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music Your thoughts of Miley's new image and direction

Motion Spark

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that's the problem... those "subcultures", those "communities" don't always applies to metal, no! we have several of them around society as a whole. We tend to turn everything into a religion, that's why we have anti-bronies or brony haters, that's why we still face racism, that's why gay people can't be free to choose who they can love, there's everytime "things that you dissaprove of".


I completely agree with you on this point. I don't see any problem with someone wearing a shirt for a band or a videogame, even if they aren't a 'true fan' of it.
I think that if one person attacks another based on whether or not they should be wearing a shirt, then they are a silly person that wants nothing more than to grab some attention.


You know what I'm done here. Some final words before I go; if you're not part of something, you should never associate yourself with it. 

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My thoughts on Miley Cyrus' new image and direction?


I couldn't care less. I don't listen to her music, and I don't think much (if anything) of her at all. 

that comment made laugh :lol:

it was sharp like a knife, IDGAF about Miley Cyrus, she's invisible to me almost unexestent haha!


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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I believe in responsability, but she's not responsible for these girls. If her fandom follows her it's because they like her for what she is, and not what she should be because of an unexistent role of a TV show, even though Hannah Montana got stuck in head of all of these people, she doesn't exist, she's not real...maybe Miley always wanted to be a rebel kid but wasn't allowed to because of the Hannah Montana image. 


Why do you see it as good or ok to advertise this druggie low life image to young women?  This is the problem with our media today.  Every damn pop song is about sex or drugs.


*sarcasm*  Lets keep the nation stupid right?  Hell, we need a nation of workers not thinkers.


In fact, one of the reasons I started to like MLP for was because it teaches good leasons (Respect, trustworthiness, tolerance,  ect.) and because it wasn't something stereotypical for a guy to be into in these times.   (Sex, drugs, money, cars, Video Games, ect.)  The day we realize that these things are BAD and shouldn't be taught to our children(OOOOOooo  yeah I said it) society will be in a better position.


Of course its her right to do anything she wants.  She's an American.

If she CARED about what impression she may have on young women however, she would reconsider her lyrics about sex, drugs, and "lining em up."

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You know what I'm done here.

Okie dokes :3


Anyway, back to the actual topic

I'm kinda curious to know, what are your thoughts of her as of now

Miley's new appearance was quite a surprise to me when I first saw it, but I think that's just because I primarily knew her as Hannah Montana.

Now that she's actually free from Disney, I think it's great that she's changing so much. I wouldn't necessarily say she's 'slutty', but she's definitely got her own unique flair now.


Also, random fun fact: I'm the exact same age as Miley :3

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Why do you see it as good or ok to advertise this druggie low life image to young women?  This is the problem with our media today.  Every damn pop song is about sex or drugs.


*sarcasm*  Lets keep the nation stupid right?  Hell, we need a nation of workers not thinkers.


In fact, one of the reasons I started to like MLP for was because it teaches good leasons (Respect, trustworthiness, tolerance,  ect.) and because it wasn't something stereotypical for a guy to be into in these times.   (Sex, drugs, money, cars, Video Games, ect.)  The day we realize that these things are BAD and shouldn't be taught to our children(OOOOOooo  yeah I said it) society will be in a better position.


Of course its her right to do anything she wants.  She's an American.

If she CARED about what impression she may have on young women however, she would reconsider her lyrics about sex, drugs, and "lining em up."

I'm glad that you see it, what I see under her lyrics is that she's a girl that wants to have fun, that doesn't want to be dominated (I would think that was directed at disney, her dad or the record studio company), and that she wants to speak her mind. 

Also we forget that she's still a teenager and that she's really young, someday she will learn from her mistakes and move on, however, it doesn't seem like she's ruining her life (ex. Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan).


She probably is doing this to purposelly getting rid of her Hanna Montana past and show the world that this is the real Miley Cyrus, and I see nothing wrong about that. Her fanbase is evolving though, because the girls that followed her also are growing up and she's getting the attention of other people as well, so I wouldn't say that she's the most popular among 5yo girls, cuz that's not the case.


education always starts at home, and I'm pretty sure that if you raised your daughter with good values and morals, she can listen to anything that she wants and will know whats good and whats bad, and that doing drugs and having sex before time can bring bad consecuenses.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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I'm glad that you see it, what I see under her lyrics is that she's a girl that wants to have fun, that doesn't want to be dominated (I would think that was directed at disney, her dad or the record studio company), and that she wants to speak her mind. 

