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Real friends?


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I remember Mister Rogers, when of my all-time favorites, saying "Real friends don't make fun of real friends." It kinda makes me wonder: do Twilight and her friends ever make fun at each other? If they did, then was there a certain point in the series where they stopped doing so?


Also, with all arguments and criticisms that they've given each other aside, is there anything that truly makes them all real friends?

Edited by BlueEyedPegasus
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I think it depends on how you define a friend. Each of if the mane six may have their own definition of what a friend really is. What do you think?

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that's not really accurate. friends make fun of eachother. mine do. all the time. it's just the others choice how to react to it. would Fluttershy insult someone back? nope. would Rarity? yup!

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It depends on the motivation behind it. My dearest friends will poke fun at me all the time, but it a light-hearted and friendly manner. But if it was mean-spirited, that would be a different story.

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Rainbow Dash certainly does. Rarity is really snarky at times too.

(Its always bothered me  how much Rainbow seems to dislike Spike)

When did Rainbow ever show dislike towards Spike? Could you maybe give an example? I always thought that Rainbow was the best one suited for being his friend since she's the most boyish out of the group? And they've even got some things in common too, like getting a kick out of annoying Twilight.

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Rainbow Dash certainly does. Rarity is really snarky at times too.

(Its always bothered me  how much Rainbow seems to dislike Spike)


I don't think Rainbow Dash really dislikes Spike, more rather doesn't know any better, so that's at least forgivable. Plus, regarding Rarity, at least she was willing to stand up for Spike in "Dragon Quest".


I think it depends on how you define a friend. Each of if the mane six may have their own definition of what a friend really is. What do you think?


I think they should eventually learn not to make fun of each other at some point.


that's not really accurate. friends make fun of eachother. mine do. all the time. it's just the others choice how to react to it. would Fluttershy insult someone back? nope. would Rarity? yup!


Well, right now, I'm just trying to find a point in the series where they actually stop making fun of each other. Does anybody know at all???


It depends on the motivation behind it. My dearest friends will poke fun at me all the time, but it a light-hearted and friendly manner. But if it was mean-spirited, that would be a different story.

I'm pretty sure that's what Mister Rogers meant when he said "Real friends don't make fun of real friends." Still, God rest Mister Rogers' soul.

Edited by BlueEyedPegasus
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Well I think that in the end what makes them friends is not just the fact that they make or not make fun of each other. I don´t even think it is the fact that they like similar things. It is that they have grown to care for each other and help each other if necessary. So far the best example I have seen of true friendship in the show is in "Hurricane Fluttershy" in which Rainbow Dash clearly worries more about her friend than anything else, and Fluttershy is willing to help Dash, even when she has to face her greatest fear (even if, unlike in DragonShy, it isn´t a dangerous situation).  

Edited by ManiacForPonies
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Well I think that in the end what makes them friends is not just the fact that they make or not make fun of each other. I don´t even think it is the fact that they like similar things. It is that they have grown to care for each other and help them if necessary. So far the best example I have seen of true friendship in the show is in "Hurricane Fluttershy" in which Rainbow Dash clearly worries more about her friend than anything else, and Fluttershy is willing to help Dash, even when she has to face her greatest fear (even if, unlike in DragonShy, it isn´t completely necessary).  


Well, that's true. I'm pretty sure Mister Rogers himself had known about those qualities in a friend as well. Plus, I'm sure we all agree that this world would be a lot better if there were more people like Mister Rogers. :)

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I'm pretty sure that's what Mister Rogers meant when he said "Real friends don't make fun of real friends." Still, God rest Mister Rogers' soul.

And I think the friendly-type is what they predominantly do. If you think about the times that they actually are trying to make fun of one another, it's because of whatever the drama or tension of that particular episode is.

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I don't really have any good friends that I haven't been forced on, I have one which happened to be the son of a friend of my mum, but our interests kinda split up several years ago now.

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Well, sorta, but it's just teasing mainly. But it's the kind of teasing that isn't mean, and that you can easily take as a joke. In a way, it kinda shows that your really close....It kinda works like this:






So they do a little teasing at times, but none of them (well, maybe Fluttershy, but they don't really tease her) are really offended by it. Friends say things, tease each other all the time. Just one of those things of being friends!! Some share inside jokes, some love pulling pranks on each other, it's all in good fun between friends, really. tongue.png



But Twilight is always there for her friends, and trusts in them. She'd do anything to save them. RD may be taunting and bothersome, but she really has a caring heart as well, and is very loyal. AJ is always there when Twilight or the others are down. Fluttershy is kind to everyone no matter what, and Rarity always tries to help out as well, although most people don't see it. Pinkie Pie always cheers them up. They do a LOT of things that determines their friendship...so I think that without a doubt their very good friends. ;)

Edited by Pixiesong
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I've not seen anything that can be directly linked as mean spirited to another. Even when Fluttershy let loose with her rage it wasn't intended to hurt her friends. It was mearly her pent up frustrations coming out.


And I don't think for one second that Rainbow Dash hates spike.

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Rainbow Dash certainly does. Rarity is really snarky at times too.

(Its always bothered me  how much Rainbow seems to dislike Spike)

I remember when Rarity and Applejack mocked each other.However I cannot see a time when Rainbow Dash ever mocked one of her friends furthermore I have never noticed when Rainbow Dash has dislike Spike
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Mocking is one thing. Friends mock each other all the time. There's no hatred comming from the mocking that Rarity or Applejack do to one another.


I'm kinda like that. If I like ya..expect to get mocked, teased, harrassed, and a whole bunch of things. And I expect no less in return.. I'll B.S. with the best of them...


But if I didn't like someone. They would know it cause I wouldn't say a dang word to um

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I might not know much about Mister Rogers, but I do know MLP. And if there's anything I learned from MLP, it's that friendships are important to everyone. Real friends stand up for each other. Real friends have fun with each other. Real friends talk and hang out with each other. "A true friend helps a friend in need." Real friends don't care what the world thinks about their friendship. Real friends are always there to be optimistic about your and their lives. Real friends are kind, generous, loyal, honest, and fun. They show their prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance toward each other. That's my definition of what a real friend is.

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I dunno, I think that regardless of how well your friendship is your bound to have fights and stuff, so its possible that even as strong as your friendship can be I think you'll still have fights.


But Real friends stick together regardless of these fights.


Also sometimes its just for play and no actual offensive intent really, and then it doesn't really matter a whole lot in my opinion.

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a true true friend helps a freind in need, you never really see twilight run up to her friends needing help only to hear them say "meh maybe later" a true friend will help when you ned it

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Real friends make fun of each other, all the time. But it depends on who you pick as your friends, and who you hang out with. Sometimes, people hang out with the wrong crowd and they don't notice it until it is too late.

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Despite all their individual differences with eachother they're all eachothers real friends because they say they are. That's just how friendship works. And friends should be honest with one another, even if the truth can hurt sometimes.

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To me, the bond between the Mane Six has become more than a friendship and is more like a sisterhood.  They've been through some crazy shit together (in fact that's what cemented their friendship in the first place) and they know they have each other's backs when crazy shit goes down.  That to me is more than just hanging out with each other and liking each other's company.  That's something that can, and should, weather a lot- playful teasing, arguing, even hating each other for the time being- as long as there's no malicious intent behind it. 


Some playful kidding between them? Sure.  Mean spirited insults?  I don't think so.

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