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adventure The Adventures Of Angel, The Superstallion


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It was a beautiful night in Canterlot. Everypony but Princess Luna was sound asleep. But there was one other that was awake. It was Celestia, and she is working hard on something. It was something incredible. A new pony, with a maneas red as love, and a coat black as night. "Now all you need is a name....." Celestia thought for a moment. And remembered something from 1000 years ago, when humans used to reside with ponies. She remembered something a young girl named Megan had told her. She said her grandmother died and became an Angel. "That's it, from this day forth you are Angel." The black pony opened his blue eyes slowly and looked up at Princess Celestia. "Hi mom." Angel wasn't a colt he was a full grown stallion. Celestia laughed at Angel. "Hello Angel, welcome to Equestria."

Edited by ANGEL
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  • 10 months later...

Over the next few days, Angel began noticing strange and wonderous things. Just the other day he could hear Princess Twilight on the other side of the castle. If he focused at a certain thing he could see right through it. And yesterday he was having a conversation with Fancy Pants who was riding the train and Angel was running next to it. After giving it much thought he decided to confront his mother about these abilities. It was a sunny afternoon in Canterlot. Angel walked in to the throne room where Princess Celestia had just finished speaking to Rainbow Dash and Ditzy Doo. As the 3 passed each other, Angel and Rainbow Dash watched each other pass by. "Angel, is something wrong?" Angel looked forward quickly. "Mom, I really need to talk to you." Celestia heard the small hint of fear in Angel's voice. "Blazing Sword, Shining Arrow." The two guard ponies turned to Princess Celestia. "Yes, Princess?" "I need to have a private word with Angel. Could you excuse us?" The two guards bowed and left the room. "What's bothering you?"

Angel waited a moment then ran at super speeds to one side of the room and back. Pricess Celestia was amazed at what she had just seen. "That's not all." He pointed at the wall to his right. "Princess Twilight is now talking to Rainbow Dash about possibly visiting Daring Do. If she's home." Then he looked to his left. "The cook is pacing the kitchen wondering what to make for Aunt Luna's birthday tomorrow. And Colonel Ixa is looking to have his custom Blackest Night Armor shined and polished for the same occasion." Angel looked back at his mother. "How can I do these things?" Princess Celestia sighed and replied. "Your grandmother Queen Lauren. Told me that there are somethings friendship can't fix. So she told me to make a pony that could fill that gap. That pony is you Angel." "Why not tell me this before?" "Your mind needed to develop a little before I told you. If I had said anything, you would vanish in to thin air. I never expected you to learn of these powers first." Celestia looked to the door. "CYCLONE, JOKER!" The door opened and two ponies walked in with the strangest armor. One pony wore all green and had a helmet with red beetle eyes. The other wore the same thing only instead of green he wore dark purple almost black outfit. "Yes, your highness!" The two ponies said at the same time. "It's time to begin. Please inform Emperor Kiva of Japon, that Angel will be arriving soon to begin his training." "What's the code, Princess?" "Code: HENSHIN!"



There was a harsh fire at the Quick-Stop-Groceries in Ponyville. The whole building was on fire. Rainbow Dash was already on scene to help in any way she could. She saw a couple of ponies was still inside the shop. "Hang on, I'm coming!" RD tried to enter but burned her knee. "AH, MY LEG!" She fell backwards and poured water on it. "SWEET LUNA THAT STINGS!" Just then she heard a sonicboom, and turned in time to see something crash through the ceiling. "What the hay?" It wasn't long before she saw a black stallion with a red mane walking through the flames as if he were walking normally. With the 2 ponies on his back. The stallion approached Rainbow Dash and laid the couple in front of her. "Would you mind watching these two?" The mysterious stallion flew in to the air without wings. Inhaled deeply and blew ice cold wind on to the fire, putting it out instantly. The stallion landed next to Rainbow Dash who couldn't help but stare. "H......b......h......Who are you?!" "I'm Angel." Angel focused on the two K.O. ponies and checked their lungs using X-ray vision. "No severe damage they should wake up in a minute." Rainbow Dash saw Angel's cutie mark it was a red S Shield. Angel turned and looked behind him. "Sorry, someponyelse needs help." In a burst of Super Speed, Angel disappeared. Rainbow Dash put her hoove on her stomach. She felt funny, a way she hadn't felt in a long time.

