The Soldier 2,044 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 (edited) *clearsthroat* Zoe Trent Scootaloo Inkie Pie Pinkamena (Sometimes normal Pinkie) Rarity Queen Chrysalis Babs Seed Spitfire Berry Punch Octavia Vinyl Scratch Twilight Sparkle (especially Future Twilight) Derpy Hooves Zecora Princess Luna Princess Celestia Shinning Armor Soarin' Fluttershy Trixie Cloudchaser Flitter Nicholas Cage Nurse Redheart Aloe Lotus Photo Finish (There's surprisingly some good artwork of her) Rainbow Dash And if we're gonna get to OCs Milky Way Klodette Honey Dip Whatever Lamia named his OC Lemon Twist About the OC, have you ever heard of Red Ribbon, Tiarawhy (she does have an OC, but suprisingly, there isn't really porn of her), and PonyhiddenAnyways, I voted yes to all 3 of them. But I wouldn't say I'm proud to be a clopper. I'm not going to someone's face and say: "I'M A CLOPPER AND I'M FUCKIN' PROUD!", but that doesn't mean I'm ashamed of doing so either. Edited May 29, 2013 by Psyche Clops 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moog the Kvlt 1,460 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 About the OC, have you ever heard of Red Ribbon, Tiarawhy (she does have an OC, but suprisingly, there isn't really porn of her), and Pokehidden Yup Red Ribbon is cool too, and I've seen Tiarawhy's OC before. Also I'm cool with Ponyhidden, (who is the name of Pokehidden's OC just in case you didn't know) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PinkiePie Forever 65 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 No, no, NO! This stuff really disturbs me. MLP is an innocent, beautiful children's show. This is very creepy and unsettling, sorry, but I had to put this out here. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Limey 524 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 Meh. Some people on here are saying 'I only do it 2-3 times a month, so I'm not a clopper'. Personally, to me that counts as a clopper. I know there are a lot of negative connotations that go along with this label, but...It just seems as if you're in denial to me. You can be a clopper and not go parading round, in fact if this poll is anything to go on, I'd say that most people don't, considering when this kind of thing is discussed without a poll it seems like there are more anti-cloppers than cloppers. Maybe it's because the anti-cloppers scare the cloppers off? I don't know, I can only speculate. (By the way, I voted yes for all 3 options don't judge me. ) 1 "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
An Old Head 4,816 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 Stumbled across a clop board last April, I think. Was initially unsure because it preys on the show's innocence, but I still decided to give it a try. I stopped after about five seconds because I hated it (it felt really wrong!) and never went back to it. So my answers go yes, no, and no. I still feel really guilty that even the first answer's a yes... :3 I'll still turn a blind eye to clopping in general so long as people keep the actual images to their own boards. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiden21 804 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 I have clopped before but I don't consider myself a major clopper. When I did "it", the whole process overall was really disturbing and weird. I guess I only did it because I was curious . 2 Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
verycreativeusername 1,800 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 (edited) 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No I clop then I stop for one month at the least, as I don't look up clop pics and I, at times, times stumble into it. But I only do it because it is porn. But I don't really consider myself a clopper. Edited May 29, 2013 by ÷Zero 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shymantic 48 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 I don't, but I don't have a problem with it. My attitude towards most of this stuff is: If you're not A ) Doing it in front of me or B ) Forcing your opinions on everyone then I don't care what you do. 1 14 years young and proud of it! Join the Pony Navel Avatar Revolution! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Motion Spark 7,807 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 Try and be a little more tolerant in the future. the thread OP didn't specify that you can't openly express your opinions. It's not that I'm not tolerant. It's just an opinion. Sometimes people think it's just others not being tolerant. No, it's just an opinion about the MLP culture. That's all, lol I'm so glad you guys are so open to others thoughts. I'm not agaisnt clopping, or cloppers, but I respect your opinion and you have the right to say that you don't like the idea. My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ReGen 1,466 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 Okay, so.... I think this is a bit too much info, guise... Besides, don't we already have a topi about this? On a side note: I'm very surprised at the results. "I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see." Cloud of Sounds | YouTube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Soldier 2,044 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 I'm not agaisnt clopping, or cloppers, but I respect your opinion and you have the right to say that you don't like the idea. Me gustaria respetar sú opinión tambien. But the way I see it, the guy who posted his "opinion" seems to posted it in a rude way, even though he did say "I'm sorry" at the end. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NotDavid_ 62 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 Yes, Yes, and Yes, I really do not enjoy talking about this, again it's not really anyone's business what I do in my room. I'm not proud nor would I say ashamed to be one, but I am more close to the side of ashamed. But I am fine with people asking if I am or not. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Motion Spark 7,807 May 29, 2013 Share May 29, 2013 Me gustaria respetar sú opinión tambien. But the way I see it, the guy who posted his "opinion" seems to posted it in a rude way, even though he did say "I'm sorry" at the end. I'm not defending him, but it's an opinion, using the word "gross" may sound very offensive to you, probably because you do clop, but he has the right to think that it's gross. It's like saying that I like to watch vomiting videos on youtube, and you say that it's gross, hey it's valid because that's what you think. He find gross that you masturbate to horses "mating", you don't see horses, you see cartoon ponies, but he does see horses and he thinks that the "act" is gross. If you read closely at the coment he wasn't getting personal with any user, it's just an opinion. 3 My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle Sorry, I don't take REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 Yes, there is porn for women out there. But honestly, the VAST majority of pornography is for men. Denying that is naive. Heck, how many women on here are posting that they clop to ponies? Why is it that the smut with Big Macintosh and Shining Armor isn't out there with the rest of the art? Alot of that has to do with the fact that MLP has far more female characters than male characters but you have some shows where it is the opposite and nearly all the R34 material is gay male pairings, a good example of this is Yu Yu Hakusho. Of course people don't just start acting like jerks when they fap to inflated boobs, at least not on purpose. But pornography does raise unreasonable expectations on women, because pornographic women are in no way realistic. That is actually an understandable concern, I have watched a lot of porn over the years and honestly the more extreme/unrealistic stuff has completely lost its appeal to me and much of it has gotten stale, repetitive and in some of it is a tad obvious that the woman is faking it so because of that and the fact that I am less likely to get computer virus's I have developed a preference for cartoon porn. Physical appearance is also not as important to me as it used to be and find myself more and more interested in particular personality traits. I could for example easily see myself dating maybe even marrying and having babies with a woman a lot like Applejack. Like her family is important to me, as is keeping your word and being honest and faithful and I find a woman who is not afraid to get her hands a little dirty to be pretty hot. But I wonder if that would accustom someone to get used to using people rather that appreciating them. I think for most cloppers they love certain ponies so much that their subconscious mind sees them as human thus turning that attraction into a sexual one in addition to the platonic admiring for them being great characters. I have developed this sort of attraction to many of them but for me personally it is at its strongest with Applejack, Twilight and who are all tied for my favorite pony but Applejack did come first so she has a bit of a special place in my heart that the others don't have. As for sexual tension and releasing it? There are other ways to release sexual tension. Exercise is a good, healthy one that doesn't objectify anyone. And people who don't have sexual partners don't need to fap. I of course agree that masturbation is not the only way to relieve sexual tension and I have used some other methods as well but it is the quickest and easiest and I don't really believe there is anything inherently bad or harmful about it so long as it dosen't become excessive. I am glad you are taking a less judgmental tone than you did yesterday, it did take me by surprise because you are one of the most level headed people on here and every now and then make some pretty good points. But I remember that none of us are perfect and can sometimes say things that get misconstrued so I am glad that you don't think that cloppers are any worse than non cloppers although your earlier statement did make it sound like that. 1 Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 I'll be completely honest; I've clopped once, when I was bored and...yeah. I don't consider myself a clopper, and I honestly can't see myself ever doing it again. My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Saturnsparkle 13 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 Have you ever clopped?: yes more than once?: yes would you consider yourself a clopper?: i guess what else would i be in my opinion i think that clopping isnt that bad because they are cartoon characters. they could be veiwed as attractive. to were as if it where real ponies i would say buck no! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghost 173 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 I personally don't clop but... OK I lied, I'll be completely honest and admit I have clopped before. I didn't think I would do it, but this one fanfic got to me . 