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movies/tv Movies Everybody Loves That You Don't Like?

Lauren Ipsum

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Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides:

It was the same Johnny Depp antics that we've seen in virtually every one of his films before, and I'm, quite frankly, very tired of them.

The major villain, Blackbeard,  wasn't nearly as threatening as they tried to build him up to be, and the mermaid sub-plot with the preacher or whatever felt like a cheap replacement story for William Turner and Elizabeth Swan.

The last 20 minutes of the film were a pain to sit through.



How did I forget to mention this? It was such a pain to sit through at the theaters. After having such a good villain in Davy Jones, Blackbeard was such a let down. 


I did like the Mermaids singing, however.

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Let's see...


Avatar: It's Dances with Wolves, but with Smurf cat people. Just shows that Hollywood only cares about special effects rather than story.

E.T: (deploys shield) I don't know why I hate this movie, I just do.

Moulin Rouge: The entire movie is basically a cheesy Las Vegas strip show paced like a Looney Tunes cartoon on crack. Just gives me a migraine.

Titanic: (deploys shield) Holy shit, where do I begin with this movie!? It's barely even about the Titanic, it's way too fucking long and boring, the main characters are just stereotypes, the love story was completely unnecessary, the dialogue is atrocious, and an absolute insult to history. This movie is so overrated that overrated is an understatement!

Edited by woohoo
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Avatar (2009)

The Hangover (2009)

Saving Private Ryan (1998)

Braveheart (1995)

Titanic (1997)

The Asphalt Jungle (1950)

The Muppets (2011)

42nd Street (1933)

The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976)

Despicable Me (2010)

Cars (2006) (the second one I dislike too, but that sequel got the negative reaction it rightfully deserved)

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

Forrest Gump (1994)

The Land Before Time (1988)


Those are all that I can think of right now.

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I don't like the movie Brave. I didn't have exactly high expectations for even for a Pixar movie, but I went to see it in theaters anyway. It was just okay to me. I am a die-hard Disney fan. When I say die-hard I mean I am truly die-hard. I didn't really like the story. The animation was the best thing, but that was about it. I'm sorry.

But still, I'd probably say The Hunger Games.


Everyone went mad for it when it came out, but I just couldn't see it.. Literally, the camera was moving at 2000 mph, I had no idea what was going on!
But still, the story was pretty dull, the acting was a bit flat and everyone kept calling it an original concept even though it was pretty much a watered down version of Battle Royale.

That and the book wasn't that good either.


Dear sweet merciful god yes. I just don't understand The Hunger Games and what is so great about it. I tried. I really did. I just don't like it.

Edited by Misumi Nagisa
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Avengers- we went to see it in the theater and I fell asleep.  How did it end?


Friday the 13th- I'm all for watching horror movies with my dad.  I love Nightmare on Elm Street.  But did anyone EVER notice that Friday the 13th has no plot aside from: "lets have "fun" in the cabin, oh no, I'm dead"


Pitch Perfect- it's crap


Paranormal Activity- I fell asleep during this one too.  Did I mention I was on a concrete floor at my friends house?  Yeah, it was boring.


All I can think of now are movies I love and everyone else hates like (apparently) Despicable Me 1 and 2.

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I used to be able to name a lot of these, but regarding recent movies, The Dark Knight Gawd Damn Rises applies. This is going completely by the people I know in real life, who all seem to love this movie. But it's just getting worst the more I think of it. It's rushed, it's horribly paced, Batman is only in his own two and a half hour movie for twenty minutes, it's stiff, the fight scenes are badly shot, Bane is weak villain who is underscored and made pointless by the end of the picture, the twist is confusing and out of nowhere for people who don't read the comic and disappointing and predictable for the people who do, there's ton of stupid moments and plot holes that by themselves are fine but eventually accumulate too much to be ignored, there's out-of-place comic book-esque moments that feel forced at this point in a trilogy that already had an established tone, there's several weird moments i don't agree with (Alfred would never leave Bruce, nor would Batman ever use live rockets and ammunition on people, no matter how dire the situation), and it's just boring.

Edited by CITRUS KING46


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I didn't really like Les Miserables. I expected it to be a good film with only a couple of songs in it if any, and yes I had no idea that it was a musical before I went and watched it. I hate musical films.

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I see that Avatar isn't exactly an original choice. Good to see we agree that that movie is utter shit.


But I'm gonna go a bit further than that. Not only is Avatar a terrible movie, but Dances with Wolves (the movie James Cameron shamelessly ripped off) is an even worse movie.


It tries to be a "DURR SOOOOOO DEEP DECUNSTRUKSHUN DUUUUUUURRRRRRR" without even knowing the first thing about the genre it's critiquing. Its premise of "civilized man living among savages" is so insipidly asinine that it itself had already been deconstructed numerous times before the film even came out.


