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How powerful are Celestia, Luna, and Discord?


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Finally someone notes the Changelings. Anyway, it's not so much that Discord is more powerful it's that he draws power from chaos, while Celestia draws from harmony. The problem is in the absence of just one Element of Harmony you already break into chaos and chaos is very infectious. In a scenario of equal parts chaos and harmony a bet those two would have an epic fight.


To explain the usage of the elements to imprison Nightmare Moon, Celestia could use them because Luna was still her best friend, She did not percieve Nightmare Moon as Luna but rather as an evil being that took over her sister. So she used them off her still strong bond with her sister.


now as per the power levels, due to chaos being so easy to attain Discord still top, Celestia second, and Luna third. (Remember Nightmare Moon was stronger than Celestia, but that was a different pony)

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  • 5 weeks later...

The one time she fought Celestia. -cut-

But she coudn't beat luna. -cut-

As said by the one above, Celestia was not fighting Luna. She was fighting Nightmare Moon. There is a big difference, unless you want to suggest Luna was more then happy to kill everyone off with eternal night. No sun = no heat, no light, and no life (after some time has pasted that is).

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I always found it amusing how people don't realize how powerful we made Luna. She controls the moon and the STARS, while Celetia controls just the sun aka one star, Luna controls billions of stars :) that said id assume Discord would be the winner in a fight, while Luna would be arguably stronger magic wise, Discord would win due to the sheer variety of powers has.

So it would be Discord=Luna>>>Celestial.

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Celestia was hurt by Chrysalis in the Season 2 finale, so I'd guess she's not immortal, or at least has some weaknesses. Luna, being the younger sister, and, as mentioned before, banished for quite some time, her magic is probably considerably less developed.

As for Discord, he has insane abilities to alter reality, but Fluttershy almost avoided submitting to his craze. I'm sure if somepony stared at him long enough he'd run away like a chicken :lol: . (Not Scootaloo, however) ;)

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well we've seen celesia defeated and Luna is the weaker sister now she isnt nighmaremoon how ever the power to raise the sun an moon is somthing that take a large group of unicorns to so there not compleatly useless, id say there the most powerfull ponys


discord is another story

he has the power to create and do what ever he wants he may even be responcable for his own apperance and if that is the case i think he created the griffons and manticores aswell

he can also only be defeated by the elements of harmony and his only weakness is his own madness

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We may not fully know how powerful Celestia is, but I think her defeat at the hamds of Chrysalis makes it clear that her power isn't what it used to be, then again Shining's love was more powerful than expected.


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Without Luna, there would have been no Nightmare Moon.


Actually I blame Discord for Luna's fall from grace, where she would get to the point she was willing to use or another used dark magic on her to make herself stronger... yet this dark spell took over he body and turned her into Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon is not Luna, but instead a force that took Luna over.

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I would not say that Discord is more powerful than Luna or Celestia, but because he uses his powers for the wrong reasons, he just seems to be. Basically, Harmony could easily be corrupted by ANY magical being. Twilight for instance in "Lesson Zero" when she made everypony infatuated with Smarty Pants. But once corruption begins, it is not something easy to stop, which is also seen in Lesson Zero when Twilight tries to stop it.


If Celestia or Luna were to simply have a one on one battle of Magic against Discord, I'd assume it would probably never end.


I disagree. While it is hard to gauge his power, he is a reality warper. And it's not like Pinkie's, where it's used for comic relief, he actually warps reality. The fact that he stole the elements when they were "protected by a spell only [Celestia] can break", the fact that he moved the sun rapidly at will, and the fact that Twilight's powerful magic was unable to solve any of the problem he caused with his reality warping proves that his power is above "normal" magic.





The Elements of Harmony are merely used to concentrate the most powerful magic in all of Equestria; The Magic of Friendship.

Which is indubitably the most powerful force to be found.


Friendship alone is a very powerful thing, and without it the Elements are nothing more than fancy jewelery.


Yes, but friendship itself doesn't seem to have any tangible power without something to focus it through, such as the Elements.

Edited by Evilshy
  • Brohoof 1

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I disagree. While it is hard to gauge his power, he is a reality warper. And it's not like Pinkie's, where it's used for comic relief, he actually warps reality. The fact that he stole the elements when they were "protected by a spell only [Celestia] can break", the fact that he moved the sun rapidly at will, and the fact that Twilight's powerful magic was unable to solve any of the problem he caused with his reality warping proves that his power is above "normal" magic.

Glad somebody besides me notices that he can make the sun and move flip with each other in the sky without even trying </3


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Celestia is more powerful and wise than Luna. Losing power and being sent to the moon didn't help develop.


Discord can beat Celestia if she does not use the Elements of Harmony.


Discord has the power to change a world withing hours, minutes, maybe even seconds, all tp his own will.

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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I like to think of Celestia as the Dumbledore of the pony world... :blink:


So... we are basically going to see jack shit from Celestia until Season 5? Great... ._.


