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request shop I'm Pretty bored. Taking art requests :3

~Lawful Jordo~

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Oh mah gaawd...

Your art 'tis amazing!


Do you mind drawing my dear Evening Glory? She can be located in my signature or just click here. Also, could she have a Blue Starflower behind her ear?

As for a pose.. I don't really mind. She does love her gardens though, so maybe playing with some garden wildlife or something? I really don't know, its up to you ;)

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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I won't lie, but some art of Derpy and Dinky interacting with the CMCers would be GREAT! I dont know what or how, but a thought of Den Filly meeting comes to mind, with Momma Derps as the Filly Leader....so cute ^.^

---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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Oh yay! Another request forum!


Please for the love of Celestia, draw my OC, for I the lack the artsy skills to make him good looking lol. ...if you don't mind...that is. img-1615380-1-blush.png


Take all the time you need! img-1615380-2-happy.png


Draw him doing the same pose as Twilight here.



Anyways, here's the link.





EDIT: Oh yeah...and he's pretty much an Earth pony with retractable steampunk styled mechanical wings to fly.


Hope you can handle the challenge. happy.png

Edited by Dsanders17
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You're art looks that good, and you're doing these for free? You are an awesome person. img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png


Assuming these are still open, of course. But you're still awesome.

My single problem now is: What do I want to request? My mind was instantly smashed by three different pictures, all of which feature duos, which all feature at least one or more OC.

And I don't have reference pics for any of them D:

I do, however, feel I have the necessary abilities to give a decent verbal description of them.

Is there a limit on how many pictures I can request at a time? I'd imagine there is.

In the chance that you are still taking requests, I would like to let you know, I am interested. I will only post one at a time, of course, as I don't want to feel selfish.

However, since I am the kind of person that feels pretentious posting such things without knowing whether or not they are able to (that, or I just don't want to risk feeling like a fool when I learn they are not), I will hold off on putting a full request down until I hear back from you.

And holy crap this is over 800 characters long. I talk to much.

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Can you make me a picture of Braeburn merrily waving a pride flag?  That would just make my entire life.  

I was curious when I saw this forum, and I found that I really love your  work!  Keep up the good work!  ^_^  If you don't get around to my request, that's fine.  But I'd really appreciate it.  


Thanks!  ^_^


Signature by dear Sir Lunashy, a pony everypony should know.


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Wow, impressive art styles if I may say so!
Well, if it's to clear your boredom and improve your art skills, I guess I can help.
My OC is in the link below my signature, and for a pose, is it cool if you can make him look like this?

Edited by DXSilverX
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You're art looks that good, and you're doing these for free? You are an awesome person. img-1618374-1-img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png


Assuming these are still open, of course. But you're still awesome.

My single problem now is: What do I want to request? My mind was instantly smashed by three different pictures, all of which feature duos, which all feature at least one or more OC.

And I don't have reference pics for any of them D:

I do, however, feel I have the necessary abilities to give a decent verbal description of them.

Is there a limit on how many pictures I can request at a time? I'd imagine there is.

In the chance that you are still taking requests, I would like to let you know, I am interested. I will only post one at a time, of course, as I don't want to feel selfish.

However, since I am the kind of person that feels pretentious posting such things without knowing whether or not they are able to (that, or I just don't want to risk feeling like a fool when I learn they are not), I will hold off on putting a full request down until I hear back from you.

And holy crap this is over 800 characters long. I talk to much.


Of course I'm still open :P I haven't stated otherwise. Just so that it's fair for everybody else, I would have to ask that you only request one at a time. Once I am finished with your first one, then you may make another request. 



Keep in mind this my take me a while. It takes me roughly a day to complete one of these. I will get to yours eventually.



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Now those are some great drawings! Awesome work, dude (or dudette)!


Now for my reguest... img-1618631-1-mlp-pgrin.png


I would like you to draw my OC Supernova in maybe in some kind of pose like this.


