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Coral looked at Crimson and looked slightly peeved. “The captain is supposed to be the first to meal, but I will accept it if you eat like you should. And I know we’re supposed to be pirates, but it is really hard to cook for a pony with a belly full of beer.” Coral breaks into a smile. “I’m just messing with you, Cosmo told me a lot about you and I will happily cook for a hero in that blasted tournament.”


Crimson raised an eyebrow as he walked in to find equinox, coral, and sole, all standing around talking and eating somthing, "uhh....am I late for dinner? Becouse I'm starving and the only thing I've had in my stomach all day is alcohol.....in hind sight, it wasn't a good idea..." said crimson.

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Sole was pretty much in his own little world as he scarfed down food faster then should be possible "we should eat like this every night!" He said happily as he continued to defy physics while he ate every bit of food in sight "tbis is almost as good as fighting!" He said jokingly.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Coral looked at Crimson and looked slightly peeved. “The captain is supposed to be the first to meal, but I will accept it if you eat like you should. And I know we’re supposed to be pirates, but it is really hard to cook for a pony with a belly full of beer.” Coral breaks into a smile. “I’m just messing with you, Cosmo told me a lot about you and I will happily cook for a hero in that blasted tournament.”

Despite his grim mood, crimson couldn't help but smile, "tch, really? A hero? Is that what cosmo told you? Hehehe.....he's gotta stop making me look so good....the real hero was radio.....she gave her life to save everypony in equetria, including my sorry ass..." said crimson with a chuckle.

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Coral gave a hard look to the gryphon. “Please. This is nothing compared to what I could do with the finer ingredients.” Coral turned to Crimson. “I think you sell yourself short my captain. You did as much as you or anyone could do. And I think a good meal will cheer you up. You definitely want to eat before he finishes everything.”


Despite his grim mood, crimson couldn't help but smile, "tch, really? A hero? Is that what cosmo told you? Hehehe.....he's gotta stop making me look so good....the real hero was radio.....she gave her life to save everypony in equetria, including my sorry ass..." said crimson with a chuckle.

who likes being random?

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Sole burped as he polished off his final plate, scratching his head and smiling sheepishly "soory about that, I guess I should've left more for the others..." he said apologetically, standing up quickly "if ya want I could help you cook more food for the others! How about it coral?" He asked.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Coral gave a hard look to the gryphon. “Please. This is nothing compared to what I could do with the finer ingredients.” Coral turned to Crimson. “I think you sell yourself short my captain. You did as much as you or anyone could do. And I think a good meal will cheer you up. You definitely want to eat before he finishes everything.”

Crimson chuckled and smiled happily at coral, "maybe your right.....but either way you see it, I've gotta stop thinking about the past and start thinking about the present......and right now, this food is in MY presence, so I think I'll take your offer and eat up!" Said crimson before he begane to chow down.

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Coral blushed again.“Well I could certainly use a claw in the kitchen. It’s hard enough being a unicorn without telekinesis, but cooking without any sort of grabber, by celestia! Come and help whenever you like!” Coral turns to the captain. “Try the haybriskit, I think you will love it.”


Crimson chuckled and smiled happily at coral, "maybe your right.....but either way you see it, I've gotta stop thinking about the past and start thinking about the present......and right now, this food is in MY presence, so I think I'll take your offer and eat up!" Said crimson before he begane to chow down.


Sole burped as he polished off his final plate, scratching his head and smiling sheepishly "soory about that, I guess I should've left more for the others..." he said apologetically, standing up quickly "if ya want I could help you cook more food for the others! How about it coral?" He asked.

who likes being random?

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Coral blushed again.“Well I could certainly use a claw in the kitchen. It’s hard enough being a unicorn without telekinesis, but cooking without any sort of grabber, by celestia! Come and help whenever you like!” Coral turns to the captain. “Try the haybriskit, I think you will love it.”

