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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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@@Hypn0ticD,@,@@Pripyat Pony,@,


Angie had remained relatively silent upon following the twins out of the building. As they contemplate the whereabouts of Logan, Applejack, Jack, Catherine, Dennis and Rainbow, the first two couples mentioned turned up. She gave them an emphatic wave, and gestured to head inside the warehouse, before retreating after the twins.




Upon arriving at the destination, Logan found a spot to park his Charger, and shut the machine down. Applejack speculated that they should join the others right away, and exited. Logan agreed, doing so himself, and after letting his canine out, made his way over to the rest of the crew with AJ.




Having finally arrived at the warehouse, Diliges sauntered along after Clare as they joined up with the rest of the crew. His Finder asked whether they were late, to which he responded, if only to himself, "I think we're actually some of the first here."


Upon taking another glance at her hair, Diliges stops, and waving a hand over his own, changes it's hue from coal black, to the same prismatic appearance. Pulling one of the longer sections down before his eyes and taking a look, he scoffs, "Okay, no. Not cutting it for me." He said to himself once more, before changing it back. He had partially wanted to do it to piss off Rainbow a little, but both not liking the look - and wanting to stay on good terms with the ponies - kept him from it.




Catherine followed along with Jack, giving a laugh at his antics to Colette, waving the bacony treat about like a child with a new toy that they were eager to show off to their friends.




(Could be better, but eh. I'll bring Bowen back next post)

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@@Dawn Stripes, He gathered new clothes to wear. He check Rainbow Dash's so they dont get burned or anything, he also gathered a new towel, shampoo, toothbrush for later. To complete the thing he put on some music on his PC through searching Youtube.

"Gonna put some music! Maybe i'll play you some music later." he said to Rainbow Dash.


He wanted to sing to her, turn his feelings about her into music to reach her heart. It was hard enough... but then again he got to spend more time with her, this was positive... if she enjoyed his company that meant she would, in time, appreciate it enough to open her heart. 

He checked the temperature and it was perfect for a hot bath. Cleaning the sweat away he wondered if Rainbow Dash saw him naked... what would she think? Yea weird thoughts indeed but he wasn't about to pop out of the shower shaking his moneymaker to ask her what she thought. That would be weird, creepy, and rude. The voice of Jon Bon Jovi continued to sound loud and clear from the other room. The next song was as awesome as the last... the guy was a legend... and he was singing looking at himself on the mirror. 


Before he got out he dried himself up, brushed his teeth, cleaned his ears and put on some cologne to smell good at least. He wore his dark blue pants and as ironic as it was he wore the t-shirt he had from when he was small at Greece. He and his classmates were granted one free t-shirt with one common logo. They wisely chose "Have a Nice Day" from the guy that was just singing the song he and Dash were hearing. He took it some sizes bigger so that he could wear it even when he grew up. He NEVER regretted this choice... and he smiled as he wore it again. http://images.addoway.com.s3.amazonaws.com/items/8168/2438639/8168_4_e8fb48.jpg

"So... let's see what you have made Dash." he said sniffing the air. "It smells wonderful."

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze,


Is that what she thinks it is??

Colette's eyes lit up as she caught sight of the aluminum package, no doubt. all too eager to make aa mad dash to grab it-- but-- Fluttershy!


Colette turned to look at the timid Pegasus, smiling nervously. "Eh heh heh… two seconds!" Colette took off at full tilt toward Jack, uttered a quick "Thank you!" Before rushing back to her father's car, stuck her delicious treat into a plastic bag her father left. She rejoined the others with a stupid grin on her face. "Sorry about that, everyone!"


Colette rejoined Fluttershy as the group made their way into the warehouse, whistling as she took in the sheer size. "This place is gigantic!" Colette then pulled out her phone, but saw, but saw that one of the twins had beaten her to the punch.




Stephen raised a hand to Colette, gesturing for her to wait, then pointed to his own phone, mouthing 'phoning them now'. He shifted his weight as he listened to the dial tone… "Come on, Dennis. I know you have your phone…"

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 They joined the group, entering the warehouse with the others. Applejack put an arm around Logan as they walked. She used her other hand to pet the excited dog who followed alongside them. She was glad to be with her friends and with Logan. Everything seemed right. If only her family were here, it would be perfect.

