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gaming Castlevania


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<.< We've got a Digimon, Yugioh and Sonic topic already so I figured this would be okay. The Castlevania series is big enough for it's own topic! Posted Image

Discuss the Castlevania series in general!

Got a favorite game? Favorite era? What do you think of Castlevania's jump to 3D?

Remember to keep spoilers in tags

I started a new file on Aria of Sorrow and played through 95% of it already. All I have left to do is go through the Chaotic Realm and I'll have beaten it on Hard Mode.

Soma is definitely my favorite protagonist of the series, next to Gabriel and Hector.

I know most people think Alucard is all that and a bag o' chips but I'm not in agreement. Yeah, he's pretty badass

(particularly in his part in Aria and Dawn of Sorrow)

but I don't think he's the best character without a shadow of a doubt.

Edited by Artemis
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Personally I've played nearly every game in the series. With the exception of any that didn't make it out of Japan I only haven't played Harmony of Despair and Rondo of Blood.

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I fell in love with Castlevania after being bored one day and playing the first game on an emulator. Soon, my liking grew to play Castlevania 3, Symphony of the Night, Harmony of Despair, Rondo of Blood, and Aria of Sorrow (still working on that). I love the Castlevania series so much, that I bought a PSP just so I can get one single Castlevania game, which had Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night.

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I've played several of the Castlevania games, but the only ones that I really stuck with were the 2D Metroidvania ones. I'm a sucker for that game style.

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I've always been fond of the 3D ones. I usually get a lot of flak for that but I can't help what I like! :P


I can't decide if Curse of Darkness or Lords of Shadow is my favorite.

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I thought Lords of Shadow, like all of the other 3D games in the series, was dull and uninteresting.


Now I'm still eagerly awaiting another game. I miss Castlevania, and I've already played III, Symphony, and Aria to death. I need a new thing to play with.

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  • 5 months later...

Wait, which Castlevania on the 360 did you play? There's two. There's Lords of Shadow which is a full 3D hack'n'slash and then there's a 2D platformer type game that is meant to be played online with other people.


Necrobump instead of making a new topic. :P


Oh and can a mod please move this to the Media Discussion board?


Playing Castlevania: Symphony of the Night right now and I realized that the Red Rust is utterly useless. Why do they even put it in the game? There's gotta be a reason...

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Oh and can a mod please move this to the Media Discussion board?


I might move it, I'll think about that... seriously, a thread that is more than 5 months old? XD Better than a new one in any case :P


ANyways, Castlevania has been one of my favorite series, my absolute favorite of them is Symphony of the night. Playing as Alucard throughout was a great deal more fun than controling any of the Belmonts ;)


Ugh, somepony moved it before me. That's what I get for writing a response before moving it over ;)

Edited by Klopp
  • Brohoof 1
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Alucard has the smoothest gameplay of the series but there's a lot of balancing issues in the system for SotN.


And lol I almost started a new topic but I figure if this one is still around I might as well necrobump it for the newer users who didn't see it back when I started it.

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  • 8 months later...


Castlevania is one of those series that I've followed (somewhat halfheartedly) since childhood. After we entered the fifth generation of consoles with the Saturn, Playstation, and Nintendo 64, I stopped playing them until picking up Order of Ecclesia and Dawn of Sorrow for the DS. Not sure why I never picked up Symphony of the Night.

The two DS games I've played have been enjoyable. The controls aren't bad, the enemy lineup isn't bad; overall, the games... aren't bad. But something doesn't feel right to me when I'm not using the Vampire Killer, the whip that has become as indelibly a part of the games' legacy as the Belmonts themselves or even Dracula. And not playing as a Belmont doesn't feel right either. I'm also not a fan of the anime style that they been using for the past several years. Newer Castlevania games are still good when taken at face value, but it just doesn't feel like Castlevania anymore. My favorite installments were on the NES and SNES. The music was unlike anything I had ever heard in a game before, and the visuals were also distinct and beautiful. I hope Konami brings the series back to its roots some day.

Anyone else a fan or former fan of Castlevania?

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Castlevania was actually the first video game I ever learned how to play, way back when I was four.


I remember the hardest boss was actually sprite limitations, as Stage Five's boss, Death, would cause the game to freeze if you used the Triple Boomerang while more than three of his projectiles were on screen.

