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Apple      Bloom

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I wish more people were into making Doom 3 mods. I find that the potential is going to waste. I could count the number of creative/innovative mods for the newest Doom on one hand but for the previous game there is no shortage of innovation. And I haven't the slightest clue why that is either.


i haven't played many Doom 3 mods, but there's no doubt that the game, and engine, has potential for awesome concepts. like The Dark Mod, Phobos, Classic Doom 3... there's even a Thief-lookalike being developed for it, and there's a Hexen game released as a demo for it.


no doubt Classic Doom has seen so much innovation, but i think partly of that is because of the fact that it's so goddamn EASY to create content for it. sure, back in the days you had to use some cryptic HEX editors and map editors that worked well enough back then, but could have been better. now, however, there is an whole armada of tools to easily create content for it. namely creating maps is a simple thing: you just draw lines, sectors... draw MAPS, really. not whole 3D levels, but maps, that the engine then simulates into 3D-ish.


There's not much nutritional value in foam blocks, so it's probably not the best thing to eat.


does that mean i'm going to shit bricks? or in this case, blocks.
  • Brohoof 2




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there's a number of places you can look at. the /idgames doomworld database is where everyone hosts finished works at. on the topic of finding the good stuff, there's a top 100 wads of all time, going from 1994 to 2003 on here: http://www.doomworld...years/bestwads/

furthermore, there's also the Cacowards, where people nominate the best WADs of the year at, which you can find here: http://www.doomworld.com/cacowards/


to name a few favorites myself (that are also on top 100 wads and Cacowards): Equinox is the most beautiful mapset ever, which goes to show that you can tell a story without a single word of dialogue, or changed intermission texts. the levels, the grand architecture, speaks for itself. it is on the top 100 wads category.


The Talosian Incident is the most atmospheric mapset of such old age. sure, it might be plain, uninteresting, and quite vague for some people, but it has such a gooooood sci-fi atmosphere to it. also on top 100 wads.


Plutonia 2 which, as the name suggests, is a fan-sequel to The Plutonia Experiment, one half of Final Doom. and it's amazing. it was under development for 7 years, and it shows: the level design is amazing, the music even more so, and the gameplay is, well, Plutonia. i.e. extremely hard with lots of monsters. but it deserves a playthrough, if on a easy difficulty setting, just because. it's on the Cacowards category.


remind me to set it up for you. i'll be sure to include a readme so you know how to run it in a comfortable manner.


It seems that I'm going to have to make a new folder for all of this! :D


When would you like me to remind you?


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Just tell me if you guys no longer want me here.. Then I can finalise my final stay..


No, Ganny. We don't want you to leave. No one does.

I can't stop you if you choose to do so yourself, but so long as your asking our opinions on the matter, I don't want you to leave.

  • Brohoof 1


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Just tell me if you guys no longer want me here.. Then I can finalise my final stay..


You're awesome, and I would love it if you'd stay, but I'm gonna have to be completely honest with you dude...


A thing I've noticed a lot lately is that bad moods in this thread rebound and affect everyone, so let's say if Haven was depressed, his mood would bounce around and make me depressed.

This 'rebound' effect is only because we care a lot about each other and we want to make sure we fully understand someone's pain before we make a stupid mistake.


So please, don't think that your down moods lately have been making everyone hate you.

We still love you, but we're just trying to understand, because it's never nice to see a close friend have a shit day.


If you do decide to leave then... Well, it'd be really weird without you here.

I don't want to see you leave, but as Haven said, it's your decision to make.

  • Brohoof 2

"My breakfast is plotting to kill me."

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K guys I need ideas! Ok so I am writing a Fan Fic for the PonyEarthverse group Here is a link for details http://www.fimfictio...&group=1670 As I was saying I need Ideas My Fan Fic is "I'm Berry Punch!?" and in the PonyEarthverse group each person who has turned into a pony shares the body with the original pony though the human is completely in control. But their minds begin merging and you can try fight it off for as long as possible or you can let it happen, if you let this happen you and the pony effectively become one, you become one being and you consist of traits from your old self and the pony. Ok so should I let my Character's mind merge with Berry Punch's or shall I let him fight it off for a while, this means eventually he WILL become one being with Berry Punch, but later on rather than sooner

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Hi all! :D


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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Have you ever had anyone follow you on Twitter that you don't know and that somehow they have a TON of followers and you don't? Well, ok, so I followed Lindsey Stirling, and next thing I know, I have Ceren Aksan Mumcu (the vionlinist and photographer from Instanbul) following me. What.


Have you ever had anyone follow you on Twitter that you don't know and that somehow they have a TON of followers and you don't? Well, ok, so I followed Lindsey Stirling, and next thing I know, I have Ceren Aksan Mumcu (the vionlinist and photographer from Instanbul) following me. What.

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LOL Alert!


Fav Quotes:

"I can't tolerate cowardice..." -Me and I don't know who else :P

"Dare to be different and never mind what the crowd thinks. Because as long as they're talking about you, they'll never forget about you." -Cyril Sneer


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I slept in late, but here are some images of ponies. , you might like these two.



Posted Image

Posted Image



And some of these put a dark spin of the newest episode.


Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image


  • Brohoof 3


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I slept in late, but here are some images of ponies. , you might like these two.




Posted Image



And some of these put a dark spin of the newest episode.


Posted Image



Congratz. You fail at life for sleeping in. :P


Me no likey sad AJ. Posted Image

*Hugs AJ*

And that Ditzy is just bucking cute! Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image


And the others are pretty cool too.

I really like the one where another Pinkie is holding her head.

Sad Pinkie is sad. Posted Image


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Sad Pinkie is sad.

Well, if she failed the test, well... And of course, she had a bit of an identity crisis. Or at least that's what one of the images said. I'd think if I had clones of myself running around, I might forget who was real after a while. Existential stuff.
  • Brohoof 2


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Well, if she failed the test, well... And of course, she had a bit of an identity crisis.


Think differently:


The mirror lake is a portal into a different universe, or rather, some sort of multiverse. So where did all the other Pinkie Pies come from?



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