Angel kept running until he came to the edge of the dreaded Everfree Forest. Where he saw Fluttershy being chased by Timberwolves. Angel ran between the gap between Shy and the Timberwolves. Stomped his hooves in to the ground and shouted "BEGONE!" The blast of air from Angel's voice sent the Timberwolves flying backwards in to the forest. Angel turned to Fluttershy who was amazed by what she had just seen. "Thank you so much!" "No problem, anytime you need help just yell." Angel smiled and looked back toward Ponyville. "I'm needed in town once again. I'll see you later." "O..okay." Angel took flight and flew towards Mayor Mare's office. One of the support beams was falling and the ceiling was with it. Angel landed next to Applejack who was keeping ponies back. "You're doing a fine job, Miss." Angel ran over and grabbed the support beam and pushed it back in to place. Angel stared at it strongly and red laser beams shot from his eyes and welded it in to place. "That should keep it up for another 4 years at most." Featherweight was in the crowd and took a photo of the new hero. "Hey Miss....uh..." "Ah'm Applejack." "Applejack, thank you for keeping the crowd at a safe distance. Everypony be sure to thank Applejack. I wouldn't have been able to do it without her help." AJ blushed tipped her hat forward. With that Angel took flight, and flew away.

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The next day was truely amazing. Everypony had a copy of the Ponyville Newspaper, Featherweight even said that the last time the papers sold this much was when Twilight Sparkle became a princess. Ms. Cheerilee even had halted her lesson for an hour so they could discuss the hero. Rainbow Dash was lying up on a cloud wide awake thinking about Angel. "Hey Rainbow Dash!" "Huh, what?" She looked down from her cloud and saw Twilight waving up at her. "Oh hey Twilight." RD flew down and landed in front of her friend. "So what do you think of the new hero" said Twilight? "Honestly....I dunno what to think" Rainbow Dash blushed. "Why are you blushing?" "I'M NOT!" "Do you have a crush on him?" "What gave you that idea?!" "You're defensive, you're breathing fast, and you're blushing bright enough to....." "HI TWILIGHT! HI RAINBOW DASH! YOUR FACE IS RED DASHIE!" Both mares looked up in time to see Ditzy Doo avoid a tree. "Even Ditzy can see it and Pinkie Pie could probably see it from her family reunion in Manehattan." Rainbow Dash sighed in defeat. "If it helps any, he loves rainbows. He would stop me in the middle of me teaching him. To look at one." "Seriously?" "He even said he liked you." "WHAT?!" Twilight laughed at her friend's reaction. "I was teaching him about getting married to somepony that he loved. And he out and said 'I like Rainbow Dash' so loud it suprised and made Spike scream like a little filly." Rainbow Dash couldn't help but laugh.

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All through the day, Rainbow Dash was thinking about what Twilight had said. Making it a bit hard for her to stay focused. Then night came and Rainbow Dash was on her way home. "I hope I see him again......" She stopped dead in her tracks. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, RAINBOW?! He's a super hero the chances of you seeing him again are 50/50. And it's totally not like you to get all goo goo for a guy." Just then RD felt a tap on her flank. "Isn't a bit dark for a rainbow to be out?" Dash turned and saw Angel standing with a smile on his face. "For the love of Celestia, tell me you didn't hear that." "I could but I would be lying and I don't do that. I was floating above the clouds just listening for anypony who needed me, when I heard you." "How could you......" "Super hearing, if I wanted to I could hear everything on the planet. A mouse could burp and I would hear it." Rainbow Dash's mouth dropped open in shock. "I hope I didn't embarass you." RD shook her head. "Oh, good. I was afraid I had." "It takes alot to embarass me." Angel extended his right hoof. "May I fly you home?" Rainbow Dash thought for a moment. "Sure, that would be nice." She took Angel's hoof and spread her wings. "Oh no you don't. Let me do the flying tonight." "Uh, ok." Rainbow relaxed her wings. And the two began to float in the air. "Whoa!" "You okay?" "Yeah I'm not used to flying without my wings." "Ok, so your mom is General Firefly?" Rainbow Dash was shocked, no pony knew that. "How did you know that?!" Angel looked in to Rainbow's eyes. "My teacher Emperor Kiva, he told me everything then came the reason she retired. It was because she fell in love and had a foal. So she made the decision to throw in the towel, and live a normal life." Rainbow Dash smiled as she and Angel flew to her home in the clouds.

