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Would an MLP movie be successful at the box office


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I really think if we are getting a movie. We will see a theatrical release. I would LOVE an IMAX release. I also think it shouldn't be an hour and half long. I want the MLP movie to be dark epic that's over 2 hours long. I also would love to see how the animation would be. Since movies based on tv shows have superior animation to their TV show counterpart. Also how much money would it make


I am going to draw the line at 200 million USD. Maybe more. The brony movement is still growing 


It's inevitable, it will happen. You really think Hasbro would skip out on a chance to make millions by making one movie. Not to mention saving money since animated movies don't need that much resources.. DBZ Battle of the Gods only cost 600K USD(2 billion yen) to produce 

Edited by TheMarkz0ne
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I think it could do well, depending on the centent... maybe not two hours plus but I think it would be interesting to see something like the history of equestria with Luna and Celestia and some how tie that into now. Maybe Cadence would have to learn about Luna/Celestia's story in order to save Twilight who has become like NMM and the mane six come along to protect her. They may not be granted alicorn or princess status but maybe this makes them members of a royal castle and grants them immortality? Idk, just a thought.

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I would see it, and I think a majority if not a 90% of the bronies will see it too, so it'll probably do relativity well at the box office, if it is a 2 hour movie discussing darker themes and such. 


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Box office wise, it would probably flop. My little pony isn't nearly as popular with families as Phineas And Ferb and Spongebob are. That's what makes kids movies successful nowadays. In order for it to be successful, it must be accesible to mainstream audiences. MLP just isn't. It would probably The Hub's Highest rated program ever if it were a Hub original movie though.

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I don't think a MLP movie would make it into theaters or make that much money. For one other better movies might becoming out and an MLP movie would be really looked under. I could see it making 5 or 8, but I just don't see it making number 1. The other problem is parents may not like the idea of bring their kids to a movie with a bunch of grown men with no kids. It can also work in the other way. Some bronies may not be fine with going to a movie with a bunch of kids. 


So I see it as a T.V. movie and then DVD. 

  • Brohoof 1


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On one end, it might end up doing very well since there are many loyal fans that wouldn't hesitate to go see the movie in theaters. On the other end, seeing as how DeLancie's documentary ultimately failed due to pirating, making a MLP movie sounds like it would be a big risk since it could very well suffer the same fate. 


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I think it would be successful. In my opinion, a lot of people focus on super hero movies from DC and Marvel, and other movies that a lot of action and adventure in them. My Little Pony could really do good in a box office, but I don't think it would make that much money. It would be taking a risk making one.

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with the explosion of the tv show i have zero doubt at an mlp movie would be hihighly successful if done right. i mean just look how popular the show is.

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I'd give it one or two more seasons to become more popular and for the brony fandom to gain a little more momentum. As long as the budget is kept modest and it's released in an opportune time window (family movies tend to do better near the beginning of march, and if we're aiming for not having to compete with anything note worthy, august), it could be successful. It could end up like the Recess movie, which was produced relatively cheaply and capitalized on the established audience for the show, so even though it wasn't a blockbuster, it was still considered a huge success when it made back 44 Million on its 10 Million budget.


Between the bronies (I'm sure many of us will probably see the movie multiple times), the target audience for the show, girls who don't watch the show but drag their parents to see it anyway (man, are those parents in for a shock), and the same group of people who went to see The Smurfs because HER-DERRRR, this could make back it's money and then some.


It could be risky, but no more risky then the Hungry Hungry Hippos movie Hasbro is actually making.

Edited by CITRUS KING46
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Give it time. If the fandom trend continues, I think it's possible you'll see a film released in theatres.


Past history would give many reasons why this wouldn't work, but MLP: FiM is somewhat of a different animal and, if the folks with the $$ to fund it don't see it yet, they will. Moreover, they're already watching to see if it's going to be a viable opportunity - I'm sure about that.


