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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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@@Dawn Stripes, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze,


((Same here, Dawn!))


Colette smirked as she heard Jack from her room, reaching out and placing a hand on Fluttershy's shoulder. "No, no one's mad at you." She began as she sat next to the Pegasus. "My dad smacked Rainbow, but she seems to be fine for now. I'll patch up her cheek in a minute." Colette seemed to frown deeply for a moment, then looked to Fluttershy, smiling again. "Come out and join the other Ponies… I'm sure they'd wanna see you."

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Rainbow Dash got in about twenty seconds of 'napping' before she had to give it up--and not merely because of the noise.


"was kinda' upset at her for a bit," she said from past the doorway, behind Colette. Then sighed. She really, really needed to talk to Fluttershy...she guessed...but she didn't want to. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time she'd been through this situation, and from experience it was better if anyone but Rainbow Dash did the talking.

So she tried hovering a couple more moments--at least it sounded, on the other side, like Fluttershy wasn't crying--and tried to whisper to Colette 'She'll take a little encouragement to come out. Uh...just be really nice and keep telling her no one's mad or anything," and drifted off to give the pair some space.

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"Sure am," Jack responded to Colette, "May not look like it at first. That being said, not a whole lot of people can pick me out in public, lest they're diehard racing fans." He then turned to Rainbow Dash.

"Well, that's one way to put it," he responds, laughing a bit at a "car fetish." "I only know about you from the show, and from what Twilight tells me. Obviously, you're quite the speed demon yourself. Figured it would only be fair to treat you to how we do racing around here. I'll be sure to get you guys all pit passes for the tire test tomorrow, as well as the event on Saturday! You'll really get a kick even out of the tire test! Quite a busy week, if I were to say so myself."

While Jack was talking with Rainbow Dash, Twilight could barely contain her excitement that the six of them were back together.

"Oh my gosh," she said, "I don't even know where to start!!! It's beyond me why we never did anything like this in Ponyville! Well, besides Rarity and Applejack. But where do we start?! Smores? Ghost stories? Pillow fight?! *squee*"


@@Dawn Stripes,@Pripyat Pony@Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze, @@Hypn0ticD,

 Dennis followed the others back in. He was kind of confused, but relieved nonetheless that Colette's dad had somehow calmed down. He was however a little annoyed at how he was interrupted... he had some questions to ask, but maybe he didn't have to "pester" Rainbow to get an answer.


@Mellon Collie

He aproached Applejack "Miss Applejack i presume? I am Dennis the guy who escorted Rainbow on her way to Scotland... would you mind if i asked you some questions in private? It is important... for me at least."



Rarity said, "We ought to have makeovers; I can think of two ponies right now who could most certainly do with one!" she glanced at Applejack and Rainbow as she spoke.


Pinkie bounced with glee. "We could tell ghost stories! I know lots of really creepy ones, like that one about the Headless Horse!"


@Dawn Stripes,@Pripyat Pony@Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze, @Hypn0ticD,@Mellon Collie @@Meteorite She sits down and pushes herself towards the wall to find support, soon to be joined by David next to her. She hasn't noticed that the broadcast hasnt stopped. She has a mix of feelings inside her one of them being anxiety... for when the ponies actually notice her broadcast. She is also worried about their reaction to this, if this failed the whole situation could be blown to dust. What if they decided to take vengeance upon her? She would never forgive herself for not being there to protect her. "I am worried David... Cicada is amongst the ponies and in grave danger. What if she gets hurt? That's why i took the mission at Canterlot... i never wanted anyone to get in such a dangerous place, none should have to sacrifice themselves for me." Her breathing became faster as she took his hands and held them tight. "What if they decide not to believe me? This could very well be the last moments of my life... I am scared David... i might be ready to accept death, but i don't want to die." The familiar ryhmes of a song she had been hearing while preparing with David came to mind.


"I just wanna feel

Real love feel the home that I live in

Cos I got too much life

Running through my veins

Going to waste

I don't wanna die

But I ain't keen on living either

Before I fall in love

I'm preparing to leave you"


She leans on his shoulder letting a few tears fall down from her eyes while she whispers... "Hold me... i don't want to lose you."


@Pripyat Pony@Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze, @Hypn0ticD,

(OOC: I'm just sort of mentioning everyone at this point)


Rainbow sank a little. Chores didn't sound like much fun. Then again....she deserved it. So she forced herself not to complain. "I'm thinking of passing out for now, if I don't have to much out any Cumulobovine stables tonight," she yawned. "Where's that couch? Hey, Twi, move over just a scooch, I need a little slouch room...thanks."




