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Anypony Else Consider Themselves A Late Bloomer?

~Master~ Button Mash

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So is anyone else here a late bloomer, too? I've noticed a lot of threads in Life Advice revolve around people who are facing existential dilemmas, so I don't think I'm alone. img-1350833-1-smile.png


I didn't really have much passion for life growing up, I pretty much just did the bare minimum at school and came home. Sports or clubs? Nope. Art or music? Nope. Social life? God no. The only thing I did really was model rocket building, but I had to stop after a while because I couldn't attend the launches anymore. Oh, and Flight Simulator 2004.


Yeah, other than that, not much else really got my interests. 


But now that I'm in college, my horizons are expanding a bit more. Being surrounded by active people kinda pushes you like that. Now I suddenly have the urge to try playing a sport, either rugby or platform diving (can't really do it here, but I can at WMU, hopefully). Again, never played team sports before, but I just suddenly want to.img-1350833-2-derpy_emoticon1.png

At the same time, being in the brony community kinda sparked an interest in music and art for me. Again,  I've never seriously pursued art before, and before this guitar the only other instrument I've played were those little plastic recorders in grade school.


Social life? I'm making more friends, but a girlfriend? Still working on that...


But still, it feels like I'm finally beginning to get my "zest" for life, and am beginning to develop the kinds of interests that most people have. Just later than most...


At the same time, I'm still left with a lot of uncertainty. For example, since I've never played sports before, would any of the teams or clubs even want me? And how would I even go about joining the team? Same with clubs. Plus, I'm worried if I'm set in my ways by being so inactive growing up. Does growing up being lazy/a recluse carry onto adulthood, even if you try to change it?


Anyway, that's my little story of being a late bloomer. 


TL;DR - Just skip to the question of the thread. -> So what about you guys? What passions or talents did you not discover until later than normal, and how are you fostering said passions/talents now? img-1350833-3-smile.png


Mods - Please don't move this to life advice. This isn't a help thread.

Edited by AtomicBassCannon
  • Brohoof 8


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I'm kind of a late bloomer myself, I haven't found a true talent yet though. I mean Im a little bit of an adrenalin junkie, always facing my fears and such...but thats not really a talent lol.


But the way I see it, those who have yet to find their true calling, still get to experience the awesomeness of experiencing that moment ^_^


Like the CMC...

  • Brohoof 1


Goddamn right, you should be scared of me



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This applies to me so hard.As a kid growing up,I always had a hard time.I was a little prick who always bullied kids up until 8th grade when I started to mellow out and started the depression phase.But now,I definitely bloomed into a functioning person who loves life more often than not in the past year.I still get bouts of depression,yeah,but that's just the usual teen mood swings everybody usually gets.I also now can't wait for college whereas I used to not give a hoot about school and just pass by school instead of trying my best.I still think I'm blooming,so I can experience this phase and take it all in. cool.png


It's quite amazing to see what life has to offer and how easy it is to achieve what you want simply by working hard.

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Basically no. I am one of those people who believes that not all humans are destined to be great nor are all humans talented. I fall within this group. I have zero major talents, only mediocre hobbies. That's it. I look to the future and I see nothing good. Sounds incredibly negative, but that is the truth. Honestly I would be fine with all of this and living a simple, but hey, depression and all. I do not have much hope in my future, but everyone says live one day at a time. I guess I constantly look to the future because my life now is empty and filled with depression, anxiety, and....meh, stupid shit that I have brought up many times before.


In conclusion: No, I do not consider myself a late bloomer because I am not talented nor really that special in any way.


I am always so damn negative....Don't let it change your perspective of me though. I am a nice guy, just a nice guy with a f*ck ton of anxiety, depression and self esteem issues.

Edited by Kyoshi



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I'm 34 and still haven't found my special talent per se.  I'm hoping it's computer programming, which is what I went back to college to study.  But you know what?  I've given other stuff a serious go before, and it never reallyw ent anywhere.  Went from being an engineering major, to an English major, to writing for a magazine, to becoming an actuary, to becoming a GUI/Illustrations development guy for an insurance company, to being unemployed, to working fast food while trying to earn a second bachelors...