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@@Hypn0ticD,((OOC: Dennis hasn't been called by Shawn before right??)) As his stomach was growling a bit he was suddenly stopped by the ringin of his phone. WHO THE FUCK WANTS TO DIE THIS MOMENT? WHO THE FUCK DARES INTERRUPT HIS HUNGER? His mind was screaming inside... someone really wanted to speak with him. Well... let's see who it is.

"Hello? Who is this?" he said trying to keep his cool. He didn't want to appear rude.

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Mario had puzzling look, he turn his head sightly to the right as he drove down the road "yeah David where are we going?" David responded with almost the tone of voice"now that think about I don't know ether, I should have booked a hotel or something huh" David chuckled, he did know one place they could stay but rather he not being it up. Mario chuckled, Mario had a reassuring look on his face and responded with "didn't your old man leave you his house?" David looks to the side with a depress look on his face, he says in a low tone "yeah..he did" Mario realizes what he said "oh..I'm sorry..hey look why don't you stay over at my place, me and Maria have plenty of room" "no no it's fine just take the next left here". Soon after a while of driving they Arrived to David's fathers home. He steps out of the car looking at once was his home, he grabbed the bags from the trunk of the car and proceeded to the front door. He looks to the left and knees down, he moved the welcome Mat to see the house key. He grabs it and opens the door, he steps inside to see it was in good shape like someone was taking care of it, he looks at Mario with a surprise look on his face "have you..been taking care of this house?" Mario smiles "yeah I have, I knew one day you might come back so I have been taking care of her". David sets down the bags down and explores his old home, he walks into his old room. He looks at all his old posters and little things, he sees a base ball on top of the cabinet. He grabs it and sits on his bed staring at it. (you can take control of Mario if you need to)

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@, @@Dawn Stripes,


"It's me, Stephen. I was just calling to remind you about the party. Everyone else's here, waiting on you two." Stephen said, unaware of what he was interrupting. "Pinkie's ready to fire her cannon an' all. You gonna come and watch or not?"


((Super short and meh post, but I just wanna keep things going))

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@@Meteorite,@@00Pony, David's parents... Chrysalis had to know what happenned to them. He knew from that moment that those memories caused him pain, and thought like him she didn't want to show weakness... she had learned an important lesson these days that she fell in love with him. She wanted familiar faces to get these answers out of him...

"Mario... stay with us for a moment. I need your help..." Mario's face took a questioning look, but seeing Chrysalis' face of concern he understood silently that it was nesseccary. He knew from the look she had on her eyes that this was for the good of David, it was a look of compassion and empathy. They both entered the room David was... he was looking at a big stick she had seen some players use on sports on the "Tele-vision" and the internet. They look at each other and Chrysalis speaks first.

"You don't have to walk alone..." she says as she gets to his height puts a hand over his shoulder getting him to look at her in the eyes. 

"I once thought i had to isolate myself from others in order to avoid all the pain." Mario took a hint with this... he knew where she was taking it, and wondered if those were that close as to share such things. He understood their love must be strong... there was a vibe about this woman... otherworldly... he felt it but didn't understand it. He had dismissed it earlier but every one of her words bore something both alienating and familiar as well... like magic.

"I thought i had to avoid all the sorrow by any means nesseccary... because i didn't like it. I ended up being a heartless bitch who was despised by a whole world carrying my kind in this suffering with me." "Her kind"? Mario thought... but she was human... what was she even talking about? Who WAS this woman? And why did she need him there?

"But i learned something from you... that even a bruised and troubled heart can be saved by a truly considerate heart! Right now i'm wishing with all my heart... i want to share your burden... your feelings."

Mario was in somewhat of an awe but when Chrysalis looked at him with a pleading look for help, he knew he had to say something.

"In these dark times it helps to stand by those who love you. You must give compassion and it shall be given back to you a thousand fold. Maybe this would be a good time to honor their memories togother, place a flower on their pictures... light a candle... pray to god for them."

