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Dark Souls was a god awful port. I was going to give it a run but then I got wind of the reviews and I'm not even going to bother. If it's unplayable, it's not worth my time. However, that's only one game out of thousands that might work better on consoles. Also, I'm not sure where you're getting eight directions from. I have 360 degrees with my mouse. Argue all you want but the mouse is fully capable of any movement those silly joysticks are capable of.


Now that the warning issue has been taken care of, I can actually respond to this. The main legitimate complaint about Dark Souls being a poor port was because they took the Xbox version and didn't work to make graphics and resolution work properly on it, making it look bad graphically. Then there's people that complain that it is not easily played on keyboard/mouse, which is just being a Captain Obvious about it since the game was never designed to be played with a keyboard. It just lacks the precise movement on a joystick. And while a mouse offers the same range of movement as a joystick, when was the last time you used a mouse for movement? I haven't seen that since DOS games. Most, if not all, modern PC games use W-A-S-D for movement, which the directions you get to choose from with that set-up is:


1) Up "W"

2) Left "A"

3) Down "S"

4) Right "D"

5) Up-Right "WD"

6) Up-Left "WA"

7) Down-Left "AS"

8) Down-Right "AD"


Eight directions, just as I said before. And while that may seem to cover all of the bases, in a game such as Dark Souls where a hair's breadth can mean the difference between successfully dodging an attack, or being cleaved, impaled, crushed, ignited, poisoned, toxined, exploded, eaten, any other physical abuse an enemy can inflict on you, and/or rolling off an edge into oblivion.


The left joystick of a controller, the one that's used for movement, provides so much more range of motion, than a keyboard, and not just in directions, but in speed control. Whether you want to go sprinting ahead or move at a mere meter an hour, you can do it, and often times you do have to move slowly, whether it's sneaking up on an enemy for a backstab, or you're on a foot wide pathway that twists and turns, and falling off means death.


And now we're gonna talk about graphics? Laughable. A PC will always outdo a console in terms of power, whether it's graphical or processing. And that comes down to one simple thing: I can change my parts. Consoles can't change anything that makes a difference. Sure, consoles might be cutting edge at launch but a year... or probably less... down the road and the PC will already be way ahead in terms of specs. This is one area where the PC is unarguably superior. Seriously, the freedom to install new parts is fucking awesome.


To a difference that is not even worth mentioning except for the most uptight of people. If you're that hard up for shiny dirt, good for you, PC is undeniably your thing. For someone like me who doesn't care about graphics, it means nothing. As for processing, I haven't had issues with that on console except for certain instances where the developers mucked up and it's poorly optimized, but that's a developer's fault, not the system's. And you can actually upgrade consoles. You are able to put many PC harddrives into a PS3, but I have a 250gb model so I don't need to as I haven't even put a real dent in my free space. And as for graphics, those tend to improve with the console as well. Since I already posted it, I'll use Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeros again. Compare that to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Both are current gen games, Ground Zeros is slated to be a PS3 title, yet it is graphically leaps and bounds ahead of Metal Gear Solid 4. Console games rarely, if ever, push the boundaries of the system. Launch titles don't look as good as ones that come out later usually (of course sometimes people slack off, making a subpar later release game), and early-ish releases don't look as good as ones that come out a couple years later. They don't push the system to its limits. Another example, and I know you don't like this game, is Starfox: Adventures. The visuals in that game are gorgeous, even by today's standards, and this came out in 2002 on one of those Gamecube mini-discs. The freedom to install your own hardware when you want is fine, if that's your thing, but I can play the same games on the console usually with out upgrading it in anyway, and have a gameplay experience that's not hampered or diminished in any way, and a surprisingly large amount of the time, is higher than what it is on the PC. As long as developers don't drop the ball, the difference is negligible at worst.


Modding. lawl. We've been modding PC games for well over a decade so claiming that mod support is a feature for consoles is rather laughable. All you've given me is two games. Nearly the entire PC library is capable of being modded. This is old news for PC gamers.


Congratulations, you largely missed the point. My point wasn't "Hey, we're starting to get mods so you PC gamers better watch out!" Instead, it was that there is nothing stopping mods on consoles except for developers, and even then you can do it usually, it just requires you game installing data to the console, and not keeping it on the disc and only reading it.