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The next day, Angel was floating above the clouds and he heard an unfamiliar voice. "Ah, my leg and wing! Sweet Luna they hurt. That's what I get for crash landing in a forest......Again." "Who is that? I've never heard her before. In any case, I'd better go see if I can help her." Angel flew down in to the forest below him. Using both X-ray vision and super sight he looked around. Then he heard the voice again. "At least my house is.....is......Whoa I feel weird." Angel whirled around and ran a few feet until he found who he was looking for. She was a pegasus and had a yellow coat and her mane was black and gray. "Excuse me, miss?" The injured pony turned and she looked at Angel. Her face looked like Rainbow Dash's. "Oh great, did that blue monkey jerk send you?" "I believe you have me confused with somepony else. I'm Angel and you look like you need help, miss." "I'm Daring Do nice to meet you." Angel walked up to Daring and focused on her leg. "Ooh, it's broken in 3 places and your wing....2 places." "Figures...." "And the weird feeling you have. That would be the pain turning your stomach." Angel gently picked up Daring. "My house is over there." "Sorry, but you're going to the hospital. Are you okay for me to fly?" "You fly?" Angel slowly began to levitate off of the ground. "I think the pain is making me see things." Angel laughed and flew up over the trees and straight to Ponyville General Hospital.


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After Angel had put Daring Do in the care of the hospital. He flew over Ponyville and was simply looking for somewhere to eat. When he remembered, the chef in Emporer Kiva's castle gave him instructions on how to make Carrot Ramen. So he was about to fly to Canterlot Castle when he saw Roseluck trying to move a huge jar of roses. So he flew down to help. "This thing is heavy!" Angel landed next to Roseluck. "Here let me get that for you." "Oh, thank you Angel." Angel lifted the jar with ease. "Where are we going?" "To my stand over there." "Ok." Angel walked over to the rose stand and sat the jar down next to it. "Anything else I can do?" Roseluck pulled a rose out of the jar. "Give this to somepony you love." Angel took the rose and smiled. "Do you have a pen and paper?" Meanwhile at Ponyville Library, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle were both reading a Daring Do book. When there was a knock at the door. Twilight looked up from her book. "I'll get it." She walked over to the door and opened it. "Hello?" Twilight looked around for anypony who could have knocked. Then her eyes came to a rose on the Welcome Matt. Rainbow Dash was too absorbed in to her book to notice. But her focus was interrupted when Twilight dangled the rose in front of her. "This just arrived for you." Rainbow closed her book and took the rose. "For me?" Then she saw the piece of paper attatched to it. She saw it had her name on it with a S shield below it, and she smiled. "Who's it from?" Rainbow Dash looked at Twilight. "Angel."


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On the way to Canterlot, Angel noticed the train had stopped half way. As hungry as he was Angel swooped down to help. Upon arriving, Angel immediately saw the problem. One of the wheels had derailed and cracked. He flew up to the engineer and said "Don't worry, I'll have this fixed in no time." He flew to the front of the train and lifted the engine with little trouble. He used his heat vision to weld the wheel together then used his ice breath to cool it. After that he slowly sat the engine down making sure all the wheels were on the rails. Once the train was sat down, Angel flew up to the engineer. "You are good to go." "Thanks, Angel!" Angel flew off towards Canterlot.....And lunch. He finally made it to the castle. He walked through the huge front door. "I never did understand why the door is so huge." As he made his way to the kitchen, he bumped in to Cyclone. "Hello Angel, how are you?" "A little hungry but otherwise ok." "Good, if you're going to make Carrot Ramen. I just had some sent to your room." Angel smiled happily and hugged Cyclone. "Thank you!" Angel released Cyclone and ran to his room.


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After eating Angel decided to go on patrol. He opened the door and nearly knocked Joker over. "Joker, I'm sorry!" "It's okay, I was coming to you and I wasn't paying attention. Here's that book you wanted." Joker pulled out a copy Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue. "Thanks, Joker." "Anytime, Angel." Angel put the book on his bed. "I gotta go, somepony may need my help." "I understand completely." So Angel flew over Joker and out of the castle. On the way to Ponyville, Angel spotted a unicorn filly who was a light purple and her mane was blonde crying at the train station. He flew down to the filly's side. "Hi there, what's wrong little one?" The filly looked at Angel with tears running down her cheeks. "I wasn't on the train to my mommy in Ponyville!" Angel sighed and used his super hearing to listen to a conductor. "Uh-oh, this is the last train today. But don't worry, I'll get you to Ponyville before the train." "How?" "I can fly really fast." "COOL! I'm Dinky Doo, what's your name?" "I'm Angel, nice to meet you Dinky." Dinky ran up to Angel and wrapped her legs around his neck and Angel held her tight. "Next stop......PONYVILLE!" Angel took off flying at super speed. "WHEEEEE!" Angel laughed at Dinky. "Look there's the train!" Dinky watched as Angel flew past the train. After a few minutes Ponyville was in sight as was Dinky's mom, Ditzy. And her friend Golden Harvest. In a second, Angel landed in front of Ditzy and Harvest with Dinky in hoof. "MOMMY!" "DINKY, MY LITTLE MUFFIN!" Dinky ran up and hugged her mom. "I missed the train but Angel flew me here!" "Yep, but Dinky don't miss the train too many times. I might not be there to help again." "Okay, Angel." Ditzy walked up to Angel and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, for bringing Dinky home." Angel smiled and turned away. "Anytime, Ditzy." And he flew in to the sky.