He was smilling... their love was something else... Chrysalis was something else. He knew when he saw her that she was special, to the point it might be alienating but... he was happy it was. Most human didn't fall in love that deeply as Chrysalis did, they only cared about sex... but Chrysalis had the ability to hold up to both. She was a creature of emotions as he understood... Queen... she had mentioned this earlier. She did however behave as regally as one would.

@@Hypn0ticD@Dawn Stripes, Stephen? Shawn's brother yea! "Oh yea... Shawn's twin brother right? Me and Dash were kind of eating..." he didn't mention any of the events that happenned but just said with a happy tone "What a crazy girl... *cough* Party you said? I think we can come... i wouldn't keep Dash away from her friends. We're gonna start off in 15-20 minutes... cause we really need to take care of something. Do you need me to bring anything? Shall i bring my synthesizer and the rest? Or perhaps food, Coca-Cola, drinks, wine?"

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Pinkie was almost jumping up and down with impatience. "Is everypony here yet?" she asked. "I just want to set the cannon off now! It's gonna be so much fun and I don't want anypony to miss out!"


Pinkie had primed the cannon which she had pulled out of the mysterious hammerspace which belonged to her and her alone. She couldn't wait to set it off.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @, @@Pripyat Pony,


"For several hundred people? No, None of that will be necessary." Stephen said as he caught a quick glance at the others, noting Pinkie's impatience. "It looks like you're gonna miss out on Pinkie setting off her cannon, then. She's getting pretty anxious about setting it off… Just bring yourself and Rainbow Dash."


He then hung up as soon as he was done with Dennis, turning to the others. "Pinkie, ya night as well set it off. Dennis and Dash are getting ready to eat, and are gonna be about 20 more minutes."

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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"Oooh, yeah. Party." Rainbow Dash shrugged, setting the sizzling hat pan down on Dennis' tablecloth and then scrounging for a couple plates to set on the table. "I've seen her blow that thing a hundred times. Err,, you mighta' wanted to see it. Sorry if you wanted to catch that."

She gestured towards her spread. "I threw some...uh, stuff in the thing and...applied fire. I think it smells good n' stuff."

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Pinkie was almost jumping up and down with impatience. "Is everypony here yet?" she asked. "I just want to set the cannon off now! It's gonna be so much fun and I don't want anypony to miss out!"


Pinkie had primed the cannon which she had pulled out of the mysterious hammerspace which belonged to her and her alone. She couldn't wait to set it off.


@@Dawn Stripes, @, @@Pripyat Pony,


"For several hundred people? No, None of that will be necessary." Stephen said as he caught a quick glance at the others, noting Pinkie's impatience. "It looks like you're gonna miss out on Pinkie setting off her cannon, then. She's getting pretty anxious about setting it off… Just bring yourself and Rainbow Dash."


He then hung up as soon as he was done with Dennis, turning to the others. "Pinkie, ya night as well set it off. Dennis and Dash are getting ready to eat, and are gonna be about 20 more minutes."

@Pripyat Pony, @HypnOticD, @Ragin' Red Talion



"Better get this party Ready too and we really want to see your party cannon." Nick saying as he was getting everything Ready as DJ Wolf (That Richard Nickname) Was getting the Turntables ready as he plan to help Pinky give them the best party in the world.


Charles with Rarity while thinking as he was looking around and then looking at Rarity as he smiles while he was looking at the crowd too. While thinking and then looking at his Nephew since if he want to go with Pinky too.

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@@Hypn0ticD, @@Dawn Stripes, Dennis sighed... indeed that would be bad to miss. "Hey WAIT!!! i just was offering to help. Tell you what... we'll eat with Dash now and we'll rush straight to you..." He grabbed quickly a bite from what Dash gave her... whether it was blind luck or damn fool's courage he had never tasted something as good as Dashie had made. "Come on Dashie... i don't want to miss the cannon either."

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"Uh...it....okay!" Dash shrugged; naptime could wait until later. She could tough out a party if she had to, and Celestia willing she could nap enough in the car to keep her through the end of the next shindig. Shoveling a couple bites of the foot she'd just made into her mouth, piping hot--oh, Luna, this crap was gross--she followed Dennis out the door.


(FF to arrival)

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Pinkie sighed; she supposed she'd have to set off the cannon without Rainbow. However, just as she was about to do so, Pinkie's eyes brightened as she saw Rainbow run into the warehouse followed by the human boy who she'd been with before. They were in time after all!