Adult men and women are already going to children's films. I do think, however, that a special "brony" version of an MLP: FiM film would be awesome for midnight screenings - the only change being a special intro to the fandom by the characters with some really funny banter to go along with it.

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I'd say the success would depend on the next session, a feel like the Brony community is stalled right now if not shrinking. A lot of Bronies were critical of the last session and with the big change in the main character if they come back and rock our fuck'n socks off then the fan base will surge again. If that happened the movie market would be more primed for it than now.


Being a mostly closet Brony I can say I would be a little uncomfortable buying the ticket at the counter without others but like the McDonald's toys I'd probably find the courage to do it once anyways. I'd say it would be all about the advertisements for it and the villain of the movie. If they can create a cool and not ridiculous villain then they can possibly pull a boy audience as well.


If the movie is well made and executed it could potentially be a boost to the shows viewers as well. It's not about the box office it's about the brand name and hasbro might realize this. In the immortal words of Spaceball's great and powerful Yogurt "Merchandising, merchandising, where the real money from the movie is made."

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I think that if they put their blood, sweat, tears, and money into it, advertised it well, and really put forth a good product, it would be a success. As long as enough little kids see the commercials and bug their parents to go see it. And I'm sure all of us Bronies would be loyal to the series we love so much and go and see it right? tongue.png

Edited by Sugar Cube
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It all depends. It could become a box office hit or not. Many factors can contribute to its succes or failure such as the promotion, when it comes out (to see the competition), if people will be okay watching it in theaters, accecability (what If it's only shown in some theaters only, it's happened).


But, my concerns arn't about the reception the movie will get, but rather the movie itself.

Movies base on shows are either hits it miss. When you base a movie on a show or cartoon in this case you have to be careful on how you do it.

I have seen films based on shows and cartoons that dispite liking that show/ cartoon, I hated the film.


So here is how I picture a film based on this show should go or have:

1) It needs to tell you what it is about. If your going to have a film on a show or cartoon in this case, you kinda have to give an idea on what its about. This is for newcomers who have never seen the show. This also could be a way to market the show in a clever way to newcomers. It doesn't have to be much but give something. A bad one is the first Pokemon film. When the film started it gave nothing. It didn't tell us the story, it didn't tell us what pokeom are, etc. and continued like this leaving you to guess whats going on. Now imagine you have a friend who never saw Pokemon, and you showed them this film they would be even more confused. They wouldn't understand what is going on, who the characters are, or what to think. It wouldn't be a good way to introduce them to the series because all it would do is confuse them. It assumes you watch Pokemon, but not everybody watches Pokemon. Also not everyone watches MLP, even kids. The first Pokemon film didn't even tell us who the characters are, and that my next point.


2) It need to establish who the characters are at the beginning. If the audience wants to root for the main characters then they have to establish who they are. It doesn't even have to be long. Hell you want a great example look no further then the Discord arc, or season 2 opener.

Particularly the scene where they stop the weird weather. It tells us who they are, subtly tells us how they behave. It shows how they interact with each other and why you should care about them. It introduces the characters to and brings up to speed the newcomers an refreshes the viewers of the show of the characters.


3) It needs to have good pacing. One thing I noticed about other films is that the pacing was horrible. In the Digimon film for example, it was like watching three films at once. No joke and then things would happen out of nowhere and even big plot events would happen too fast. The pacing was horrible and a film for MLP deserves better then that.


4) The story need to be entertaining. If the story does not capture the viewers attention then it isn't entertaining you and it fails its purpose.


5) The film need to make some sort of sense. I know this is weird saying that, but If the story sounds bizarre or makes no sense even without the show then something is wrong. If it sounds to silly of doesn't take itself seriously then it will fail. If the story is all over the place the you have a recipe for disaster.


6) Introduction of new things needs to be handled well. Let's face it of a movie like MLP comes out they are going to add things to market new products. Look I'm okay with that as long as the thing they are promoting makes sense and is not just there to sell toys. It can market toys, but it also has to make sense in the Equestira history and storyline.