Crimson shrugged and did as she suggested, and tried the haybriskit, crimson smiled, "this is delicious! You really are a good cook! Where did you learn to cook so well? Asked crimson. Twinkle smirked and chuckled from behind coral, "yes, tell us, I'm curious..." said twinkle.

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Max walked into the dining hall while the others were conversing. Hopefully without grabbing anypony's attention, he quietly grabbed a plate of food and walked over to the edge of a table without saying a word or even looking at anypony. Due to his shyness and social awkwardness, he always tried to avoid direct contact with anypony.

Edited by LatinoChurro
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Coral smiled. “Have you ever seen the food we eat in a carnival? Only the best food for the performers.  I had to cook for quality not quantity. All of my cooking is thanks to the strongpony who was excellent at cooking and was a chef before joining the circus. I believe he joined the circus to get away from his fame. And you please introduce yourself when you sit at my table.”


Max walked into the dining hall while the others were conversing. Hopefully without grabbing anypony's attention, he quietly grabbed a plate of food and walked over to the edge of a table without saying a word or even looking at anypony. Due to his shyness and social awkwardness, he always tried to avoid direct contact with anypony.


Crimson shrugged and did as she suggested, and tried the haybriskit, crimson smiled, "this is delicious! You really are a good cook! Where did you learn to cook so well? Asked crimson. Twinkle smirked and chuckled from behind coral, "yes, tell us, I'm curious..." said twinkle.

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Coral smiled. “Have you ever seen the food we eat in a carnival? Only the best food for the performers.  I had to cook for quality not quantity. All of my cooking is thanks to the strongpony who was excellent at cooking and was a chef before joining the circus. I believe he joined the circus to get away from his fame. And you please introduce yourself when you sit at my table.”


Max blushed as soon as he realized he had gotten Coral's attention. He always became uncomfortable when everypony in the room had there eyes on him and he didn't want anypony to think he was intentionally trying to be rude. "Uh... my name is Max." he said quietly, not sure if she even heard him.

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Sole grunted in pain as he felt annother wave of chaos energy wash over him "ahh crap..." he mumbled, as he stood up and turned to leave "alright guys, I'm gonna go take a little nap now... I'll be on the top of the main mast if ya need me, near the crows nest..." he said tiredly, as he flew away.


Sig courtesy of Weirdokitterz

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sole-r3207

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Coral smiled at the newcomer. “Well then Max, I want you to eat up. You are a thin little pony and I don’t want my cooking to blame! You don’t need to be nervous, we are all friends here.” Coral turned to Sole as he left. “Don’t be awake late! I do want you to help me cook in the morning!”


Sole grunted in pain as he felt annother wave of chaos energy wash over him "ahh crap..." he mumbled, as he stood up and turned to leave "alright guys, I'm gonna go take a little nap now... I'll be on the top of the main mast if ya need me, near the crows nest..." he said tiredly, as he flew away.


Max blushed as soon as he realized he had gotten Coral's attention. He always became uncomfortable when everypony in the room had there eyes on him and he didn't want anypony to think he was intentionally trying to be rude. "Uh... my name is Max." he said quietly, not sure if she even heard him.

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OOC: Here's my OC's profile: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/maximus-r3382


Coral smiled at the newcomer. “Well then Max, I want you to eat up. You are a thin little pony and I don’t want my cooking to blame! You don’t need to be nervous, we are all friends here.” Coral turned to Sole as he left. “Don’t be awake late! I do want you to help me cook in the morning!”


Max smiled and thanked the mare. Because of Max's timidness, he often had trouble making friends or even starting up a conversation with anypony outside of his family. As he went back to eating he happily thought "Wow, maybe this trip will be better than I thought it would be. Maybe I'll even make a friend or two."

Edited by LatinoChurro
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She hiccups and frowns, "Now that I need to be serious, I find being tipsy rather silly. Slowed reaction time, loss of balance, hmm. Here, your defense rune." She smiles at him, "I can see two of you right now. Like an action blur. It's usually lass pronounced, how you seem to be two ponies at once. The other you looks ooooooooold!" She giggles and collapsed, "Woops, I fell. I don't think I should get up. My body craves more and my mind wants me to hug ponies. It's all so weird."