In any case, it appears my opinion has been "controversial" enough to make one person butthurt over it. Fun.


Ahh, the problem with the internet scene today. If someone has an opinion that differs greatly and is willing to debate the point, it's almost assured there will be a "butthurt" or "u mad bro?" thrown in there. I assure you my posterior feels fine and is not sore in the slightest. Also, your opinion isn't really controversial as it's rather the status quo of the gaming population's opinion. I'm sure my opinion that console gaming is not inferior to PC gaming, or PC gaming is not superior to console gaming (depending on how you want to word it), causes armies of geeks, nerds, and tech monkeys to turn over in their graves.


However, there is one thing and one thing alone that consoles have over PC: less shitty DRM methods. That's a bit of a plus so I'll give some credit where it's due. Short of that, I'd rather have a PC.


And that's your opinion, your preference, and what's best for you, and who's to say otherwise? You prefer PC gaming, and not console, and there's nothing wrong with that. I, on the other hand, enjoy console gaming as much as, and often more than, PC gaming, and what usually decides it for me is what system I'll have more friends playing it on, with the exception of Borderlands 2 as that was a choice of the easy Steam preorder, or getting it on the Xbawks 3Shitty where most of my friends were getting it, at which point I'd have more fun solo with Borderlands 2 than having to deal with that god awful 360 controller and the room heater they call a system.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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Now that the warning issue has been taken care of, I can actually respond to this. The main legitimate complaint about Dark Souls being a poor port was because they took the Xbox version and didn't work to make graphics and resolution work properly on it, making it look bad graphically. Then there's people that complain that it is not easily played on keyboard/mouse, which is just being a Captain Obvious about it since the game was never designed to be played with a keyboard. It just lacks the precise movement on a joystick. And while a mouse offers the same range of movement as a joystick, when was the last time you used a mouse for movement? I haven't seen that since DOS games. Most, if not all, modern PC games use W-A-S-D for movement, which the directions you get to choose from with that set-up is:


1) Up "W"

2) Left "A"

3) Down "S"

4) Right "D"

5) Up-Right "WD"

6) Up-Left "WA"

7) Down-Left "AS"

8) Down-Right "AD"


Eight directions, just as I said before. And while that may seem to cover all of the bases, in a game such as Dark Souls where a hair's breadth can mean the difference between successfully dodging an attack, or being cleaved, impaled, crushed, ignited, poisoned, toxined, exploded, eaten, any other physical abuse an enemy can inflict on you, and/or rolling off an edge into oblivion.


The left joystick of a controller, the one that's used for movement, provides so much more range of motion, than a keyboard, and not just in directions, but in speed control. Whether you want to go sprinting ahead or move at a mere meter an hour, you can do it, and often times you do have to move slowly, whether it's sneaking up on an enemy for a backstab, or you're on a foot wide pathway that twists and turns, and falling off means death.

Dark Souls is one game out of thousands more that are better. However, giving me one game isn't much of an argument. Most other games that see PC and console releases generally play better on the PC. However, it seems that you play PC games as well so you have an idea of what you're talking about. But you forget that the mouse influences direction. So it's not all that difficult to have a full range of movement in any game. Apparently Dark Souls, your only example, is an exception. I can deal with it being bad graphically, but if the game mechanics are broken to the point of being unplayable, no point in trying. Then again, I doubt I would have enjoyed a game that was nothing but a Skinnerbox anyway.


To a difference that is not even worth mentioning except for the most uptight of people. If you're that hard up for shiny dirt, good for you, PC is undeniably your thing. For someone like me who doesn't care about graphics, it means nothing. As for processing, I haven't had issues with that on console except for certain instances where the developers mucked up and it's poorly optimized, but that's a developer's fault, not the system's. And you can actually upgrade consoles. You are able to put many PC harddrives into a PS3, but I have a 250gb model so I don't need to as I haven't even put a real dent in my free space. And as for graphics, those tend to improve with the console as well. Since I already posted it, I'll use Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeros again. Compare that to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Both are current gen games, Ground Zeros is slated to be a PS3 title, yet it is graphically leaps and bounds ahead of Metal Gear Solid 4. Console games rarely, if ever, push the boundaries of the system. Launch titles don't look as good as ones that come out later usually (of course sometimes people slack off, making a subpar later release game), and early-ish releases don't look as good as ones that come out a couple years later. They don't push the system to its limits. Another example, and I know you don't like this game, is Starfox: Adventures. The visuals in that game are gorgeous, even by today's standards, and this came out in 2002 on one of those Gamecube mini-discs. The freedom to install your own hardware when you want is fine, if that's your thing, but I can play the same games on the console usually with out upgrading it in anyway, and have a gameplay experience that's not hampered or diminished in any way, and a surprisingly large amount of the time, is higher than what it is on the PC. As long as developers don't drop the ball, the difference is negligible at worst.

