Colorful Respawn 399 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 Just as the title says, my dad finally realizes that I'm a brony. Some of you might be wondering, "Well how did he find out?" Welp, he went online, his homepage is Fox news or MSN or something, and he saw one the front page "What its like to be a brony" or sometjing like that. So I'm lying down on the couch watching the news because my dad wanted to, and he said, "So you're a brony,' it kinda took me by suprise a little, but I said, "Yup," and he continued, "That's a male fan of the show My Little Pony? You know thats intended for girls?" and I said, "I know dad" then he asked if my brother was because he watches the show, but he's younger thanme. He goes on to ask me if I have any other friends who are bronies and I say just one in real life, Cody. After that the conversation dies and we go bck to watching the news. I thought to myself, "You should've known I was a brony by now with all the pony mini figures, plushies, and puzzles I have. But I guess he did'nt know what the term was. Anyways thanks for reading my epic story, if you did? Let me know if your parents know that you're brony or not? 12 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rokkurin 214 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 My parents know. I walked straight up to my mom and told her, "Mom, I'm a Brony. A Brony is a male who likes to watch the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." All she did was raise an eyebrow at me, so I showed her the show. Three seasons later, she has a Rainbow Dash plushie in her bedroom. 10 Fear the shadow, and all that dwell within. Guardian Angel: Night Blade: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tripfly 264 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 >fox news Dude run, Run as fast as you can 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rainbowdashbrony1 130 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 Yes they know and I'm proud of it ! Plus I'm dressing up at the Anime fest in Wichita,ks at the hyatt hotel this year as Rainbowdash with my backpack hoodie I got at hot topic! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 My mom knew when she walked in on me watching an episode in my room, I'm still proud of it. 3 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PsychedelicPony 440 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 My dad found out like within weeks on accident, I was making a Big Mac emblem on BO2 and he walked in, saw it and said, "Is that a My Little Pony." And I was like, "yeah..." And said, "Are you a Brony?" and I was like, "yeah..." then he just left. 15 minutes later he walks back in and said, "Can you explain it to me." I proceeded to, he is a big fan of Howard Stern and he doesn't give a good image, he thought bronies were just people that dressed as ponies and screwed, and I said that's not it at all. And he was like ok. Hasn't brought it up since and idk if he told my mom haha 1 Sig by The Frozen Pegasus Avatar by Royal Samurott Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Virgil 685 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 Both my parents know I'm a brony, I kinda blew the whistle on myself by putting on my Christmas Wishlist, that I wanted Season 1 on DVD . First they thought it was a joke ( it was quite out of the blue to be fair, so I understand their reaction ), then they were just kinda shocked by the whole thing, then after slowly accumulating MLP merch the past 5 months they've just kinda gotten used to it. My Mother still keeps thinking along the lines of G2 or G1 I think, since she watched that with my older sister (age 35 ) when she was a child. Because I showed them both this vid at one point ( as we watched the show Monk as a family for years and enjoyed it ) : My Dad admitted it was a bit funny and well made; my Mom's response was something to the extant of, " That's not MLP!" 1 I know there's a place you walkedWhere love falls from the treesMy heart is like a broken cupI only feel right on my knees.I spit out like a sewer holeYet still receive your kissHow can I measure up to anyone nowAfter such a love as this? The Who Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kip the Dip 56 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 My granny practically brags about my collection of My Little Pony plushies to friends and family. Oh, but heaven forbid I should grow my hair long or tweeze my eyebrows once a month. People might think I'm "funny". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Misterian 118 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 My Dad knows, he found it a little bizarre, but didn't seem bothered by it. I tried showing him the first two episodes to get him interested, I even made him promise to watch episodes of the show (on Netflix) with me on my birthday last year. I had.. somewhat mixed results, though he cheated somewhat when he pulled out his laptop and started playing Solitaire (I think) during the first fourth of the first episode, he kept saying he was watching the episode, but thanks to the fact he had that laptop around, I couldn't tell for certain. He did sort of make up for it by putting his laptop away when we got to the second episode, and made it clear he was genuinely watching the episode, he even chuckled at most of the scenes with Pinkie Pie. Unfortunately, the first two episodes weren't enough and my