Fluttershy hugged the comforter. A storm of poop! That sounded just....wretched.

"There was awful yelling going on out there," she murmured to Colette. "Is anyone hurt? Do they need help?"

She paused for a moment. "Mmmmm....is...*eep* anyone mad at me?"


@@Dawn Stripes, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze,


((Same here, Dawn!))


Colette smirked as she heard Jack from her room, reaching out and placing a hand on Fluttershy's shoulder. "No, no one's mad at you." She began as she sat next to the Pegasus. "My dad smacked Rainbow, but she seems to be fine for now. I'll patch up her cheek in a minute." Colette seemed to frown deeply for a moment, then looked to Fluttershy, smiling again. "Come out and join the other Ponies… I'm sure they'd wanna see you."




Rainbow Dash got in about twenty seconds of 'napping' before she had to give it up--and not merely because of the noise.


"was kinda' upset at her for a bit," she said from past the doorway, behind Colette. Then sighed. She really, really needed to talk to Fluttershy...she guessed...but she didn't want to. Unfortunately, this wasn't the first time she'd been through this situation, and from experience it was better if anyone but Rainbow Dash did the talking.

So she tried hovering a couple more moments--at least it sounded, on the other side, like Fluttershy wasn't crying--and tried to whisper to Colette 'She'll take a little encouragement to come out. Uh...just be really nice and keep telling her no one's mad or anything," and drifted off to give the pair some space.

"Well Rarity I will see you in the morning to take you to the Fabric Stores and I need go to the Supermarket since it next Door to the Fabric store get some food for my house." Charles saying as he looking at them and then he decide call his Reletive. "Hay Nick is the house ok?" Then he listing to his nephew and smiles. "Good I will be over there soon and going to stay in Racine for a Few days until the Race is over so I will see you there." THen he hang up his cellphone. "Well I am begoing to my house since my Nephew on my brother side is watching my house and yea I do got a brother living in Racine so I See you later." Then he head to his car and get in. Then began to starting up and then looking at Rarity as he waving to her.

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He aproached Applejack "Miss Applejack i presume? I am Dennis the guy who escorted Rainbow on her way to Scotland... would you mind if i asked you some questions in private? It is important... for me at least."

"Nice to meetcha..." she responded, shaking his hand. She recognized the solemn tone that he had, figuring that this was very serious. She nodded. "Sure, should we go someone more private then?" She looked around, not sure where to go. She figured he'd lead the way.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze,


((Same here, Dawn!))


Colette smirked as she heard Jack from her room, reaching out and placing a hand on Fluttershy's shoulder. "No, no one's mad at you." She began as she sat next to the Pegasus. "My dad smacked Rainbow, but she seems to be fine for now. I'll patch up her cheek in a minute." Colette seemed to frown deeply for a moment, then looked to Fluttershy, smiling again. "Come out and join the other Ponies… I'm sure they'd wanna see you."

"Fluttershy!" Twilight shouted, "Glad you could join us all!"

Rarity then mentioned a makeover, and laughed, as that probably wouldn't go over well with Applejack.

"Well, heh heh," she said to the group, "How about we start of with... gosh I wish I had my slumber party handbook with me... what did we start off with that one time... Oh yeah! Mud masks!!!!!!"




Jack returned to the hotel, where he met up with his gas man, Tyler. It was a rather low-end hotel, as well as a low end room. Tyler drew the short straw, and ended up having to sleep on the pull-out. Despite that, the bed was not comfortable for Jack. In addition, the stress of the IndyCar test tomorrow frustrated him to no end.

"Dammit," he shouted silently, punching his pillow. Jack knew that the team owner would be watching closely, and if he wanted to race on their team, he'd really have to impress him at the test.

"Jack, shut up, for Christ's sake," Tyler shouted.

"Sorry, it's just... I need to do well if I need to race on the team... Timmy needs it... He needs me..."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"...nevermind," Jack responds. It was a rather touchy subject on why Jack wanted to race so badly with the team. A subject he didn't exactly like talking openly about to anyone.