Anyhow, it's obvious that Discord is the most powerful, for reasons others have already stated.


As for Luna, I'm pretty sure Celestia did not want to hurt Luna, and finding a direct alternative solution was difficult. My theory is that Luna is still a child at heart and that we basically saw her true form in FiM part 2, without any magic aiding her. Ok, so when she became jealous, her magic eventually turned darker and more sadistic, in the process taking over her and turning into Nightmare Moon. Pretty much her magic took everything good from her and only left a dark and crippled corpse who was dubbed Nightmare Moon. My theory at least.


I also can expect both sisters to be able to freerly shapeshift. But this could just be am overstatement, considering Luna in "Luna Eclipsed".

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  • 1 year later...

Discord is a spirit, or in other words a god, so he nearly can't be defeated, exempt by the Elements of Harmony, which focus a force within the Mane 6. Even when he is using tricks all the time he has got very powerful Abilities. For example in S2E2 he raises and sets sun and moon at an immense speed. I doubt that Celestia and Luna together could perform this and don't seem to be tired in any way after it. Discord never gets tired, so his powers are so huge that he can do about everything. He can probably bend time either, even when we haven't seen this yet.


Celestia's and Luna's powers don't come even close to Discord's. Nightmare Moon is probably stronger than Celestia (S4E1/2), but we don't know about Luna, because we haven't seen a lot from Celestia. Celestia just sends the Mane 6 if there is any kind of trouble and doesn't sorts it out by herself. Either she is far too strong to bother (but she is still a lot weaker than Discord), or she hasn't got that much power (either she never had, or she has lost a great part of the ones she had earlier). So Luna could be a lot stronger than her.

If we go into physics now, we see that the sun is a lot heavier than the moon, but the sun is one star, luna raises lots of stars that may be a lot larger than the sun, so she would have to use much more power. Well, Celestia rose the moon and the stars while Luna was banished, but this could be the reason why she hasn't got much power anymore. She could have used too much power during this thousand years, so she is a lot weaker now.


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Discord>Nightmare Moon>Celestia?Luna

I have read something from Lauren Faust, that Nightmare Moon banished Celestia to the sun. It's weird, that NM wanted to kill Celestia first, but after 1000 years she only banishes her.
These inconsistencies. It's something like too many cooks spoil the broth lol



Well, Celestia rose the moon and the stars while Luna was banished, but this could be the reason why she hasn't got much power anymore. She could have used too much power during this thousand years, so she is a lot weaker now.

I don't know. This actually makes no sense. This would be even kind of depressing for every magic wielding creature, if it becomes weaker and weaker the more powerful magic it uses or if it overexerts itself.
Shoudn't it get stronger by some sort of magical strength training?



I always found it amusing how people don't realize how powerful we made Luna. She controls the moon and the STARS, while Celetia controls just the sun aka one star, Luna controls billions of stars :) that said id assume Discord would be the winner in a fight, while Luna would be arguably stronger magic wise, Discord would win due to the sheer variety of powers has. So it would be Discord=Luna>>>Celestial.

If we go into physics now, we see that the sun is a lot heavier than the moon, but the sun is one star, luna raises lots of stars that may be a lot larger than the sun, so she would have to use much more power.

When Luna was banished for 1000 years, Celestia had to move the sun, the moon and the stars. Or do you think there were no stars above during that time?

So far Luna stands out for entering dreams and shape shifting, but we don't even know if Celestia is capable of this, too.

Okay, i start to doubt that Celestia could enter dreams. This sounds too much like a night thing ;-)

Edited by Gary S.
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Discord- StG44

Celestia- M16

Luna- AK47


But outside of opinionated gun comparisons...

Discord > Celestia > Luna. But Luna has potentially greater magic than Discord if she could only use it when she ISN'T Nightmare Moon.


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But Luna has potentially greater magic than Discord if she could only use it when she ISN'T Nightmare Moon.


I don't think so. NMM made a cliff break, created the shadow bolts and stole a mustache, but Discord turned the whole of ponyville into the chaos capital, and as I wrote earlier:


For example in S2E2 he raises and sets sun and moon at an immense speed. I doubt that Celestia and Luna together could perform this and don't seem to be tired in any way after it. Discord never gets tired, so his powers are so huge that he can do about everything.
Edited by LordEguk


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Discord is considerably more powerful than Celestia and Luna, the only thing that has ever had any effect on Discord so far is the elements of harmony and now that they have been placed back into the tree of harmony cannot be used anymore but the treasure chest may hold the key to use them again or some other alternate power source which may be powerful enough to stop Discord should he backslide again though I don't think he will. Before Luna's transformation into Nightmare Moon Celestia and Luna were probably fairly even but the transformation made Luna more powerful than Celestia but still not as powerful as Discord. After Nightmare Moon was exorcised from Luna she was weakened considerably, while we do know that she has regained enough of her original power to perform her duties as princess of the night we still don't know if she has recovered all of her original powers yet.