Also we forget that she's still a teenager and that she's really young, someday she will learn from her mistakes and move on, however, it doesn't seem like she's ruining her life (ex. Amanda Bynes, Lindsay Lohan).


She probably is doing this to purposelly getting rid of her Hanna Montana past and show the world that this is the real Miley Cyrus, and I see nothing wrong about that. Her fanbase is evolving though, because the girls that followed her also are growing up and she's getting the attention of other people as well, so I wouldn't say that she's the most popular among 5yo girls, cuz that's not the case.


education always starts at home, and I'm pretty sure that if you raised your daughter with good values and morals, she can listen to anything that she wants and will know whats good and whats bad, and that doing drugs and having sex before time can bring bad consecuenses.



You must be ignorant of the effect that the media can have on children.  Not all children listen to all of the teachings of their parents.



Also, assuming this is only a "rebellious phase" to get rid of her "innocent Hannah Montana" look is a very risky decision.  And just because a woman has good values, DOESN'T MEAN SHES DOMINATED.  If she wanted to look more adult, she could have done it in a much more mature and civilized manor.

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Why do you see it as good or ok to advertise this druggie low life image to young women?  This is the problem with our media today.  Every damn pop song is about sex or drugs.


*sarcasm*  Lets keep the nation stupid right?  Hell, we need a nation of workers not thinkers.


In fact, one of the reasons I started to like MLP for was because it teaches good leasons (Respect, trustworthiness, tolerance,  ect.) and because it wasn't something stereotypical for a guy to be into in these times.   (Sex, drugs, money, cars, Video Games, ect.)  The day we realize that these things are BAD and shouldn't be taught to our children(OOOOOooo  yeah I said it) society will be in a better position.


Of course its her right to do anything she wants.  She's an American.

If she CARED about what impression she may have on young women however, she would reconsider her lyrics about sex, drugs, and "lining em up."

Sex needs to be taught to our children. It's called reproduction and without it we would be extinct. Also sex for fun is just a great time, loosen up. Drugs need to be taught to be used responsibly, teaching people not to use them at all is just going to keep the drug trade lucrative and dangerous because they'll use them with no guidance. Alcohol is necessary for the way society works, always has been.


Plus, all of these things are just great fun.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations


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You must be ignorant of the effect that the media can have on children.


Children aren't really gonna get much of an effect from listening to the media because well...they don't listen to Miley Cyrus for her lyrical content, they like it because it sounds catchy, bright, easy to get into and it's something that they can dance to, there's no brainwashing going on at all, and honestly most of the time drug and sex references will fly over a child's head without them even realizing it.

Edited by Moog
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You must be ignorant of the effect that the media can have on children.  Not all children listen to all of the teachings of their parents.



Also, assuming this is only a "rebellious phase" to get rid of her "innocent Hannah Montana" look is a very risky decision.  And just because a woman has good values, DOESN'T MEAN SHES DOMINATED.  If she wanted to look more adult, she could have done it in a much more mature and civilized manor.

nah, I'm not ignorant about that fact, celebrities have a huge inpact in our children and if you're saying that she's a bad image for society, I'd say yes, she really is. But saying that it's her "duty" to be a role model? umm I would say no, because if she wants to show her ass to the rest of the world or stick her tongue like a maniac it's her choice


I think that she's beautiful and I like some of her songs, that's pretty much it. and what I said before where things I saw when I read through her lyrics, it doesn't mean that it's true

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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I'm sorry but you don't seem like the most intelligent person to me.  Hedonistic little piglet.  What separates man from beast is restraint.  You seem to have none, based off of your comments.

What makes me right is that I live in a place called reality, where drugs, sex, and alcohol will reach children if I put the children in a concrete box in the middle of the Atlantic.