Altair and Cosmo did their equivalent to exchanging looks. Offering a hoof and Telekinesis to help his friend out, Cosmo smiled back and said, "For an alcoholic, you sure are a lightweight with liquor. As for your vision, tipsy is an understatement, but you're probably sensing Altair. He's a guardian entity of my bloodline who I'm finally getting back on speaking terms with. Also, what was that part about a defense rune?" Cosmo said as he got Lyth back to her feet. Examining the pendant, Cosmo could feel the protective energy from it. "Thank you! Thank you so much!" Cosmo exclaimed, resisting the urge to hug her and risk toppling her over again.


Cosmo brought them to the dining area and greeted Coral Reef, "Well, it seems like you're already getting popular," he commented to her, looking at the satisfied looks on everyone's faces. "What's on the menu today?" Cosmo asked, a grumble from his stomach appearing to repeat his question.

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Sidon, silence and solitude being his preferred companions, was currently sitting atop the highest brace on the main mast, just below the crow's nest. He sat there, contentedly munching on an apple and staring out at the moonlit sea, a cool breeze blowing pleasantly through his mane.

A clack of claws from the deck drew his attention, down towards a griffon emerging from below decks. He watched as it spread it's wings and took off, swooping up towards the crow's nest, which unfortunately meant towards him.

He growled, "Haven't even set underway and already I can't find a moment of peace."

Biting firmly into his apple, he seized a nearby piece of rigging and slipped from his perch, silently sliding down to the deck and slipping below.

The stallion was drawn to the galley by the scent of something delicious cooking. He stopped just outside, listening to the others conversing for a moment before walking in, apple still in mouth.

College of Synergetics




Ponysona: Sidon Aldermane OCs: Hearthfire, Camellia, Oryol

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Before they made it to the kitchen, she blushed at his thanks. "Why do you think I drink? For my health? Moonshine is a form of energy, although I think I might skip it next time *Hiccup*." Lyth stumbled into the kitchen next to her and had trouble seeing. "I wonder if they have crackers. Nice, salty crackers that will soak up the alchohol in my belly."

Edited by Dawnpath


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Before they made it to the kitchen, she blushed at his thanks. "Why do you think I drink? For my health? Moonshine is a form of energy, although I think I might skip it next time *Hiccup*." Lyth stumbled into the kitchen next to her and had trouble seeing. "I wonder if they have crackers. Nice, salty crackers that will soak up the alchohol in my belly."

Cosmo looked at her with an almost evil grin. "Why do I think you drink? Because I enjoy teasing you about it. I know it's for rituals or something like that but I just like the idea of our priestess being an alcoholic."


(You should remember these guys ;) )