You ever hear of Heart of Darkness? You may know the story better by its film adaptation, Apocalypse Now. The story of Heart of Darkness is about a white man of wealthy background going to live among the native people of Africa in hopes of teaching them about civilization. Sound familiar? The difference is that the guy in Heart of Darkness ended up going insane and being brought home in a body bag.


Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now intelligently explored themes of imperialism, including the exploitation of a native populace, and the futility of spreading western society to all corners of the globe. Apocalypse Now even included a well done anti-war message. Dances with Wolves actually comes off as being very pro-war, and has all the staples of a poorly-made propaganda film.


Retarded over-simplification of a conflict? Check!


Portraying the "other side" as Lovecraftian monsters who exist only to eat babies and bulldoze community centers? Check!


Portraying "the good guys" as kindhearted and noble people, who love to dance and frolic and would never hurt a soul without good reason? Check!


The main character being a "defector" who joins the good guys after seeing the "error of his ways"? Check!


And the only solution to this conflict is to go to war and put people into graves? Check!


On top of that, It's loaded with plotholes and inconsistencies, the characterization is non-existent, it's boring, it's patronizing, it doesn't even try to explore its subject matter meaningfully, and it's (ironically) racist. It's pretty much every bad thing you could ever say about a film, all rolled into one.


If you want an idea of just how badly it missed the mark, less than two years after the movie's release, Unforgiven took a crack at deconstructing the traditional western, and hit every right note. Unlike DWW, Unforgiven understood the tropes it was critiquing, and put forth a compelling argument that we shouldn't be romanticizing violence. It's a far smarter, better movie than DWW could ever dream of being, and one that I really need to rewatch.

  • Brohoof 2

Amoral cynic with a bitchin' vocabulary.

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Fast and Furious - I really don't see how anyone could like the entire series. 90% of all the stunts defy the laws of physics, and practically all of its characters are unrelatable to the nth degree. Especially Vin Diesel. He tries WAY TOO HARD to be this iconic and mysterious Morpheus character and fails terribly at it to boot. The movies are just packed with cheesy one-liners that rarely ever have anything to contribute to the story. When even Rotten Tomatoes, a site I generally respect for movie ratings, gave it a high score when it first came out.


Avatar - The effects were birlliant in this film. That's the only good thing there is about the movie. The rest just seems like contrived crap brought up for convenience's sake more than anything. It rips off Pocahontas and pretty much fails in every aspect of storytelling.


The Dark Knight & The Dark Knight Rises - The only movie from Nolan's reboot of batman that was mildly likable was Batman Begins. The two movies that followed just seem to take the whole noir and dark aspect of the first film to an exaggerated level. What made Dark Knight tolerable was The Joker. Heath Ledger delivered an amazing performance through and through. He was literally the only thing that carried the movie onwards. That's not a good thing, tho. And Two Face could've been developed so much better as a villain and set us up very well for the sequel but nay, they decided to end that story quickly and replace him with Bane. Bane, a guy who's every speech is nearly intelligible. He tries too hard to be this prophetic philosopher but I just have a hard time taking him seriously when he sounds like Darth Vader on meth.


Anything with Jason Statham in it except Snatch - Seriously, what is the deal with this man? EVERY single movie he's been in other than Snatch, he's this wannabe badass dude who is untouched by practically anything that crosses his path. Whatever does cross his path typically ends with an explosion or seven. Nearly all his characters are Gary Stues. No thank you.

Edited by Freedan
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*waves hoof in the air while her other hoof was on her her waist*


Tisk, tisk... why has nopony ever said Twilight yet?

















twilight Isn't literature!



I think that that just kind of goes without saying. 99% of the internet detests Twilight with a passion.


I don't think that it was the movie's fault that it was bad. It just stuck close to a bad plot, characters, romance, ect.

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I really hate Braveheart, mostly because I'm Scottish and most Scottish people turn into 'patriotic' assholes at the mere mention of the film, very annoying. Plus, Mel Gibson's a psychopath, I can't really watch his movies anymore without thinking about that, even Lethal Weapon.

I don't like the movie Brave. I didn't have exactly high expectations for even for a Pixar movie, but I went to see it in theaters anyway. It was just okay to me. I am a die-hard Disney fan. When I say die-hard I mean I am truly die-hard. I didn't really like the story. The animation was the best thing, but that was about it. I'm sorry.


I really liked that movie, if just for the animation. One thing that Pixar films reliably have is great animation. Did you see that hair!? Amazing. Sometimes I don't need everything to be great if one thing really stands out about a movie.

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*waves hoof in the air while her other hoof was on her her waist*


Tisk, tisk... why has nopony ever said Twilight yet?

















twilight Isn't literature!