I'm a very intelligent person, but I just prefer to live in reality rather than whatever fantasy you're talking about where Miley Cyrus has a "Duty" to be a role model. 


"Hedonistic little piglet" isn't a very effective way to make yourself look sophisticated or to get your point across.


She can do whatever she wants. She has the rights to do so.


I have impulse control, but I'm also a fun person, I know what I'm doing. So please step down from your pedestal  of self-righteousness so we can have an adult discussion.


I have more experience than you with life, from the looks of it. One day you're going to have to wake up and realize that all three of these things you hate are a huge part of a functioning society. They may not be the best, but they're what the world is stuck with, and as long as people can do things, they will.


Live with it, embrace it. If you want to live in a country where sex, drugs, and alcohol aren't allowed have fun in North Korea or some other totalitarian nation.


Don't resort to Ad-Hominem to make yourself look smart, please, it's just going to embarrass you in the end.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations


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What makes me right is that I live in a place called reality, where drugs, sex, and alcohol will reach children if I put the children in a concrete box in the middle of the Atlantic.


I'm a very intelligent person, but I just prefer to live in reality rather than whatever fantasy you're talking about where Miley Cyrus has a "Duty" to be a role model.


She can do whatever she wants.


I have impulse control, but I'm also a fun person, I know what I'm doing. 


I have more experience than you with life, from the looks of it. One day you're going to have to wake up and realize that all three of these things you hate are a huge part of a functioning society. They may not be the best, but they're what the world is stuck with, and as long as people can do things, they will.


Live with it, embrace it.



I would like to see what degree in sociology/anthropology you are getting.  Based on how much of a party animal you seem to be, I would imagine that your not attending a University.


Its not innocent to believe that humanity as a species can strive to be greater.  Your "reality" is what you choose to make it.

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I would like to see what degree in sociology/anthropology you are getting.  Based on how much of a party animal you seem to be, I would imagine that your not attending a University.


Its not innocent to believe that humanity as a species can strive to be greater.  Your "reality" is what you choose to make it.

Degrees are nothing compared to experience, which you seem to be lacking. Not to offend you or your Ad-hominem insults on my character (A big mistake when trying to make a point) but you need to stop being so detached from the actuality of the situation, I don't need a degree to tell you that drugs aren't going away any time soon, I can see the poverty stricken drug rampant neighborhoods with my own eyes, you should try it sometime.


I'm serious, please do, I'll wait.


No amount of university level education is going to make the pain and suffering those people face on a day-to-day basis disappear, nor will what image Miley chooses for herself affect it.


Impulse IS human nature. That's something what living with people all my life has taught me, it's not fun, but it is the way things are. What separates humans from animals, by the way, is not impulse, but our ability to actually comprehend and form an opinion on/understand our surroundings.


I also disagree with your statement that people who like to have fun can't be intelligent, it's degrading and ignorant.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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Degrees are nothing compared to experience, which you seem to be lacking. Not to offend you or your Ad-hominem insults on my character (A big mistake when trying to make a point) but you need to stop being so detached from the actuality of the situation, I don't need a degree to tell you that drugs aren't going away any time soon, I can see the poverty stricken drug rampant neighborhoods with my own eyes, you should try it sometime.


Impulse IS human nature. That's something what living with people all my life has taught me, it's not fun, but it is the way things are.


Degrees are experience.  And I don't know what kind of "experience" you're talking about being a whole five months older than me.  Impulsiveness isn't the problem.  All humans are impulsive.  Its the lack of a desire to fight the impulsiveness that is so critically damaging to society.  It does not make someone good to be free of anything bad, it makes them good to recognize their wrongs and to try to change them.

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Degrees are experience.  And I don't know what kind of "experience" you're talking about being a whole five months older than me.  Impulsiveness isn't the problem.  All humans are impulsive.  Its the lack of a desire to fight the impulsiveness that is so critically damaging to society.  It does not make someone good to be free of anything bad, it makes them good to recognize their wrongs and to try to change them.


Experience not from time, but from circumstance, I grew up in a poverty stricken neighborhood where Heroin is rampant. There was literally a drug bust next door this Christmas, and I'm just shocked that you think a degree means you have more experience with it than experiencing it first hand.