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon
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He holds chrysalis gently, he looks at her and says in a soft tone "Don't worry...your not going to lose me not now not ever" he lift her chin up and wipes the tears from her cheeks and looks deeply in to her eyes "they will believe you and if not...don't worry I won't let them lay a finger on you...their going to have to go through me first" As he says that he hold her closer and tighter "and as for cicanda I doubt they would hurt her...its not their way"

Edited by Meteorite
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@, Dennis motioned her to follow him outside where it was less likely for others to overhear their conversation. When he realised that they were out of ears reach he turned to her "I'll be frank with this... I am smart enough to understand that Rainbow wanted to call you that time when she was on the plane. I am willing to bet that the subject involved me touching her hand during my sleep. I am also smart enough to guess that she asked you if i liked her, and in response to that... i do." His face blushes a little bit when he admits it. "It might have been from the first moment i met her in this world... but i didn't understand it at that moment." He got out his phone at that moment and looked an image of a winged human "You see this? This is an angel... her name is Nike which means "Victory". She is the fastest flyer of Greek Mythology... a symbol of how fast the news of victory travel. I believe you see the resemblance with Rainbow Dash don't you? You see the grace, the beauty, the "spark"? For me Rainbow Dash is an incarnation of all these things... But i'd be a fool if i loved a girl simply because of that." he said defensively raising his palms. "I wasn't sure i loved her... up until she fell down on the ground and got hurt." His face takes a pained expression as tears come back and he places his hand in front of his eyes. "Because of my dreams of flying i had asked her how it felt... and brought pain in her heart. When we didn't find Fluttershy she felt like she had failed her... i tried to prove her wrong, stand by in this, but she said she needed some time alone. It was my fault... i agreed to leave her alone in a crucial moment when i knew she needed support. I didn't want to smother her with my care, she a free spirit afterall." He paused for a moment looking downwards with hands hanging down aimlessly, some of his tears fell down the ground. "My heart skipped a beat when i saw her hurt, in that moment the blood she had on her seemed like a pool to me. I did what i could cleaned her wounds, and patched her up. I would never forgive myself if something had happened to her at that moment... in that moment i understood that she was precious to me, more than the average friend or woman." He whiped his face and remembered at that moment his dream on the plane. "I dreamed about her... on the plane. I was in a dark hallway, and was pursued by darkness all around me... When i reached her hand on the plane i saw a star in my dream, it fell down on my hand and stood there shinning like a gem with all the colors of the Rainbow. I felt the warmth that kept the shadows at bay..." He looks back at the house and smiles a bit "I would do anything for her... go to the end of the world if need be. Whatever makes her happy... i am not sure if she knows about that, but she tends to call me "White Knight" because of the care and support i show her. I think i am somewhat shy to admit this openly to her... for i fear her rejection. What do you think i should do? Do you have any advice for me? I probably should wait a little bit for the right moment..."

@@Meteorite "I love you... i really do." she leans a little bit closer and kisses him softly smilling at him. His support was needed at that time... it was tiring to lift the weight of duty all alone. While his words didn't wipe the worries away they went a long way into giving her what she needed at that moment... "hope". She ached but this "pain" felt good, it made her feel alive. It did also remind her that she had to eat something before she continued "Do you have something to eat? Anything... i need something to give me some energy. Because you love is more than enough to fill the rest."

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@@Dawn Stripes, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze,


((Fuggit, I copied everyone's name again! I am lazy.))


"Thanks, Fluttershy." Colette said as she plopped down on the armrest next to Rainbow. Colette laughed at the suggestion of tye facials, adding, "Maybe we can give Dennis a facial and curl his hair when he gets back!" With a laugh as she watched him and Applejack step out. She then glanced over to the more tomboyish Pegasus, frowning thoughtfully. "Rainbow, your cheek still looks pretty red-- lemme patch it up for ya in the bathroom." She then got up, motioning for Rainbow to follow.

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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@@Hypn0ticD@nioniosbbbb@Pripyat Pony@Mellon Collie@Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze


Fluttershy smiled shyly. "Oh, Rarity," she said, giving the girl a brief, light hug. "would do it with you. Um...if that's okay. We don't have any mud, though." She looked outside. "The right kind of mud, anyway."




"Yeah, sure." Rainbow Dash got up and followed Colette to the bathroom, taking a quick glance at herself in the mirror. "Might wanna' get some patches for some of this other stuff, too. Just so I don't mess up anything else of yours. Think I left a few presents on that airline seat when these scabbed off." She smirked. "Yeah, that's no goood..." She didn't think anything of it when the door clicked shut behind the two of them, slicing the reunion into a shielded muffle.