Cosmo had a plate of Coral's food and gave his compliments. Then he went on the top deck with a slight concern, "Luna said some pony would bring my replacement blades and upgrade kit soon... Where the buck is Storm..?" A minute later, a flash of lightning broke through the night sky, followed by a trail of fire. Cosmo shot a flare illusion, and within moments, a pair of Pegasi arrived on the ship. The first was a black stallion with yellow trimmings on his hooves and wings, and a lightning bold on his eye and cutie mark. The other stallion was orange, with a burn colored slash mark on his right eye, and a blue and white flame for his cutie mark. Cosmo walked up and greeted them, "Storm, and Flare! I didn't expect to see you both, but I'm glad you're here." Storm smiled back and replied, "Yeah, but we can't stay long, I've got six more deliveries across Equestria that are expected by tonight. So here are you blades." He gave Cosmo a wooden case that had four black combat knives, replacement for the Black Swans he lost in the Nexus (The RP I did before this). Flare followed up by pulling out his delivery tossing it at Cosmo'a feet and taking off, shouting behind him, "Can't stay and chat man. I've got fourteen more to finish so see ya!" Storm swore under his breath and shook his head. "It was good to see you again Cosmo. We should hang out sometime." As he flew off, Cosmo could Storm shouting, "You have fourteen deliveries because you're a lazy bucker who won't do his work on time!" Cosmo shook his head, smiling. "Brothers..." Cosmo got to his room and prepared his customizations, attaching the new sheaths to his armor and altering Altiar's shape slightly. "What's this for?" Altair asked. "Don't you remember how messed up I got because I couldn't beat Standoff at mid range melee? These adjustments will make the blade longer, so I can keep my opponents at a better distance, but still attack them with the Black Feathers." Altair nodded, "That is a good idea... And an appropriate name for the smaller blades." Cosmo grinned and got to work, beginning a several hour process of adjusting and unbreakable sword. "That could work," Altiar commented on the method of changing the sword's shape, "but this is better." Altair took the lump of metal Cosmo was trying distribute into the blade and absorbed it into himself and through him, directly into the blade. "Next you want to alter an object, try asking the entity possessing it first. We tend to learn a few things about our life long home or prison."

Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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She ruffled a bit at Cosmo's remark, and made a note to graffiti his door with a giant silver moon later. She smiled at her thought, than giggled because she thought it was funny. She also felt the booze wearing off. She sat down at a table, wondering what the standard protocol to receive food was.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Equinox finished his food and got up with his plate and headed to the kitchen. "Again thank you for the food im just going to go clean my plate then im off to practice" Equinox said as he put his plate in the sink and rinsed it off then headed to the main deck of the boat.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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She ruffled a bit at Cosmo's remark, and made a note to graffiti his door with a giant silver moon later. She smiled at her thought, than giggled because she thought it was funny. She also felt the booze wearing off. She sat down at a table, wondering what the standard protocol to receive food was

"Oh! There is another woman on this ship! Tell me dear, what do you want to eat? And if you say crackers, i will hurt you." Coral turned to look after cosmo and saw a couple of pegasi she recognized leaving. "And please give cosmo a light hex for not remembering to stop an old friend."


Cosmo looked at her with an almost evil grin. "Why do I think you drink? Because I enjoy teasing you about it. I know it's for rituals or something like that but I just like the idea of our priestess being an alcoholic."

(You should remember these guys wink.png )

Cosmo had a plate of Coral's food and gave his compliments. Then he went on the top deck with a slight concern, "Luna said some pony would bring my replacement blades and upgrade kit soon... Where the buck is Storm..?" A minute later, a flash of lightning broke through the night sky, followed by a trail of fire. Cosmo shot a flare illusion, and within moments, a pair of Pegasi arrived on the ship. The first was a black stallion with yellow trimmings on his hooves and wings, and a lightning bold on his eye and cutie mark. The other stallion was orange, with a burn colored slash mark on his right eye, and a blue and white flame for his cutie mark. Cosmo walked up and greeted them, "Storm, and Flare! I didn't expect to see you both, but I'm glad you're here." Storm smiled back and replied, "Yeah, but we can't stay long, I've got six more deliveries across Equestria that are expected by tonight. So here are you blades." He gave Cosmo a wooden case that had four black combat knives, replacement for the Black Swans he lost in the Nexus (The RP I did before this). Flare followed up by pulling out his delivery tossing it at Cosmo'a feet and taking off, shouting behind him, "Can't stay and chat man. I've got fourteen more to finish so see ya!" Storm swore under his breath and shook his head. "It was good to see you again Cosmo. We should hang out sometime." As he flew off, Cosmo could Storm shouting, "You have fourteen deliveries because you're a lazy bucker who won't do his work on time!" Cosmo shook his head, smiling. "Brothers..." Cosmo got to his room and prepared his customizations, attaching the new sheaths to his armor and altering Altiar's shape slightly. "What's this for?" Altair asked. "Don't you remember how messed up I got because I couldn't beat Standoff at mid range melee? These adjustments will make the blade longer, so I can keep my opponents at a better distance, but still attack them with the Black Feathers." Altair nodded, "That is a good idea... And an appropriate name for the smaller blades." Cosmo grinned and got to work, beginning a several hour process of adjusting and unbreakable sword. "That could work," Altiar commented on the method of changing the sword's shape, "but this is better." Altair took the lump of metal Cosmo was trying distribute into the blade and absorbed it into himself and through him, directly into the blade. "Next you want to alter an object, try asking the entity possessing it first. We tend to learn a few things about our life long home or prison."

