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Apple      Bloom

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Aah. Well, since he isn't acting as the JJ Molestia, you don't have to be the JJ Gamer Luna.

that Molestia is too tame for me


But I need to know how they interact basically to get the general idea.

you're Luna, you love video games, Derpy is your best friend and you may or may not be in love with her

  • Brohoof 1
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Okay, I'm finally gonna watch the new episode now. And hory sheets, I didn't miss page 3000.

You know you have social ineptitude of a large magnitude when people have to ask if you like something. Reaction... what's a reaction?

Is that what happens to you?
I was saying that I didn't know how to react when people give me a gift. Like, my brain scrambles and all that I can manage to say when someone gifts me something is a wimpy "Thanks."

Looks like someone just used a turkey baster to fill up a bottle with the drippings... Then carbonate it.

Pretty much.

@,  You wanted to see what I was working on, semi-teaser to the left, far from finished though.

Why is he sad?

Holy Merlin, I MISSED BLUETRACE'S BIRTHDAY...AND HOLY CRONOS HE'S ACTUALLY YOUNGER THAN ME, WHAT THE HELL!?...Um...oh my...erm...Happy late birthday Bluetrace!

My age has been on my profile this whole time...

I'm sorry I couldn't wish you on it before, but my damn internet failed me at those important moments XC.

Again, it's fine... Don't worry about it.


Let me tell you why birthdays can be great:
1. Gifts.
2. Friends.
3. Family.
All of that in one moment together, all because of you. I don't think I need to find another reason why others wory about birthdays when they are an impolrtant day, regardless of anything. It's for you, of course we can care. =)

I'm just saying, people were getting all worried that they didn't tell me anything, when it doesn't bother me at all if they didn't. Hell, I wouldn't even care if no one remembered at all. Well, maybe a little.

i decided to update my signature. a famous Phrase phrases its way back.

All is as it should be.

  • Brohoof 1
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3 more pages 'till either a good' ol gay (happy) celebration, or another war. Your choice, people :P.

Hooray for nearly 3000 pages of 'whut' :D


I have an idea of what I could do for that page... :3

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you're Luna, you love video games, Derpy is your best friend and you may or may not be in love with her

This shall be the greatest role I have ever played. Sadly, I must rid myself of my title to do so. I'm pretty sure Gamer Luna is not food. I'll just change my name, get a new signature, and equip a fresh new avatar. I may need some help on the signature part. I think I need a really good one, and I need it quick. Anyone up to the task?

Edited by Berry Pie
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Maybe. He's not here right now.


I see...oh well. Call me when you need me, Hopefully, I'll be available.


And weeeee! :)




Is that what happens to you?


I was saying that I didn't know how to react when people give me a gift. Like, my brain scrambles and all that I can manage to say when someone gifts me something is a wimpy "Thanks."



My age has been on my profile this whole time...



Again, it's fine... Don't worry about it.



I'm just saying, people were getting all worried that they didn't tell me anything, when it doesn't bother me at all if they didn't. Hell, I wouldn't even care if no one remembered at all. Well, maybe a little.

Ummm...can I say how cute the first thing sounds?


And I know. But for one, I never checked, and second, I ALWAYS think you're older than me because of how you talk. Same thing with Jinx, actually. XD


And it's in my DNA to worry about such things. makes me feel bad regardless. You'll not be able to change that. XD.


Awww, everybody should congratulate you on your B-day! Screw the fact of how you feel! EMBRACE THE LOVE AND CARE MY FRIEND! :)

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i have existed from the morning of the world an i shall exist the last star falls from the night! Although I have taken the form of Princess Celestia, I am all mare as I am no mare an therefore I am...a god...

Edited by Princess_Molestia
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well, it's almost 6 AM here. who needs sleep?

just have to hope it gets to that page soonish.


Damn. I'd pass out before I made it to 6...


>Inb4Someone gets disgusted and rants


Fucks given = 0


Ummm...can I say how cute the first thing sounds?






And I know. But for one, I never checked, and second, I ALWAYS think you're older than me because of how you talk. Same thing with Jinx, actually. XD


I've occasionally been told I act somewhat older than my age, but I can't see how. I don't feel like I act older than I am.


Awww, everybody should congratulate you on your B-day! Screw the fact of how you feel! EMBRACE THE LOVE AND CARE MY FRIEND! :)


But my cold and empty heart can't take it...

  • Brohoof 1
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