"Now you're all gonna see something!" Pinkie said, her eyes shining. "Hold on to your hats!" She then set the party cannon off. Streamers, balloons, glitter and other decorations blasted from the cannon's mouth. At first, it seemed an impossibility for everything to find its place, but then each bit of decoration settled in a correct place all around the warehouse, giving the place a party atmosphere.


Well, save for a few stray streamers and glitters that had settled on the partygoers, that was.

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@@Hypn0ticD, @Dawn Stripes, @00Pony, @Pripyat Pony, @Ryuuguu Rena, @Ragin' Red Talon, Several minutes later, gasping for air he and Rainbow arrived at the place. Just in time... it seemed as if fate had in store for them to experience such a great sight! Magic... purely magic defying physics and everything! Holy crap! The place that seemed non-party worth was now set up to speed.

"Incredible... unbelievable..."

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze,


Colette turned as she heard the sound of footsteps racing toward them. “Dennis! Dash! That was quick!”


She watched with the others as Pinkie Pie set off her cannon jaw dropping as a variable array of balloons, streamers, confetti, and other party favors went flying out of the cannon's mouth, through the air, and land on tables and chairs that appeared out of nowhere. Colette blinked stupidly at the sight, her jaw hanging open.


She stood there a moment more, before turning to face Rarity, who had a disappointed look on her face. What was that for--oh! Looking down, Colette saw she was still wearing her normal getup. "Now that everything's set up, I guess I'd better get home and change... Wanna come with me, Flutters??"

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



Jack laughed at Colette's reaction to the bacon sandwich, shaking his head at the dramatic show. Taking Catherine by the hand, the two walked into the warehouse, a putrid, putty-gray space full of girders and beams. The ambient yet annoying humming sound of the hanging lights completed the atmosphere that was soon to be blasted apart by Pinkie Pie's Party Cannon. Pulling the contraption out of... nowhere, Pinkie Pie fired off the cannon, which blew steamers, neatly-set tables, banners, and all sorts of other things which flew... magically... into... completely neat order?!

"Wha... just... wha..." Jack stammered, "But that's... where did you... How did it... Just... how the serious fuck did you pull that off?!"

Twilight Sparkle stood next to Jack, giggling.

"Oh Jack," she laughed, "Don't ever underestimate Pinkie Pie!"

He still stood there in disbelief and a state of shock, trying to comprehend everything that just happened.

"But... how? Just... how? It's... not even possible... gah!"

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Applejack jumped in surprise, waving confetti out of her hair with a laugh. She was used to this by now, but it was hard not to react to Pinkie's antics. Applejack walked forward into Pinkie's party, feeling rather excited. "Well what're we waitin' for? Let's party!" she exclaimed, waving her hat as she joined Pinkie.

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Pinkie sighed; she supposed she'd have to set off the cannon without Rainbow. However, just as she was about to do so, Pinkie's eyes brightened as she saw Rainbow run into the warehouse followed by the human boy who she'd been with before. They were in time after all!


"Now you're all gonna see something!" Pinkie said, her eyes shining. "Hold on to your hats!" She then set the party cannon off. Streamers, balloons, glitter and other decorations blasted from the cannon's mouth. At first, it seemed an impossibility for everything to find its place, but then each bit of decoration settled in a correct place all around the warehouse, giving the place a party atmosphere.


Well, save for a few stray streamers and glitters that had settled on the partygoers, that was.


@@Hypn0ticD, @Dawn Stripes, @00Pony, @Pripyat Pony, @Ryuuguu Rena, @Ragin' Red Talon, Several minutes later, gasping for air he and Rainbow arrived at the place. Just in time... it seemed as if fate had in store for them to experience such a great sight! Magic... purely magic defying physics and everything! Holy crap! The place that seemed non-party worth was now set up to speed.


"Incredible... unbelievable..."


@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze,


Colette turned as she heard the sound of footsteps racing toward them. “Dennis! Dash! That was quick!”


She watched with the others as Pinkie Pie set off her cannon jaw dropping as a variable array of balloons, streamers, confetti, and other party favors went flying out of the cannon's mouth, through the air, and land on tables and chairs that appeared out of nowhere. Colette blinked stupidly at the sight, her jaw hanging open.