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It was a sunny day in Canterlot, perfect for a wedding. Rainbow Dash squirmed around as Rarity adjusted her dress. "OW, WATCH WHERE YOU PUT THOSE!" "Sorry darling, I just want to help you look your best. It is your big day after all." "Well be careful!" Then there was a knock at the door and Twilight poked her head in. "Is she ready?" "As ready as I'll ever be.....I guess." Rainbow Blitz came to his daughter's side. "You look great kiddo" "Thanks, dad." Then electric guitars began to play the wedding march. Then out of no where came her mom's voice. "RAINBOW DASH! RAINBOW DASH, WAKE UP!" Rainbow Dash's eyes shot open and she saw her mom, Firefly. "Hi, did you forget I was coming to visit?" Rainbow Dash sat up and looked around. She was in her bed with her copy of Daring Do and The Gryphon's Goblet lying on her legs. "Sorry, I guess I fell asleep reading." "Well you looked like you were having a good dream." Rainbow Dash rubbed her eyes. "I guess you could say that." "I did say that, would you say that?" Both mares laughed and hugged. "It's great to see you, mom." The two family members released each other. And Rainbow Dash climbed out of bed. "So who is he?" "Huh?" "You have only one flower in your whole house. And it's a red rose, who is he?" Rainbow Dash tried to make something up. "Um, uh." Then both Firefly and Rainbow Dash heard a sonic boom. "Is that him? He sounds like one heck of a flier!"

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Rainbow Dash followed Firefly outside to see the source of the sonic boom. "Where is he?" "Mom, there is a reason he's not here. He's......Out saving ponies." Firefly laughed at Rainbow Dash. "You make him sound like some kind of super hero." "Well......" Before Rainbow Dash could finish a friendly voice chimed in. "Well I guess you can call me a super hero, I have no problem with that. Rainbow's already called me that." Firefly whirled around saw Angel floating in the sky. "How.......what......who......." Rainbow Dash patted her mom on the back. "Mom, this is Angel." "You must be General Firefly." Firefly shook her head. "I've not been called General in years." "Either way, you've got a wonderful daughter." Angel looked to the ground. "Oops, I almost forgot. I gotta go, Rarity's got something she wants me to try on." "Will you be back?" "Maybe I don't know. Well I'll see you later." Angel flew down towards the ground. Firefly looked at her daughter. "So when's the wedding?" "MOM?!" Firefly laughed at Rainbow Dash. "I'm kidding, baby!"

"So what do you think?" Angel spun around marveling at Rarity's hoof-work on a red cape. "Very nice, and comfortable." "I even took the liberty of adding a 'super' finishing touch to it." Angel looked at the back of the cape, and saw a golden S shield. "Wow, now that took time!" Angel pulled the cape off and handed it to Rarity. "I'll take it, how much?" Rarity folded the cape and put it in a bag. "Well I would normally charge 50 Gold Bits for such an order. But to be able to do it for a super hero such as yourself, dear. And fashion up that hero. I couldn't possibly charge you anything." Angel's eyes widened in suprise. "That's really generous of you." "Generousity is my Element Of Harmony. Now if you don't mind me asking. What's it for?" "Weddings, parties, and other things you dress up for." Just then the entire building shook and the windows rattled. "What was that?" Angel looked to his right. "Something blew up at Doctor Hooves's lab. I'd better go see if he's ok." Meanwhile at Doctor Hooves' lab, the Doctor had just fallen from the wall to the floor. "Right, emeralds.....are a bad energy source. *Cough* I'd better write that down." When the Doctor spoke he had a British accent. "Now for a true question of science, where's my bloody broom?!" As Hooves searched for his broom. A pair of emerald green eyes appeared in the darkness. "Oh no, now where am I?"


