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ooc An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (OOC - No longer accepting!)


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That's too bad, but I'm thinking of adding Lyra as a "Bonus" Pony...




...Basically what Dawn Stripes said! Just make sure it's not too off character!




Uhhh.... I'm gonna have to say no to that type of character, as I really don't see a character with that type of backstory making a good fit into this particular RP... You can tweak him so that he makes a better fit for the RP, if you want!



You know, it takes all sorts. What sort of person are you looking for here? I don't see anything wrong...



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Oddly, no one has volunteered for Fluttershy.


Normally I wouldn't consider playing two characters in one thing, but...I'm getting pretty psyched about this.

Maybe I can summon my inner Fluttershy. May throw up an application in a couple minutes.


BTW, do you have a policy for when head-cannon of two different ponies collide? Normally it's not a big deal, but because we're dealing with humans that's going to come a little more to a fore. It might not matter unless pairs end up interacting with each other. I imagine some will at some point.


Your name: Fluttershy

Your species (Unicorn/Pegasus/Earth Pony/Changeling) Pegasus

Age (In human years) : Let's say 16 (when converted to human years, again, I say her actual age is 12)


Height: 3'9" -> 5'4"

Weight: 100 -> 138 (She's a major lightweight)

Eye color: Sky Blue

Mane color: Pink

Description of your pony form: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Fluttershy

Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): http://glancojusticar.deviantart.com/art/Human-Ponidox-Fluttershy-367742902

Okay, this time I'm not actually psyched about Ponidox, which doesn't match my view for her. She's very light and comes in a yellow sundress with buckled slippers.

Cutie Mark: Butterflies. Aww!


Backstory(a little more about your character): Fluttershy was born in Cloudsdale to an abusive family, as her mother suffered from Cutie Mark Dissasociative Disorder. Her father left before she could really get to know him, and by the time she was old enough for Flight Camp, she had been placed in Cloudsdale custody. Extremely shy and emotionally vulnerable, as well as not having much enthusiasm for flying due to fear of heights, she performed extremely poorly in Flight Camp, despite making one friend Rainbow Dash. With flight's importance in Cloudsdale, Fluttershy wasn't making any particularly hard decision when she decided to move to Ponyville. Few ponies realize what a courageous step it was to move out on her own. She spent her years in Ponyville similarly shy, developing her passion of caring for animals, and, through good fortune, making five good friends which helped to draw her out of her shell and make her more confident. Present Flutterhy is a hopeful sort who prefers to focus on the positive in her life than dwell on the imperfections of her past.

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Welp, here goes!

( I was going to do a human, but I changed my mind)


Name: Blossom

Species: Earth Pony

Age (In human years) : 27

Gender: Female

Height: In human form... 5 feet

Weight: ...125 lbs.

Eye color: gray

Mane color: pale pink

Description of pony form: She is a pretty white pony with a curly, soft pink mane and tail, the mane normally in a loose braid with white and pink flowers in it, the tail left untied (also with flowers). There tends to be one, large, hot pink blossom behind her ear. Her cutie mark is of a blooming cherry blossom. Her eyes are beautiful, large, and doe-like. She has a disorder, however, that makes her look much younger than she is, so now looks about 14 yrs. old even though she is 27.

Description of human form: A pretty, fourteen-ish-looking girl with soft pink hair, curly and often braided with pink or white flowers. here tends to be one, large, hot pink blossom behind her ear. She has fair, pale skin, large gray eyes, and a cherry blossom tattoo on her "flank".

Cutie Mark: A cherry blossom, representing (like Cheerilee) how she hopes to help her students blossom into adults and better ponies, as she is a teacher.

Backstory: Blossom grew up in Fillydelphia, a lovable young filly who was curious and always loved to try new things. At about the age of eight, ponies started to notice that she still looked like a six-year-old. Her parents took her to the doctor, and they confirmed that she had a disorder in which she looked much younger than she was.


At first it wasn't all that noticeable, and Blossom was pretty happy about it - young forever? Sweet! Eventually, though, the age gaps in her appearance grew larger. At twelve, she looked seven. At fourteen, she looked nine. At seventeen, she looked eleven. She was mocked and ridiculed, and although her friends' support did help, it did make her sad to think that she would never look like anypony else.


