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gaming Fallout: New Vegas


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The only problems I have with NV, besides the glitches, are that the Honest Hearts DLC is incredibly short, and once you finish Lonesome Road - an amazing DLC by the way - there's nothing more you can really do in the game other than finish up whatever quests you haven't yet done in the Mohave and then go do the battle of Hoover Dam.


On a side note, Old World Blues is fantastic, and the writing is top notch and hilarious - a great homage to terrible B movies and old 60's and 70's science fiction.

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I loved Fallout New Vegas except for the glitches, for example, the fact that it will often crash because of that stupid limit on how much RAM it is able to use. Even with the mod that allows it to use more, it still exceeds THAT limit on occassion.

  • Brohoof 1
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If I ever play NV again, I'm getting it for the PC. There were multiple quests in which glitches prevented me from completing them. For example, if you complete There Stands the Grass before completing the first Crimson Caravan quest, you'll never be able to finish the latter. That means that you can never do any of Cass' quests.

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I've played through the game a couple times, and I will admit that there are some.

Not-that-good-in-fact-infuriating moments in the game.


Actually, admittedly, there are a LOT. However, if you have ALL of the DLC (bonus gun and story reasons) the knowledge of having played through it several times, the power of manual-saving every time you're about to enter a building because only Celestia knows how many Deathclaws, Marauders, Robots, Rangers, Ceasars Legion, or even over-sized crickets there are inside of the building.


Other than that, it's a decent game. Still can't wait for the fourth, if it ever comes out.

  • Brohoof 1
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In terms of writing, I think it massively eclipses FO3. One of my problems with FO3 was that it seemed more like a side story rather than a Fallout sequel. NV returns to the West and revisits the old story lines. It's nice to see the NCR, Crimson Caravan, Gunrunners, and Khans again not to mention all characters who return from past games.


I'm also excited about the future game. Unless it was just a rumor, FO4 is supposed to be set in California again and revisit San Francisco which should be cool, again because of the city's role in FO2.

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Okey-dokey. I have officially started a new game of Fallout: New Vegas. I haven't played it since release date.. So far its okay lol. I will play through some tomorrow after work and post how it is going haha :P

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Personally for me, I thought Fallout New Vegas was better then Fallout 3, even with all the DLC's.

Reason being is because I finished the storyline without even hitting lvl 20 while finishing half the DLC's. In Fallout New Vegas its so much longer paced, plus there's there's much more people you can trust/not trust in that game.

Sure the game was glitch, but as I read In some early posts, its not that bad to manually save after 20 minutes each time. And one of my favourite things was that each unique weapon had a different color and/or effect to it.


Edit: Also, there was 2 different power armors to choose from the Brotherhood of Steel, but the downside to that was that they didn't have much of a storyline as I wanted them to have.

The New Vegas scene is fun, because Freeside is all about trash then New Vegas itself is so clean and Luxurious. I actually killed everyone in there for fun with a Tesla Cannon and 2 partners. (AKA: Raul and ED-E)


The hard part about the game was, because the storyline is so much more laid out then Fallout 3, it takes much longer to get to places. And, some of the quests were bullshit long so that made it kinda boring sometimes.


But besides that, the places you go to and the quests are much nicer then F3. For example: going to the Heilos plant down south of New Vegas and doing the 'That lucky old Sun' quest was actually heartwarming for me.


Even with me boasting about New Vegas being better and all, I still liked one thing about both games.


You know RobCo and Repconn? Well one of the two is on both games. (Repconn being on New Vegas near Black Mountain and RobCo being near Tenpenny towers) Both of those places made my day every time I went in there.


Those are two I like about the games, but besides that im still with New Vegas all the way.


Since the Hoover Dam is there, its actually neat. Plus with it being the NCR there, I get to kill them all before the final battle begins.


Which brings me to the best part of that game. The fact you can betray multiple 'factions' or whatnot (like Blowing up the BoS or sneaking around and killing the Omertas in Gomorrah at night time).


Anyhow, to summarize this up, I think Fallout New Vegas is better from reasons ive stated above me. Feel free to disagree but these are all my opionions.