Edited by Dawn Stripes
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@, Dennis motioned her to follow him outside where it was less likely for others to overhear their conversation. When he realised that they were out of ears reach he turned to her "I'll be frank with this... I am smart enough to understand that Rainbow wanted to call you that time when she was on the plane. I am willing to bet that the subject involved me touching her hand during my sleep. I am also smart enough to guess that she asked you if i liked her, and in response to that... i do." His face blushes a little bit when he admits it. "It might have been from the first moment i met her in this world... but i didn't understand it at that moment." He got out his phone at that moment and looked an image of a winged human "You see this? This is an angel... her name is Nike which means "Victory". She is the fastest flyer of Greek Mythology... a symbol of how fast the news of victory travel. I believe you see the resemblance with Rainbow Dash don't you? You see the grace, the beauty, the "spark"? For me Rainbow Dash is an incarnation of all these things... But i'd be a fool if i loved a girl simply because of that." he said defensively raising his palms. "I wasn't sure i loved her... up until she fell down on the ground and got hurt." His face takes a pained expression as tears come back and he places his hand in front of his eyes. "Because of my dreams of flying i had asked her how it felt... and brought pain in her heart. When we didn't find Fluttershy she felt like she had failed her... i tried to prove her wrong, stand by in this, but she said she needed some time alone. It was my fault... i agreed to leave her alone in a crucial moment when i knew she needed support. I didn't want to smother her with my care, she a free spirit afterall." He paused for a moment looking downwards with hands hanging down aimlessly, some of his tears fell down the ground. "My heart skipped a beat when i saw her hurt, in that moment the blood she had on her seemed like a pool to me. I did what i could cleaned her wounds, and patched her up. I would never forgive myself if something had happened to her at that moment... in that moment i understood that she was precious to me, more than the average friend or woman." He whiped his face and remembered at that moment his dream on the plane. "I dreamed about her... on the plane. I was in a dark hallway, and was pursued by darkness all around me... When i reached her hand on the plane i saw a star in my dream, it fell down on my hand and stood there shinning like a gem with all the colors of the Rainbow. I felt the warmth that kept the shadows at bay..." He looks back at the house and smiles a bit "I would do anything for her... go to the end of the world if need be. Whatever makes her happy... i am not sure if she knows about that, but she tends to call me "White Knight" because of the care and support i show her. I think i am somewhat shy to admit this openly to her... for i fear her rejection. What do you think i should do? Do you have any advice for me? I probably should wait a little bit for the right moment..."


@@Meteorite "I love you... i really do." she leans a little bit closer and kisses him softly smilling at him. His support was needed at that time... it was tiring to lift the weight of duty all alone. While his words didn't wipe the worries away they went a long way into giving her what she needed at that moment... "hope". She ached but this "pain" felt good, it made her feel alive. It did also remind her that she had to eat something before she continued "Do you have something to eat? Anything... i need something to give me some energy. Because you love is more than enough to fill the rest."

"Whoa...That's...just whoa...Well...yeah...She told me...She thinks ya like her...She...doesn't know what ta think about ya...She doesn't know if she can like ya...because we all gotta go home anyway...but...ah think she might feel somethin' for ya. Ah think if you're gonna do somethin', ya do it sooner rather than later. Just be gentle with her. She's usually too proud for all this lovey stuff. She's not used to it."

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@@Hypn0ticD@nioniosbbbb@Pripyat Pony@Mellon Collie@Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze


Fluttershy smiled shyly. "Oh, Rarity," she said, giving the girl a brief, light hug. "would do it with you. Um...if that's okay. We don't have any mud, though." She looked outside. "The right kind of mud, anyway."




"Yeah, sure." Rainbow Dash got up and followed Colette to the bathroom, taking a quick glance at herself in the mirror. "Might wanna' get some patches for some of this other stuff, too. Just so I don't mess up anything else of yours. Think I left a few presents on that airline seat when these scabbed off." She smirked. "Yeah, that's no goood..." She didn't think anything of it when the door clicked shut behind the two of them, slicing the reunion into a shielded muffle.

"Well," Twilight responded, "If we don't have the mud... then... well... we can still do makeovers!!!! *squee*"

Twilight shouted this out with glee, but she knew that Applejack probably wouldn't want to have anything to do with it.

"We have the right stuff for that, right?" she asked.


(Skipping on Jack until next morning)

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"Fluttershy!" Twilight shouted, "Glad you could join us all!"

Rarity then mentioned a makeover, and laughed, as that probably wouldn't go over well with Applejack.

"Well, heh heh," she said to the group, "How about we start of with... gosh I wish I had my slumber party handbook with me... what did we start off with that one time... Oh yeah! Mud masks!!!!!!"




Jack returned to the hotel, where he met up with his gas man, Tyler. It was a rather low-end hotel, as well as a low end room. Tyler drew the short straw, and ended up having to sleep on the pull-out. Despite that, the bed was not comfortable for Jack. In addition, the stress of the IndyCar test tomorrow frustrated him to no end.

"Dammit," he shouted silently, punching his pillow. Jack knew that the team owner would be watching closely, and if he wanted to race on their team, he'd really have to impress him at the test.

"Jack, shut up, for Christ's sake," Tyler shouted.