In college, she found other ponies who wanted to grow and be teachers, like her, so they were all very nice and tried their best to comfort her, as they would a student. When she left college, Blossom  began her job as a high-school English teacher. At first even the students laughed at her, but eventually they became used to her appearance. The other teachers accepted her for who she was, and the students, because she looked like them, began to think of her as a friend (who happened to be able to give them detentions). Blossom found comfort in her new life and continued on as a teacher.


Over the years, she grew to become talented in violin playing, competitive eating (although she doesn't do it often), and skating. She can sort of paint. She cannot ski, due to her clumsiness, or race, because of her short legs.


Something I wanted to add...


Personality: Blossom is a little shy when meeting new ponies for fear of being shunned, but other than that she is very friendly. She is funny, smart, and often corrects other ponies' grammatical errors. She is compassionate, understanding, and kind. Unfortunately, she does have some bad qualities as well. She will not get up earlier than seven o' clock without putting up a fight, she is a little short-tempered sometimes, she's a wee bit too sensitive, and she often corrects other ponies' grammatical errors.

Random yet semi-important fact: She often carries around some form of ID so she doesn't have to spend forever convincing new ponies of her age.



Lemme' know if there are any comments or objections!


(Man, I gotta' do homework...)

Edited by TheSonicAlicorn
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@@Dawn Stripes 


Yeah. My personal headcanon for them is that they share a hive mind for basic behavioral traits, but bear some individuality aside. In the IDW comics they exhibited some sense of humor as well, so that plays a part in mine.


So, @@Pripyat Pony I feel if I read your Changeling application I may get an idea of your Changeling head canon, but let me know if the one I exhibit matches up enough.



@@Hypn0ticD Here is my Changeling if there are still spots open.


Your name: Diliges (Latin for 'love')

Your species: Changeling

Age: About 16 Human years. Probably something older, around mid 20 maybe, in Changeling years.

Gender: Male

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 170

Eye color: Turquoise.

Mane color: Dark, dusty gray/black.

Description of your pony form: Typical Changeling, maybe a little taller. Really only unique thing about him is that he has the Changeling Captain's armor.

Description of your human form: He is tall, with an athletic build. He wears a tattered black hoodie, reminiscent of how Changelings look, and a shallow v-neck tee that is the same black and blue as the Changeling Captain's armor. He wears worn jeans (by worn I mean they are faded and have a few holes) and Vietnam combat boots tucked beneath them.
Cutie Mark: حب (Arabic for 'love')

Backstory: He was fairly insignificant back in Equestria aside from being a Captain in Chrysalis' Swarm. He chose the name "Diliges" for himself because of the loyalty he felt towards his Queen, and since it is means "love", the most wholesome emotion for Changelings to consume. When in the presence of other Changelings he is fairly average in behavior, but exhibits a sense of humor. When he is himself however he is very curious and inquisitive, often spending time disguised as a pony, griffin or zebra just to learn more about their culture.



I can change anything if needed.

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Well, there's more to it than that. How are they born? From eggs, by normal reproduction, or from the dreamstuff of Elder Gods? Do they feed on love only? Only powerful emotions? Can sexual attraction be fed on as love can? Do they have to steal love by tricking a pony into loving them, or can they siphon love forcefully from the object of their feeding? How does their transformation work? How quickly can they transform? Do they need to kidnap a pony to transform into them, touch them, or merely imagine or see them? Can they invent their own forms to transform into?

Changelings, with their intriguing but ill-defined nature, are the source of a great deal of unrealized potential in bronydom.



And ARABIC well git yo buckin' da' trends! ....Bet you can't come up with a logical explanation for why a changeling has a cutie mark that's a piece of Arabic language. I challenge thee.

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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@@Dawn Stripes


Those are all excellent questions. To most of which I have no answers. But I can try to answer some:


As to where they come from: I saw on a Tumblr ask-blog that Changelings are both naturally born, though from something that seems sorta like a cocoon, and ponies are converted into Changelings as well.