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  • Brohoof 1
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In my opinion, Fallout New Vegas was better than Fallout 3 in most regards. I hated FNV's story with a passion though, and I much preferred the Capitol Wasteland over New Vegas. I liked New Vegas's gameplay more though, which really made the game for me.

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I prefer NV because I actually feels like a FO game. Bethesda got too involved in 3, it's just Elder Scrolls in the future :/

Also, to everybody complaining about glitches... PC master race ;)


In my opinion, Fallout New Vegas was better than Fallout 3 in most regards. I hated FNV's story with a passion though, and I much preferred the Capitol Wasteland over New Vegas. I liked New Vegas's gameplay more though, which really made the game for me.

What didn't you like about FONV's story?

  • Brohoof 1
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Why does everyone dislike this game :( its like my favorite game ever I have like 500 plus hours on steam haha I did not think it was glitchey... ever, I mean once in a while somthing would happen but thats with all games

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Keep in mind that I've only played DLC-less 3 and Ultimate Edition (all DLC) New Vegas.


Things Fallout 3 has over New Vegas, in my opinion, include relevant karma system, more varied and enjoyable main quest-line, less overall lag when doing things like accessing the Pipboy map and loading new areas, Three Dog/GNR, cool craftable weapons, [broken Steel only] being able to play after finishing the main quest-line, perks at every level-up, and Bethesda mountains.


Things New Vegas has over 3: reputation system (however oddly implemented compared to the now nearly-nonexistent karma system), usable iron sights, weapon mods, greater weapon variety, more interesting characters, better voice acting here and there (god damn Lanius, I love your voice), more varied dialogue checks, skill checks being based off a threshold rather than a percent to pass, greater variety in possible enemies, actually worthwhile things to purchase, the trait system, huge perk variety in both level-up and quest-obtained perks, better add-ons (or so I've heard), crafting recipes for basically everything but weapons, and (despite lack of Bethesda mountains) the Mojave being much easier to traverse than the Capitol Wasteland, more specifically referring to the DC subways being hell to navigate even with waypoints.


After playing both, I find Fallout 3 to be more focused on the main quest as opposed to New Vegas, which is practically "Sidequests: The Game."  The only thing I disliked at all about New Vegas was that, after doing most of the quests in the main game and completing a few add-ons (resulting in a save file of pretty massive proportions), the framerate would drop to about 1/3 frames per second at random, but most often when loading a new area.  It remained playable, but resets were frequent.  Overall, I can't say I have a preference and while I do acknowledge the faults of New Vegas, they don't break the game and Fallout 3 has faults as well.


tl;dr they're both fantastic games that have their ups and downs and are both definitely worthy of playing through a few times.

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Kids these days and their fast leveling and their perks every level.


Back in the day, we leveled a lot slower and had perks every 3 levels (4 with certain traits) and we didn't complain. We learned to prioritize and make good decisions.

  • Brohoof 1
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I thought it was really good. I only ever encountered a few glitches (or at least the others that I encountered didn't really make much difference) and I liked the faction system. The fact that you have basically no prologue or introduction to your character is disappointing, though, especially compared to 3, where it goes through your entire childhood. Also, 3 Dog was an infinitely better radio host than Mister New Vegas.

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Kids these days and their fast leveling and their perks every level.


Back in the day, we leveled a lot slower and had perks every 3 levels (4 with certain traits) and we didn't complain. We learned to prioritize and make good decisions.

I would ask if you're talking about CoD to Fallout New Vegas.


Im actually starting to regret selling that game now. If I had all the DLC's I probably wouldnt, but that game is just so nice and the music in that is even better.

For example:


Actually this song makes me quite sad and happy, depending on what im doing.


EDIT: The song I posted up ^ just made me cry deeply.

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Yes, the game was a bit glitchy.  For instance: I had Legion problems.  At some point, even if you've ticked off the Legion royally, a representative is supposed to contact you and give you an item that lets you reach their fort so you have a chat with the head honcho.  That dude never made an appearance.  So...I used the console to give myself that item, right?  It, erm, didn't do a thing.  Everyone in the fort wanted to eat my head.  So, I used the console to manually change my reputation with the legion.  That didn't work either.  I was totally unable to pursue any non-violent options or even see dialog with the Legion because of this glitch.  It didn't make the game unwinnable, but it did break the chain of how my character had handled things up 'til then, and disrupted a climactic point in the plot.