"Sorry, it's just... I need to do well if I need to race on the team... Timmy needs it... He needs me..."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"...nevermind," Jack responds. It was a rather touchy subject on why Jack wanted to race so badly with the team. A subject he didn't exactly like talking openly about to anyone.


He holds chrysalis gently, he looks at her and says in a soft tone "Don't worry...your not going to lose me not now not ever" he lift her chin up and wipes the tears from her cheeks and looks deeply in to her eyes "they will believe you and if not...don't worry I won't let them lay a finger on you...their going to have to go through me first" As he says that he hold her closer and tighter "and as for cicanda I doubt they would hurt her...its not their way"


@@Dawn Stripes, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze,


((Fuggit, I copied everyone's name again! I am lazy.))


"Thanks, Fluttershy." Colette said as she plopped down on the armrest next to Rainbow. Colette laughed at the suggestion of tye facials, adding, "Maybe we can give Dennis a facial and curl his hair when he gets back!" With a laugh as she watched him and Applejack step out. She then glanced over to the more tomboyish Pegasus, frowning thoughtfully. "Rainbow, your cheek still looks pretty red-- lemme patch it up for ya in the bathroom." She then got up, motioning for Rainbow to follow.


@@Hypn0ticD@nioniosbbbb@Pripyat Pony@Mellon Collie@Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze


Fluttershy smiled shyly. "Oh, Rarity," she said, giving the girl a brief, light hug. "would do it with you. Um...if that's okay. We don't have any mud, though." She looked outside. "The right kind of mud, anyway."




"Yeah, sure." Rainbow Dash got up and followed Colette to the bathroom, taking a quick glance at herself in the mirror. "Might wanna' get some patches for some of this other stuff, too. Just so I don't mess up anything else of yours. Think I left a few presents on that airline seat when these scabbed off." She smirked. "Yeah, that's no goood..." She didn't think anything of it when the door clicked shut behind the two of them, slicing the reunion into a shielded muffle.


"Whoa...That's...just whoa...Well...yeah...She told me...She thinks ya like her...She...doesn't know what ta think about ya...She doesn't know if she can like ya...because we all gotta go home anyway...but...ah think she might feel somethin' for ya. Ah think if you're gonna do somethin', ya do it sooner rather than later. Just be gentle with her. She's usually too proud for all this lovey stuff. She's not used to it."


"Well," Twilight responded, "If we don't have the mud... then... well... we can still do makeovers!!!! *squee*"

Twilight shouted this out with glee, but she knew that Applejack probably wouldn't want to have anything to do with it.

"We have the right stuff for that, right?" she asked.


(Skipping on Jack until next morning)

Charles drove off to his house as he was thinking about Rarity and it was a 4 Hour drive. Then once he got to his house he park his car in the driveway, then getting out of the car then unlocking the door with his keys and then his Nephew great him too.


"Hello Uncle Charles." Nick saying.


"Hello Nick, did you finshes your homework?" Charles saying.


"Yes I did Uncle and I got a A+ In History too." Nick saying.


"That good nephew and you better head home since I am going to be staying here for a few days after the race so Night and I will talk to you tomorrow. Also tomorrow since you have a day off at school I want you to ride with me and meet someone because she is nice." Charles saying.


"Ok I will let my parents know." Nick saying.


"Ok and Tell Brother Sam I Say hi too." Charles saying


"I will uncle." Then Nick left the house as Charles went to his room put his suitcase on the ground. Then went to check everything, like checking the Sat TV, it working, Checking his Computer and net It working fine. THen went check the fridge and remember go shopping tomorrow with Rarity too. Then he went too his work room as he push some numbers on his key pad and then the door open as his weapons was still there. Since form his mission 2 years ago and he smiles that they still work. "It haven't change in 2 years and now I will need them in the near future." Then he close the door and push his numbers into the key pad to lock it up. Then he lock the door, turn on the alarm on, then went to his room and went to sleep.

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@"I think we're past the time where i slip her the paper saying "Do you like me?" I should cut to the chase right?" he said and sighed as he dusted himself up wanting to keep his hands moving. "Well i brought some of the finest wine to help with this. Not that i intend to get her drunk... but i'm too shy... gosh man the heck up Dennis!" he said hitting his forehead. "Thing is i need to get her "out of her shell". I think she's afraid a little bit... of loving a human. Do you think that's the reason she rushed to Fluttershy? Because she was kissed by a human?"