As to what they feed on: I personally believe all emotions are a food source, though love is considered more of a delicacy, as it is the most wholesome, and sustains them the most. 


As to sexual attraction: Seeing as it is the greatest show of love, I'd believe so, yes.


As to how they feed on love: I'd say that they absorb the love felt for the pony they are impersonating, but if need be they can forcefully steal it from them.


As to the transformation abilities: From what I can glean from the show, they can transform practically instantaneously, and is some form of magic held only by Changelings. 


As to how they take the appearance of a pony: Again, from what I can glean from the show it seems all they have to do is see them, as with that fight between the Mane 6 and the Changelings guarding the Elements they never touched them before turning into them, so I believe all they'd have to do is see them. If they ever want to turn into them at another point in time, all they'll have to do is think about their appearance and assume it. Also I feel it would be necessary for them to kidnap a pony to take their place (as seen with Chrysalis and Cadence), and though Chrysalis didn't do so to her, their ability to forcefully siphon emotions from a pony would allow them to gain more food from the pony they kidnapped. To add on to that, I'd say they don't usually opt to force feed since they don't get as much sustenance out of it, and leaves a bad taste.


As to inventing their own transformations: I'd say after much studying of pony and other species' behavior, they would be able to imagine their own transformation to use when they want to walk through the civilization and possibly forge their own relationships to feed off of.



Back to the emotion as food: I'd say that positive emotions, like love, happiness, etc. are a better food source, as they get more out of them. Negative emotions, such as hate and anguish, still feed them, but not as well as positive emotions, and don't taste nearly as good.


But that's just my headcanon that I partially came up with on the spot.



I didn't see the Arabic Cutie Mark Challenge at first. So here goes

First off, I forgot to say that the cutie mark isn't needed if Changelings aren't supposed to have them, but now I want to try and figure out why.


My first idea would be that he is exceptionally good at force siphoning love, or perhaps he is very good at forging relationships to feed off of. As for a logical explanation to why it's Arabic, and to why his name is Latin, might be a bit tougher, seeing as neither of those languages technically exist in Equus, (well, maybe Arabic, since Saddle Arabia is a place). I want to say his Cutie Mark is Arabic just cause, but that doesn't seem like enough to me. Maybe the Saddle Arabians are his prime targets? Or he is just very well versed in their culture.

Jeez, that challenge is a toughy!

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Thanks to Alex Kennedy pointing me to this, please put me down as the unicorn (reserve for now, as I'm on mobile). However, are we allowed to RP as multiple characters? I

For example, if not enough humans, could I add one in? (I wanna use Thalia. X3)


Edit: Never mind-I want to use a Unicorn version of my OC Raindancer (link in my sig) as a 21 year old rather than my previously planned character. :P

Cheating? Perhaps. But I love her. XD

Edited by Morrigan Aensland
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The DM said you could play up to three characters,  Morrigan. And at this point, I kind of wish you would. Maybe if somebody starts filling up these lists we'll actually get started, and at this rate we're losing players almost as fast as we're gaining them.


Saddle arabia, 0? I'll accept it.

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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First off: Rain's description.


Name: Raindancer

Species: Unicorn (for this RP)

Age: 19-21

Gender: Female

Height: In pony form? Smaller than a regular one. 5"4 to 5"5 in human.

Weight: Again, small in pony form, 90-105 pounds in human.

Eye colour: bright blue-grey

Mane colour: Darker blue with paler blue streaks

Description of pony: small, has multiple scars on her right side. Tattoo of the rune Hagaz on her left lower front leg. (See her page.)

Description of human: same as pony, but tattoo is on ankle. (See her page.)

Cutie mark: teardrop with a small "x" on the inside.

Backstory: memory erased at a young age. Currently lives with Mr. Breezy, a family friend. Survived a fire with some scarring.


Next, I didn't see that, Dawn-thanks. I'll bring in Eos or Thalia, more than likely. Possibly Wesley instead. :x

Edited by Morrigan Aensland
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Keep in mind that I will update the list tonight after I get home from work. I'll also start te first round of pairings on Sunday!