I'm not one to complain about graphical fidelity or hail it's praises either. You're talking to someone who started gaming with pixels as graphics. The only reason I even mentioned it is that you mentioned it first. You can argue that console games look good, which, I'll give you, they do but PC games will always have a higher fidelity to them. And that's mostly the APIs you have at your disposal. That, and I have ten times better hardware. I don't even have a top tier PC and it's easily far better than the 360 or the PS3. I won't include the Wii since that doesn't even have HD capability. Strange though since that's the only current generation console I actually own.


Congratulations, you largely missed the point. My point wasn't "Hey, we're starting to get mods so you PC gamers better watch out!" Instead, it was that there is nothing stopping mods on consoles except for developers, and even then you can do it usually, it just requires you game installing data to the console, and not keeping it on the disc and only reading it.

That's fine. Developers have tried to stop PC gamers from modding their games but we did it anyway. Besides, where the hell do you think those console game mods are even made? Right, on a goddamn PC. And if you're doing the 3D work, you still need a decent PC to do it right!


Ahh, the problem with the internet scene today. If someone has an opinion that differs greatly and is willing to debate the point, it's almost assured there will be a "butthurt" or "u mad bro?" thrown in there. I assure you my posterior feels fine and is not sore in the slightest. Also, your opinion isn't really controversial as it's rather the status quo of the gaming population's opinion. I'm sure my opinion that console gaming is not inferior to PC gaming, or PC gaming is not superior to console gaming (depending on how you want to word it), causes armies of geeks, nerds, and tech monkeys to turn over in their graves.

It's not so much that you're debating it, it's just how you're coming off. You do sound a little mad about what I'm saying. And you make it sound like I'm actually anti-console. I'm not. I actually adore consoles, but I just abhor this generation of them. Now let me tell you why I stopped console gaming and it's really not the controllers. The current generation of gaming consoles have ceased to be... gaming consoles. They're just computers now. Let me rephrase that, they're wannabe computers. They're trying to do everything a PC can do without being a PC. It's cumbersome, stupid and, in many ways, revolting. Seems like you always have to install an update or install game data. I realize that not every game requires that but it seems like more and more actually do. And I absolutely detest online shit. I'm not averse to online gaming, but I do not like the massive influx of it. Anyhow, for me, consoles lost the edge they once had over PCs. Gone are the days where I just pop my game in, press start or pick a file, and play. That shit's gone and so is the magic. Used to be that there were no console updates, no game patches, no friends lists, no gamer scores, no extraneous bullshit. Just you and the game, or maybe your friends and the game. Everything that made consoles good is gone or dying. There, now you know why I dislike current, and inevitably, future consoles.


PROTIP: As said, I actually own a Wii and I also own a Nintendo DS. I even plan on getting a 3DS and a WiiU at some point. You can tell I grew up with a particular line of consoles, eh?

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It seems we both had a misunderstanding then, but to be fair you did come off, at least to me, as being rather anti-console, but I apologize for that implication.


Anyway, my messages were built off the common arguments you hear from the elitist "PC Master Race" people who feel console gaming is for casuals and is in every way inferior to PC gaming. My point was that it isn't and it's personal preference which one you enjoy.


And Dark Souls game mechanics are not broken to being unplayable, it's that they're not intended for mouse and keyboard. Demon's Souls, the predecessor to Dark Souls, had the same exact gameplay mechanics, and it was a PS3 exclusive. It's just that they were built around a controller input device. And while you can use a mouse to influence movement a bit in most games, Dark Souls is a game where it's usually a good idea to lock-on to targets, and you need to be able to move independantly from your camera view, which the keyboard lacks the ability to do. And I don't understand what you mean by it being a Skinnerbox.