attempt at getting him interested failed, but then, my dear ol' Dad is the sort of person who's interests range from sitcoms (ala Two and a Half Men and Modern Family), Crime shows (ala Heat of the Night and Law and Order), or certain movies (Scorpion King, Armageddon, Taken, and the Iron Man movies to name afew). As for the rest of my family, my second-youngest sister (age 20) got interested in the show I think around the same time I did, but decided to more or less leave the fandom because she caught the.... more unpleasent side to us. She still likes the show to some extent and is cool with talking about show with me, but she isn't really a major in the fandom anymore. My youngest sister (age 8) loves the show and has quite a good amount of MLP toys, I even got her some of those said toys (like a certain talking Princess Cadance, for example). She knows about the Periphery Demographic and even knows I'm a brony. I even showed her a good chuck of some MLP fan works, I read her some one-shot fanfics, showed her some pics from Beavernator (which she found strange, but also cute), I even showed her some fan videos, like Snowdrop, Double Rainboom, and even Adventures of Button Mash (along with the Don't Mine At Night Parody). She even has some friends that know I'm a brony, but they don't think bad of me for it, my youngest sister did tell me one of her friends thought I was weird, but that's it. But then, I made no effort to hide that I was a brony, when I borrowed some MLP comics from my public library, I balantly admitted to the librarians that I was a brony, they only reacted by saying 'there's nothing wrong with that', heck I admitted to a cashier at Fred Meyer that I was a Brony when I came here to buy a birthday present for my youngest sister (which happened to be an MLP toy, that miniset with figures of Applebloom, Diamond Tiara, and Silver Spoon to be exact), the cashier looked surprised, but didn't seem bothered either. Seems the city of Spokane, Washington might be somewhat brony and pegasister friendly, but I don't know, I don't get out often enough know for certain. Does anyone else live in this city that know for certain? 2 Why don't we ever see humans in Equestria? they're hiding, the ponies stole all their clothes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloo Is Best Filly 578 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 That's awesome! Both my parents know as well, I think my dad is still weirded about by it, no matter how many times I've explained it to him, but once he actually wiki'd what Bronies were all about, he sorta just let it go. So, I think he's still a little weirded out by it but, they both sorta just accept it. 1 Facebook: Josh B. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scoots and Dash 208 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 (edited) I flat out told my parents in the car one day with my brony best friend that I watched the show. I explained its not like the older generations. That I liked the characters and the plot lines. That is was like an animated cartoon that wasn't all pink. My Dad thought I was gay for awhile. Then dropped that a while later. My Mom always messes around with me by getting me something MLP:FiM related for the holidays. Even though I'm 17 I still get some chocolates and stuf. This Easter she thought it would be funny so she included a MLP:FiM coloring book with it. It's a pretty decent coloring book. When I get some nice crayons I'll surely color the whole thing in one sitting . Edited April 30, 2014 by Scoots and Dash 1 Thanks to )O( Scarlet )O( for the signature! Count to 1,000,000 with us! Click here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~Rule 63~ Lyeco 527 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 I already told my parents that I am a brony. And I am proud. Why? Because the show is not popular in my country 1 Signature by Me Made with Word and Repix I want your request in my request shop Click Here-> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,861 April 30, 2014 Share April 30, 2014 Unfortunately, the first two episodes weren't enough and my attempt at getting him interested failed, but then, my dear ol' Dad is the sort of person who's interests range from sitcoms (ala Two and a Half Men and Modern Family), Crime shows (ala Heat of the Night and Law and Order), or certain movies (Scorpion King, Armageddon, Taken, and the Iron Man movies to name afew). Don't feel bad, I tried to watch the 1st few episodes after 4chan macro images found their way to my facebook, press stories, etc. The 1st few episodes didn't hook me at all. They I actually credit my two kids for finally getting me to like the show finally but hand selecting a few specific episodes and fan content. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Theshadowmaster235 70 May 1, 2014 Share May 1, 2014 They don't know yet but they tend to be kinda nosey so one day they'll probably see something on my iPad or I'll be playing minecraft and they might see some of the things that I've built. Or I might just tell them if I do my dad has no reason to judge considering some of the things that he likes to watch(but he probably will still judge me). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TwilightFire 55 May 1, 2014 Share May 1, 2014 Well my parents are too oblivious to the fact I am a brony. Even I watched 3 episodes right in front of them Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