Sorry it's frustrating to you, but like I said, I'd like to have everyone apply, so I can get a feel of how the character will be portrayed, be it a cannon or an OC.




What I'm looking for are Ponies who have less violent backgrounds, and those with backstories close to one could envision in the show itself...


@@Dawn Stripes


Normally, I'm against such backstories, but since you wrote Fluttershy's backstory so well, she's approved!




First, I'd to say that poor Blossom's probably not gonna be believed when she says she an adult… I'd also like to say she's approved!




Very interesting concept on Changeling physiology! A Changeling having a cutie mark is a little strange, but other than that, Diliges is approved!


@@Feather Gem


Sorry to see that you've lost interest! I'll take Daffodil's name off the list tonight, but lemme know if you change your mind!

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Eh, I don't get credit. I basically stole it from a glut of fanfictions and cobbled 'em together, some kinda' head-cannon style.


I also have this thing about Rainbow's family have a super-long history of being blue-color workers in rainbow production, and that's why their manes are so many colors. That's the most original thing I actually contributed to these.

Do we look somewhat close to being ready to rambah?


EDIT: Never mind, you gave us a start time. Please Celestia let my ponies get paired with a human who posts!

Edited by Dawn Stripes

The lesson of Friendship is Magic is: Empowered women are sexy.

And also: Non-Pony Fiction   or    Pony Fiction

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Do we look somewhat close to being ready to rambah?




If it helps speed things up, I have an Earth Pony OC I can apply with if necessary, although it would be kind of weird since he's very similar to my human character. 

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Keep in mind that I will update the list tonight after I get home from work. I'll also start te first round of pairings on Sunday!@Sorry it's frustrating to you, but like I said, I'd like to have everyone apply, so I can get a feel of how the character will be portrayed, be it a cannon or an OC.@What I'm looking for are Ponies who have less violent backgrounds, and those with backstories close to one could envision in the show itself...@@Dawn StripesNormally, I'm against such backstories, but since you wrote Fluttershy's backstory so well, she's approved! @First, I'd to say that poor Blossom's probably not gonna be believed when she says she an adult… I'd also like to say she's approved!@@00PonyVery interesting concept on Changeling physiology! A Changeling having a cutie mark is a little strange, but other than that, Diliges is approved!@@Feather GemSorry to see that you've lost interest! I'll take Daffodil's name off the list tonight, but lemme know if you change your mind!

Keep in mind that I will update the list tonight after I get home from work. I'll also start te first round of pairings on Sunday!@Sorry it's frustrating to you, but like I said, I'd like to have everyone apply, so I can get a feel of how the character will be portrayed, be it a cannon or an OC.@What I'm looking for are Ponies who have less violent backgrounds, and those with backstories close to one could envision in the show itself...@@Dawn StripesNormally, I'm against such backstories, but since you wrote Fluttershy's backstory so well, she's approved! @First, I'd to say that poor Blossom's probably not gonna be believed when she says she an adult… I'd also like to say she's approved!@@00PonyVery interesting concept on Changeling physiology! A Changeling having a cutie mark is a little strange, but other than that, Diliges is approved!@@Feather GemSorry to see that you've lost interest! I'll take Daffodil's name off the list tonight, but lemme know if you change your mind!

Am I still accepted in this Roleplay? Besides he wouldn't act like an SCP and probably try to be normal like everybody else...


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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Yeah, like I forgot to mention in Diliges' bio, his cutie mark is an optional thing. I might just have him get it tattooed to his arm or something in the human world :P

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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I also see changelings as having a "hive mind"; as in, they can connect with the mind of any other changeling at any time, and talk psychically. If that happens in the RP, it'll be put in italics. That would explain how Chrysalis was able to communicate with her changeling soldiers while she was impersonating Cadance.


I also see them as being born, and of being a highly discliplined, trained species; as in, changeling foals being trained in army from the moment they can walk, which is why they are so singleminded. Also, this is my headcanon; they can eat regular food but get power and energy from emotions, especially love. As in basically they can sustain themselves on food but without emotions, they're weakened.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






Want an Equestria Girls version, a pixel pony, or an Equalised version of your OC? Go here for links to shops here: https://mlpforums.com/blog/2506/entry-16610-details-of-my-shops/


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First, I'd to say that poor Blossom's probably not gonna be believed when she says she an adult… I'd also like to say she's approved!