On the flip-side, I really liked how NV's choices were far from black and white morally-speaking.  You really had to think hard about whether what you were doing was 'right' or not.  You had to adjust your moral frame of reference to match that of someone living in the post-apocalyptic wasteland.  You could forgive and forget things which we would scream demands for execution in today's world, and feel okay about it...while on the other hand shooting someone in the face for trying to steal your meager possessions starts to sound totally reasonable.

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Why does everyone dislike this game sad.png its like my favorite game ever I have like 500 plus hours on steam haha I did not think it was glitchey... ever, I mean once in a while somthing would happen but thats with all games


I like it pretty much. Except at the beginning that you have to walk so much. But you can look past it and it's a quite decent game.

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I would ask if you're talking about CoD to Fallout New Vegas.


I was talking about FO2, which had perks every 3 levels (or, as I said, 4 if you had certain traits), and leveling was a lot slower, so you had to really make decisions as to how to build your character, skills and perks. FO3 had perks every level and IIRC, no traits at all. At least NV started to go back to the roots with perks every other level, and traits (even though there weren't as many relevant ones as in older games). And in the newer ones, you can level faster, so it matters even less what you pick. Just pandering to less serious gamers. I have no problem with more accessible games I just wish that not all the old good, series' would get new games that are simple shadows of the older games :/

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I don't really have a problem with New Vegas.


I in fact love it. 

Sure, it may look like a rehashed touched up version of Fallout 3.

But its actually not that bad. I'v been playing it non-stop for the past week.


I don't have any DLC on the PC version, but i do have all of them on my Xbox.

The DLC is great. But i didn't really care for Dead Money. It was way too short and confusing.

Old World Blues was the best in my opinion then Lonesome Road came in second. Then Honest Hearts.


If you don't have any DLC and you have the PC version. The game was made to be modded!

Its easy to mod and it makes the game much more interesting in a substantial amount of ways.

You can download new guns, armor, homes, companions, Pip-Boy's and much more.


Anyways, New Vegas on consoles was kinda a dud. Continuous freezing and problems were always an occurrence.

However on the PC it doesn't have that many problems, just a bit of bugs but you get over them quick.


Always have auto-save on. Whenever i mess up or my game crashes and i didn't save, the auto-save will save YOU!


Good luck in the Mojave Wasteland fellow couriers! img-1423560-1-3263-vault-boy-approves_zp

For instance: I had Legion problems.


I'm having Legion problems as we speak.


About every 30 minutes real time a bunch of Legion Assassins track me down and attack me when i'm not aware.

For instance, i was in Red Rock Canyon getting massacred by cazadore's barely making it out of there alive then suddenly out of nowhere i'm getting impaled by spears and bullets which uttermost likely is the most annoying thing ever.


Especially when your head is crippled. 

Kids these days and their fast leveling and their perks every level.

Back in the day, we leveled a lot slower and had perks every 3 levels (4 with certain traits) and we didn't complain. We learned to prioritize and make good decisions.

Good o'l Fallout 1 & 2. 


Those games took a considerable amount of skill.

I remember ''The Master'' scaring the crap outta me when i was a kid.

I'm kinda considering re-buying FO1 and 2 just for the sake of nostalgia.

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What didn't you like about FONV's story?

Honestly, I just found it bland and uninteresting. While both FO3 and FNV story's were pretty cliched, FNV's seemed like an afterthought to me. I just don't feel it felt like a main storyline, more of a series of side quests. Why would I even want to hunt down a guy who shot me once? And then the main story took a turn for no reason and suddenly you had to decide the fate of New Vegas by choosing a faction and working for them for no real reason. I really found the entire storyline nonsensical.

I still loved the game though.

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alright I have been playing it again about 3 days now, I must admit it is better than I remember lol It is still glitchy though, I certainly don't like allot of things about it and still consider Fallout 3 to be the crowned jewel haha But it is quite a good game (otherwise I would have given up by now). I am going to continue playing to the end I think, keepin' y'all updated.

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