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Gods is probably the first word we jump to when we are asked "How powerful is Celestia and Luna?".


 I think the word would be dictator. After all, they aren't queens, they're princesses. They have enough power to raise the sun and the moon AND Equestria, sure. But not gods, that would would mean they are unbeatable, but that wouldn't make any sense because in A Canterlot Wedding Part 2, Celestia is thrown around by Queen Chrysalis easily, she slides on the floor skidding to Twilight as her crown falls and rolls onto the floor, I think the crown represents Celestia's power.


Luna, she's been defeated.


  When in her Nightmare Moon form, she was easily defeated by the Elements Of Harmony and is now a friendly,shy princess. Once Again, I think her crown represents Luna's power. It is so small, like Luna, she wanted to be powerful, to overthrow her sister and become ruler. But she failed, because she didn't have the power she used to with her sister AND her crown.


Discord, he has no limits.


 Enough said.


Celestia and Luna are dictators, not gods.


 Gods are unbeatable, unless you know their weaknesses, but honestly I think it's safe to say whoever said that might want to give a little evidence as to why they say that.




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Discord is pretty much an omnipotent reality warper, he can do pretty much anything so he's far far above Celestia or Luna.

Celestia is probably more powerful than Luna considering she's older in the first place and she had 1000 years to develop her magic while Luna was banished, Luna as Nightmare Moon may or may not be more powerful than Celestia but she's hyped on her emotions and drank some dark magic kool aid (I still hate the concept of outright posession though) to be more powerful.

I don't know why everyone says Luna raises the Stars though, that's pure fanon, the whole idea of Luna controlling anything more than the Moon and having the ability to dreamwalk is fanon. Moreover the stars don't need to be moved, they are always there. They just can't be seen during the day because of the light of the sun.

Edited by M'gann M'orzz


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Again, i don't think celestial or luna are combat powerful.


I think celestials focus is in her royal demenear and social graces.

Hell i thin her history is hit and miss,


unless you wanna argue with me, and that would mean she knows way more than she's letting on,

and I'm cool with that idea as well.

I think discord buries the needle power speaking.  I think discord could thrash 5 dozen full grown dragons and not break a sweat.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Discord makes Celestia and Luna look like garbage. A thousand Princesses could attack him, it makes no difference.


Celestia is stronger than Luna and equal with Nightmare Moon. Luna needed the Nightmare to give her the raw power to fight Celestia but even then, Celestia was holding her own. Celestia went down so quickly because she did not want to fight Nightmare Moon.


Discord>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nightmare Moon>=Celestia>Luna


Destruction wise, Discord could probably destroy the entire countries if he wanted to, Celestia, Luna, and Nightmare Moon are at best, small bulding destroyers.

  • Brohoof 1

"Aren’t we the same? You know, aren’t you carrying the same mindset as I am? Just because you couldn’t bear to lose, you lost your precious partner! You really call yourself a true duelist? You’re the complete opposite of that!" -Weevil Underwood

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  • 9 months later...

I know this post is rather old, but I still think it is relevant


First of all we can forget about discord, he is clearly the most powerful of the three due to the fact that he can warp reality at will and in the return of harmony we saw that he could easily change it from day to night and corrupt a pony just by a touch.


Now on to Celestia and Luna


We know that NMM/Luna is at least as powerful as Celestia because we know that Celestia could not beat Luna/NMM on her own, she had to use the elements of harmony to send her to the moon.


In my opinion it is pretty clear that Nightmare Moon is more powerful than Celestia due to the fact that in FIM part 1 and 2 Celestia was missing and could not help which was most likely because of Nightmare Moon.


We have also seen that Luna IS Nightmare Moon and that Nightmare Moon is not her sort of possessed by dark magic (as stated in other answers) because in the episode "Luna Eclipsed" (S2 E4) she actually turned herself into Nightmare Moon briefly to scare some ponies. This also shows that she still possesses the powers of Nightmare Moon.


On top of all this, we know that Celestia is the princess of the SUN which is 1 star, while Luna is usually called "The princess of the night" as apposed to "The princess of the moon" this could just be because it sounds better to say "The princess of the night" than "The princess of the moon" or it could be because she controls not just the moon but all of the stars too and the sun is only a medium sized star.


But then again we also know that with Luna on the moon. Celestia was left to control both day and night, which she did..... it seems....

What if when Luna was on the moon she still controlled it? or when Luna was on the moon Celestia still had the power of the elements of harmony and those gave her the power to control the night?


Regardless I think all we can say, based on current information is this:

Discord is more powerful than anypony and Celestia and Luna are kind of at a stalemate.

there is just not enough evidence pushing in anyponys favor to give a reasonable argument, in ones favor, while stating all points.

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