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Apple      Bloom

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Shush, everyone messes up something. Especially when stuff happens.

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Why do you say that?


Oh, that was referring back to you being able to not like someone.

Then I've presented an adequate illusion. I don't hate people all the time. Sometimes I'm just in a hateful mood.



Well, technically, I actually did not ask for anyone's opinion of me at that point in time. I was only referring to the irony of the situation.


Oh. Posted Image

Well, now you know.

Twas a warning to basically just you and Arcanel. You two would be people to bring it up. I just hope I haven't completely destroyed the lovely image I've created for myself. It's nice, quiet, and simple. Just like the outer me, except more able to speak his mind.


He he you know me so well! :D

And you haven't. :)

Er, am I scary? I think nothing of it. So, um, don't consider it much of anything.


Nah, I just wouldn't have want to been in that type of discussion.
  • Brohoof 1
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W-what? But...but...she's Pinkie Pie!

Wait... Wut... :o

She has too much of a 'sisterly' view in my eyes.

It has to be done just right otherwise.

Yes. Scoots said something about Babs going to the dark side.

Scoots said Babs went to the dark side. :3

Oooh, that. I picked up on that, but didn't think much on it.
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What do you guys think of this song?



That was mediocre.

Going by his name, I was expecting something a lot better and more energetic.

His name also makes no sense as its either Electro or Dubstep. There isn't really a way to mix the two.

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