Redhoof 0 15 June 24, 2013 Share June 24, 2013 I've been thinking about it for a while and i think that the smartest pony other than twilight is AppleJack. but I didn't come here to tell other people what's what, so I'd like to hear what you guys have to say. 1 All great ninjas have red hooves and every great doctor wears a fez Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
repsol rave 2,963 June 24, 2013 Share June 24, 2013 does the pony need to be alive? otherwise i would say starswirl the bearded. ( don't kill me for spelling his name wrong) and otherwise i think princess celestia would be the smartest after twilight 8 My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 June 24, 2013 Share June 24, 2013 This is kind of a toughy (no Twilight-pun intended). This may sound stupid, but I might have to go with Cheerilee, mostly because she is a teacher. My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SoarinBlue 202 June 24, 2013 Share June 24, 2013 How do we define "smartest"? Going by "best at their craft", I would say Rarity. Going by "most book smart", probably Cheerilee, though if we're restricting it to mane 6, it would probably be Rarity again. I'm leaving out the royals for this because that would be too obvious 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vicke 3,189 June 24, 2013 Share June 24, 2013 King Sombra. Enslaving an entire Kingdom requires more than just power. Its just not go in and do your magic spells. It requires a lot of patience, strategy and tactics to pull something like that off. Might even be smarter than Twilight, just saying. 6 Signature made by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cwanky 17,602 June 24, 2013 Share June 24, 2013 Maybe Starswirl the bearded. While Celestia is a truly talented and no doubt smart leader, I doubt she's extraordinarily smart, it may just be she has unique skill sets that together make her an exceptional leader and person. Otherwise I'd go with THAT GUY: I love Einstein pony. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mzukiller 233 June 24, 2013 Share June 24, 2013 King Sombra and Celestia, because one's an immortal god princess and the other had enough foresight to plan out a nearly unbeatable fail safe in case anyone ever removed him from power. what people don't seem to get is that was it not for Spike tagging along, Sombra would've won easilly. He thought of everything. As for Starswirl, keep in mind that Twilight did things that Starswirl didn't. 3 I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Astrobrony 655 June 24, 2013 Share June 24, 2013 If were just talking about the Mane 6, its hard to say. If we're going by book smarts alone, then probably Fluttershy or Rarity. If we're going by whose the most sensible and most reasonable, then it's Applejack by a mile over the other 4. Outside of the Mane 6, the 'smartest' pony has to be Celestia. Applejack is best pony! Check out my fanfics on FIMFiction here! --> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
truth is life 76 June 24, 2013 Share June 24, 2013 I'm going to be a little unconventional here and name Pinkie Pie. I know what you're all saying: Wait, what? The Queen of Random? Smartest mare after Twilight? Well...yes! Or at least one of the smartest of the Mane 6. She really is a lot less random than she lets on, in my view; she's just usually thinking at right angles to everypony else. For instance, during the parasprite incident she appeared to be random, but she was actually doing something which made complete sense given the knowledge she had. Similarly, although many of her actions during Feeling Pinkie Keen were incomprehensible to Twilight, they made perfect sense given that Pinkie had access to an additional channel of information Twilight didn't. Although I have not yet watched the episode, I am told that during MMMMystery on the Friendship Express she also showed some analytic intelligence, even if she tended to accuse the wrong people. She also shows, in general, a very keen social intelligence, even if she can be too forceful in trying to get certain ponies to socialize. Social intelligence is a type of intelligence as well, after all, and hardly the least important sort, either. 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Cube 4,843 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 (edited) It's hard to say. They all have different types of intelligence, but I think Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie are probably the least intelligent, but I could be totally wrong on that account. This isn't to say they aren't smart though. Fluttershy - She's an expert on animals, and while she is very quiet, she probably knows a good deal. I would say she's above average in intelligence. Applejack - Definitely not the stereotypical "dumb" country person. She's an expert at her craft, which does take intelligence, and she's very worldly and down-to-earth. She's a problem solver and likes to think before acting. The only knock against her is her informal way of speaking, but that really doesn't mean she's not smart. Rarity - Probably the most educated after Twilight. She uses a lot of fancy words and speaks in a very sophisticated and intelligent way. I'm going to guess that after Twilight, Rarity is the overall most intelligent. After