She stood there a moment more, before turning to face Rarity, who had a disappointed look on her face. What was that for--oh! Looking down, Colette saw she was still wearing her normal getup. "Now that everything's set up, I guess I'd better get home and change... Wanna come with me, Flutters??"



@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



Jack laughed at Colette's reaction to the bacon sandwich, shaking his head at the dramatic show. Taking Catherine by the hand, the two walked into the warehouse, a putrid, putty-gray space full of girders and beams. The ambient yet annoying humming sound of the hanging lights completed the atmosphere that was soon to be blasted apart by Pinkie Pie's Party Cannon. Pulling the contraption out of... nowhere, Pinkie Pie fired off the cannon, which blew steamers, neatly-set tables, banners, and all sorts of other things which flew... magically... into... completely neat order?!

"Wha... just... wha..." Jack stammered, "But that's... where did you... How did it... Just... how the serious fuck did you pull that off?!"

Twilight Sparkle stood next to Jack, giggling.

"Oh Jack," she laughed, "Don't ever underestimate Pinkie Pie!"

He still stood there in disbelief and a state of shock, trying to comprehend everything that just happened.

"But... how? Just... how? It's... not even possible... gah!"


Applejack jumped in surprise, waving confetti out of her hair with a laugh. She was used to this by now, but it was hard not to react to Pinkie's antics. Applejack walked forward into Pinkie's party, feeling rather excited. "Well what're we waitin' for? Let's party!" she exclaimed, waving her hat as she joined Pinkie.

@Pripyat Pony, @Hypn0TicD, @Dawn Stripes, @00Pony, @Ryuuguu Rena, @Ragin' Red Talon.


"ALL RIGHT YOU HEARD PINKY PIE LET GET THIS PARTY STARTED!" Then he went to put 4x4=12 By Deadmau5 as the beat began to play and the party was jumping. Then Nick went to Pinky as he was amazed by her Party Cannon and smiles. "Your Party Cannon is Amazing and I never see one before too."


Charles smirks at that as he was looking at Rarity and then looking to Colette. Then just shaking his head while looking at his love. "So want to dance Rarity my sweet?"



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Fluttershy nodded. She was ready to go anywhere Colette led her--and she was sure the party would go on long enough that she wouldn't miss too much of it anyway. Even better, in fact, to miss the early part, when the frost was still thawing off everyone. She could come back later when everyone was happy and occupied and no one was staring at her awkwardly.


Rarity seemed a little displeased--privately, Fluttershy knew many things displeased lady Rarity, but still, there something about it. Had she been looking at Colette? Fluttershy couldn't help wondering if something had passed between them. Maybe she'd ask, if she noticed it again.

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@,@@Hypn0ticD,@,@,@@Dawn Stripes,@@Pripyat Pony,@@Fireblaze,

What unfolded after arriving in the warehouse veritably blew Logan's preconception over physics and logic out of the water, and proceeded to brutally mutilate it like a pack of rabid dogs. Pinkie had produced a gaudy cannon from what might be described as a slip-space pocket, and the device impossibly shot forth what one might expect to find at a party.

But it produced enough to coat the massive interior of this warehouse. It was impossible. Illogical. But then again, these were people that came from a world where magic existed. What was to say they didn't bring a little here with them?

Most of the crew reacted vocally in some way - one louder cheer undoubtedly being produced by Angelica - and the man that was so obviously the disk jockey for the event began to play some music. Most of the attendees were probably not to be arriving just yet, but made sense to at least make sure everything was working properly.

That, and Applejack seemed eager to get things started as well, judging by her reaction. It made Logan smile, to say the least. At these types of events, he was usually dubbed as a 'Mr. Darcy' - after the character from Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice', who tended to stand off during the dances. Logan couldn't say he was exactly a fan of the books, but felt the term fit. Maybe he'd go against that today, maybe not. He'd just have to wait and see.

Ulysses seemed to be absorbing the energetic vibe, but curiously went to the window nearest the entrance to look out. Logan had long since stopped trying to figure out what went through a dog's head.