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@"I think we're past the time where i slip her the paper saying "Do you like me?" I should cut to the chase right?" he said and sighed as he dusted himself up wanting to keep his hands moving. "Well i brought some of the finest wine to help with this. Not that i intend to get her drunk... but i'm too shy... gosh man the heck up Dennis!" he said hitting his forehead. "Thing is i need to get her "out of her shell". I think she's afraid a little bit... of loving a human. Do you think that's the reason she rushed to Fluttershy? Because she was kissed by a human?"

Applejack place a hand onto her chin, thinking for a moment. "Maybe. I think so. Ah think the best thing ya can do is come out and tell 'er. If ya leave her hangin' too long, you'll just worry her. Tell her directly, but still, try to be easy with 'er. Like ah said, she's not used to this."

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@"Do not worry about that... i do not wish harm to her in any way... my feelings are honest and true. Her happiness is my happiness. Well... i should be honest with her, afterall it's only fair that i learn about her thoughts. Thank you for your help miss Applejack... i hope you will enjoy my wine. It is family made... my grandfather own a farm and has many grape vines, i go there each summer and help him. It's hard work... but the wine is the finest there is. I was saving some for "special occasions"... think Dash is gonna like it?"

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David gave chrysalis kiss on the forehead and stood up "I'll be back in a moment love". He enter the kitchen and scoured the area for food. As he checks the last cabinet he says "Note to self go buy some grocerys". He takes a look in the fridge to fine a container full of grapes. He walks back into the room and sits down next to her "Sorry but this all I can find" he said showing her the grapes" ((I thought this would be romantic. Also sorry if the posts are short; the reasone being I'm using my phone))

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@Dawn Stripes,@Pripyat Pony@Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze, @Hypn0ticD,@Mellon Collie @Meteorite "Grapes... you cheecky little monkey." she says pinching her cheeks. "I haven't had those in years... its nice to finally be able to enjoy food like this." The smell and even the taste of their grapes with both sugar and alchohol in them were just what she needed. Nature's own "power cookies". After sharing some with David, while funnily throwing the little bits against each other she was ready. "I really enjoyed this... so... whenever you are ready."

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@@Dawn Stripes,


"Rainbow…" Colette began, unsure of how to follow up. She hesitated a moment before reaching around to open the mirror a little, pulling gauze and some bandages. She KNEW what she wanted to say, she just had no idea of HOW to say it without getting mad. "Look --uhh... Now that everyone's here, try not to do anything too crazy, okay?? I know you're Rainbow Dash the Fearless, but…" Colette let it drop. She was going about wrong again. She then pulled out a bottle of disinfectant, setting of down.


"My dad got you good, didn't he??" She asked rhetorically as she dampened a newly acquired cotton ball. "He may be an uptight hardass with an entire forest up his ass, but even he'll warm up to ya, so just stay on his good side, okay??"


Shit. Again! Why the hell was it so hard to speak to Rainbow Dash without some form of chastising?? She lightly dabbed at the cut on her cheek, cleaning it throughlly. "Look, Rainbow, I can't help but nag at ya, because-- I can't help but worry about ya when--" fuuuuck! Colette's face reddened even further, even as she took a breath. "I…I like you, okay??"

  • Brohoof 1
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He giggle a little bit and laid his head down on her legs "chrysalis I want to tell something" He says smiling. But As he laid there David couldn't help but notice how beautiful she is and stop to think for a moment (man how did I get lucky with her). He smiles and says "have I ever told you that your the most talented, the most beautiful woman I've have ever met" He says as he Caresses her cheek "But...there still one more thing I want to do before we start" he sat back up and looked look deeply into her eyes with a loving look "your going to enjoy this" he whisper in her ear . He begins to kiss her on the neck slowly and begins moving up. ((Can you take it from here I got to go do something right quick. Also this is not what you think it is...it's just David being sexy and stuff so don't get any funny ideas of "Ahem" not yet anyway))

Edited by Meteorite
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@"Do not worry about that... i do not wish harm to her in any way... my feelings are honest and true. Her happiness is my happiness. Well... i should be honest with her, afterall it's only fair that i learn about her thoughts. Thank you for your help miss Applejack... i hope you will enjoy my wine. It is family made... my grandfather own a farm and has many grape vines, i go there each summer and help him. It's hard work... but the wine is the finest there is. I was saving some for "special occasions"... think Dash is gonna like it?"

"I dunno. Never saw her drinkin' somethin' fancy like that. She loves her cider though, so ah think so. Ah hope everything goes hunky dory for ya. Ah just want my friends to be happy. That's all I want." She put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, smiling at him. "Good luck."

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Rainbow Dash felt a nice little purple line on her forehead, wondering if it looked tough. "Yeah, it's no big deal. I've been knocked a little bit before."