all, she is the pony with the most creativity, and in order to be creative, you have to have an imagination, and knowledge helps one be imaginative. Rarity would be my guess. Applejack is close though. Edited June 25, 2013 by Sugar Cube Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 I think it would have to be Celestia, when it comes to knowing about information that the Mane 6 is not aware of she will be able to inform them about anything that has happened or something that they don't know. 1 Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 It depends on what kind of smarts you're talking about. If you mean general wisdom about life, I'd have to say Applejack, because she's probably been through the most and has the most story to tell, so to speak, what with the death of her parents, living in Manehattan with her aunt and uncle, and really having to grow up faster than most ponies because of that. Book Smarts, though? Either Rarity or Fluttershy. Fluttershy because she's basically a park ranger/veterinarian, and that probably requires a lot of knowledge about the various species in Equestria. The comic shows this side a little bit more, which I enjoyed. Rarity is a contender not only because of her vocabulary, but because her understanding of fashion at that level likely required a great deal of study. She doesn't just throw things together, she creates her art with a strong understanding of what works visually. 1 Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghost 173 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 I would say after Twilight, Applejack would be the smartest. She doesn't have the same book smarts as Twilight, but she definitely has the most common sense and is very rational most of the time. She also seems to be the most mature out of the group. Twilight has book smarts and Applejack has life smarts or whatever you wanna call it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tank the tortoise 262 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 I am probably alone in this thought but I personally think out of the mane 6 after Twilight is Dash. Her devouring of the Daring Do series not to mention all she knows about weather show that she has an amazing capacity for intellect. However, her natural competitiveness and need for physical activity restrain that side of her resulting in it only coming out occasionally. Though if we are talking pure knowledge Pinkie. That is all. I mean seriously the pony has the answer before it is needed, ALWAYS in fact the one time she didn't the rest of her friends were kinda shocked and she just shrugged her shoulders. 1 Administrator and all around fun guy. Join us every Friday night at 6:00 PM EST for movie night at Equestria.TV in the CMC_Clubhouse! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevette 1,052 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 Smartest pony besides Twilight? Well, it'd probably have to be me. Need I say more? You think i'm joking here? Nah. I'm being for-rizzles bro. Like, extra serious with a side of gravy. Yeah, gravy is pretty darn good. But seriously, I guess... I'd have to say Granny Smith. With age comes wisdom, and as they show displays it, she seems to be pretty darn old. Granny Smith seems to know her way around, and usually old folks know quite a bit about something, even if it is completely strange and possible useless to the current generations. Yeah, i'd go with Granny Smith. either that or that dude that said Pinkie Pie had a good point too. Chevette x Chevelle ~ OTP "Happiness is a quarter of a million Chevettes" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Party Cannon 876 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 (edited) I'm going to be a little unconventional here and name Pinkie Pie. I know what you're all saying: Wait, what? The Queen of Random? Smartest mare after Twilight? Well...yes! Or at least one of the smartest of the Mane 6. She really is a lot less random than she lets on, in my view; she's just usually thinking at right angles to everypony else. For instance, during the parasprite incident she appeared to be random, but she was actually doing something which made complete sense given the knowledge she had. Similarly, although many of her actions during Feeling Pinkie Keen were incomprehensible to Twilight, they made perfect sense given that Pinkie had access to an additional channel of information Twilight didn't. Although I have not yet watched the episode, I am told that during MMMMystery on the Friendship Express she also showed some analytic intelligence, even if she tended to accuse the wrong people. She also shows, in general, a very keen social intelligence, even if she can be too forceful in trying to get certain ponies to socialize. Social intelligence is a type of intelligence as well, after all, and hardly the least important sort, either. I am glad to see that someone else sees Pinkie's intelligence that is hiding in plain sight. To me she is the smartest pony in the show. Sunset Shimmer is made out to be somewhat of an equal to Twilight, with Twilight beating her out solely because of her comprehension of the power of friendship. I don't count alicorns for this question since they are kind of a given [i wouldn't call Cadance a genius necessarily though. I like her a lot but in Faust cannon she is a bastard brainchild, since Lauren only wanted there to be 2 Alicorns only.] Edited June 25, 2013 by Party Cannon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crapplejack 136 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 Pinkie Pie wins, she knows everypony's name, their age and their birthdays. Although I don't think that's what you call being smart, so I'd say Discord. He knew how to trick everypony after all. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rainbow Dash Loyalty 1,275 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 If it's just out of the Mane Six, then Applejack would be the smartest, she basically runs a business with the farm, selling apples everywhere! And she seems the to be the wisest out of the group as well, also she's responsible and caring for the family, and responsibility isn't exactly the easiest thing to do.If it's out of everyone in Equestria then Princess Celestia is the smartest. She's the one who helped train Twilight to control her abilities and taught her about friendship. And as far as I know, she's the eldest pony in the show and defeated villains with her younger sister by her side 1000 years ago. Twilight is like a second Celestia to me, and saying that is like saying she's the next Goddess and Ruler of Equestria. ~Signature created by Chaotic Discord~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moonlight 7,288 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 I would say Princess Celestia; no contest. She is the ruler, so she would obviously need a large database of knowledge. Mane 6-wise, I would say Rarity. Just because she's girly doesn't mean she can't be intelligent. CMC-wise, I would honestly say Sweetie Belle. I'm not sure why, but I also want to say Sweetie Belle; just because she's ditzy doesn't necessarily mean she's stupid, just clumsy. matching setups with my bff pathfinder Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hawkflame 3,310 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 I would say Princess Celestia; no contest. She is the ruler, so she would obviously need a large database of knowledge. Mane 6-wise, I would say Rarity. Just because she's girly doesn't mean she can't be intelligent. CMC-wise, I would honestly say Sweetie Belle. I'm not sure why, but I also want to say Sweetie Belle; just because she's ditzy doesn't necessarily mean she's stupid, just clumsy. Well, she *is* a dictionary, after all... I think we have to differentiate between who has the most knowledge, and who's the *smartest*. To me, smarts isn't just about having information, but being able to process it. In that respect, I don't any of the CMC stand out. 1 Sig by Thunderstorm Check out my Rarity fansite! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DarligPegasi 315 June 25, 2013 Share June 25, 2013 If you mean in the Mane 6, then lemme think this through; Fluttershy is pretty knowledgeable of animals/creatures. Apple Jack has common sense knowledge. Rarity....Well I'm not saying she's stupid but I've yet to see her display any knowledg-y thingies yet. Rainbow Dash revealed at some point that she hadn't read any books. >.> Except for in Read it and Weep. Pinkie Pie...Well I'm not saying she's stupid... So I guess Fluttershy. Signature by @@Champion RD92, Examples of my Art Work Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Megabyte Stream 9 June 26, 2013 Share June 26, 2013 I honestly have Pinkie Pie would have to be at least quite smart. We've seen that she has an extreme memory, or at least good tricks to remember things. She's also built that pinkiecopter from Griffon the Brush-off. I'm not saying genius-level or anything of that sort, but there has to be a good brain somewhere under all of that sugar and silliness. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Letter 1,832 June 26, 2013 Share June 26, 2013 I would guess that Princess Celestia would be as smart or smarter than Twilight. Few others would approach them in terms of intelligence. 1 Silver Letter!!! Silver Letter's MLP collection Have: 946 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. Changeling 132 June 26, 2013 Share June 26, 2013 I would say mayor Mare. She didnt become mayor of ponyville for nothing. Actually I would like to see that. MA Larson, if you are reading this, please put it in season 4 Credit Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Argumedies 1,748 June 26, 2013 Share June 26, 2013 I know I said this in another topic but out of the main 6 it is Rarity who out smarts them all Twilight is extremely intelligent but lacks common sense. Pinky Pie may have a photo graphic memory but sometimes logic and reasioning alludes her. Rainbow Dash lacks the enthusiasm that it takes to learn, unlessed forced into into it Fluttershys lack of confidence holds her back Applejack has a lot of common sense and a lot of wisdom but never had the time to sit and read/study Rarity is the only one shown with the most balanced approach to problem solving then any of the others Does this make the rest stupid? No and you will never, never, ever hear/read me calling any pony stupid. *even Derpy* They are all smart in their own ways 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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