"Heads up chief. We got a visual on them." Orchestrator was broken from his close eyed reverie of his inner mind at the sound of Firefly's voice emanating from his ear piece. He sat straight once again, "Fantastic. Where are they?"

"The Finder's place. Give me a second, and I'll send you the address."

"Very good. I'll be with you shortly." The Scotsman had already been on his way to the inconspicuous blue Ford Ranger he had been using since coming to Miami. He climbed in, started to the engine, and as Firefly began to relay the address, made for it.

It was several minutes before he arrived. Orchestrator didn't slow his pace as he passed the home, and continued on down the street a little ways until he was out of sight. Firefly and Siren were waiting for him when he got there, "So what's the course of action, chief? They ain't alone in there." Firefly said.

"We wait around for a little while longer," Orchestrator replied, distractedly rubbing the 'Make us whole again' on his arm, "See if their company leaves before we move in. If they don't within a few hours, we'll just have to nab them as well. Remember, no lethal force. We want to do this quietly, and they need to be in good shape."

"Why do we need the human again?" Siren asked, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Bargaining chip," Orchestrator replied in a matter of fact way, "If we want the dear Queen to cooperate, what better way than to threaten one she cares about?"

"But wouldn't that just piss her off even more?" Firefly asked.

Orchestrator sighed, "If she starts getting overly violent during... 'Negotiations', then we can shoot her."

The large man chuckled in appreciation, "I like the sound of that."

Edited by 00Pony
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What unfolded after arriving in the warehouse veritably blew Logan's preconception over physics and logic out of the water, and proceeded to brutally mutilate it like a pack of rabid dogs. Pinkie had produced a gaudy cannon from what might be described as a slip-space pocket, and the device impossibly shot forth what one might expect to find at a party. But it produced enough to coat the massive interior of this warehouse. It was impossible. Illogical. But then again, these were people that came from a world where magic existed. What was to say they didn't bring a little here with them? Most of the crew reacted vocally in some way - one louder cheer undoubtedly being produced by Angelica - and the man that was so obviously the disk jockey for the event began to play some music. Most of the attendees were probably not to be arriving just yet, but made sense to at least make sure everything was working properly. That, and Applejack seemed eager to get things started as well, judging by her reaction. It made Logan smile, to say the least. At these types of events, he was usually dubbed as a 'Mr. Darcy' - after the character from Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice', who tended to stand off during the dances. Logan couldn't say he was exactly a fan of the books, but felt the term fit. Maybe he'd go against that today, maybe not. He'd just have to wait and see. Ulysses seemed to be absorbing the energetic vibe, but curiously went to the window nearest the entrance to look out. Logan had long since stopped trying to figure out what went through a dog's head.

Applejack came over, playfully rubbing Ulysses' fur on his head with a big smile on her face before taking Logan's hand and pulling him out onto the dance floor, chuckling the whole way. "Come on!" she exclaimed happily. She began dancing, encouraging him to join.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


Colette took Fluttershy by the hand and led her back to the car, and in short order, they were back home. Colette wasted no time in going to her bedroom, changing into the dress Rarity made.


Not to look too girly (as if she could!), Colette adorned herself with her usual jewelry, and finished the look with deep red lipstick. Actually, it was blood red, but Flutters didn't need to know that!





"Okay, let's head back!" She chirped as stepped out of her room, once again taking Fluttershy by the hand and leading her back to the car. "I didn't take too long, did I??"

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Fluttershy caught her mouth before it fell open. Colette had been totally transformed. In fact, Fluttershy could barely see any of her underneath the layers of petticoats and metal adornments. A far cry from a nude party in Ponyville, it reminded her more of the Grand Galloping Gala. Rarity's handiwork was certainly in there somewhere, but it was something a little...harder than one would have put on a mare who wasn't a soldier, particularly an Earth mare. No doubt, she reasoned, Rarity's instincts had been accounting for the change in race.

"Oh my," she said, more shocked at first than anything. Colette was...so different. This wasn't something she'd expected her to do, but as she tried taking int the near-terrifying outfit once more, with an eye towards desire, she found herself approving. It was...tough. It was very Colette; and this made Fluttershy smile, as she struggled to press herself close enough to Colette's side to link her arm once again. "That's very pretty."

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