She stopped in the middle of feeling a tooth with her tongue, trying to check if it was loose, but her tongue was so small these days....

and then Colette whispered into her ear.
Rainbow Dash opened her mouth. Her first temptation was to go "Sorry, I didn't hear you there. You okay? Why's your face all red?" But she couldn't make herself do it--not the least because her face had gotten that sweaty-beet hue all over again in less than an instant.

"You....uhhh...." Rainbow Dash took two heavy breaths, involuntary, claustrophobic. "I gotta' sit down."

And so she did. On the nearest thing to a seat, which was the bathroom scale, and pulled in her knees. "Uh...this, this isn't a joke." The statement was question, but too flustered and worried to try to deny anything---like Rainbow Dash had done before.

Edited by Dawn Stripes
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@Mellon Collie "She didn't mention seeing anyone else right? I'd hate to be the third guy in a relationship. I don't want to be the one ruining other people's happiness for my own... you understand right? Well... i'd best be going, it was a pleasure talking to you miss Applejack... do put a good word for me if you wish, i'd appreciate it." He returned to the house and started looking around "Guys have you seen Rainbow Dash? I kind of need to talk to her."

@Pripyat Pony,
"Remember that little "problem" i said Rainbow Dash had? The one she wanted to talk to Applejack about? Could you tell me what is going on with them? I am kind of curious... i want to know more about love now that i have found it myself."

@Dawn Stripes, @Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze, @Hypn0ticD,@Meteorite 

Chrysalis was enjoying what David did "You naughty boy... *giggle*" but as she looked at the camera she saw a blinking light. This made her curious... this probably meant activity, and activity on the camera might mean it was recording. "Uhmmm... David... you might want to check the camera before continuing. I don't think that light should be blinking... unless it is low on energy." 

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@@Dawn Stripes,


Colette looked down as Rainbow backed away, leaning on the door herself. "Sorry… you know what? Forget it. Just, uh, forget it." She then reached into the medicine cabinet again, pulling out a large jar of mud. "They're looking for this." She the turned to step out of the bathroom, leaving Rainbow to her thoughts. "Hey guys, you wanted to do facials, right?? I got some mud!"

@@Dawn Stripes, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @,


Colette then made her way back out to the mares, handing the jar to Rarity before taking her place on the armrest again. She looked around for Fluttershy, shaking her head no and shrugging as their eyes met. She failed.


"Rainbow's got a cut on her cheek and nose, so she can't do the facial-- but maybe Applejack can!"

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David gave chrysalis kiss on the forehead and stood up "I'll be back in a moment love". He enter the kitchen and scoured the area for food. As he checks the last cabinet he says "Note to self go buy some grocerys". He takes a look in the fridge to fine a container full of grapes. He walks back into the room and sits down next to her "Sorry but this all I can find" he said showing her the grapes" ((I thought this would be romantic. Also sorry if the posts are short; the reasone being I'm using my phone))


@Dawn Stripes,@Pripyat Pony@Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze, @Hypn0ticD,@Mellon Collie @Meteorite "Grapes... you cheecky little monkey." she says pinching her cheeks. "I haven't had those in years... its nice to finally be able to enjoy food like this." The smell and even the taste of their grapes with both sugar and alchohol in them were just what she needed. Nature's own "power cookies". After sharing some with David, while funnily throwing the little bits against each other she was ready. "I really enjoyed this... so... whenever you are ready."


@@Dawn Stripes,


"Rainbow…" Colette began, unsure of how to follow up. She hesitated a moment before reaching around to open the mirror a little, pulling gauze and some bandages. She KNEW what she wanted to say, she just had no idea of HOW to say it without getting mad. "Look --uhh... Now that everyone's here, try not to do anything too crazy, okay?? I know you're Rainbow Dash the Fearless, but…" Colette let it drop. She was going about wrong again. She then pulled out a bottle of disinfectant, setting of down.


"My dad got you good, didn't he??" She asked rhetorically as she dampened a newly acquired cotton ball. "He may be an uptight hardass with an entire forest up his ass, but even he'll warm up to ya, so just stay on his good side, okay??"


Shit. Again! Why the hell was it so hard to speak to Rainbow Dash without some form of chastising?? She lightly dabbed at the cut on her cheek, cleaning it throughlly. "Look, Rainbow, I can't help but nag at ya, because-- I can't help but worry about ya when--" fuuuuck! Colette's face reddened even further, even as she took a breath. "I…I like you, okay??"