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Experience not from time, but from circumstance, I grew up in a poverty stricken neighborhood where Heroin is rampant. There was literally a drug bust next door this Christmas, and I'm just shocked that you think a degree means you have more experience with it than experiencing it first hand.


No wonder you think the way you do.  I should feel sorry for you more than think of you as trash.



Anyway, the same thing applies when reversed.  You have no faith in the world because of the circumstances in which you were raised.  You need to realize that just because you live in a part of the world where people act like that, doesn't mean it's the case with many other scenarios.  I hope that you find help and gain some resilience and skepticism.  Enough to question what you've said.    Peace.

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Hey, can we stay on topic, please? I don't like modding active discussions :(




The way I see it, she's letting loose after being a role-model for little girls for so long. I'm sure she enjoyed it at first, but after a while, she realized that she could just go do whatever she wanted when little girls around the country (and world, too, I guess) looked up to her so much. Yeah, it's her right to do whatever, but anybody would have to agree; people who have such influence over the younger of us should be more careful of how they conduct themselves. Yeah, it's not fair but that's how it is.


What can be said for her, though, it's a very good thing she quit Hannah Montana and stayed out of the public spotlight for awhile before doing this. It might've not been intentional, but it's good that it left time for a lot of people (such as my now 12 year old sister) to stop caring about her.


All this being said, she's pretty hot, even if I don't really go for the whole "druggy, dance around naked in front of millions of people" kind of girl.

  • Brohoof 4

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I think she's trash. Her new image seems to be about getting sluttier and trashy-er just to show she isn't the "role model" she used to be. Also she can't sing at all.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just nobody at all...

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@@John , I completely agree with your concern on about music and how it's affecting America. Motion Spark, also understands that she has turned into someone different. It's all a transition from adolescence to adulthood. It's legal to flaunt what she has, if she wants. *Signs contract* Done! You are now going to be a slave to mainstream music, and now we control what your  image will look like. She's the one who agreed to the conditions when she signed the contract. She's selling sex to some people as a form of media. Just like most mainstream/some underground musical artists in the industry. 


When Michael Jackson, turned from the Jackson 5 went to his solo career, he was seen as the typical bad boy. Then, his music grew from there. Many stresses arose because biased media coverage, publication, tour dates, signings, public appearances, and ect. were the root causes that changed him into a publicized freak. They thought he was a pedophile, a wanna be white man, and ect.


It's horrible when world news is pushed off headlines and celebrity news triumphs. Good examples of celebrity news is when Brittany Spears shaved her head, Justin Beiber had a hissy fit, when TI went to jail because he bought silenced guns, and the list forever goes on about stupid celebrity cases. It's really a huge headache. 


Could you relate those cases to Miley Cyrus? Yes, and no. Like I said earlier she's selling sex. She's using her image to get money. I mean not a lot of artists care anymore for putting out music with meaning, and more for typical things club hits you would play at a club. I mean sometimes artists do crazy things for attention. I think the Brittany act was to re-vamp her followers and to notify the public she was still alive. Sometimes it's attention, real life problems, money, and arrogant crimes. 


The many who do listen to mainstream music can't be put under your boot for enjoying something they consider "entertaining," We are all people. I mean we can look at a positive aspect what Miley has done for others in the past. She has had a successful music career beforehand and has had a great success on her show on the Family network.


I think the case that Miley is in is the likes that she's signed under a contract and she wants money. If someone wants to act for money like that. I don't think of them as a very good role model, yeah? I sure wouldn't want an artist that doesn't act freely, or write creatively with a big music company pulling the strings. If I were to have children, I wouldn't want them listening to artists that are being manipulated by a company. I understand your outrage too, because I do believe some people are stupid for listening to mainstream music.


The best thing is just to not support mainstream music, if you absolutely hate it. I mean don't throw a brick of hate to a person that appreciates mainstream ... if someone likes a song by a mainstream artist that's fine. We're all different and surely have different tastes in music. We can give open opinions to what "real music" is like compared to mainstream. I will admit I fell victim to "some" songs when I was younger, and I didn't have too much of a refined music taste when I was younger.  It takes a bit of time, experience, and experimentation to really figure what you like. 