  • Brohoof 1
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I absolutely love the Castlevania series. There's only a few I haven't played. Castlevania was my first game ever and I've loved the entire series since. Castlevania is more than just the Belmonts vs Dracula, it's about mankind's battle against Dracula so it would stand to reason that there'd be a few more characters besides a Belmont to play as. It's good for variety and expansion of the universe. Plus in Order of Ecclesia the Belmonts had to disappear for a long time in order to be strong enough for the "final battle" in 1999 due to Nostradamus' Prophecy (which we still don't have a game for <.< )


Belmonts still make an appearance in just about every game, if not all of them, one way or another. Portrait of Ruin and Order of Ecclesia both take place during that time when the Belmonts disappeared and had taken steps to ensure if Dracula rose again he would still be taken care of.


Now, if you want a Belmont with a whip again play Julius Mode in Dawn of Sorrow where you'll get to play as Julius, Yoko and Alucard exactly how he was in Symphony of the Night (though with no equipment. it plays in a more arcadey type way)


Highly recommend Portrait of Ruin as well. That one doesn't have you playing as a Belmont but it still has the Vampire Killer (among other whips) to use.


Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, even though it's a totally different universe from the main games, has you playing as a Belmont with the Vampire Killer too.


Then there's Lament of Innocence where you play as Leon Belmont in the era when Dracula first came to power.


There's a LOT of Belmont and Vampire Killer in the series already so it stands to reason they'd wanna mix it up by having other playable characters and such. I personally enjoy every Castlevania regardless of who the character is. Soma is one of my favorite protagonists simply from the story between Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow.


Can't wait for Lords of Shadow 2 and I need to get a 3DS for Mirror of Fate.

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I remember playing 1&2&3 on nintendo waaaaay back in the day. Then one day we get a supernintendo and later rented Castlevania IV. I remember being in awe of that game with the graphics and music. Some of the games that came out didn't appeal to me and kinda felt like they cheaped out on the feel a bit. Devil May Cry has a modern take of what Castlevania would be if it were up to date in todays world but that's just my opinion.

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I just recently started playing the new games, but I always loved the old platformers, Castlevania IV in particular was one of the SNES's defining consoles imo.


The new games are also really great, my favorite being Order of Ecclesia

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You should definitely play Symphony of the Night. It is an awesome game. One of my favorite Castlevania games. Lords of Shadow is a great reboot/alternate universe Castlevania game. It's also kind of tragic, and has a nice twist (If you play this game, make sure to stay after the credits). Definitely can't wait for Lords of Shadow 2. Mirror of Fate will have to wait though.

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You should definitely play Symphony of the Night. It is an awesome game. One of my favorite Castlevania games. Lords of Shadow is a great reboot/alternate universe Castlevania game. It's also kind of tragic, and has a nice twist (If you play this game, make sure to stay after the credits). Definitely can't wait for Lords of Shadow 2. Mirror of Fate will have to wait though.


You remember the amazing trailer for Lords of Shadow 2 at E3? That....was possibly the best trailer ever. I can't wait for it even if it'll be the last game in the series after Mirror of Fate (the devs said it would be. :( )



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I've only played Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin for DS, both really good games. Wish I still had Dawn of Sorrow, it's the only game I've ever had stolen from me and I miss it. I will be looking into the new 3DS one if it's good as well.

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You remember the amazing trailer for Lords of Shadow 2 at E3?



Of course I do! It was epic! It's one of my most anticipated games of this year (if it makes it this year, currently says Dec 31 2013). And I didn't know that it could end up being the last in the series. So sad. It has potential to be a great long running series with a great story.

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Of course I do! It was epic! It's one of my most anticipated games of this year (if it makes it this year, currently says Dec 31 2013). And I didn't know that it could end up being the last in the series. So sad. It has potential to be a great long running series with a great story.


I definitely agree but in an interview at E3 MercurySteam said it's only going to be a three part series. Lords of Shadow > Mirror of Fate > Lords of Shadow 2. That's the chronological order though I doubt you'll need to play MoF to understand LoS2.

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I have the original and Simon's Quest on the NES. I have Super Castlevania IV on Virtual Console, and an emulated ROM or whatever of Dracula's Curse for the NES on my computer.


They're really fun games, and the music is amazing. I really want to play Symphony of the Night, but I don't know anyone who has it. I haven't played any other games, they don't look interesting.

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I have the original and Simon's Quest on the NES. I have Super Castlevania IV on Virtual Console, and an emulated ROM or whatever of Dracula's Curse for the NES on my computer.


They're really fun games, and the music is amazing. I really want to play Symphony of the Night, but I don't know anyone who has it. I haven't played any other games, they don't look interesting.


Do you have a PS3, 360 or PSP? You can get SotN on all of those. Though on PSP it's actually an unlockable in the Rondo of Blood remake.

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