For the most part these are my views. I have liked other stuff that has things that I don't like. But a MLP film would be a big deal. For us it would be a chance to see the ponies on the big screen and for Hasbro It could be a chance to make some bucks.

Look all I'm saying is that for me a film like MLP needs to be handled well and with care.

Edited by Phoenix237
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The Brony fandom isn't going to be able to carry a movie without *major* help from non-bronies.  Let's face it, we don't really represent the population as a whole; we're mostly male teens-20somethings (and some older) and really, we're even a fraction of that.  I mean, if you're in high school or college right now, what percent of your classmates are also bronies?  If it's higher than 10%, I'd be really surprised.  And then how many are closet bronies, who are much less likely to publicly buy a ticket and go to the theater?


So yeah, I don't think it'll do very well unless it generates strong interest outside the fandom.


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I think mlp would be a huge hit at the box office. Pretty much every brony would go see it (which would also be a convenient and cool way to meet bronies irl). However, I feel like an mlp movie would be kinda unnecessary. Good TV shows should just stick to being good TV shows.

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As much as I would love to see a movie on the big screen, I honestly think it would fail. Bronies alone most likely won't make a profit and it would probably require non-bronies to go see it. It could end up like the Powerpuff girls movie and achieve critical success but bomb at the box office.


However, I can see it being successful as a T.V. movie.

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  On 2013-05-02 at 6:54 AM, shocker1991 said:

As much as I would love to see a movie on the big screen, I honestly think it would fail. Bronies alone most likely won't make a profit and it would probably require non-bronies to go see it. It could end up like the Powerpuff girls movie and achieve critical success but bomb at the box office.


However, I can see it being successful as a T.V. movie.

Dang, yeah. I just realized how much people would need to watch a movie in order for it to be successful at the box office. Even if every brony went out and saw it, there would still need to be a crapload of non-brony viewers in order for it to become a high grossing movie.

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Have you guys seen this article? = (post from EQD)




This is 100% legitimate. Now, I don't know about you...I was expecting a "normal" movie, not one that seems like an average user submitted fanfic! But like that picture states, now Hasbro can sell all their merchandise, AND a whole new human style line. I don't know whether to give this a chance, or run for the hills!


I guess I'll give it a chance though. Who knows where this is going to go!

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Box Office performance would depend on a lot of factors.

Marketing up to that point, release date, trying to cater to both demographics.


So long as they didn't try to go outrageous with the budget, and the film's plot was something big that would affect the series later on I could see it being a success.


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I think the main problem is trying to combine 6 year old girls (with parents) and true fans in our teens to 20-somethings in cinemas. It could cause quite a lot of misunderstanding between the two demographics. The only way to separate them is either to make the production quite lengthy, or to play it at a time when most 6 year olds are already fast asleep. Tricky situation really...

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Huh, no offense, unless it's a big cartoon everyone knows like spongebob, (*sigh*)  it wouldn't be too successful. 

Many movies based on cartoons tend to flop or don't sell to well.

I'd say it would be better to produce it via direct to dvd, as it seems more appropriate. 

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  On 2013-05-02 at 10:13 PM, DXSilverX said:

Huh, no offense, unless it's a big cartoon everyone knows like spongebob, (*sigh*)  it wouldn't be too successful. 

Many movies based on cartoons tend to flop or don't sell to well.

I'd say it would be better to produce it via direct to dvd, as it seems more appropriate. 

What are you talking about? Doesn't like, the whole world know about MLP now that it has become an internet phenomenon? I think it would do very well, even if it was essentially a movie-length single episode.

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  On 2013-05-02 at 10:49 PM, Twilight Kyle said:

What are you talking about? Doesn't like, the whole world know about MLP now that it has become an internet phenomenon? I think it would do very well, even if it was essentially a movie-length single episode.

Well, true, but remember, it's mostly famous throughout the internet, and somewhat infamous outside of it.

I too would like to see this happen, but I know it won't make much money.

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