I've always wanted to have someone animate Twilight Sparkle banging Rainbow Dash's head while saying that line.


They probably haven't mentioned it because plenty of people don't like that movie. I've only seen the first one and the acting was appalling.


I really liked that movie, if just for the animation. One thing that Pixar films reliably have is great animation. Did you see that hair!? Amazing. Sometimes I don't need everything to be great if one thing really stands out about a movie.


I love the hair, too. My favourite thing about Brave was definitely the animation. I agree all Pixar movies have excellent animators. The movie itself was definitely not bad, but the story itself wasn't for me.

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The first time I saw Twilight, which was a few years ago, I actually thought it was alright, but looking up a few scenes on YouTube has made me realise that maybe it is as bad as everyone says. At least Kristen Stewart's awful acting is.


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Avatar..... Pure and simple


It's a really unoriginal concept, and he released it about 6 fricking time (3 times in cinema, 3 times on home media)


It frustrates me sooooo much that a film like that gets a billion dollars in revenue and he's already done that with titanic....... If you break a billion dollars globally with a film, just retire *angry sigh*


And now he's got 2 sequels coming, James Cameron, just fricking stop directing please

  • Brohoof 4

I am;


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I don't watch too much movies, so I can't say much about most. However, my friends recently dragged me along to watch Grown Ups 2 with them. After it was over the entire theater was talking about how it was absolutely hilarious, meanwhile I loudly ranted about how it was an "affront to cinema" and "the harbinger of the death of comedy". Never again will I see a movie with those people, especially as they were comparing it to the comedic genius of "Jack and Jill".


I don't like you.

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I guess I'm easier to please, because while I do love witty and intelligent movies, I also like throwing on some mindless action as background noise while I'm doing homework, coding, playing a game, etc.

I guess that's the thing, though; I enjoy superhero movies, lame action movies, and other stuff like that because I'm not really paying attention to them, just looking up every now and then during an action scene.



Anyway, I really dislike Secret of NIMH, which seems to be loved by everybody else who's seen it, and widely praised for being making you think. I really don't see it. It had a great setting and concept, but then did nothing with it. They could've presented questions about whether or not intelligence comes with inherent responsibility to use it to make things better, but instead, all that conflict just get's a few lines as a backdrop to some mouse chick trying to move her family to a safer location. It's just... boring.


Also, I'm not sure if Signs counts as popular but... God it is just a terrible movie. See my blog post on the subject.


Also, it's getting harder and harder to suspend disbelief in regards to Iron Man technology. I realize it's fiction, and that Tony Stark is a genius, and that he's had a lot of practice building these suits and that he spends many hours shut in his workshop making them more and more kickass, but... Iron Man 3 broke it for me. I think having individual pieces of a suit all fly to him and then construct themselves on his body is cool, but it is just completely stupid how smart they are and how far they can fly. He even said in the movie that they flew... something like 800+ miles. I'm sorry, but no rocket engine is efficient enough to fly that far with the amount of fuel that could fit into those pieces. And that's not even counting all the other cool tech packed into them.

Also, what the fuck was that shit about Mandarin being fake >_<

Edited by Evilshy
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Lord of the Rings: I've watched them before, but I never really got why they were so popular. It had it's moments, but overall; I didn't really like it. They seemed so long and drawn out, but nothing interesting ever happened. At least, to me. However, I love The Hobbit book, and the first movie.


The Hunger Games: I like the books, but the movie was really bad to me. The camera work was horrendous, and I didn't like some of the changes from the book for the movie.


Titanic: I honestly hate this movie. It's so boring, and a lot of the moments just felt fake and over dramatic to me. The only thing I did like about this movie was the song, and that's about it.


Iron Man 3: This movie was fun, but that's about it. It never took itself seriously, and it was way too predictable. A lot of the scenes felt forced, and lot of things didn't make sense. (See @Evilshy 's post ). And, the thing I disliked the most about the movie was this:




Also, what the fuck was that shit about Mandarin being fake

Agreed, Evilshy.

Edited by Blue Moon
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All the Christian Bale Batman movies.

Star Wars 4, 5, and 6


The Last Samurai (it was horribly inaccurate and I thought it was kind of racist)

The Hunger Games

I've disliked most Will Smith movies and every Jason Stathom movie.

All non Sean Connery 007 movies.

Every slasher flick ever made in the history of the world! :angry:

Edited by Sylentmana

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Saturday Night Fever- I adored the soundtrack, the film itself was just boring and crap in my opinion


Lord Of The Rings- To be honest the ones I did see went on for too long, and I was bored.