easymac 106 May 1, 2014 Share May 1, 2014 they have known for over 18months...kinda because that is when i bought a pony hiding was no longer an option... -end If you are reading this you clearly have sometime on your hands, or you just like to read. Lets be honest they can be very related, you are on a forum dedicated to pastel colored miniature equines. Though if reading this is a waste of time, what would it say about the person who is writing it.... also The Game, Consult the Helix Fossil, /0, and other such maymays Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Justin_Case001 4,907 May 3, 2014 Share May 3, 2014 As soon as I discovered the show, I wrote this post on the Warframe forums, the only forum I was a member of at the time. I had my parents read it. My mom is now a Pegasister; we watch the show together. After reading the post, my dad said it should be published, that everyone in the world should read it. I cannot overstate how lucky and deeply honored I am to have them as parents. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pando cookie 38 May 3, 2014 Share May 3, 2014 (edited) My parents know. Well, I'm considered a "pegasister", anyhow. But whatevs. My family knows, some of my friends know. I really don't care who knows, haha. My mom got home from work one day, and we just sat and watched MLP and I just kept watching it more and more. She doesn't care if I like it or not. She actually buys me merch sometimes. Nor does my dad, he still sees me as a little girl, after all xP and my brother will pick on me for it, but not in a mean way, more of a playful trying to get on my nerves way. And my boyfriend doesn't care either, sometimes I make him watch it with me I can't say he enjoys it, but he said he likes Spike lol. So that's something. Edited May 3, 2014 by Pepin 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lomk 20,663 May 3, 2014 Share May 3, 2014 omfg...dude I wish my parents were this awesome. >fox news Dude run, Run as fast as you can Exactly. My parents watch Fox News and I make it a point to not drop any kinds of hints around them that would entertain the very thought I'm into ponies. I refuse to let go until you're impressed. I refuse to let go until I'm depressed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Courageous Thunder Dash 7,824 May 3, 2014 Share May 3, 2014 My parents know and they call me "immature". I hate it. They tell me to "grow up" and that just gets me on my royal nerves. Youtube: Soundcloud: 2nd SoundCloud: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Will Guide 21,362 May 3, 2014 Share May 3, 2014 My parents knew since last June when I straight out told them I was going to see Equestria Girls at a nearby theater. If I didn't think they were fine with me being a Brony, then I would have know anyway as soon as I got a MLP 2014 calendar from them for Christmas!(I mean, from my kittens;) No seriously, they're fine with it! A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainblow H. Ash 5,091 May 3, 2014 Share May 3, 2014 Well, I'm going to share my parents story again then. One day I went to the mall with my two brothers and my two cousins, and we stopped by Hot Topic. I bought my two cousins and my brother some My Little Pony stuff since they all like it, and we headed back to my parent's house. We got home and I brought the stuff in, and I left the room to go wash my hands. As I was coming back, I heard my littlest cousin telling my mom about how I love My Little Pony and how I'm a Brony. I almost didn't want to walk into the room. But I did because I'm a badass, and then my mom was like "You like My Little Pony?". And I was like "Yeah, it's a great cartoon". Then we started talking about it and she told me that she loved My Little Pony when she was younger and had a crap ton of the toys, and then that was that. Later on that night, my mom told my dad while he was cooking chili, and he said "Wow, that's really gay". I didn't really care and just laughed it off. The next day, he came and asked me if I really was a Brony, and I was like "Yeah of course". And he was like "Oh... well okay then". And then after that he proceeded to not care that much about it. My mom still asks me about it from time to time, but they're both cool with it now. And come on, everypony, both of my folks watch Fox News and they took it just fine, and they both knew what Bronies were from watching Fox News and the Internet. It's not so bad if you give them a chance. 3 #bringbackmerriwetherwillaims Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archer Dash 163 May 3, 2014 Share May 3, 2014 My aunt keeps trying to give me G3 figurines. I don't even want to touch them, much less keep them around somewhere. 1 I'm the uber-conservative one.Rainbow Dash x Kitchen Sink OTPA great man once said, "ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS BSNS"20% Chance I'm on my Wii U while posting this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest May 3, 2014 Share May 3, 2014 (edited) Nfdfdsa fd d asd adf 23r2r r2 Edited December 22, 2016 by plzremoveaccountfdfd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tripfly 264 May 3, 2014 Share May 3, 2014 My aunt keeps trying to give me G3 figurines. I don't even want to touch them, much less keep them around somewhere. give em to me, i'll make em into cool ponies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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