And as for mods being made on the PC, of course they are, that's where the development software is. Consoles are made to play games and that's it for the most part. Some can browse online or do youtube and stuff now, but that's trim. A console is still designed to play games first.


As for consoles trying to be computers now, to be fair, what isn't trying to be a computer now-a-days. Consoles, handhelds, cellphones, MP3 players, tablets, microwave ovens, refridgerators, coffee makers, automobiles, tooth brushes, all sorts of things. Devices built for home gaming are the most reasonable out of all of those to receive computer features.


And not to say your opinions are wrong, but those are some odd ones. Depending on what the system update is, and provided it's not a day one patch, they can be pretty beneficial. Computer games have been getting patches since about as long as they've been around, why's it so bad for consoles? Think about how many bugs and glitches made it through that the game would be better without. And as far as friends lists go, why shouldn't they be there? People like playing online with friends, and often make friends with people they meet online. They shouldn't be cutting out split-screen the way they have been, but friends lists have a reason to be there. Gamerscores are ignorable, though to be fair achievements can provide fun goals to go for, provided it's not silly things like, "Take a step."


And as for pop'n'play, if there's a long day one patch, that tends to be a bad sign as it was a developer, or more accurately, a publisher that pushed a game out earlier than it should be and are trying to fix the problems they know it has through patches. Otherwise, it tends to just be a few things installed one time, with the developer logos and what not taking longer to get through, then it's pop'n'play after that.

Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

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Well the way i see it if you like the game play it. While true there are some that keep continueing but atleast there are games out there that maybe overated but it's also loveable.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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It seems we both had a misunderstanding then, but to be fair you did come off, at least to me, as being rather anti-console, but I apologize for that implication.

Nah, it's cool. I have a way about me that annoys a lot of people so it's all good. My implication was never consoles are bad. Rather it was my loopy way of expressing that I now prefer PC gaming. I guess it wasn't clear I was never anti-console. I'll be honest, I haven't been PC gaming for all that long. Maybe ten years or so and I gamed on consoles for a long time before that and I do still play my retro consoles... or my Wii but I don't have a lot of games for it. xD


And Dark Souls game mechanics are not broken to being unplayable, it's that they're not intended for mouse and keyboard. Demon's Souls, the predecessor to Dark Souls, had the same exact gameplay mechanics, and it was a PS3 exclusive. It's just that they were built around a controller input device. And while you can use a mouse to influence movement a bit in most games, Dark Souls is a game where it's usually a good idea to lock-on to targets, and you need to be able to move independantly from your camera view, which the keyboard lacks the ability to do. And I don't understand what you mean by it being a Skinnerbox.

If the game is even harder when using the keyboard and a mouse, the mechanics are thus broken. That's not a design flaw by definition, but a flaw when porting the game to the medium. Dark Souls aside, the keyboard and mouse is perfectly sufficient for games on the PC medium.


Also, what I mean by a Skinnerbox is basically grinding. When you're grinding in a game, it's Skinnerboxed you. It's basically repetitive tasks with a nominal reward to give the illusion you're getting somewhere. For example, grinding for experience or farming for loot. Those are Skinnerbox techniques.


And not to say your opinions are wrong, but those are some odd ones. Depending on what the system update is, and provided it's not a day one patch, they can be pretty beneficial. Computer games have been getting patches since about as long as they've been around, why's it so bad for consoles? Think about how many bugs and glitches made it through that the game would be better without. And as far as friends lists go, why shouldn't they be there? People like playing online with friends, and often make friends with people they meet online. They shouldn't be cutting out split-screen the way they have been, but friends lists have a reason to be there. Gamerscores are ignorable, though to be fair achievements can provide fun goals to go for, provided it's not silly things like, "Take a step."

You have to remember, I started gaming when graphics were nothing but pixels on the screen. When I started gaming, things like updates were basically unheard of unless you used a computer. When I played computer games back then, I expected to have to install it then play it. When the Internet became popular, I expected games to have patches so it was always normal to see a patch come down for a PC game. It hasn't been normal for console games to be patched until this generation so it's a huge turn from what made consoles good in the first place. There was no patching or any other requirement. Put it in and play; that was the basis for gaming when consoles had more pros to it.


I'm the odd breed of gamer. I've always held a division between PC and console. One should never be like the other, but we're creeping towards console just being a mini-computer rather than a dedicated device.