If I'm not a late bloomer, then what am I?


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Physically yes. Mentally, no. 


I didn't hit my growth spurt until I was already in high school, which was quite embarrassing. I was the short kid for the longest time, though I am average height now. 


Mentally however I believe I have matured quite early for my age. I always viewed a lot of my peers actions as childish. 


Not trying to sound snooty or anything... blush.png 



Anyways, as for finding my way in life I believe I have done a great job. I am studying to become an animator, and I could see myself doing so for a very long time.

Edited by ~Lawful Jordo~



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Aye. I'm a late bloomer. I just found my passion in programming last year. Thanks to my friend for pointing it out for me. I didn't pay enough attention at computer programming before. I just took it as a brainwashing study and was glad when the programming session ended. My friend said that I'm good at programming after I accidentally (yes, literally accidentally) selected to join a web design competition. I lost because I was terrible at visual art, and it was a competition about web design, not web programming, but I found out that I did enjoy programming.


The funny thing, I developed very fast in this last three years. Both physical and mental. I was a thin, short, skinny, weak boy four years ago. In just a year, I turned out into a man with iron flesh and a sea of energy. :lol:


Other interests like writing, history, herbal medicine, acupuncture, life energy, etc came last year. I studied those things pretty quick. Well, some class mates think that I'm childish just because I laugh a lot, and play with my life very often. It's kinda confusing to me that they consider themselves as adults but they still complain to life problems.


Right now, I'm studying many things, especially about computer programming. Recently I decided to make a bow, and I just need an ipe wood to get started. Random stuff aren't they? Well, if there's a sword smith in my region, I would have ordered a Chinese Dao. Martial art is an art! :lol:


For an actual record, my real intense study began when I started watching ponies. :P

Thank you poneh!



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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All my talents that I know of (at least the notable ones), I discovered relatively early on. Sure, every now and then I pick up a few new skills, but I've largely remained the same over the years. Either I have already hit my high point or I had a small spurt and then plateaued for a while.


As for fostering these talents, it's mostly just practice. It's the kind of practice that doesn't really feel like practice, you know what I mean? I can play my saxophone for hours on end, trying to learn songs by ear, sight reading, improvin'. And the end result is so fulfilling that it drives me to do more. My other talents pretty follow that same formula.

Edited by Cota
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Yes and no I am 27 years old and, I have already discovered what most of my major talents are years ago but it took this tragedy at work last June that got me suspended and almost fired that finally gave me the kick in the ass I needed to decide what I really want to do with my life. For the past several years my life has been on hold in large part because I had to take care of my father who was a dialysis patient and of course pay the bills, all these pressures have caused my grades at the local community college I was attending to plummet and for me to say I will come back but for the last 3 years but it still hasn't happened. With my fathers passing last year I have been thinking a great deal about the future as well as the past, I remember how he felt when he got to do his passion which was the restaurant business and I want to have that same feeling and I know he wants the same for me.


So to honor both his memory and my dreams I have decided to become an author, write about my experiences with Autism and then once I got my foot in the door expand out and write about a few other things that interest me as well. I have seen other individuals with Autism go down this route many of whom aren't nearly as high functioning as I am and if they can do it than why not me? I will help myself out of the worst rut I have ever been in and help others struggling with many of the same issues I have struggled with or am struggling with now.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
  • Brohoof 2
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Oh, goodness yes. I spent most of my childhood and teen years around extremely patronizing people, so I developed a sense of inferiority and helplessness that caused a defeatist and lazy attitude. My talents and identity didn't blossom as a result. I really only started developing confidence, insight, and work ethics in my late teens and especially my early twenties, and was complimented on that recently.

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I guess you could still call me a "blank flank", as I've got idea what it is I want to do with my life yet. As for social interests and what have you, I simply don't care. I've always been a very introverted person and I probably always will be.

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I guess I am twenty so probably a young member of the late bloomer and to be honest the only thing I can consider myself good at quite possibly is arguing mostly on debate worthy issues such as gun control, capitalism vs. socialism., A big government or smaller government and etc...