*Insert Fluttershy "Yay!" HERE*


Also, I have a question - I think she would probably carry around some sort of ID so that she wouldn't have to spend forever convincing new ponies of her age, such as a passport, so would the picture change into a picture of her human form when she goes to the realm of humans. or would it just remain the same?

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@@Pripyat Pony


I like the idea of them being able to feed on normal food. As to them having a telepathic field between them, that is also an interesting idea, one which I like.


I also like the idea of them being so disciplined.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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@@Alex Kennedy


There's already an Earth pony that was approved, but thank you for letting me know!


@@Mister G


Tweak your character so that there's a little more of a normal human, as normal humans are supposed to find the Ponies… Also, the link to your character isn't working!




A tattoo of his name sounds good!




An overhaul would be best, as there wouldn't be too many oppurtunities for Standoff to ply his trade as a mercenary, if at all… add to that, he may be found by a preteen or a cop!




I'm curious as to how Raindancer lost her memories, as well as if anyone from her family survived the fire... And I don't see a link for your character's bio, either!




That's a good question! On the one hand, since it's an Equestrian ID, it might be mistaken for a fake on Earth either way, so… I'd say yeah, have her ID picture change with her! That way, she can get a bonus shock!

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I was bumped to this thread from . Anyhoo... I could be one of the Mane Six for ya, or any of my Unicorn OCs could be there. I'd really rather not be a human, but that's just me.


Will providing OC pages suffice instead of filling out ALL the details on how my ponies look and think? Because I'm going to provide multiple and you're going to pick from them. I can be an OC, or a Mane Six. I'm talented like that. Also, I'm very humble and am kind of rambling.




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I was bumped to this thread from . Anyhoo... I could be one of the Mane Six for ya, or any of my Unicorn OCs could be there. I'd really rather not be a human, but that's just me.


Will providing OC pages suffice instead of filling out ALL the details on how my ponies look and think? Because I'm going to provide multiple and you're going to pick from them. I can be an OC, or a Mane Six. I'm talented like that. Also, I'm very humble and am kind of rambling.





Yay wink.png


Seriously though...woot.

You didn't have to join if you really didn't want too...I just thought this was an awesome idea and I would pass it around happy.png (But still...yaaaaay)

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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I can be any of the following, mostly because I'm no good at picking, myself.




Your name: Evergreen

Your species (Unicorn/Pegasus/Earth Pony/Changeling)

Age (In human years) : 19


(Human?) Height: 5"9'

Weight: 146

(Are we talking human or pony here?) Eye color: Cerise.

Mane color: A dark, rich forest green, streaked with lime. However, it's usually so dirty it's a moss color.

Description of your pony form: I have a coat that's actually a beautiful soft gold when it's actually clean. When it's not, it's more of the yellow on the inside of an oldish apple. I always wear a special rose behind my ear.

Description of your human form : Still tall and slightly slender. Has a slight, golden tan. (Possibly Asian or Latina. Haven't decided yet.

Cutie Mark: Backstory(a little more about your character): Well, my cutie mark is gardening and botany in general. I earned it by growing the best darn clover Manehattan Elementary School ever did see on Green Week. I love plants, and life in general, and live in that gigantic garden down the road from Ponyville, towards the Forest.






Your name: I'm Moonstruck. At least, that's what people say my name is.

Your species (Unicorn/Pegasus/Earth Pony/Changeling) 

Age (In human years) : I'm only 16 by your standards.

Gender: I'm a girl. Isn't it obvious?

Height: I think I'm kinda short.

Weight: Sunburst says I could stand to lose a few pounds.

Eye color: Really pale. Sunny says they're almost icy.

Mane color: It's blondish, and it has this lovely blue streak running through it.

Description of your pony form: My coat's a navy bluish. Or indigo. Or chartreuse. Or cerulean. Something like that. Sunburst said once that all the colts would have eyes for naught but me if I was able to pull my head out of the clouds, but I don't know what she means. I've never been near a cloud. 

Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): Oooh, humans? I wrote a book about a human once. Lyra told me about them this one time, and I just had to write about them, they're so... *rambles*

Well, if I were a human, I'd probably be pale, since the sun decides their coat color. I really like the stars better. They're like little friends winking at me from in space.

Cutie Mark: See how the yellow dots are splayed like that? It's like an artist's pallet, and it means that I can paint with words. And with magic, too, I suppose. I can paint other ponies' hearts, I think. And that moon? It means I really like the moon.

Backstory(a little more about your character): *Goes off on a long meaningless tangent on how she once slew the Glebarl of Undbidor.*



Seriously, if you want to see what she's like, go check out her character page. That was almost entirely in character.






Your name: I'm Sunburst.

Your species (Unicorn/Pegasus/Earth Pony/Changeling) 

Age (In human years) : I'm 19.

Gender: I'm a mare, as you can plainly see. Don't be daft.

Height: I'm about 5'4, about two inches taller than my younger sister Moonstruck.

Weight: That's none of your business. (She's actually about average weight)

Eye color: They're a dark goldish color.

Mane color: Blonde with a dark red streak through it.

Description of your pony form: Well, I'm orange. Though I thought that you might be able to see that. Evidently you don't have eyes.

Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): Humans? Oh, Celestia, I thought Lyra and Moony were the only two to believe in things like humans. *sighs* 

Well, if you must know, Moony tells me that I'd probably be rather tan, if not just downright dark-skinned; that I'd be kinda on the short side, and that I'd be well-shaped. I have no idea what she means by that, and I'm not sure I care. Humans. *Scoffs*

Cutie Mark: Backstory(a little more about your character): My cutie mark there? You see that? That cool sun pattern? Yeah, I earned that trying to carve out a brighter life for me and my sister. And the dark splotches arrayed within show my abilities to paint with the pen and with magic.


Backstory(a little more about your character): Well, foalhood could have been nicer. Mom and Dad weren't around for very long, so I had to take care of myself and little Moonstruck since we were fillies. It would have been easier if... If she'd stayed with me... You know, up here. *taps head*. 





Your name: Oh, silly! You know me! Everypony knows Pinkie Pie!

Your species (Unicorn/Pegasus/Earth Pony/Changeling) 

Age (In human years) : My age? I'm 18! How old are you?

Gender: I'm a mare, silly,

Height: I'm only about 4'10". I guess big things come from smaller packages, huh? Huh?!?

Weight: Well, I weigh a little more than I oughtta... Cupcakes do that to a gal, you know?

Eye color: There as blue as that big sky outside!

Mane color: PINK!

Description of your pony form: Oh, that form? Well, everypony knows who I am in that form.

Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): Oh, I'm about the same. Big, curly mane. Pale, pink body. All about the fun.

Cutie Mark:  And that's how Equestria was made!








Your name: Howdy! I'm Applejack. It's a pleasure to meet 'ya.

Your species (Unicorn/Pegasus/Earth Pony/Changeling)

Age (In human years) : I'm a firm 20 years o'age.

Gender: *rolls eyes*

Height: I'm only about 5-10. Big Macintosh stands a good head taller than I! I don't think I'll ever catch up to 'im.

Weight: *Shifty eyes* Only 140 pounds *grins unconvincingly*

Eye color: As green as an apple! Well, a green apple.

Mane color: It's yellow. Like a bale a-hay.

Description of your pony form: Really? You think this is necessary?

Description of your human form (hair and eye color will remain the same): Well, I'd be tan. And freckly.
Cutie Mark: Apples! 


Also, I'm totally going to self-promote here. Check out my vectorwork; look in the link in my sig, 'Vector Chronicles'. Definitely worth your time.

Edited by Glaceon
  • Brohoof 1

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I just made a couple minor changes to Star.
Her age is eighteen rather than nineteen...not much of a difference but meh.

And I feel like it fits more if her skin color is a dark tan rather than being pale...so she now has a darker tanned skin.

  • Brohoof 1

Something something something something


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