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The changling petition


The changling petition  

39 users have voted

  1. 1. Should there be a good changling added to the show?

    • Yes, forgive and forget!
    • No, changlings suck!
    • Neither, but this topic is interesting...

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I have started this topic as a petition to gain support for a very important issue for me, "to have a good changling in the show as a protagonist!" Some people may not care about this topic, but I do, think about how little character development changlings got, oh wait that's right, I forgot, only chrysalis got any and becouse of this everyone lables changlings as automaticly evil, I know they are SUPPOSED to all be evil, but hey there's always an acception, and I think it would be very interesting and great if hasbro added a changling protagonist, if there was ever a time to forgive and forget, now would be that time, so who's with me?

  • Brohoof 4
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I honestly don't think a petition will be necessary. I fully expect the writers will make this happen.


It'd be a great device for lessons on tolerance, going against the crowd, etc., plus copying the appearances of other characters has dramatic and comedic uses galore. Too good of an arrow in the quiver - gotta shoot it.

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A petition? It probably won't happen since, villains don't like to turn to the good side because they have a ego that will not allow them to change into a protagonist. The writers might do this if it is possible.

But, I don't think it will happen.

  • Brohoof 1
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A petition? It probably won't happen since, villains don't like to turn to the good side because they have a ego that will not allow them to change into a protagonist.


Chrysalis's soldiers don't really have established ego, though - they're more like followers. I could see one of them standing up to her to say they'd rather embrace love rather than what she's peddling.


Or you could have a young changeling the age of the CMCs, maybe...

  • Brohoof 1
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I've always been fine with a run of the mill Changeling being portrayed in an at least timid neutral role, susceptible to becoming allies with ponies. I've always held the belief that Chrysalis is the only non-redeemable character when it comes to Changelings. The others often showed fear towards her or the other ponies, so a head canon for them not being pure evil isn't out of reach.


Just need to find a way around the 'Emotional Vampire' bit :P Can't be around the Changelings when they're hungry. Though I suppose that could be the challenge of the episode.

  • Brohoof 2
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I've always pictured this as a possible episode:


CMCs get a lesson from the older ponies about tolerating differences. They then go and find a Changeling (injured? lost? visiting?) and befriend him/her. The other ponies eventually find out about the Changeling and their reaction is, "Oh HELL no. Disregard what we said about tolerance and GET THAT THING OUT OF HERE!" This sentiment would be echoed by Princess Celestia.


CMCs stick to the "tolerating differences" lesson, and somehow the Changeling shows he/she is indeed kind / helpful. At the end, everyone grants acceptance to the one Changeling and, when the CMCs return to their tree house, they find a letter from Princess Celestia, talking about what she learned from them. 

  • Brohoof 5
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I would love to see this being the plot of an episode. The idea is sort of reminds me of an episode of star trek where one malfunctioning Borg gets off the grid. He eventually gives himself and his new individuality up to protect the Enterprise, but I'd really like to see a second telling of this story that ends on a happy note.

  • Brohoof 1
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For me, this kind of episode needs to be done with the understanding that not all Changelings are in need of a redemption story. I don't do Always Chaotic Evil, I believe there is good and evil in all species, pony or Changeling, but for the ponies, they need this reassurance in the form of some Changeling protagonists. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Well I would prefer having an episode that shows that changelings in general are not pure evil (just Chrysalis' rule). If they show just one changeling not being evil, I'm afraid that changeling would become the exception that proves the rule, implying that changelings are an evil race in general. As long as the idea was pulled off in a way as to assure that changelings are not an evil race, I would be fine with it.

Edited by MuteMutt
  • Brohoof 2
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The only bad thing with the changelings was the attack, which shouldn't really condemn the whole race because of what basically should be considered politics. All changelings are really are ponies that need love in a more literal sense then normal ones. In a world like MLP, it seems weird to hate someone based on a biological need for love.

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, I just think that changelings in general should be added into the show again, because I miss them since the end of series 2. They would certainly be a good addition to an ordinary episode!

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I don't actually see Chrysalis or any of the changelings under her rule to be evil. Seeing as how they feed of love to survive (and they never said the suck the love out or anything, just feed on love) then I would presume they tried to take equestria out of desperation to keep the colony alive.

So I would just presume that the changeling actually attacked to survive and should be forgiven.

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The only thing I don't see is one of Chrysalis changelings going good all of a sudden. They been doing the hunting and love sucking thing for who no how long. So it's hard to believe it would just go good all of a sudden. Maybe 1 one outside of her army, depending on if their are more changelings out side of her army. Still I say keep them evil. Besides the show would have to look at that one to much if they had one go good.




and they never said the suck the love out or anything, just feed on love



They do suck love. Reading the third volume of the MLP comic. 

Edited by pinkiefan1287
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Not sure about a protagonist, but I definitely want to see changelings depicted a different light. So far canon changelings are basically just mindless drones that blindly follow their queen, I would really like to see some characterization or an inside look on average changeling lifestyle, be it good or bad.

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I've never really thought about it until now, but the changelings kind of remind me of my favorite Lion King characters, the hyenas. I was disappointed that those three characters never got too much character development but it did seem as if they were either forced or tricked into working for the big bad. Maybe the same could be said about the changelings. A good changeling is a very interesting concept. We'll just have to wait and see what season four has in store for us.

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First of all, I would never actually consider the changelings evil to begin with, for multiple reasons.

For one, the only reason they invaded Canterlot in the first place was due to the fact that their kind was on the verge of extinction (Or at least 'that hive', if you think there are more than one.)

And second of all, the changelings have good REASON to come to Canterlot, just not so good ways of. Well, doing it.


There are a lot of  ways to do it, so it's hard to think about.

Personally, I'd love more Changeling characters.

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I good Changeling would be nice, but first we need to know more about the Changelings. Something we need to know is how exactly do Changelings feed? They somehow absorb the love around them apparently, but then why did Chrysalis tell them to "GO! FEED!" when the Changelings were ravaging the city? No love to feed off of there... I hope these questions will be answered if/when another Changeling episode comes around.

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Well, I guess we'll have to stick to fanfics until an episode comes. Does anypony know any good fanfics about a changeling becoming good or anything like that?

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I would look into Affliction of the Heart on FIMFiction. It is 3 stories, and it is essentially a romance involving a changeling protagonist I highly recommend it...unless you don't like the feels. In which case...read it anyway. Still worth it.  

  • Brohoof 1
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I good Changeling would be nice, but first we need to know more about the Changelings. Something we need to know is how exactly do Changelings feed? They somehow absorb the love around them apparently, but then why did Chrysalis tell them to "GO! FEED!" when the Changelings were ravaging the city? No love to feed off of there... I hope these questions will be answered if/when another Changeling episode comes around.


Well they did cover the Changelings feed in volume 3 of the MLP comic. To what it looks like changeling absorb the love energy from leaving creators. They killed some small creators in the book. So that's how they do it. 

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I would look into Affliction of the Heart on FIMFiction. It is 3 stories, and it is essentially a romance involving a changeling protagonist I highly recommend it...unless you don't like the feels. In which case...read it anyway. Still worth it.


Thanks! I'll be sure to check it out. Oh and don't worry, I love feels. I welcome them. I let them into my house and let them sleep on the sofa. Sometimes while their asleep, I'll gently place a blanket over them so that they're warm for the night. The next morning I'll cook them breakfast and have a deep, meaningful conversation with them about life. And when they finally decide to move on and leave, they'll turn around at the door and say thank you. And I'll give them a warm hug and say "No, thank you".

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