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Apple      Bloom

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Yep, it should be around midnight over there. The thread is ded


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That face simply screams "I'm gonna eat your face!"

Really? Because all I see is Pinkie looks quite fat in the picture.


Also, what the hell is this new quote crap that's appearing instead of the quote tags? I do not like this one bit.

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Really? Because all I see is Pinkie looks quite fat in the picture.Also, what the hell is this new quote crap that's appearing instead of the quote tags? I do not like this one bit.

She doesn't look that fat imo. What makes me uneasy is her eyes are wider and her smile is way too eager. It's like a girl who spies a moist chocolate cake :xAnd you might want to switch to using bbcode mode when posting now. Much easier that way. Edited by Twinkleshine
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On 11/29/2012 at 12:33 AM, Arcanel said:


Well, all I can say right now is, super catchy, GOOD JOB VISCRA! :)



On 11/29/2012 at 12:37 AM, Petyr Baelish said:

Viscra, your song will be in my head all night now XD

Posted Image


On 11/29/2012 at 1:05 AM, Arcanel said:

Nice! Already added! Wanna help me figure out the other mods? Kind of hard, since I don't know them much, to make random achievements names for them. XD.


On 11/29/2012 at 2:59 AM, TGAP DJ HVen MM the Mighty said:
And to Doom I disappear to for a while!

*Teleports out*

mind if i help?

On 11/29/2012 at 3:01 AM, spas-ticShotty said:

It's possible to get a brohoof from Typhoid Libby? Learn something everyday :P.

i have gotten from her too, i believe.


On 11/29/2012 at 3:03 AM, Twinkleshine said:

*sends a dozen of Cyberdemons to you*


Posted Image

*runs around in circles BFG-spamming said Cyberdemons into oblivion*

On 11/29/2012 at 3:17 AM, Berry Pie said:

We should have a nature documentary about the GCT.

In the GCT, we find the natural phenomenon known as, Viscra the Princess. With a carefree attitude, the fair princess roams around the lands, not afraid of anything.

For most of the part, anyway; should she get intimidated or confronted by one of her fellow habitants in the GCT, she's quickly prone to becoming anxious and defensive, to protect her home from the dangers of the creatures who wants to harm her, and her main source of discussion in the nature's zone.


If you treat her with kindness and generosity, she's bound to pay that love back towards you. Just make sure you don't get caught up in one of her so-called "mrm sprees". Or maybe you won't mind ending up into hum every now and then as the price of talking to such a kindhearted individual.

Edited by Viscra Maelstrom
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finally getting around to fixing my various brushable ponies' manes

brushing ponies manes are fun~



I'm hungry, I'm cold, and I'm tired... And bored!


*puts you in a nice, warm bed*

hot soup? ^.^

like you always arrive in time here, too. :v

No way! Me too! :D *flump as well*

you want hot soup, as well? :3



Posted Image


Applejack wants to give you an apple!
What do you do?
-Polity decline the fruit and leave.
-Run away.
-Slam the door in her face and run away.


*accept the apple with a smile and converse with her*

~Everybody's going to the party have a real good time!~

~Dancing in the desert blowing up the sunshine!~

you might enjoy this song~




SoaD went downhill after their first album, but I did enjoy a few songs from Steal This Album.

i disagree. Mesmerize and Hypnotize both excel at what SOAD, the album, did. then again, i haven't listened too much of said album... i should do it after this EP.

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The fast-reply broke, and I feels awfully miserable lately :x

It is on the list of things to bring back to life as soon as I get back from work today. Don't worry :)

Also, Scootacool what the hell is this new quote crap that's appearing instead of the quote tags? I do not like this one bit.

This is a change that was done by IPS in IP.Board 3.4. I'm not sure if I like it either. Give me some time and I will look into making it a custom setting... Lots of time. :lol:
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This is a change that was done by IPS in IP.Board 3.4. I'm not sure if I like it either. Give me some time and I will look into making it a custom setting... Lots of time. :lol:


How can you not like it?

Its so much better then the quote tags ;)

Well, things are back to normal for me. Gotta admit, I overreacted much more than I needed to, but, oh wells, we all make mistakes.

Overreacted to what?

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How can you not like it?

Its so much better then the quote tags ;)

Overreacted to what?


Lurpy duped me into changing the IP theme to the Mobile theme, which is literally impossible to get out of without mod's help. Made a hissy fit because it happened so late in the day, so I needed the problem fixed as soon as possible. Looks like things went mah way again.

Edited by spas-ticShotty
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So this is a chat thread and I'm allowed to say anything? I just have a fear of not being excepted here.    

You mean Accepted ^^?

And as long as you stay to the rules you are fine.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'd double brohoof that post but I can't.




You're an evil person, so I have to make you feel sad. Here's Applejack's replacement as a semi decent background pony in the mane 6.



Yall's attempt to make me sad and feel guilty has failed.

I have no soul.


Wow, fuck Lurpy. Like a dumbass, I followed what he said when he made that status to switch to the Mobile Theme (I had no idea what would happen :(), and now I can't get back to the normal theme at all! If he hadn't posted that fucking status like a jackass, I wouldn't be in this mess :angry:. Fuck him....

No, seriously, I'm fucking furious right now. That jackass Lurpy had to make a fucking status like that and now I'm totally screwed, and I SERIOUSLY need to get to bed or I'm in trouble :angry:.

You cant really be mad at him for your gullibleness.
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camera get! i now has my Fujifilm T400 that's getting charged ATM. :3

oh, and i also got a few other things, like new shoes for this weather (it snowed today!), music stuff like a live DVD of Europe, Daft Punk's Aerodynamic (YES!), a few record compilations of metal, and Silent Hill for the PSX and Planescape Torment for the PC.


good day.

  • Brohoof 1
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So this is a chat thread and I'm allowed to say anything? I just have a fear of not being accepted* here.    

Not actually legit anything, but you know the rules.And hai!Just be yourself and join in on any conversations going on and you will be fine! ;)Only problem are the slow times, like right now.
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