He giggle a little bit and laid his head down on her legs "chrysalis I want to tell something" He says smiling. But As he laid there David couldn't help but notice how beautiful she is and stop to think for a moment (man how did I get lucky with her). He smiles and says "have I ever told you that your the most talented, the most beautiful woman I've have ever met" He says as he Caresses her cheek "But...there still one more thing I want to do before we start" he sat back up and looked look deeply into her eyes with a loving look "your going to enjoy this" he whisper in her ear . He begins to kiss her on the neck slowly and begins moving up. ((Can you take it from here I got to go do something right quick. Also this is not what you think it is...it's just David being sexy and stuff so don't get any funny ideas of "Ahem" not yet anyway))


"I dunno. Never saw her drinkin' somethin' fancy like that. She loves her cider though, so ah think so. Ah hope everything goes hunky dory for ya. Ah just want my friends to be happy. That's all I want." She put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, smiling at him. "Good luck."




Rainbow Dash felt a nice little purple line on her forehead, wondering if it looked tough. "Yeah, it's no big deal. I've been knocked a little bit before."

She stopped in the middle of feeling a tooth with her tongue, trying to check if it was loose, but her tongue was so small these days....

and then Colette whispered into her ear.

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth. Her first temptation was to go "Sorry, I didn't hear you there. You okay? Why's your face all red?" But she couldn't make herself do it--not the least because her face had gotten that sweaty-beet hue all over again in less than an instant.

"You....uhhh...." Rainbow Dash took two heavy breaths, involuntary, claustrophobic. "I gotta' sit down."


And so she did. On the nearest thing to a seat, which was the bathroom scale, and pulled in her knees. "Uh...this, this isn't a joke." The statement was question, but too flustered and worried to try to deny anything---like Rainbow Dash had done before.


@Mellon Collie "She didn't mention seeing anyone else right? I'd hate to be the third guy in a relationship. I don't want to be the one ruining other people's happiness for my own... you understand right? Well... i'd best be going, it was a pleasure talking to you miss Applejack... do put a good word for me if you wish, i'd appreciate it." He returned to the house and started looking around "Guys have you seen Rainbow Dash? I kind of need to talk to her."


@Pripyat Pony,

"Remember that little "problem" i said Rainbow Dash had? The one she wanted to talk to Applejack about? Could you tell me what is going on with them? I am kind of curious... i want to know more about love now that i have found it myself."


@Dawn Stripes, @Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze, @Hypn0ticD,@Meteorite 

Chrysalis was enjoying what David did "You naughty boy... *giggle*" but as she looked at the camera she saw a blinking light. This made her curious... this probably meant activity, and activity on the camera might mean it was recording. "Uhmmm... David... you might want to check the camera before continuing. I don't think that light should be blinking... unless it is low on energy." 


@@Dawn Stripes,


Colette looked down as Rainbow backed away, leaning on the door herself. "Sorry… you know what? Forget it. Just, uh, forget it." She then reached into the medicine cabinet again, pulling out a large jar of mud. "They're looking for this." She the turned to step out of the bathroom, leaving Rainbow to her thoughts. "Hey guys, you wanted to do facials, right?? I got some mud!"

@@Dawn Stripes, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @,


Colette then made her way back out to the mares, handing the jar to Rarity before taking her place on the armrest again. She looked around for Fluttershy, shaking her head no and shrugging as their eyes met. She failed.


"Rainbow's got a cut on her cheek and nose, so she can't do the facial-- but maybe Applejack can!"

Nickouis Came home as he went up stares, then began to do his homework as his Dad came to his room and smiles.


"Hay Son did Brother came?" Nick Dad saying.


"Yes Dad he did and say hi too." Nick saying


"THat good, Man it been long since he was here 2 years ago and now he back for awhile. Gust he with his special friends." His Dad saying.


"Well he still Partly working right now and he going to take me to meet his friends too." Nick saying.


"Sure son you can go with him since your out of school anyway. After you finishes your homework then you can have fun tomorrow so night son." Dad saying


"Night dad." Nick saying as he went back and work on his homework.


Then his dad left and heading back to the room to his wife too.

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@, @@00Pony,


Cicada sent back, "It was about the human boy she was travelling with; the one named Dennis. He was holding her hand in his sleep and she wanted to know what that meant."


She thought about the other changeling, and also about the fact that all the ponies were in the same place, with her and Stephen nearby and hopefully their Queen could also make it. And then Cicada sent an update message to Diliges, complete with co-ordinates so he and his human Clare could maybe visit. It would be good to have her Captain with her, to present a united front should anything untoward happen.


@@Hypn0ticD, @,


"What a fantastic idea!" Rarity said, taking the mud. "Applejack most certainly needs a facial the most... and of course, I have a full makeup bag right here, in case anypony wants a makeover after we do the facials."

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