And as for pop'n'play, if there's a long day one patch, that tends to be a bad sign as it was a developer, or more accurately, a publisher that pushed a game out earlier than it should be and are trying to fix the problems they know it has through patches. Otherwise, it tends to just be a few things installed one time, with the developer logos and what not taking longer to get through, then it's pop'n'play after that.

The fact I'd even have to do an update is rather annoying. I remember when games were delayed and people actually rejoiced a delay because it meant better quality. Not so anymore. Cut, packaged and regurgitated. Woo. >_> Edited by Sticky Apple
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  • 1 month later...

COD is just a money grabber, only thing good about it is the zombies in BO+2(Waw was pretty good). The kinect games stink, if I wanted to jump around I would go workout. BF3 is one of the best FPS.


All this, IMO.

  • Brohoof 1


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Well all I have to say about this is play the games don't hate the players hating them. but really I am partial to console gaming. I can understand the appeal of pc gaming.

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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I dunno if you wanna consider it controversial or not but:


Games, especially RPGs, need to stop "multiplayer"ing everything. I'm not talking about multiplayer modes, I'm talking about taking the single player modes being dumbed down or having chunks of it taken out for the sake of making it possible to play multiplayer during the campaign. Dragon Quest IX is the most recent game I've played that is a victim of this. Instead of awesome characters with great backstories you are given one main character, a silent one at that which means that the story they have is limited by their lack of dialog, and then the other characters in your party are made by you and are merely there to have an actual party when you aren't playing online with someone else with the game. No personalities at all, just classes you make yourself to take up empty space.

  • Brohoof 1
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So, um guys, I prefer ANY Zelda game over Ocarina of TIme (sans the CD-I one, obviously). I beat that game with everything that you could possibly obtain, and still really liked it, but I don't get why everyone loves it so much and hails it as some sort of codifier of gaming masterwork. While I agree that the ocarina songs are memorable and I could easily hum them on cue, I don't get why people feel like this game is THE GAME that the series needs to live up to in terms of quality. Even Majora's Mask is a better game, and that one had a strange time mechanic that I'd imagine was used to artifically lengthen the game's admittedly cramped and short dungeons and locales (that or give you a sense of how desperate the situation is). My favorite game in the series is definitely Link to the Past, and I could sum up why in one word; exploration. And by that, I mean that it was awesome to explore places and find little secrets and extra items that you don't really need to necessarily beat the game. While this game is short in hindsight, and the overworld is pretty small too (I understand the time this game came out, don't worry), it's something about finding secrets that sticks out to me. Even then, I'd prefer Skyward Sword or Wind Waker.


One more (this one always rustles my brother's jimmies), but, can someone explain to me what's so special about Halo? No really. My brother goes on about how unique and awesome the story and characters are, but if you browse through any science fiction catalouge, you're bound to find the story of humans battling, and usually overcoming, aliens, with the humans usually being from the futuristic Marine Corp. Maybe I'm being a bit mean with that, but if someone can enlighten me with what's so f***ing amazing about Halo, I'd stop being so cold toward the series as a whole.


TL;DR version: Ocarina of Time isn't amazing, and is by no means the best Legend of Zelda game, and I don't see what's so great about Halo.

  • Brohoof 1
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OoT did the same thing Final Fantasy VII did: It was that series' first leap into 3D so it attracted a lot of attention. They were both very solid in that regard at the time so it impressed people. Most people who weren't gamers were drawn into becoming so between these two games because of the leaps and bounds they made.

  • Brohoof 1
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Phone games suck

Facebook sucks

facebok games suck

starcraft brood wars is way better than starcraft 2

I find the concept of massively multiplayer porno roleplaying online games to be weird and you guys probably never heard of em since they only exist in certain asian countries.

Final fantasy 7 is overrated

first person shooter games suck because they have been using the same formula for the past 2 decades

RIFT is the best mmorpg on the market right now

I dislike hatfortress 2

Dota 2 sucks because it fails to be diffrent from dota 1 and it's more of re-balancing rather than a real sequel

tripwire interactive should make a killing floor sequel

Nintendo sucks

Wayforward makes better handheld console games than Nintendo and capcom



Share your opinions that could shatter the earth with it's controversial-ness.