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Sorry for my slight delay in commenting. I was busy yesterday. Anyway, I thought it was funny how Rainbow Dash was embarrassed by what her mom said. It was an adorable scene. Great job on writing Rarity again. That is totally something Rarity would do. I also like that you included Dr Whooves. The scene reminded me of Jumba from Lilo & Stitch of course. 

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While Doctor Hooves continued his search for his broom the green eyed being moved in to the light. It looked like a cat with bat wings with feminine features (http://fav.me/d679qt4). "Okay, I gotta get out of here." Just then there was a knock at the door. "Doctor, it's Angel are you ok?" "I'm ok, Angel." "Could you open the door?" "Sure thing!" Doc went and opened the door and Angel walked in. "THERE'S MY TICKET!" The creature flew as fast as she could out the door before it closed. "Whew, that was cl.....AAAAAAHH! WHERE AM I?!" Just then the door flew open, the flying cat and Angel were now face to face. "Uuuuuh, Hi?" Angel smiled happily. "Hi there little one. I'm Angel, what's your name?" "F.....F.....F.....Fidget. Are you a demon who's gonna eat me?" "Demon? Eat you? I wouldn't dream of it!" Fidget calmed down a little. "Where am I?" "You're in Equestria." Fidget was now a little more calm. "Is that anywhere near Falana?" "I've never heard of that place, is that where you're from?" "Oh great........Yes."

Angel looked at Doctor Hooves. "Do you know how Fidget came here?" "Honestly, I haven't a clue. I gave up interdimensional travel after I accidently went back in time, and nearly erased myself from existance." Angel looked at Fidget then to Hooves. "What were you working on that exploded?" "A Food Replicator, a device that can replicate any food you tell it. Things were ok, until I put an emerald as a test power source. Then it blew up in my face." "How do you explain her?" Doctor Hooves sighed deeply. "I don't know. Maybe a rift was created when the emerald exploded? I really don't know, Angel." Angel looked back at Fidget. "In any case, I feel it's now our job to get her home."

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That evening before Princess Luna began her shift as princess. Angel, Fidget, and Doctor Hooves had walked through the door. Fidget saw Celestia and Luna talking to each other. "Whoa, their hair is beautiful. Wait, who are they?"  Angel looked up at Fidget. "That's my mom, Princess Celestia and her sister Princess Luna." "PRINCESSES?! Uh.....I.....I'm not sure I'm ready to meet a princess." Hooves laughed at Fidget. "Relax there, Fidget. They're both really nice." Princess Luna was the first to notice that there were others in the room. "Sister, we have company." Princess Celestia looked over at Angel. "Hi mom, are you busy?" "Actually, we were just finishing up. What is it?" "Well......." Angel looked up at Fidget who was trembling. Both princesses looked up at Fidget. "What has thou brought to us?" Fidget waved still trembling in fear. "This is Fidget, she's not from here." Princess Luna looked at Doctor Hooves. "I bloody swear this is not entirely my fault." After explaining every last detail, both princesses look at each other then at Angel. "It has become top priority to get Fidget home. Doctor, you shall have all that you need to do so." Doctor Hooves bowed and turned to leave. Angel did the same and Fidget followed him. "You know that Fidget's arrival could possibly mean that the universes could become one, many lives will be lost?" "I hope not."

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The next day on the flight to Ponyville, Fidget had only one question. "So who's your dad?" Angel looked over at Fidget. "Princess Celestia is both my mom and dad." "How is that possible?" "She used her Alicorn power to make me." Fidget was amazed. "So she's God-like?" "In not so many words." "Ok here's another question, where are we going?" "Golden Oaks Library, to see a family friend who is also a princess." Fidget felt like she might lose her mind. "Just how many princesses are there?" Upon arriving, they could hear somepony speaking inside. "Oh good, she's home!" Angel knocked on the door. After a few minutes, the door opened and Spike was standing in the doorway. "Angel, what are you doing here...........What's that thing?" "DID YOU JUST CALL ME A THING?! MY NAME IS FIDGET YOU CRUMMY LIZARD!" Spike stared at Fidget wide-eyed. "Sorry......" Just then Spike began glowing a purple light with sparkles and was moved to the side. And Twilight was walking up to the door to meet Angel. "Hello, Angel and Fidget. What's up?" "I came to talk to you about the merging of universes."

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