I plan on using this as an avatar on other sites (Youtube, SoundCloud, etc..) so a link to your deviantArt would be appreciated.


Here he is:








Take as long as you want. Thanks! img-1618631-2-mlp-thappy.png

Edited by ReGen


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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@@~Lawful Jordo~,


Hah, well, I couldn't be sure, considering the amount you've received.


I thought as much, but it's still nice to have clarity on the matter.



Anyway, on to request number one. As I said, I don't really have any reference pics of them, but I can hopefully be plenty verbal:



The first request is of two of my OC's, the Pegasi twins, Sentinels Solstice and Equinox.





The stallion, older of the twins, and more serious one.

His coat is white, his mane and tail are a fiery hue, like the sun (or kind of like Spitfire's). His eyes are the same orange as his mane.
As for the style of his mane, it's just kind of shaggy, sorta like a shorter version of Vinyl's, if I was to give myself a mental image of it. 

His cutie mark, (if shown), is a shield, emblazoned by Celestia's sun.



The mare, younger of the two, and the more jovial.

Her coat is a very deep shade of blue, almost like the night sky (or the dark part of Luna's mane). Her eyes, mane and tail are slightly silver flecked white, like the moon. Her mane and tail style are fairly reminiscent of Rainbow's (minus the multicolored feature), maybe a bit shorter.

Her cutie mark is a sword, piercing the full moon at an angle.



The Stance: 

If you could draw them with Equinox in the front, crouching down in a combat ready stance (kind of like this, maybe a bit closer to the ground. The smile and expression can remain the same, maybe with her facing the viewer a bit more), and Solstice in the air behind her, wings outspread in a more defensive kind of manner (kind of like when Celestia raises the sun). As for his expression, just kind of a serious, "I'm going to murder you" sort of expression.

I want it to look like they're defending something/someone.




I would request them with armor, except I haven't designed any for them just yet, so they do not need any.



If you feel I need to explain something more (perhaps give a slightly more in depth description), I'll see what I can do. My brain has been derping recently, so I don't know if this is exactly what is needed.


Also, take as much time as needed. I'm a patient person.

In the meanwhile, I figure out how to describe the other two requests.

Edited by 00Pony

Xbox Live gamertag: ArgentVulpes636. 

"Greater love, hath no man than this, that he would lay down his life for his friends." -- John 15:13

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." -- Matthew 7:1

"If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward." -- Martin Luther King Jr.

Rest In Peace, Monty OumWe'll keep moving forward.

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Would you mind drawing Red then? You can find a good reference of him in my signature.  Just use the link to his OC page.  #RedIsAnArtWhore


Hey Red, I heard you like Octavia tongue.png



Hehe, He can always dance with Tavi in his dreams ;P



(I just realized after I finished that I forgot to add Octavia's bowtie img-1623240-2-sad.png  Whatever, she took it off for their imaginary dance tongue.png)


Either way, I hope you like it.




Step by Step:



Sketch Photoshop: img-1623240-3-2l3a.jpg


Ink in Illustrator: img-1623240-4-1kto.jpg

Greyscale shading: img-1623240-5-xwc6.jpg








Here, draw my OC Dark Moon. Don't really care how you draw him, just draw him. img-1623240-6-smile.png Don't draw him with the armor though, maybe just a satchel. Also his cutie mark is the pink floyd light prism 




Looks like you're next :3

Edited by ~Lawful Jordo~



Signature by Klopp Wonka




Officially taking Art Requests!: http://mlpforums.com/topic/65291-im-pretty-bored-taking-art-requests-3/

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Could you please draw my oc?  I don't have very good artistic skills.

He is special talent is caring for plants and I would like you to draw him with his own flower stand in ponyville.

This is what he looks like:


Edited by cmarston1


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Alright! So I just wanted to let you know that I have updated my OC. Basically made a few slight alterations and changes but nothing too major. It's still crappy in my opinion lol...hope to improve more on that soon.


Anyways, my request is still exactly the same, it's just that the pony is drawn a slight different lol, here he is!








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