who likes being random?

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"Oh! There is another woman on this ship! Tell me dear, what do you want to eat? And if you say crackers, i will hurt you." Coral turned to look after cosmo and saw a couple of pegasi she recognized leaving. "And please give cosmo a light hex for not remembering to stop an old friend."

Finished modifying his equipment Cosmo went back to the dining area to find Coral giving him dirty looks. "I see you noticed Storm was here. I would've asked them to say hi but they've got a lot to do by tonight so I let them do it."

She ruffled a bit at Cosmo's remark, and made a note to graffiti his door with a giant silver moon later. She smiled at her thought, than giggled because she thought it was funny. She also felt the booze wearing off. She sat down at a table, wondering what the standard protocol to receive food was.

Walking over to Lyth, Cosmo asked, "So what exactly does this charm defend against? Im trying to figure out what dangers I need to stay aware of and which ones I can relax about. I know I already said this but thanks again for making it for me." The charm was clearly dangling from his blade's handle, its protective energy being passed to Cosmo through Altair's guidance. Edited by TheBreech

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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Lyth looked around, blinking. She was coming off the drink. "Oh, umm, I guess I'd like some water, and, umm, whatever everyone else is having. And I can't hex him because I made him a ward for magical attacks." And then Cosmo came by to ask her what his ward did. She sighed; the headache was beginning to set in, both from the drink and the magic, "The ward is for magic and magically-enhanced weapons. Ugg, is this the week of Lunar fast, or is that next week? My poor head..."


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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“Cosmo, sweetie, did you just get new weapons and not even greet me?” Coral turned to Lyth. “And don’t worry sweetheart I was just kidding, I wouldn’t want one of my favorite ponies hexed. Here, take this for your hangover.” Coral handed Lyth a plant wrap. “It’s an old medicinal remedy.”


Lyth looked around, blinking. She was coming off the drink. "Oh, umm, I guess I'd like some water, and, umm, whatever everyone else is having. And I can't hex him because I made him a ward for magical attacks." And then Cosmo came by to ask her what his ward did. She sighed; the headache was beginning to set in, both from the drink and the magic, "The ward is for magic and magically-enhanced weapons. Ugg, is this the week of Lunar fast, or is that next week? My poor head..."


Finished modifying his equipment Cosmo went back to the dining area to find Coral giving him dirty looks. "I see you noticed Storm was here. I would've asked them to say hi but they've got a lot to do by tonight so I let them do it."
Walking over to Lyth, Cosmo asked, "So what exactly does this charm defend against? Im trying to figure out what dangers I need to stay aware of and which ones I can relax about. I know I already said this but thanks again for making it for me." The charm was clearly dangling from his blade's handle, its protective energy being passed to Cosmo through Altair's guidance.

who likes being random?

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“Cosmo, sweetie, did you just get new weapons and not even greet me?” Coral turned to Lyth. “And don’t worry sweetheart I was just kidding, I wouldn’t want one of my favorite ponies hexed. Here, take this for your hangover.” Coral handed Lyth a plant wrap. “It’s an old medicinal remedy.”

Crimson chuckled, "very interesting method.....but how does it work? I mean I've heard of certain plants having healing properties, but I've never seen anyone actually have to EAT the plant for it to take effect......how does it taste anyway lythe?" Asked crimson as he leaned back in his chair.

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