I for one think that Bethesda should make Fallout their flagship series rather than Elder Scrolls.

I find TES's world too generic and Tolkien-like. While Fallout's is a nuclear wasteland stuck in the 1950's, full of quirky people and an overly cheerful tone.


Now share yours, rustle mah jimmies!


I actually agree with this, I never liked elder scrolls but I absolutely love fallout.

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Care to explain? I don't wish to argue, I just want to see if you think the company, it's games, or both the company and it's games suck.


I dislike the games they make, it seems that they're intentionally dumbed down compared to other games of similar genre made by other companies.

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I dislike the games they make, it seems that they're intentionally dumbed down compared to other games of similar genre made by other companies.


Despite my love for them, I'll agree with you on that. There shouldn't be a "challenge mode" on anything, it should already be reasonably challenging.

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Despite my love for them, I'll agree with you on that. There shouldn't be a "challenge mode" on anything, it should already be reasonably challenging.

Or at least options, like difficulty modes. But Donkey Kong Country Returns, Metroid Prime series and the Fire Emblem games still offer a great challenge.

  • Brohoof 1
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Can't resist putting in my two cents :P 


I dislike clicking the sticks on my Xbox 360 controller to knife or sprint

Skyrim should be Co-Op

Consoles should focus on gaming, not trying to replace the PC

More PC games need optional controller support (More options is good)


Just a few friendly opinions :)

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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  • 6 months later...

Simple enough:


Legend of Zelda is overrated.


Pokemon is boring.


Half-Life is stupid.


Left 4 Dead is Boring.


I hate it when Valve gets the free pass whenever a game comes out and "le reddit gamer army" attacks you for not liking valve games.


EA has good games, just not many.


Nintendo is overrated.


Kingdom Hearts is stupid.



  • Brohoof 1
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Legend of Zelda is overrated.

Pokemon is boring.

Wrong and really wrong.

CoD4 is the best Call of Duty game.
Battlefield 2142 is the best Battlefield game.
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is the best game on Gamecube.
Edited by Champion RD92
  • Brohoof 3



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Kingdom Hearts is stupid.





The Walking Dead is telltale's WORST game,

Persona 4 is amazing (Trust me, everyone i know who doesn't like JRPGS SAYS IT SUCKS)

Rayman origins is not hard.

Borderlands 2 is THE BEST FPS EVER.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 is better then 1.

More soon...

Edited by tehepicpony
  • Brohoof 1

PERSONA 4!!!!!!!!

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Final Fantasy VII and X are highly overrated.


The main "original" characters of Kingdom Hearts are a bunch of irritating Mary Sues.


Western RPGs > JRPGs


FPSs need to stop flooding the damn industry already.

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Why do I agree on everything except "Pokemon is boring."?

Really just wanted to add that in. But I just feel that there's so many of these things you can say, so I don't feel like there's a huge point to point them all out.

Like, I love LoZ, I love KH (2 atleast). But I find LoZ to be way overrated and KH is kinda stupid imo.

But that's all I'm gonna say atleast.

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The mainline Shin Megami Tensei games far surpass the Persona spin-off series in terms of enjoyment to me.


Other than that, I'm sure I have some other unpopular opinions, but that's definitely one right there I suppose.


I guess the fact that I enjoyed Kung Fu Chaos is another one. Or that I think the first Black Ops was the best Call of Duty game.

  • Brohoof 1



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Wrong and really wrong.



CoD4 is the best Call of Duty game.

Battlefield 2142 is the best Battlefield game.

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door is the best game on Gamecube.


Kingdom Hearts is stupid.





The Walking Dead is telltale's WORST game,

Persona 4 is amazing (Trust me, everyone i know who doesn't like JRPGS SAYS IT SUCKS)

Rayman origins is not hard.

Borderlands 2 is THE BEST FPS EVER.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 is better then 1.

More soon...

I thought I put opinions, not shit your pants because somebody hates what you like. I always thought Kingdom Hearts was stupid, and I never got on the Pokemon bandwagon.


Got a problem, deal with it.

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Stop copies me!



Pokemon is boring.



There are too many FPS's nowadays

I suck at First Person Shooters


COD is okay, it's fun at times



FPSs need to stop flooding the damn industry already.

I know right? 

  • Brohoof 1
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