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Prequel Episodes


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I have been thinking what if hasbro made  some prequel episodes for the series. For example they could to an episode on the rise of nightmare moon and celestia and luna defeating discord. These episodes would be pretty awesome however I'm not sure about what they would do about the target market but would definatly make a good episode to show to non bronies. Another thing I have been thinking about was an episode about twilights life in canterlot before coming to ponyville.


What do you guys think about these?

  • Brohoof 6
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Yeah I'd definetly like some prequel episodes.


If the season 4 finale is about Twilight again then it'd be very interesting to do that life in Canterlot thing.  It would just be such a neat and refreshing change.

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I've been dreaming of a prequel arc from the day I saw the Discord episode. It would be amazing no doubt.


Unfortunately, probably not going to happen. Considering the nature of this show being primarily aimed for little girls and young children, I presume that a prequel arc would get a little too violent for FiM's target audience. I mean, take a look at A Canterlot Wedding part 2, I'm pretty sure that in of itself had some controversy. 


If they could do it while still reducing the violence, then it might be a possibility. But on top of that, I doubt they really care for the history of Equestria. I for one LOVE history of fantasy-like worlds, but that doesn't mean Hasbro does. 

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There are plenty of ideas for prequels that could be done, so I'm definitely open to them doing something of the sort.


Then again, we've seen the childhood of all the mane 6 at this point, so I'm not exactly sure in that sense what they would do. But while the idea of Luna and Celestia defeating Discord is a good idea, would they want to do an episode that lacks involvement of the mane 6 in some way? 

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I think another interesting idea would be an episode of what life was like for Luna (Nightmare Moon) when she was on the moon. Like was she stuck in some sort of prison or was she at least free to explore the moon and stuff?

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I have been wanting an episode like this for quite a while now as the timeline for My Little Pony: is Friendship is Magic is a bit out of whack. And it would be wonderful to see an episode with young Equestria rulers.

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I would love an episode about a certain super powerful and revolutionary unicorn. Seriously, I really really really want to see Star Swirl the Bearded. They could have him in some adventure with Clover the Clever and help explain a bit more about Celestia and Luna (I think that "Luna Eclipsed" stated that they had met at some point). 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ooh, I'd like that. :D Maybe they could do some young Twi and Shining Armor too! Or Twi's life as a friendless bookworm. :o Maybe show some scenes of the other mane 6, with their parents.

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Yes please.


I've personally wanted to see the epic fight between Discord and the princcesses ever since the Return of Harmony first aired. I've also wanted to just see more about Celestia and Luna, how they grew up, how they found Equestria, and what they did after defeating Discord, etc. Having all that history explained and put into the canon's lore would be a massively loved thing, across the fandom.

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If it means more backstory for these awesome characters, then I'm all for prequel episodes. The Cutie Mark Chronicles is still one of the very best episodes from the series, and I would definitely love to see more "filly adventures" as well as some backstory on the Princesses and Equestria. Twilight in Canterlot, Fluttershy's bullied past, Pinkie's hardships, Rainbow's flight school days, Rarity's parental conflicts, and especially:









But yeah, Celestia and Luna stuff too.

Edited by Sugar Cube
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Well I could see an episode where we see how Celestia and Luna defeated Discord and then showing them ruling over Equstira. As for other stories about their past, I don't think so. It would be cool to see how Luna, became Nightmare Moon and see if anything happened to turn her into NM, but I don't see a whole episode as the focus.


As for one of the 6 I'm not to sure. There does not seem to be a need for Twilight to have a backstory episode. Mostly because we know all that has happens. Twilight was socially awkward and her only friends were her brother and Cadence. So I think she's done. The only thing I can think of did she also have magic surges, like Pumpkin Cake did in, Baby Cakes. But I think we have all we need on her.


As for the others the only one I can see having one is, Pinkie Pie. Like how old was she when she came to Ponyville? Why does she live at Sugarcube Corner? Was Ponyville the first town she came to? Pinkie seems to be the one who needs more of a backstory.

Edited by pinkiefan1287
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I think the idea of Twilight Sparkle's life before she came to Pony Ville would be awesome. Like if you watched the first episode like it didn't really make sense how Twilight Sparkle came to Pony Ville. I think they should of done a episode before that and showed her at her old home or whatever. 

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