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Just some guy 1,070 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 I like the poll results."I've totally clopped to ponies more than once,BUT I'M TOTALLY NOT A CLOPPER GUYS!"Don't mean to insult cloppers or anything,just found that amusing is all. Anyhow,I don't clop.I've looked at some just to satiate my curiosity,but I never actually found it arousing nor could understand why people would find ponies erotic in the first place.I just don't see how people can get turned on by the ponies themselves in their original states or their anthro states.But,I suppose everybody has their own cup of tea though. Though some of the humanized ones I've seen are...well,I'll let Gilbert Gottfried speak for me. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NavelColt 22,882 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 Reading through these pages, while there are great discussions going on, there are also some arguments and other issues that have almost turned into something critical that would need to be dealt with, with a few individual posts getting just that. We've got one clop-related topic that generally sails along just fine most of the time; let's not carry on the curse of never being able to have a discussion that doesn't end in drama and arguing when it comes to these topics. If you're against the concept, at the end of the day it may just be better to just answer the OP's questions and leave it be, than to start up an opinionated post about how you don't care for the opposite opinion, or someone's elses' post about said opposite opinion. One person makes an opinionated, often blunt post, and then before you know it its' dominoes. Don't be an instigator or a domino, if you can help it Yes, yes and 'I suppose'. I've always been a perv, honestly, long before ponies and most likely still will be long after ponies. As I talk a bit about in this post, there's really no need for the term and label of 'clopper' to really exist. Titles are usually superficial and serve no purpose other than to give people ammunition to hurt others with their beliefs. Enjoying R34 of ponies is hardly different than enjoying R34 of any other cartoon character in existence, and by extension, enjoying erotic material in general, all-together. So, in the end, the bigger question is simply 'are you a perv?' or not 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Red Diamond 549 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 Q: Have you clopped before? A: Yes, I have. Q: More than once? A: Yes, I have. Q: Do you consider yourself a clopper? A: Yes, you might as well consider me one. ATTENTION!! I DO NOT TAKE REQUESTS! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mzukiller 233 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 As always, my opinion is it's fine to be a clopper because it's only natural to be attracted to the personalities of these ponies and some of the porn DOES look pretty good. But do not, and I repeat, do not make your clopper status a well known fact. You don't need to announce to the world that MLP gets you hot. In response to people who legitimately think that being a clopper somehow offends you or the show, dude grow up. People masturbate, people have crushes on these ponies, and ultimately I say "Who are you to decide what someone should and shouldn't do behind closed doors" As long as he's not killing anyone in the process, I don't clopping in itself is a huge deal. In the end, we're all bronies. And we shouldn't let something so petty divide us further. 5 I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZomBrony 347 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 (edited) Unless it is anthro I don't think it really counts but I don't really have too much of an issue with it either way.I find it interesting how some people voted yes for questions 1&2 but no for one, that is a little strange but whatever. Well I think I may be able to help clear this up. I voted Yes, Yes, No but I said no to "do I consider myself a clopper?" because of some comments on clop pictures I've seen on the sites I use: To be more clear, I feel like I don't really think the same as your average clopper seems to. Also because of what Ayo said, I'm the same: I would say that I'm not a clopper in the sense that I don't go out and actively search for pictures, fics, etc. But if I happen to stumble upon something on Twitter or something I just sort of think "Well, I'm already here". Edited May 30, 2013 by ZomBrony Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RDashFan85 46 May 30, 2013 Share May 30, 2013 Nope I never clopped to pony porn at all. I do read clop fictions but it doesn't excite me at all. And I look at the pictures and it also doesn't excite me. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest May 31, 2013 Share May 31, 2013 (edited) I consider myself a clopper but because clopper is a subtitle of brony I just call myself a brony. 420 clop to ponies erryday. Also very strange that most people who voted clopped or clopped more than once but don't consider themselves a clopper, what sense does that make? Edited May 31, 2013 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
repsol rave 2,963 May 31, 2013 Share May 31, 2013 i've tried clopping once,but it just wasn't for me. i don't really know why tho, i mean, i can get exited watching hentai. guess pony's just don't do it for me. My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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