I BUKING LOVE AMERICA AND POLTICS. some wise quotes "An armed society is a polite society." "if it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg, It should not bother me if my fellow man believes that there are twenty gods or there is no god" Thomas Jefferson.

Don't worry I'm a pinkie pie fan and I have my random moments of cupcakes.

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At first I thought this was about something else....


As for the question, I discovered I was great at drawing dispite doing it for years. I tended to be really harsh on my own work so I didn't allow myself to see what promise i can show. So when it coems to drawing stuff like anime and still life I am pretty good at. I am still working on other things.


But another example of this I guess would be my acting. I've enevr really done much acting, and I was the youngest, and one of the finest in a acting class I auditioned for after high school. I was just asked to gow ith a friend and he talked me into doing it, little did i know I actually had talent to offer when i spent time rehersing my scripts.


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 When I was younger I was fairly involved in music, arts and sports, but as I got older they faded into the background. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do, but a few years into university I re-discovered my passions after transferring and moving to a new city. I used to feel like something was missing, and now I'm starting to feel like I'm finding what ever it was I was searching for. Now I'm trying to pursue my passions again.


 Also, don't be worried about joining clubs or sports. I'm pretty shy before I get to know people, so joining new clubs and sports seemed daunting at first. However, people were always friendly and welcoming towards me, and I've ended up making some good friends through these organizations. I'm sure you'll have a great time, so if you find something that interests you, go for it biggrin.png .

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First let's ask the question, What kind of person is depicted as a "Late Bloomer"? Well, that awnser is pretty obvious to us all and we've all heard the term before. It's a person whose talents or capabilities are not visible to others until a little later than usual...


Personally, I can't say I'm a late bloomer, because i have received quite a few compliments about some of my talents that other people might have noticed. I can be a little childish at times though :P. Making jokes that a boy of my age shouldn't be making anymore.


To conclude and anwser the question - No, i do not consider myself a late bloomer, but i consider myself with somewhat childish manners :P


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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It's a yes and no situation for me I think I've got talent around computers and technology but I really like to continue to discover new things that I might be good at. I hope every pony here discovers there talents :)


Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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See what I wrote about that in another thread to some user who thought he/she doesn't have any special talent. I put some advices there, from my own experience, how such a talent could be found. These advices worked not only for me, but also for several other people who thought (nay, who were convinced!) that they don't have any talent. And they know their talent now.


That's why I don't believe that there are people without any talent: those people just haven't found their talent yet, or even don't look to find it (since they gave up before ever trying). But I'm not surprised why so many people are "late-bloomers" if they are being convinced by so many others that they're worthless, or that it's not good to pursue your dreams, or that you can be "too old" to learn something & other craps like that :-P This is all false.


Also, if you're interested, you can read about how I got my cutie mark IRL ;-)

Edited by SasQ
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At the moment, I'd consider myself a jack-of-all-trades, there are too many things I can do that I enjoy. Though I'm not that athletic (especially due to asthma), I've always enjoyed recreational sports, soccer being near the top. But I'm a little more inclined in the science and arts field. One of the main things that tends to hinder me is that I can be a LITTLE overly self-critical and let others show their talent. 


I'm hoping to go to college for a physics major (aiming for masters :3), but there are many other majors that I could apply for that would make me just as happy doing for a career, one of them being interior designing.

It's just intimidating to us/those who don't have a firm grip of their future to see those who have had their whole lives planned and are able to display their work.


As a wise frog once said:


"Just because you haven't found your talent yet,

doesn't mean you don't have one"


^~Signature by Me~^

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yeah, "late bloomer" describes me pretty well actually. i only recently got my first job, got my drivers license, got a car, etc. and the only reason these things happened was because my parents nagged me into a corner and forced responsibility on me.. my sister and brother both got their driver's license and jobs at 16. if my parents didn't pretty much bully me into moving on, i would still be where i was in high school. and you know what? i'm not happy. i've been driving for months and it still terrifies me, and working in fast food is miserable. i still feel like i was never ready to start in the first place.

Edited by crazitaco


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