things do pick up, no one even notices my character, and the other one if the Equestiran Hunger Games/Slice of Life continuation one that got pretty big but after waiting weeks for it to go faster, it is slowly dying.


That sounds awful. I hate it when that happens. But that's what you get for doing Slice of Life. Those are prone to fail IMO.

You called? :huh:



I want you to analyze member of GCT so that they can make themselves, or have someone else, make them a signature representing them so i can put it into my rotator.

Out of these three, which one looks the best and should be gotten?





And the one from above, should I get that one or this one. Its that steampunk Twilight one from earlier.



One Cupcake to Rule Them All.



You know that request you put in that didn't get filled? I decided to fill it myself. Tell me what you think and if you want anything changed on it.


Posted Image


I love it.


So, um... Do you want me to credit you?

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I need all of you to stop talking about singing.


Strap him on the table, I got a dozen of firecrackers and some arson

@@Zoop has something much more horrible planned for me. A terrible singing death. Ostensibly, it will be for the children.

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I've not heard of this. Tell me more, quickly. :o


Haha, here:


So here it is,

the GCT,

that glorious thread of random deeds.


We substitute your random

and put our own brand.

Hope you enjoy your stay

cause you'll have a blast!


I know it has other names,

something called the Pyfgcrl.

But only Ganny knows the tricks

to that odd name that we speak.


Never fear! The great dwellers are here!

That interesting trio who know all the deals!

But worry not, there are not bad deals,

Haven, Berry and Star never hurt little fillies


However, make no mistake,

seriousness has not completely left.

By Bluetrace or Jinx you shall see,

just how stoic we can really be.


Feel a little something on your behind?

Well my friend that's Viscra's little task

She'll put a diaper on you, should you not mind

and then an embarrasment shall come you won't be able to mask


You might know him as Q, or maybe as P_M,

but whatever the case, you will not forget him.

If you're ever in need for corruption of the mind

he shall be ready to do it at your side!


Ever feel the need to get something discorded?

Look no further, dear Mandy has it covered.

Her love of Discord is not quite unknown,

she'll let you see it, you'd be blind to not know!


And then I came to invade this thread

unaware of what if it be good or I'd be dead.

By Celestia you shall know that I really wanted more!

This place has it's own mark of randomness galore!


And so, my little ponies, I depart with this song.

I hope y'all liked it, though it didn't take me long.

Don't worry! Relax! Come to the thread of joy and laughter!


You shall be accepted here...and nothing else shall ever matter...

You could say it might be incomplete so far, but I had totally forgotten about you guys. You, Scoots and Dreamy.





I'll try and make a choice.


This might kill me.....


Personally, maybe either Cupcake Pinkie or Steampunk Twilight. It would be one or the other in my case, I think.



I should have known that was going to be your answer. :P


That would actually be awesome IF we could get the respective people to do so.

But most don't like singing for where others can hear.


Maybe we should pull a Vissy and secrectly make them and record them without them knowing, while being in plain sight.



Ku ku ku ku ku~


If that can happen, I'm stealing CIA spying equipment for you. :P
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I love it. So, um... Do you want me to credit you?

Let me change it around a bit first, all of your other sigs are 600 wide, correct? I made that one 500 wide. If you want to.

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And... cookies. Hm. I'm honestly torn, to be honest. I want them, but I don't need them. Cookies are unhealthy and stuff. :(


  • Brohoof 1
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Let me change it around a bit first, all of your other sigs are 600 wide, correct? I made that one 500 wide. If you want to.


Yes, all 600. Otherwise, what's the point?
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I want you to analyze member of GCT so that they can make themselves, or have someone else, make them a signature representing them so i can put it into my rotator.

Uffff....that's a lot of analyzing...who exactly?


And by the way, it's true that one should be able to say how to represent yourself, but truth is, we know EXACTLY how we are. But expressing it in words is kind of art, to be honest.

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Posted Image

Chillax. D:


It's just... I've eaten so much junk food today already... ;~;

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And by the way, it's true that one should be able to say how to represent yourself, but truth is, we know EXACTLY how we are. But expressing it in words is kind of art, to be honest.

It isn't that hard, my friend. Why, take me for example.


"I'm a chicken."


Behold. I have summarized the nature of my existence in a mere three words.

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I don't always brohoof a post...but when I do, is because I clearly state my liking for that certain post, amen. :mellow: THAT. IS. SO. FRIGGIN. CUTE! :wub: I'm expecting to see Star brohoofing any second now. ^_^
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You shall join us in the epic GCT rap!


Resistance is futile!


There is a reason why Scootacool is made uncomfortable by singing. A very good reason.


It is a reason that will soon become known~

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We need a party to celebrate this happy day~♪


Posted Image


I'm honestly torn, to be honest. I want them, but I don't need them. Cookies are unhealthy and stuff. :(

You don't need cookies? What heresy is this!? Posted Image


You will take this cookie and you will love it!



Posted Image



I need all of you to stop talking about singing.

But if Fluttershy was the one who do the singing? :o

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I deserve death for posting this...




Maybe i should post the video where i sing it?


Naaah xD

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