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Apple      Bloom

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I think I've done this already, but might as well do it again.

1. Pinkie Pie

2. Berry Punch

3. Vinyl Scratch

4. Whoever I'm randomly obsessed with at the moment.

5. Everypony else


posting cause i can.

But mostly to mess with @Jinx

Mine goes:

1. Ditzy & AJ

2. Pinkie Pie

3. Twilight or Fluttershy

4. Twilight or Fluttershy

5. Rainbow Dash or Rarity

6. Rainbow Dash or Rarity


Though, I'm thinking of redoing this with more backgrounds.


see, @Jinx, its impossible to like someone who is worst pony!

  • Brohoof 1
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Ya know, I can't see your avatar....

I already have that achievement.

Hey, anyone ever watch Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series?



I've seen a few.


And you on a mobile version? That YouTube link is weird.



Also, that video being by Pokehidden.....Lolwut

Edited by TGAP DJ HVen MM the Mighty
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Achievement LV.77


Get brohooves by Feld0, then have the same post deleted due to off-topic



Oooo. What's its name? What does it look like?
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This deserves a dookie-- I mean, uhh, cookie.


Even more odd than that is we had like 10 guests in here alone.


I was more interested in the newest member rather than the member count


That guy is a rip off.

He can't fill the real Molestia's shoes.

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Impending upgrade.


Wonder what it's like back there in the wood works.

I got a brohoof from Scootacool once.

Nobody gets that :wacko:


You're right. That's like, really impossible.
  • Brohoof 2
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Who puts their wallet in their front pocket? :huh:

i used to, but then smartness happened.

It's always been easier for me to make sure it doesn't get stolen if it's in my front pocket. I can see things in front of me, but not when someone sneaks up on me.




You make it look like a ton of people brohoof a post whenever you brohoof something now. Sure it only shows 3 names, but still.


Sorry I haven't been around peoples. I was playing Dragon Age Origins. It's fun. I'm a Male Warrior Elf. And now my brother is playing it, and he made his character a Female Human Mage.

One of the best western based RPGs of the last 10 years, even though EA had it's grubby hands on BioWare.


I feels bad for laughing too much at this

Don't feel bad. It's human nature to laugh at other's misfortunes, and extreme bad cases of luck.


Just give it time. Eventually Ditzy and AJ will rule this place.

Background ponies can't rule this place, the Mane 5 get too much screen time. Don't hit me.


Background ponies unite?

Ditzy and Berry Punch? and Applejack


Let the truth flow freely, admitting it is the first step on the road to acceptance.


Though, I'm thinking of redoing this with more backgrounds. see, Jinx, its impossible to like someone who is worst pony!

It's also 100% possible that your post is a lie. Lists of ponies extends past top 6.


Feel the ice cream overtaking you, it is a good pain

You and your ice cream, now whenever I see it all I get are sad thoughts. It's your fault.


Obligatory top 5 pony list. Because everyone else is doing it, and I don't wanna be left out.


1. Lyra

2. Rainbow Dash

3. Twilight Sparkle

4. Pinkie Pie

5. Scootaloo

  • Brohoof 4
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