Clash Of The Titans REMAKE- I don’t know if this counts I’m not sure how ‘liked’ this film was. I love the original 1981 film and had it on video as a kid,  but this remake was awful

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- Ted ( not my type of film ) 

- Twilight Saga 

- Paranormal Activity 1 - 4 ( wasn't that scary ) 

- Narnia ( Not that big into fantasy films )

- Cars 1 - 2  

- Pirates of the Caribbean 4 ( 1 to 3 were much better imo ) 


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- Paranormal Activity 4 (I've only seen this one, but I'm guessing the others are just the same thing). Because who the hell films their own face while walking around on the off-chance that a ghost might appear? It tries to be plausible with the whole home movie thing but with the way the girl films EVERYTHING it just becomes ridiculous. Also, most of the movie is just things falling off the walls and barely noticeably silhouettes. And the ending made no sense.


-Transformers. It was never meant to be taken seriously, but for some reason they tried. Stupid Michael Bay.


- Cars


- Parody films like Disaster Movie, Meet the Spartans and Epic Movie. They try way too hard to be funny (and I guess it works on some people).


-Percy Jackson


-Hunger Games


-Most films with a teenage protagonist. I'm a teenager, and most teen heroes are either egoistical assholes, or really, really annoying.


-Battleship. The protagonist was a complete asshole. I couldn't care less if he died. Also, the way they returned that really old battleship to fully operational strength AND managed to take down that huge alien mother-ship with one salvo of their guns was completely stupid.



*waves hoof in the air while her other hoof was on her her waist*


Tisk, tisk... why has nopony ever said Twilight yet?

















twilight Isn't literature!


But the title says 'movies everybody loves that you don't like'. Nobody likes Twilight.

Or...do they?

Edited by Spess

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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I can't really say there are many movies I don't like that others do a lot. Especially if I haven't given them a chance yet. I suppose 2 things I can't really get behind would be any harry potter movie or the new Despicable Me movie. I haven't seen despicable me 2 but I've seen enough products of the minions for it to have come off as unappealing xD


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Movies I dislike:


- Ted

- The Hunger Games

- The Dark Knight Rises

And I'll steal this:

Any Pixar Film, other than Wall-E

And I'll steal this:

I don't really like Pocahontas. The characters are forgettable, and the story bores me. It's just a bunch of pretty nothing.

- Parnormal Activity

- Fast and Furious

And I'll steal this:

-Battleship. The protagonist was a complete asshole. I couldn't care less if he died. Also, the way they returned that really old battleship to fully operational strength AND managed to take down that huge alien mother-ship with one salvo of their guns was completely stupid.



Lord of the rings-I love the hobbit movies, but I just can't take LOTR seriously. It just doesn't appeal to me.
LOTR - They were SO LONG, I wouldn't mind but I just wasn't entertained during a lot of them
Lord of the Rings: I've watched them before, but I never really got why they were so popular. It had it's moments, but overall; I didn't really like it. They seemed so long and drawn out, but nothing interesting ever happened. At least, to me. However, I love The Hobbit book, and the first movie.
Lord Of The Rings- To be honest the ones I did see went on for too long, and I was bored.

wow it seems like many prople have a problem with lotr because the movies are too long. ...What the hay? I think the movies are waaaaay too short! I would want them to be at least 5 hours each.There are many things from the books that I would love if they were in the movies, and well if the movie is longer, it's going to be more detailed, which makes it even better. Adventure is not all about stuff happening all the time, ugh.


Friday The 13th Movies - The killer is boring, and the movies are boring; Freddy's better and more interesting (Yeah, I'm biased...)

It's a horror movie, the killer isn't really supposed to be entertaining in any way. And I hope you have seen all 12 movies when saying this. Jason is very cool, though I must agree that Freddy is more interesting.


Friday the 13th- I'm all for watching horror movies with my dad. I love Nightmare on Elm Street. But did anyone EVER notice that Friday the 13th has no plot aside from: "lets have "fun" in the cabin, oh no, I'm dead"

Do you mean the first movie Friday the 13th Part I (1980) now or all 12 of them in general? Or the bad remake?


I love both Friday the 13th and Nighmare on Elm Street, but hey, the Nighmare on Elm Street is then basically following someone's random life while they try to not fall asleep, inb4 killed by Freddy. Oh and then you clearly haven't seen Jason X. (Which sucks, but just for an example)


Any kind of Zombie film/film whose plot involves some sort of virus that turns people into hideous mutations/survival-horror genre in general: This was done well in ONE film and one film only, and that film is The Thing. Go watch it if you haven't already. I don't even bother with Zombie flicks anymore, because I know going in EXACTLY what I'm going to get: Clichéd writing, one-dimensional characters, (usually) terrible-looking special effects, cheesy one-liners, and needless amounts of gore.

It still has the things you're talking about, but have you seen the original Dawn of the Dead from 1978?

Edited by Jokuc
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