Although, nowadays I'm more critical about what music I listen to, and suggest to others. I can't even stand listening to the radio anymore it's too saturated with mainstream music. I have found some stations though that offer a great selection of music with the genres of music I like. We still have great songs being produced, we just have to find them. 



@@Harmonic Revelations  stahp it Harmonic,




Sex needs to be taught to our children. It's called reproduction and without it we would be extinct. Also sex for fun is just a great time, loosen up. Drugs need to be taught to be used responsibly, teaching people not to use them at all is just going to keep the drug trade lucrative and dangerous because they'll use them with no guidance. Alcohol is necessary for the way society works, always has been.


Plus, all of these things are just great fun.


Funny troll though~ 


Edited by Fox
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@@Harmonic Revelations, after all the heated convo yesterday, I took your first post mostly as a joke cuz I couldn't comprehend why you would talk about teaching people how to do drugs (what?) 

But after the conversation was evolving I agree with you in something really important, street experience is the best experience you could have, especially if you live in a hard environment.

The "thug life" shows you a raw insight of how real life really is, and you learn how to survive in real time, not simulated like you're taught in school, that's something you can't learn no matter how many degrees you have. Those raw experience will help you be succesful in life, I highly support that.


I have the feeling that considering how you grew up, you gave up on youth, like "they're gonna be junkies anyways, if they are gonna do it, let's teach them at least" and while I agree with you in an extent, teaching kids how to do drugs is wrong, if we can't save them all, at least save what we can. They can become addicts. 


I admit, I never grew up in a hard environment, I never gotten any drugs nor have contact to those, my neighborhood is pretty chill and I'm somewhat a spoiled kid. I like drinking, yes, but I'm resposible. While you could say how do I have experience, it's because I also learn from other people experiences even if it didn't happen to me, and make them my own.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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@@Harmonic Revelations, after all the heated convo yesterday, I took your first post mostly as a joke cuz I couldn't comprehend why you would talk about teaching people how to do drugs (what?) 

But after the conversation was evolving I agree with you in something really important, street experience is the best experience you could have, especially if you live in a hard environment.

The "thug life" shows you a raw insight of how real life really is, and you learn how to survive in real time, not simulated like you're taught in school, that's something you can't learn no matter how many degrees you have. Those raw experience will help you be succesful in life, I highly support that.


I have the feeling that considering how you grew up, you gave up on youth, like "they're gonna be junkies anyways, if they are gonna do it, let's teach them at least" and while I agree with you in an extent, teaching kids how to do drugs is wrong, if we can't save them all, at least save what we can. They can become addicts. 


I admit, I never grew up in a hard environment, I never gotten any drugs nor have contact to those, my neighborhood is pretty chill and I'm somewhat a spoiled kid. I like drinking, yes, but I'm resposible. While you could say how do I have experience, it's because I also learn from other people experiences even if it didn't happen to me, and make them my own.

The reason we need to avoid projects like DARE is that it teaches kids that drugs will ruin their lives. Once kids see that drugs don't (Like they'll know a friend who uses marijuana and is okay) they'll just assume it's all lies and do whatever they want. We can at least teach them how not to OD.


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The reason we need to avoid projects like DARE is that it teaches kids that drugs will ruin their lives. Once kids see that drugs don't (Like they'll know a friend who uses marijuana and is okay) they'll just assume it's all lies and do whatever they want. We can at least teach them how not to OD.

b-but, most drugs are bad for your body, I don't need to attend to any project meeting to know that, what it is true is that every person might take the drug and react different, but it's more likely that you'll end up being an addict.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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b-but, most drugs are bad for your body, I don't need to attend to any project meeting to know that, what it is true is that every person might take the drug and react different, but it's more likely that you'll end up being an addict.

I know that, while drugs are bad for you and SHOULD be avoided, not everybody.. will We should tell people to avoid them, but offer safety advice if they do choose to use drugs. Because the fact of the matter is that not everybody cares that drugs are dangerous., why not prevent some unneccesary deaths?

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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